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Designing Better CBL than Face-to-Face Tutoring by Incorporating Teacher-like Feedback and Guidance in Accounting

Halabi, A.K. and Tuovinen, J.E.

    This paper reports two studies about computer-based learning materials. In the first case the feedback to students was structured to be as close an analogy to teacher feedback in the classroom as possible. In the other the effectiveness of restructuring the student guidance in the CBL was tested. Evaluations with distance students revealed they viewed the computer material as useful, but ranked it below traditional written materials. When the performance of distance students using computer-based learning material was analysed, a significant difference was found in favour of students using computer-based learning materials incorporating teacher-like feedback. In the study of the two alternative formats of computer-based learning programs, both performed better than conventianal written materials.However a number of strands of evidence indicated the completion guidance was more suitable for students than the computer worked examples as scaffolding.
Cite as: Halabi, A.K. and Tuovinen, J.E. (2002). Designing Better CBL than Face-to-Face Tutoring by Incorporating Teacher-like Feedback and Guidance in Accounting. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds. ACS. 35-38.
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