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The Tau Model, Formalizing Topic Maps

Barta, R. and Salzer, G.

    This paper presents a formalization for Topic Maps (TM).We first simplify TMRM, the current ISO standard proposal for a TM reference model and then characterize topic map instances. After defining a minimal merging operator for maps we propose a formal foundation for a TM query language. This path expression language allows us to navigate through given topic maps and to extract information. We also show how such a language can be the basis for a more industrial version of a query language and how it may serve as foundation for a constraint language to define TM-based ontologies.
Cite as: Barta, R. and Salzer, G. (2005). The Tau Model, Formalizing Topic Maps. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds. ACS. 37-42.
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