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Public and Private Workspaces on Tabletop Displays
Smith, R.T. and Piekarski, W.
As co-operative work environments are becoming more
popular, new tools and techniques have been emerging
that allow users to perform collaborative tasks more
efficiently. We have been exploring new interaction
techniques made possible by using a multi-view display
as a tabletop surface. This paper presents the concept of
public and private working areas for multi-view display
environments, and presents a taxonomy that allows us to
better understand how they can be applied in computer
supported collaborative work environments. We have
formally defined and categorized various multi-view
characteristics, along with possible uses and applications.
We also created a display mask that allows an LCD
monitor to be used as a multi-view display from four
viewing directions. Furthermore, our initial
implementation of a window manager utilizing the
taxonomy has been discussed to demonstrate some of the
interaction techniques that are possible using a multi-view
tabletop display. |
Cite as: Smith, R.T. and Piekarski, W. (2008). Public and Private Workspaces on Tabletop Displays. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds. ACS. 51-54. |
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