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Conceptual Application Domain Modelling
Thalheim, B., Schewe, K.-D. and Ma, H.
Application domain description precedes requirements
engineering, and is the basis for the development
of a software or information system that satisfies
all expectations of its users. The greatest challenge
in this area is the evolution of the application domain
itself. In this paper we address this problem by
explicit consideration of application cases that are defined
by user profiles and intentions and the system
environment, i.e. scope and context. User profiles
and intentions are captured through the concept of
persona. We show how the application domain description
can be mapped to requirements and discuss
engineering of application domain descriptions. |
Cite as: Thalheim, B., Schewe, K.-D. and Ma, H. (2009). Conceptual Application Domain Modelling. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds. ACS. 49-57. |
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