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Context Analysis: Toward Pragmatics of Web Information Systems Design

Ma, H., Schewe, K.-D. and Thalheim, B.

    On a high level of abstraction aWeb Information System (WIS) can be described by a storyboard, which in an abstract way specifies who will be using the system, in which way and for which goals. While syntax and semantics of storyboarding has been well explored, its pragmatics has not. This paper contributes context analysis as a step towards closing this gap. We classify various aspects of contexts related to actors, storyboard, system and time, which make up the context space, then analyse each of these aspects in detail. This is formally support by lifting relations. Finally, we analyse how contexts impact on life cases, user models and the storyboard.
Cite as: Ma, H., Schewe, K.-D. and Thalheim, B. (2008). Context Analysis: Toward Pragmatics of Web Information Systems Design. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds. ACS. 69-78.
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