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Implementing a Family of Distributed Garbage Collectors
Norcross, S., Morrison, R., Munro, D. and Detmold, H.
This paper discusses implementations of distributed garbage collectors derived using a methodology developed previously that involves mappings of distributed termination detection algorithms (DTAs) to local garbage collection schemes. Implementations produced by such mappings preserve the safety and completeness properties of the original local collectors. Through our collector implementations we have come to understand that the derivation technique extends to distributed collection schemes with heterogeneous local collector behaviour. Our contribution, reported here, is the construction of an experimental platform - the ProcessBase cache, implementations of the Task Balancing DTA, an extension to the methodology that minimises constraints on local collectors, together with two new mappings and their implementations. |
Cite as: Norcross, S., Morrison, R., Munro, D. and Detmold, H. (2003). Implementing a Family of Distributed Garbage Collectors. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M. J., Ed. ACS. 161-170. |
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