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Volume 55 - Safety Critical Systems and Software 2005

Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software, SCS 2005, Sydney, Australia

This volume contains papers presented at the Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software, SCS 2005, Sydney, Australia. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format.

The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included.

Edited by

Tony Cant.


April 2006.





11 Papers, x+120 pages, softcover.

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Volume Citation

Cant, T., Ed. (2005). Safety Critical Systems and Software 2005. Proceedings of the Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software, SCS 2005. CRPIT. 55. Sydney, Australia, ACS.

Papers Included in the Volume

Bell, R. (2005). Introduction to IEC 61508. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 3-12. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Cant, T., Mahony, B. and Atchison, B. (2005). Revision of Australian Defence Standard Def (Aust) 5679. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 85-94. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Cant, T., Mahony, B., McCarthy, J. and Vu, L. (2005). Hierarchical Verification Environment. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 47-57. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Chambers, L. (2005). A Hazard Analysis of Human Factors in Safety-critical Systems Engineering. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 27-41. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Chapman, R. (2005). Correctness by Construction: a Manifesto for High Integrity Software. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 43-46. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Hamilton, V. (2005). A New Concept in Defence Safety Standards: The Revised UK Defence Standard 00-56. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 77-83. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Heitmeyer, C. (2005). Developing Safety-Critical Systems: The Role of Formal Methods and Tools. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 95-99. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Klein, G. and Huuck, R. (2005). High Assurance System Software. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 59-67. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Squair, M.J. (2005). Issues in the Application of Software Safety Standards. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 13-26. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Stone, G. (2005). On Arguing the Safety of Large Systems. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 69-75. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Winter, K., Johnston, W., Robinson, P., Strooper, P. and van den Berg, L. (2005). Tool Support for Checking Railway Interlocking Designs. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 101-107. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Papers listed: 11



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