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Towards An Ontology-Based Pivot Model for Spatio-Temporal Sources
Manaa, M., Bellatreche, L., Akaichi, J. and Khouri, S.
The spectacular evolution of sensor networks and the proliferation of location-sensing devices in daily
life activities are leading to an explosion of disparate spatio-temporal data. The collected data
describes the movement of mobile objects used to construct what we call trajectory data. The diversity of these generated data has led to a variety of spatio-temporal models. In fact, the conceptual design can be achieved using either enhanced classical models such as spatio-temporal unified modeling language, spatio-temporal entity relationship, or ontological models such as web ontology language. Moreover, the diversity of conceptual formalisms highly increases the heterogeneity of sources as well as the difficulty of interoperating between them.
To reduce this complexity, we set up a high level formalism that covers the most important existing
conceptual and ontological models. In fact, current abstract formalisms left out the representation of
spatio-temporal properties. In this paper, we present a preliminary work that proposes an ontology-based pivot model for representing spatio-temporal sources. |
Cite as: Manaa, M., Bellatreche, L., Akaichi, J. and Khouri, S. (2015). Towards An Ontology-Based Pivot Model for Spatio-Temporal Sources. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015) Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 109-114 |
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