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Scribbler - Drawing Models in a Creative and Collaborative Environment: from Hand-Drawn Sketches to Domain Specific Models
Vogel, M., Warnecke, T., Bartelt, C. and Rausch, A.
In the early phases, software engineers use whiteboards and flip charts to create and discuss their ideas and later they transform manually the hand drawn pictures into machine readable models. During this transformation important sketch information, like the history of origin or some elements, will be lost. To solve this problem, we present a new approach using digital whiteboards to elaborate in a creative and collaborative environment hand drawn pictures and transform them into domain specific models and vice versa. This poster outlines the process of the automatic transformation from sketch models to models based on well-defined notations and vice versa in the early creative phases of software development. |
Cite as: Vogel, M., Warnecke, T., Bartelt, C. and Rausch, A. (2014). Scribbler � Drawing Models in a Creative and Collaborative Environment: from Hand-Drawn Sketches to Domain Specific Models. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 93-94 |
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