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Student life in computing: a variety of conflicting moral requirements
Vartiainen, T.
Moral conflicts are inherent in human life and we try to
arrange our societies to avoid the most dilemmatic
decision-making situations. Few studies on ethical issues
in computing education exist, and this one takes a step
forward in filling this gap in knowledge. The study
concerns moral conflicts in student life as perceived by
information systems (IS) students in a Finnish university.
Their perceptions were collected from a given discussion
task and a phenomenographical approach was taken in the
data analysis. Nine categories were found along two
dimensions. On the first dimension the moral conflicts
related to choosing the study line, carrying out the study
tasks and engaging in extra-mural activities, and the
pressures associated with student life. The second
dimension revealed the intentions behind the conflicts:
moral conflicts were reflected through self-concern,
maintaining relations, and upholding society. Implications
for research and practice are suggested. |
Cite as: Vartiainen, T. (2008). Student life in computing: a variety of conflicting moral requirements. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds. ACS. 163-170. |
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