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eScience Curricula at Two Australian Universities

Gardner, H., Johnson, C.W., Leach, G. and Vuylsteker, P.

    Two Australian computer science departments have worked together to introduce the world's first degrees in 'eScience'. In both universities, the eScience programs have had a positive, lasting impact on the computer science curricula. In the case of the Australian National University, the eScience programs have become self-funding and have helped to position the university well for future strategic initiatives in eScience and 'e-Research'. At RMIT although the eScience program itself did not prove to be viable enough to continue in its own right, courses introduced as part of the eScience graduate diploma program have seen strong enrolments and continue to be offered to students undertaking other programs.
Cite as: Gardner, H., Johnson, C.W., Leach, G. and Vuylsteker, P. (2005). eScience Curricula at Two Australian Universities. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds. ACS. 211-216.
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