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Opportunities for Knowledge Management Tools in Clinical Genetic Services

Gu, Y., Warren, J. and Day, K.

    This study aims to characterize the challenges in utilizing genetic information in health care and to identify opportunities for genetics knowledge management. Taking a grounded theory approach, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 48 New Zealand genetic services stakeholders. Several themes emerged from the data, including clinicians’ lack of knowledge on genetic testing and a lack of support for test result dissemination. Knowledge management tools may have the potential to support key tasks in genetic services delivery, improve knowledge processes, and enhance knowledge networks. Stakeholder comments indicate opportunities for solutions such as decision support systems, electronic referral systems, electronic health record or personal health record systems, data submission and other knowledge processing tools, ontologies, and knowledge networking tools. Implementation of these technologies in clinical genetic services may help unleash the power of genetic information to improve healthcare outcomes and knowledge management performance.
Cite as: Gu, Y., Warren, J. and Day, K. (2011). Opportunities for Knowledge Management Tools in Clinical Genetic Services. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011) Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 47-54
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