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Volume 69 - Safety Critical Systems and Software 2006

Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software, SCS 2006, Melbourne, Australia

This volume contains papers presented at the Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software, SCS 2006, Melbourne, Australia. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format.

The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included.

Edited by

Tony Cant.


May 2007.





10 Papers, x+122 pages, softcover.

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Volume Citation

Cant, T., Ed. (2006). Safety Critical Systems and Software 2006. Proceedings of the Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software, SCS 2006. CRPIT. 69. Melbourne, Australia, ACS.

Papers Included in the Volume

Garlan, D. and Schmerl, B. (2006). Architecture-driven Modelling and Analysis. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 3-17. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Gartner, J.U. (2006). Certified Software Factory: Open Software Toolsuites, Safe Methodologies and System Architectures. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 19-22. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Griffiths, A. (2006). On proof-test intervals for safety functions implemented in software. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 23-33. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hansen, K.M. and Wells, L. (2006). Dynamic Design and Evaluation of Software Architecture in Critical Systems Development. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 35-44. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hunter, B. (2006). Assuring Separation of Safety and Non-safety Related Systems. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 45-51. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Kelly, T. (2006). Using Software Architecture Techniques to Support the Modular Certification of Safety-Critical Systems. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 53-65. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Qureshi, Z.H. (2006). Formal Modelling and Analysis of Mission-Critical Software in Military Avionics Systems. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 67-77. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Reinhardt, D. (2006). Certification Criteria for Emulation Technology in the Australian Defence Force Military Avionics Context. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 79-92. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Squair, M.J. (2006). Safety, Software Architecture and MIL-STD-1760. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 93-112. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Vasudevan, V., Waldeck, P., Mehta, H. and Bergmann, N. (2006). Implementation of a Triple Modular Redundant FPGA based Safety Critical Systems for Reliable Software Execution. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 113-119. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Papers listed: 10



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