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Volume 36 - Visual Information Processing 2004

Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing, VIP2004

This volume contains the proceedings of the Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing, VIP2004. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format.

The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included.

Edited by

Massimo Piccardi, Tom Hintz, Sean He, Mao Lin Huang and David Dagan Feng.


June 2004.





23 Papers, viii+130 pages, softcover.

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Volume Citation

Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds. (2004). Visual Information Processing 2004. Proceedings of the 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003). CRPIT. 36. Sydney, Australia, ACS.

Papers Included in the Volume

Allen, J.G., Xu, R.Y.D. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Object Tracking Using CamShift Algorithm and Multiple Quantized Feature Spaces. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 3-7. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Bai, X., Jin, J.S. and Feng, D.D. (2004). Segmentation-Based Multilayer Diagnosis Lossless Medical Image compression. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 9-14. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Eades, P. and Shen, X. (2004). MoneyTree: Ambient Information Visualization Of Financial Data. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 15-18. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Gunes, H., Piccardi, M. and Jan, T. (2004). Face and Body Gesture Recognition for a Vision-Based Multimodal Analyzer. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 19-28. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hu, Q., He, S.X. and Zhou, J. (2004). Multi-Scale Edge Detection with Bilateral Filtering in Spiral Architecture. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 29-32. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Huang, X. and Lai, W. (2004). On the Structural Algorithm of Filtering Graphs for Layout. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 33-42. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Jin, J.S. and Wu, S.R. (2004). Screen Capture - A Vector Quantisation Approach. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 43-47. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Lim, C.C., Yu, M.H. and Jin, J.J. (2004). Web-based Multimedia GP Medical System. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 49-52. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Lim, J.-H. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Using Dual Cascading Learning Frameworks for Image Indexing. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 53-60. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Nguyen, Q.V. and Huang, M.L. (2004). Visualising File-Systems Using ENCCON Model. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 61-65. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Park, M., Jin, J.S. and Wilson, L.S. (2004). Texture Classification using Multi-Scale Scheme. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 67-70. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Park, M., Jin, J.S. and Wilson, L.S. (2004). Detection of Abnormal Texture in Chest X-rays with Reduction of Ribs. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 71-74. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Singh, P.K. (2004). Unsupervised Segmentation of Medical Images using DCT Coefficients. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 75-81. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Ting, Z., Feng, D.D. and Zheng, T. (2004). 3D Reconstruction of Single Picture. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 83-86. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wang, J.R. and Parameswaran, N. (2004). Survey of Sports Video Analysis: Research Issues and Applications. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 87-90. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Xin, J. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Bayesian Network. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 91-94. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Xu, R.Y.D., Allen, J.G. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Robust Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 95-98. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Yip, B. and Jin, J.S. (2004). 3D Reconstruction of a Human Face with Monocular Camera Based on Head Movement. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 99-103. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Yong, X., Feng, D.D. and Rongchun, Z. (2004). Optimal Selection of Image Segmentation Algorithms Based on Performance Prediction. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 105-108. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Yu, M.H., Lim, C.C. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Shape Similarity Search Using XML and Portal Technology. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 109-112. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Zhang, K.-B., Orgun, M.A. and Zhang, K. (2004). Compiled Visual Programs by VisPro. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 113-117. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Zheng, L. and He, S.X. (2004). Edge Detection Based on Modified BP Algorithm of ANN. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 119-122. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Zhou, T.T. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Principles of Video Annotation Markup Language (VAML). In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 123-127. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Papers listed: 23



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