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Volume 1 - Computer Ethics 2000

Second Australian Computer Ethics Conference in September 2000

This volume contains a revision of those papers presented at the Second Australian Computer Ethics Conference in September 2000. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format.

The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included.

Edited by

John Weckert.


May 2001.





16 Papers, vi+99 pages, softcover.

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Volume Citation

Weckert, J., Ed. (2001). Computer Ethics 2000. Selected papers from the Second Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000). CRPIT. 1. Canberra, ACS.

Papers Included in the Volume

Ardagh, D. (2001). Public Education in Computer Usage: An Ethico-Political Rationale. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 81-87. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Burmeister, O.K. (2001). Usability Testing: Revisiting Informed Consent Procedures for Testing Internet Sites. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 3-10. pdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Burmeister, O.K. (2001). HCI Professionalism: Ethical Concerns in Usability Engineering. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 11-17. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Coldwell, J. (2001). It is possible to teach computer ethics via distance education!. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 73-80. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Crehan, A.C. (2001). Mabo-Style Claims to the Radio Spectrum. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 94-98. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Dowling, C. (2001). Intelligent Agents: Some Ethical Issues and Dilemmas. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 28-32. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Godfrey, B. (2001). Electronic Work Monitoring: An Ethical Model. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 18-21. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Johnston, S. and Acquaah-Gaisie, G. (2001). Economic development via the Net in Oceania. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 60-66. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Leitch, S. and Warren, M. (2001). The Issue of Ethics in Electronic Commerce. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 56-59. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Lucas, R. (2001). Why Bother? Ethical Computers - That's Why!. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 33-38. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Melser, P. and Byrne-Armstrong, H. (2001). Corporate Voices, Personal Voices: The Ethics of the Internet. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 39-45. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Meyenn, A. (2001). A Proposed Methodology for the Teaching of Information Technology Ethics in Schools. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 67-72. pdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Sandy, G.A. (2001). The Online Services Bill: Theories and Evidence of Pornographic Harm. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 46-55. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Spence, E. (2001). Cosmopolitanism and the Internet. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 88-93. pdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wahlstrom, K. and Roddick, J.F. (2001). On the Impact of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 22-27. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Weckert, J. (2001). Computer Ethics - Why Bother?. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 1-2. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Papers listed: 16



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