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Volume 29 - Bioinformatics 2004

Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand, January 2004

Australian Computer Science Communications, Vol. 26, No. 4

This volume contains the proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand, January 2004. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format.

The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included.

Edited by

Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen.


January 2004.





50 Papers, xviii+363 pages, softcover.

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Volume Citation

Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. (2004). Bioinformatics 2004. Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004). CRPIT. 29. Dunedin, New Zealand, ACS.

Papers Included in the Volume

Biro, J.M.K. and Biro, J.C. (2004). Recognition Sequences in the Restriction Endonucleases. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 217-222. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Bourne, P. (2004). The Future of Bioinformatics. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 3. pdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Brown, A.L. (2004). Constructing Genome Scale Suffix Trees. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 105-112. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Carlsson, M. and Beldiceanu, N. (2004). Dispensation Order Generation for Pyrosequencing. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 327-332. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Carrizo, S.F. (2004). Phylogenetic Trees: An Information Visualisation Perspective. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 315-320. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Chattaraj, A. and Williams, H.E. (2004). Variable-length Intervals in Homology Search. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 85-91. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Chen, H., Hu, X., Yoo, I. and Zhou, H.-X. (2004). Classification Comparison of Prediction of Solvent Accessibility From Protein Sequences. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 333-338. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Datta, S. and Datta, S. (2004). An Empirical Bayes Adjustment to Multiple p-values for the Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Experiments. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 155-159. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Dayalan, S., Bevinakoppa, S. and Schroder, H. (2004). A Dihedral Angle Database of Short Sub-sequences for Protein Structure Prediction. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 131-137. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Deogun, J.S., Donis, R., Komina, O. and Ma, F. (2004). RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with Simple Pseudoknots. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 239-246. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Deogun, J.S., Ma, F. and Yang, J. (2004). EMAGEN: An Efficient Approach to Multiple Whole Genome Alignment. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 113-122. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Dukka, B.K.C., Akutsu, T., Seki, T. and Tomita, E. (2004). Protein Side-chain Packing Problem: A Maximum Edge-weight Clique Algorithmic Approach. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 191-200. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Dwyer, T., Rolletschek, H. and Schreiber, F. (2004). Representing Experimental Biological Data in Metabolic Networks. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 13-20. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Feng, D.D. (2004). Molecular Imaging and Biomedical Process Modeling. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 5-10. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Fukuda, K.I. and Takagi, T. (2004). A Pathway Editor for Literature-based Knowledge Curation. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 339-344. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Goh, L., Kasabov, N. and Song, Q. (2004). A Novel Feature Selection Method to Improve Classification of Gene Expression Data. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 161-166. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Goode, M., Buckler, E., Drummond, A., Strimmer, K. and Rodrigo, A. (2004). A Brief Introduction to the Phylogenetic Analysis Library V1.5. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 175-179. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Guo, J., Lin, Y. and Sun, Z. (2004). A Novel Method for Protein Subcellular Localization Based on Boosting and Probabilistic Neural Network. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 21-27. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hall, R. and Stern, L. (2004). A Rapid Method of Whole Genome Visualisation Illustrating Features in Both Coding and Non-coding Regions. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 285-290. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hallinan, J. and Wiles, J. (2004). Evolving Genetic Regulatory Networks Using an Artificial Genome. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 291-296. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

He, J., Chiu, W., Ranjan, D., Schmid, M.F. and Jiang, W. (2004). Detecting Local Symmetry Axis in 3-dimensional Virus Structures. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 265-270. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hering, J.A., Haris, P.I. and Innocent, P.R. (2004). Empirical Knowledge and Genetic Algorithms for Selection of Amide I Frequencies in Protein Secondary Structure Prediction. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 345-350. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hoy, J.E.S., McCulloch, A.F. and McDonald, J.R. (2004). BRINet: A BioResource Integration Network. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 29-34. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hu, X. and Yoo, I. (2004). Cluster Ensemble and Its Applications in Gene Expression Analysis. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 297-302. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Kaburagi, T., Hashimoto, S., Matsumoto, T., Muramatsu, D. and Sasaki, M. (2004). Transmembrane Region Prediction with Hydropathy Index/Charge Two-Dimensional Trajectories of Stochastic Dynamical Systems. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 35-42. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Kong, W., Tan, P., Tham, L. and Wong, K.Y. (2004). Support Vector Machine Approach for Cancer Detection Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Screening Method. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 63-66. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Lai, P., Church, W.B., Kaplan, W. and Wong, R.K. (2004). Informative 3D Visualization of Multiple Protein Structures. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 201-208. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Li, J., Liu, H. and Wong, L. (2004). Use of Built-in Features in the Interpretation of High-dimensional Cancer Diagnosis Data. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 67-74. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Luo, H. and Luo, J. (2004). Initial SARS Genome Data Analysis Using a Bioinformatics Platform. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 271-276. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Maglia, A.M., Ghatti, V.R. and Leopold, J.L. (2004). Identifying Character Non-Independence in Phylogenetic Data Using Data Mining Techniques. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 181-189. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

