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Agent-Based Distributed Software Verification
Hunter, C., Robinson, P. and Strooper, P.
Despite decades of research, the takeup of formal methods for developing provably correct software in industry remains slow. One reason for this is the high cost of proof construction, an activity that, due to the complexity of the required proofs, is typically carried out using interactive theorem provers. In this paper we propose an agent-oriented architecture for interactive theorem proving with the aim of reducing the user interactions (and thus the cost) of constructing software verification proofs. We describe a prototype implementation of our architecture and discuss its application to a small, but non-trivial case study. |
Cite as: Hunter, C., Robinson, P. and Strooper, P. (2005). Agent-Based Distributed Software Verification. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 159-164. |
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