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From Graphs to Euclidean Virtual Worlds: Visualization of 3D Electronic Institutions
Drago, S., Bogdanovych, A., Ancona, M., Simoff, S. and Sierra, C.
In this paper we propose an algorithm for automatic transformation of a graph into a 3D Virtual World and its Euclidean map, using the rectangular dualization technique. The nodes of the initial graph are transformed into rooms, the connecting arcs between nodes determine which rooms have to be placed next to each other and define the positions of the doors connecting those rooms. The proposed algorithm is general enough to be used for automatic generation of 3D Virtual Worlds representation of any planar graph, however, our research is particulary focused on the automatic generation of 3D Electronic Institutions from the Performative Structure graph. |
Cite as: Drago, S., Bogdanovych, A., Ancona, M., Simoff, S. and Sierra, C. (2007). From Graphs to Euclidean Virtual Worlds: Visualization of 3D Electronic Institutions. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 25-33. |
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