McLachlan, G.J., Ambroise, C., Chang, S. and Mar, J.C. (2004). On the Simultaneous Use of Clinical and Microarray Expression Data in the Cluster Analysis of Tissue Samples. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 167-171. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Meintjes, P. and Rodrigo, A. (2004). Evolution of Relative Synonymous Codon Usage in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 277-282. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Nagasaki, M., Doi, A., Matsuno, H. and Miyano, S. (2004). Integrating Biopathway Databases for Large-scale Modeling and Simulation. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 43-52. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Neuhauser, M. and Lam, F.C. (2004). Nonparametric Approaches to Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Replicated Microarray Experiments. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 139-143. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Ng, S.-K., Zhu, Z. and Ong, Y.-S. (2004). Whole-Genome Functional Classification of Genes by Latent Semantic Analysis on Microarray Data. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 123-129. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Nicolau Jr., D.V. and Nicolau, D.V. (2004). Towards a Theory of Protein Adsorption: Predicting the Adsorption of Proteins on Surfaces via a Piecewise Linear Model. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 351-356. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Pai, T.-W., Chang, W.-Y., Chang, M.D.-T., Chu, J.-H. and Tai, H.L. (2004). Ladderlike Stepping and Interval Jumping Searching Algorithms for DNA Sequences. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 93-98. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Riaz, T. and Li, K.-B.W., Yi (2004). Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Tabu Search. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 223-232. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Sarai, A., Gromiha, M.M., Kono, H. and Selvaraj, S. (2004). Structure-Function Relationship in DNA Sequence Recognition by Transcription Factors. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 233-238. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Shehadi, I.A., Ilyin, V., Murga, L.F., Ondrechen, M.J. and Uzun, A. (2004). THEMATICS is Effective for Active Site Prediction in Comparative Model Structures. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 209-215. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Sun, Z. and Deogun, J.S. (2004). Local Prediction Approach of Protein Classification using Probabilistic Suffix Trees. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 357-362. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wang, D., Lauria, M., Wright, F.A. and Yuan, B. (2004). Mega Weaver: A Simple Iterative Approach for BAC Consensus Assembly. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 145-153. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wong, P.W.H., Lam, T.W., Lin, M., Mui, Y.C., Yiu, S.M., Kung, H.F. and Cheung, Y.T. (2004). Filtering of Ineffective siRNAs and Improved siRNA Design Tool. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 247-255. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wu, X., Cheng, J., Song, C. and Wang, B. (2004). A Combined Model and a Varied Gibbs Sampling Algorithm Used for Motif Discovery. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 99-104. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wuensche, B. (2004). Advanced Texturing Techniques for the Effective Visualization of Neoroanatomy from Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 303-308. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Xu, Y., Deng, X. and Wang, L. (2004). Exact Pattern Matching for RNA Secondary Structures. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 257-263. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Yao, D., Li, M., Lu, Y., Lin, N., Noble, N., Payan, D.G., Qu, K., Sun, H., Wang, J. and Zhu, X. (2004). PathwayFinder: Paving the Way Towards Automatic Pathway Extraction. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 53-62. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Yeung, L.K., Kong, R., Liew, A.W.-C., Szeto, L.K., Yan, H. and Yang, M. (2004). Measuring Correlation between Microarray Time-series Data using Dominant Spectrum Component. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 309-314. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Yu, L.T.H., Chan, S.C.F. and Chung, F.-l. (2004). Using Emerging Pattern Based Projected Clustering and Gene Expression Data for Cancer Detection. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 75-84. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Yu, Z.-G. and Anh, V. (2004). Phylogenetic Tree of Prokaryotes Based on the Complete Genomes using Fractal and Correlation Analyses. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 321-326. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Papers listed: 50



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