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Clicki: A Framework for Light-weight Web-based Visual Applications

Gordon, D., Noble, J. and Biddle, R.

    Web application frameworks typically provide little support for graphical web applications such as diagram editors. This restricts applications developed using these frameworks to either very limited interactions, or using technologies that are only supported by a small subset of web browsers. Clicki is an object-oriented web application framework in the style of traditional graphical user interface frameworks, with minimal requirements on the client web browser. The Clicki framework enables the creation of nontraditional diagram-based web applications within the confines of the architectural constraints imposed by the web.
Cite as: Gordon, D., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2005). Clicki: A Framework for Light-weight Web-based Visual Applications. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds. ACS. 39-45.
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