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Parallel Execution of Prioritized Test Cases for Regression Testing of Web Applications

Garg, D. and Datta, A.

    We present a new approach for automatically prioritizing and distributing test cases on multiple machines. Our approach is based on a functional dependency graph (FDG) of a web application. We partition the test suite into test sets according to the functionalities and associate the test sets with each module of the FDG. The high priority modules and their associated test sets are then distributed evenly among the available machines. Moreover, we further prioritize the test cases by using inter-procedural control flow graphs within individual functional modules. Our suggested approach reduces the test suite execution time and helps in detecting the faults early in a regression testing cycle. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique through an experimental study of a web application and measuring the performance of our technique by using the well known APFD metric.
Cite as: Garg, D. and Datta, A. (2013). Parallel Execution of Prioritized Test Cases for Regression Testing of Web Applications. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013) Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 61 - 68
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