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Volume 35 - Information Visualisation 2004Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2004This volume contains the proceedings of the Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2004. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format. The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included.
Volume CitationChurcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds. (2004). Information Visualisation 2004. Proceedings of the Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04). CRPIT. 35. Christchurch, New Zealand, ACS.
Papers Included in the VolumeAnslow, C., Marshall, S., Biddle, R., Noble, J. and Jackson, K. (2004). XML Database Support for Program Trace Visualisation. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 25-34. |
| Bordes, N. and Pailthorpe, B. (2004). High Resolution Scalable Displays: Manufacturing and Use. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 151-156. |
| Carrizo, S.F. (2004). A Colour-Filling Approach For Visualising Trait Evolution With Phylogenies. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 117-126. |
| Chang, H., Raffensperger, J.F. and Churcher, N. (2004). Displaying Linear Programs and Their Solutions With XML and SVG. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 141-150. |
| Churcher, N., Irwin, W. and Cook, C. (2004). Inhomogeneous Force-Directed Layout Algorithms in the Visualisation Pipeline: From Layouts to Visualisations. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 43-51. |
| Dwyer, T. and Schreiber, F. (2004). Optimal Leaf Ordering for Two and a Half Dimensional Phylogenetic Tree Visualisation. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 109-115. |
| Graham, H., Yang, H.Y. and Berrigan, R. (2004). A Solar System Metaphor for 3D Visualisation of Object Oriented Software Metrics. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 53-59. |
| Heckenberg, S.G., Herbert, R.D. and Webber, R. (2004). Visualisation of the Minority Game Using a Mod. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 157-163. |
| Hong, S.-H., Merrick, D. and Nascimento, H.A.D.d. (2004). The Metro Map Layout Problem. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 91-100. |
| Li, W. and Takatsuka, M. (2004). Adding Filtering to Geometric Distortion to Visualize a Clustered Graph on Small Screens. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 71-79. |
| Marshall, S., Biddle, R. and Noble, J. (2004). Using Software Visualisation to Enhance Online Component Markets. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 35-41. |
| Martin, R., Bordes, N., Hugh, T. and Pailthorpe, B. (2004). Semi-Automatic Feature Delineation In Medical Images. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 127-131. |
| Merrick, D. and Dwyer, T. (2004). Skeletal Animation for the Exploration of Graphs. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 61-70. |
| Mitchell, M. (2004). Creating Minimal Vertex Series Parallel Graphs from Directed Acyclic Graphs.. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 133-139. |
| Murray, C., Merrick, D. and Takatsuka, M. (2004). Graph Interaction through Force-Based Skeletal Animation. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 81-90. |
| Rutherford, P., Churcher, C. and McCallum, J. (2004). An Interactive Visualisation for Investigating DNA Sequence Information. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 101-107. |
| Weber, D. and Phillips, M. (2004). An Architecture for Multi-View Information Overlays. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 9-15. |
| Wuensche, B. (2004). A Survey, Classification and Analysis of Perceptual Concepts and their Application for the Effective Visualisation of Complex Information. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 17-24. |
| Wuensche, B. and Tempero, E. (2004). A Comparison and Evaluation of Interpolation Methods for Visualising Discrete 2D Survey Data. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 1-7. |
Papers listed: 19