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Evaluating Semantic Browsers for Consuming Linked Data

Alahmari, F., Thom, J.A., Magee, L. and Wong, W.

    The value of a single dataset is increased when it is linked to combinations of datasets to provide users with more information. Linked Data is a style of publishing data on the Web by using a structured machine-readable format, RDF, and semantically typed relations to connect related data. Its structured representation opens up new possibilities in the way these data can be accessed and queried, while posing new design challenges for human interactions such as overloading data, navigation style, or browsing mechanism. In this paper, we review 14 semantic browsers available for the consumption of structured Linked Data and evaluate them against our five criteria framework in order to establish how well these browsers bring the benefit of Linked Data to human users.
Cite as: Alahmari, F., Thom, J.A., Magee, L. and Wong, W. (2012). Evaluating Semantic Browsers for Consuming Linked Data. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012) Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 89-98
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