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What is Required in Business Collaboration?
Daiqin He, D., Compton, M., Taylor, K. and Yang, J.
Access control has been studied for sometime, and
there are a number of theories and techniques for
handling access control for single or centralised systems; however, unique and challenging security issues
concerning collaboration in the context of service oriented computing (SOC) have arisen due to the dynamic and loosely coupled nature of the environment
in which these collaborations are conducted. Individual organisations usually define their access control
policies independently. When a collaboration opportunity arrives, a number of problems arise, such as:
determining if the collaboration is possible given the
access control policies, defining the policy for the collaboration and deciding under what conditions a service is allowed to be forwarded to other parties. Furthermore, different types of collaboration, in terms of
the way collaboration is carried out, require different
access control support. In this paper, we propose a
model encoded in description logic to capture all the
necessary elements for specifying access control policy
for collaboration. Based on the model, various inconsistencies between access policies from different business units are identified. The paper also shows how a
description logic reasoner can be used to prove that
two policies are suitable, or not suitable, for collaboration. The policy model and policies are encoded in
a SROIQ knowledge base. Although access control
policies focus on a single system or a single business
party's requirements, the method presented in this
paper allows a logical analysis of the suitability of potential collaboration partners. We believe this work is
laying a foundation for access policy development, negotiation and enforcement for cross-organization collaborations. |
Cite as: Daiqin He, D., Compton, M., Taylor, K. and Yang, J. (2009). What is Required in Business Collaboration?. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds. ACS. 107-116. |
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