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An Authorised Pseudonym System for Privacy Preserving Location Proof Architectures

Seneviratne, J., Parampalli, U. and Kulik, L.

    An emerging class of Location Based Services (LBSs) needs verified mobile device locations for service provision. For example, an automated car park billing system requires verified locations of cars to confirm the place and the duration of parked cars. Location Proof Architectures (LPAs) allow a user (or a device on behalf of its user) to obtain a proof of its presence at a location from a trusted third party. A major concern in LPAs is to preserve user location privacy. To achieve this a user's identity and location data should be maintained separately with additional measures that prevent leaking sensitive identity and location data. In this paper, we present a privacy preserving LPA in which users appear under pseudonyms. Our main contribution is a third party free pseudonym registering protocol based on blind signature schemes. We show that our protocol allows to build a pseudonym system with a guaranteed degree of privacy agreed at the time of pseudonym registration. We also demonstrate that a pseudonym can be authenticated across different organizations in an LPA. Our system ensures that (i) only authenticated users can register their pseudonyms, (ii) the pseudonyms have a consistent degree of privacy at the point of registration and (iii) a user cannot take another user's pseudonym.
Cite as: Seneviratne, J., Parampalli, U. and Kulik, L. (2014). An Authorised Pseudonym System for Privacy Preserving Location Proof Architectures. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 47-56
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