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Volume 38 - Computer Science 2005

Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, NSW, Australia, January/February 2005

Australian Computer Science Communications, Vol. 27, No. 1

This volume contains the proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, NSW, Australia, January/February 2005. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format.

The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included.

Edited by

Vladimir Estivill-Castro.


January 2005.





42 Papers, xviii+390 pages, softcover.

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Acceptance Rate Information.

The full papers in this volume were peer refereed, in full, by an international programme committee. The acceptance rate was 33.6% (41 from 122).

Volume Citation

Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. (2005). Computer Science 2005. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005). CRPIT. 38. Newcastle, Australia, ACS.

Papers Included in the Volume

Asian, J., Williams, H.E. and Tahaghoghi, S.M.M. (2005). Stemming Indonesian. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 307-314. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Beis, M., Duckworth, W. and Zito, M. (2005). Large k-Separated Matchings of Random Regular Graphs. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 175-182. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Berretta, R., Mendes, A. and Moscato, P. (2005). Integer Programming Models and Algorithms for Molecular Classification of Cancer from Microarray Data. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 361-370. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Bubendorfer, K. and Hine, J.H. (2005). Auction Based Resource Negotiation in NOMAD. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 297-306. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Cao, T.M. and Compton, P. (2005). A Simulation Framework for Knowledge Acquisition Evaluation. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 353-360. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Cheng, K. and Takatsuka, M. (2005). Real-time Monocular Tracking of View Frustum for Large Screen Human-Computer Interaction. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 125-134. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Chow, Y.-W., Pose, R. and Regan, M. (2005). Large Object Segmentation with Region Priority Rendering. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 19-28. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Cook, C. and Churcher, N. (2005). Modelling and Measuring Collaborative Software Engineering. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 267-276. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Cooney, D., Dumas, M. and Roe, P. (2005). A Programming Language for Web Service Development. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 143-150. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Dekker, A.H. (2005). Simulating Network Robustness for Critical Infrastructure Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 59-68. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Eisman, G. and Ravikumar, B. (2005). Approximate Recognition of Non-regular Languages by Finite Automata. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 219-228. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Gilmour, S. and Dras, M. (2005). A Two-Pronged Attack on the Dragon of Intractability. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 183-192. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Glynn, E., Hayes, I. and MacDonald, A. (2005). Integration of generic program analysis tools into a software development environment. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 249-258. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hemer, D. (2005). A Formal Approach to Component Adaptation and Composition. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 259-266. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Huang, C.-M., Hsu, T.-H. and Hsu, M.-F. (2005). A File Discovery Control Scheme for P2P File Sharing Applications in Wireless Mobile Environments. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 39-48. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Huang, X., Eades, P. and Lai, W. (2005). A Framework of Filtering, Clustering and Dynamic Layout Graphs for Visualization. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 87-96. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hunter, C., Robinson, P. and Strooper, P. (2005). Agent-Based Distributed Software Verification. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 159-164. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Koehler, H. (2005). A Contraction Algorithm for finding Minimal Feedback Sets. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 165-174. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Leung, K. and Leckie, C. (2005). Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection Using Clusters. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 333-342. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Li, L. and Volkov, V. (2005). Cloth Animation with Adaptively Refined Meshes. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 107-114. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Lin, W.W.K., Wong, A.K.Y. and Dillon, T.S. (2005). A Novel Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) for Shortening the TCP Channel Roundtrip Time by Eliminating User Buffer Overflow Adaptively. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 29-38. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Liu, C., McLean, P. and Ozols, M.A. (2005). Combining Logics for Modelling Security Policies. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 323-332. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Luerssen, M.H. (2005). Graph Grammar Encoding and Evolution of Automata Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 229-238. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Maj, S.P., Kohli, G. and Fetherston, T. (2005). A Pedagogical Evaluation of New State Model Diagrams for Teaching Internetwork Technologies. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 135-142. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Marriott, K., Moulder, P., Hope, L. and Twardy, C. (2005). Layout of Bayesian Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 97-106. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

McAullay, D., Williams, G., Chen, J., Jin, H., He, H., Sparks, R. and Kelman, C. (2005). A Delivery Framework for Health Data Mining and Analytics. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 381-390. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Moscato, P., Mathieson, L., Mendes, A. and Berretta, R. (2005). The Electronic Primaries: Predicting the U.S. Presidency Using Feature Selection with Safe Data Reduction. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 371-380. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Neverov, G. and Roe, P. (2005). Towards a Fully-reflective Meta-programming Language. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 151-158. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Nguyen, P.H. and Xue, J. (2005). Interprocedural Side-Effect Analysis and Optimisation in the Presence of Dynamic Class Loading. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 9-18. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Pirzada, A.A., McDonald, C. and Datta, A. (2005). Dependable Dynamic Source Routing without a Trusted Third Party. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 79-86. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Ryan, C. and Gonsalves, A. (2005). The Effect of Context and Application Type on Mobile Usability: An Empirical Study. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 115-124. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Shanneb, A. and Potter, J. (2005). Flexible Exclusion Control for Composite Objects. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 277-286. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Tahaghoghi, S.M.M., Williams, H.E., Thom, J.A. and Volkmer, T. (2005). Video Cut Detection using Frame Windows. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 193-200. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Tjondronegoro, D., Chen, Y.-P.P. and Pham, B. (2005). A Statistical-driven Approach for Automatic Classification of Events in AFL Video Highlights. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 209-218. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Ullman, J.D. (2005). Gradiance On-Line Accelerated Learning. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 3-6. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Vasudevan, A., Yerraballi, R. and Chawla, A. (2005). A High Performance Kernel-Less Operating System Architecture. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 287-296. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wang, H., Sun, L., Zhang, Y. and Cao, J. (2005). Authorization Algorithms for the Mobility of User-Role Relationship. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 69-78. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wang, H., Wang, M., Hintz, T., He, X. and Wu, Q. (2005). Fractal Image Compression on a Pseudo Spiral Architecture. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 201-208. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

While, L. and Field, T. (2005). Optimising Parallel Pattern-matching by Source-level Program Transformation. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 239-248. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wishart, R., Robinson, R., Indulska, J. and Josang, A. (2005). SuperstringRep: Reputation-enhanced Service Discovery. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 49-58. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wu, Y. and Takatsuka, M. (2005). The Geodesic Self-Organizing Map and Its Error Analysis. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 343-352. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Yang, D. and Powers, D.M.W. (2005). Measuring Semantic Similarity in the Taxonomy of WordNet. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 315-322. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Papers listed: 42



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