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Axiometrics: Axioms of Information Retrieval Effectiveness Metrics
Maddalena, E. and Mizzaro, S.
The evaluation of retrieval effectiveness has played and is playing a central role in Information Retrieval (IR). A specific issue is that there are literally dozens (most likely more than one hundred) IR effectiveness metrics, and counting.
In this paper we propose an axiomatic approach to IR effectiveness metrics. We build on the notions of measure, measurement, and similarity; they allow us to provide a general definition of IR effectiveness metric. On this basis, we provide a definition of some common metrics and we then propose and justify some axioms that every effectiveness metric should satisfy. We also discuss some future developments.
Cite as: Maddalena, E. and Mizzaro, S. (2014). Axiometrics: Axioms of Information Retrieval Effectiveness Metrics. In Proc. Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2014) Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 155. Trotman, A., Cranefield, S. and Yang, J. Eds., ACS. 39-48 |
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