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An Extended High-Dimensional Method for Interactive Graph Drawing
Hosobe, H.
The research summarised in this paper examines the context, development and consequent adaptation and use of an online curriculum database and search facility on a school's intranet. The study investigated both the process of development of the system and teacher and organizational responses to it. This paper will cover the latter aspect, the perceptions and reactions of staff before, during and after the implementation of the system. The main thrust of the research was to investigate existing and emerging issues, and apparent changes in teacher attitudes and classroom practices. Staff surveys were undertaken at three stages during system development; interviews-both formal and informal-were undertaken with staff; formal staff meetings were monitored and minutes analysed; and trends in curriculum were tracked during the research period. Effects the medium might have had on the subjects' perceptions of their own and others' learning were investigated, as well as how and why individuals responded to the digital link making (crossreferencing) environment. Prior opinions regarding curriculum issues, and the effects of the new medium on the subjects' perceptions of their own and others' learning were reviewed. Externally imposed and internal changes in the curriculum during the time of the study were also recorded. Cycles of development of the software were tracked where changes were directly requested and responded to by staff of the school. Pre-implementation surveys and interviews revealed huge variations among staff in their understanding of the school curriculum and their interest in a broader knowledge of the curriculum. Throughout the research period the issue of semantics arose as one of the greatest barriers to understanding of the curriculum across faculties and year levels. Wide variation in the presentation of curriculum documents was revealed as a factor affecting ease of interpretation for all participants. Security of the system, editing rights and professional integrity were also identified as significant issues. |
Cite as: Hosobe, H. (2005). An Extended High-Dimensional Method for Interactive Graph Drawing. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 15-20. |
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