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A Framework Based Measurements for Evaluating an IS Quality

Lamouchi, O., Cherif, A.R. and Levy, N.

    There is an increasing community of researchers trying to draw attention to the importance of evaluation issues. Some approaches can be followed to evaluate the quality of software, but gives no guidance on how to construct a high quality software product and on how to use in practice this model across evaluation process. IS are built upon Software, and the quality of Software effects, if not determine the quality of the IS. There are several difficulties of developing a comprehensive model of IS quality. The concepts, models and measures that work in other fields might be usefully applied to the IS field, but careful analysis and consideration should be given. This paper describes a practical method that can be used to evaluate the expected quality of IS. Our approach is focused on a direct evaluation of the quality of an IS. Our proposed IS quality model is considered as structured set of properties (such as reliability, maintainability, and so on). These properties are usually presented as a hierarchy of statements. The uppermost ones represent the most general properties, suitable to be understood by the widest variety of people, but very difficult to measure directly. The deeper we sink into this hierarchy, the more technical-audience-oriented and measurable properties are found. These finals properties need to be measured using metrics. For this purpose a metrics measurement-based framework is linked to the defined quality model.
Cite as: Lamouchi, O., Cherif, A.R. and Levy, N. (2008). A Framework Based Measurements for Evaluating an IS Quality. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds. ACS. 39-47.
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