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What Makes a Good User Interface Pattern Language?

Todd, E., Kemp, E. and Phillips, C.

    A developer of user interfaces (UI) should be able to employ a user interface pattern language to design acceptable user interfaces. But, what makes a good pattern language? Three types of validation were identified as requiring consideration: the validity of the individual patterns, the internal validation of the pattern language and the external validation of the pattern language. This paper investigates internal validity. A set of six tests that a developer can use to test the internal validity of a pattern language has been identified.
Cite as: Todd, E., Kemp, E. and Phillips, C. (2004). What Makes a Good User Interface Pattern Language?. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 91-100.
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