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Volume 87 - Data Mining and Analytics 20087th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South AustraliaThis volume contains 7th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format. The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included. | |  | | Acceptance Rate Information.The full papers in this volume were peer refereed, in full, by an international programme committee. The acceptance rate was 45.3% (24 from 53). |
Volume CitationRoddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds. (2008). Data Mining and Analytics 2008. Proceedings of the Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008). CRPIT. 87. Gold Coast, Australia, ACS.
Papers Included in the VolumeAhmed, C.F., Tanbeer, S.K., Jeong, B.-S. and Lee, Y.-K. (2008). ShrFP-Tree: An Efficient Tree Structure for Mining Share-Frequent Patterns. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Al-Oqaily, A., Kennedy, P.J., Catchpoole, D.R. and Simoff, S.J. (2008). Comparison of Visualization Methods of Genome-wide SNP Profiles in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 111-121. |     
| Allwright, A. and Roddick, J.F. (2008). Exploratory Mining over Organisational Communications Data. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| AlZoubi, O., Koprinska, I. and Calvo, R.A. (2008). Classification of Brain-Computer Interface Data. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 123-131. |     
| Chong, W.H. (2008). On Inconsistencies in Quantifying Strength of Community Structures. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Christen, P. and Gayler, R. (2008). Towards Scalable Real-Time Entity Resolution using a Similarity-Aware Inverted Index Approach. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Dattasharma, A., Tripathi, P.K. and G, S. (2008). Identifying Stock Similarity Based on Multi-event Episodes. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 153-162. |     
| Edwards, B., Zatorsky, M. and Nayak, R. (2008). Clustering and Classification of Maintenance Logs using Text Data Mining. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 193-199. |     
| Ghous, H., Kennedy, P.J., Catchpoole, D.R. and Simoff, S.J. (2008). Kernel-based Visualisation of Genes with the Gene Ontology. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 133-140. |     
| Gurrutxaga, I., Arbelaitz, O., Ma Perez, J., Muguerza, J., Martin, J.I. and Perona, I. (2008). Evaluation of Malware clustering based on its dynamic behaviour. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 163-170. |     
| Honnappa, H. (2008). Customer Event Rate Estimation Using Particle Filters. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 61-72. |     
| Khan, U., Shin, H., Choi, J.P. and Kim, M. (2008). wFDT - Weighted Fuzzy Decision Trees for Prognosis of Breast Cancer Survivability. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 141-152. |     
| Koh, Y.S. and Pears, R. (2008). Rare Association Rule Mining via Transaction Clustering. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 87-94. |     
| Perona, I., Gurrutxaga, I., Arbelaitz, O., Martin, J.I., Muguerza, J. and Ma Perez, J. (2008). Service-independent payload analysis to improve intrusion detection in network traffic. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 171-178. |     
| Powers, D.M.W. (2008). Minors as Miners - Modelling and Evaluating Ontological and Linguistic Learning. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 3-14. |     
| Price, R. (2008). Volume, Velocity and Variety - Key Challenges for Mining Large Volumes of Multimedia Information. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 17-17. |    
| Saneifar, H., Bringay, S., Laurent, A. and Teisseire, M. (2008). S2MP: Similarity Measure for Sequential Patterns. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 95-104. |     
| Shalom, S.A.A., Dash, M. and Tue, M. (2008). Graphics Hardware based Efficient and Scalable Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 179-186. |     
| Shan, Y., Jeacocke, D., Murray, D.W. and Sutinen, A. (2008). Mining Medical Specialist Billing Patterns for Health Service Management. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 105-110. |     
| Simeon, M. and Hilderman, R. (2008). Categorical Proportional Difference: A Feature Selection Method for Text Categorization. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 201-208. |     
| Sun, X., Wang, H. and Li, J. (2008). Priority Driven K-Anonymisation for Privacy Protection. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 73-78. |     
| Thaicharoen, S., Altman, T. and Cios, K.J. (2008). Structure-Based Document Model with Discrete Wavelet Transforms and Its Application to Document Classification. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 209-217. |     
| Tran, K., Phung, D., Adams, B. and Venkatesh, S. (2008). Indoor Location Prediction Using Multiple Wireless Received Signal Strengths. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 187-192. |     
| Tran, T., Nayak, R. and Bruza, P. (2008). Combining Structure and Content Similarities for XML Document Clustering. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 219-226. |     
| Webb, G. (2008). Multi-Strategy Ensemble Learning, Ensembles of Bayesian Classifiers, and the Problem of False Discoveries. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 15-15. |    
| Weng, C.G. and Poon, J. (2008). A New Evaluation Measure for Imbalanced Datasets. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 27-32. |     
| Xie, Z. (2008). LBR-Meta: An Efficient Algorithm for Lazy Bayesian Rules. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 33-39. |     
Papers listed: 27