Refactoring Use Case Models : The Metamodel

Rui, K. and Butler, G.

    This paper describes how refactoring as a concept can be broadened to apply to use case models. A metamodel for use case modeling is described in detail, which represents our perspective on use case formalization. This metamodel allows us to define several categories of use case refactorings that help us discover and organize use case refactorings. A list of current refactorings is given. Finally, we illustrate the concept of use case refactorings with a simple example.
Cite as: Rui, K. and Butler, G. (2003). Refactoring Use Case Models : The Metamodel. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M. J., Ed. ACS. 301-308.
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