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Mining Big Data Streams: The Fallacy of Blind Correlation and the Importance of Models
Abbass, H.
Big data streams mark a new era in artificial intel- ligence and the data mining literature. Video and voice streams have grown rapidly in recent years. A single lab–based human–computer interaction exper- iment with one human subject collecting Cognitive, Physiological, and other data can easily generate a few terabytes of data in a single hour; growing rapidly to a Petabyte within a timeframe less than a month. In an article in the Wired Magazine, 2008, by Chris Anderson, he wrote “the data deluge makes the sci- entific method obsolete”. He predicted that in the age of Petabyte and beyond, a meaningful correlation analysis is enough! Chris comment was provocative; but some started believing it. So was Chris right or wrong? Why? What can we do to face the outburst of big data? Do we have the data mining tools to man- age these data? Where is the future of data mining heading? In this talk, I will discuss the above ques- tions and demonstrate some answers using examples of my work and analysis. |
Cite as: Abbass, H. (2011). Mining Big Data Streams: The Fallacy of Blind Correlation and the Importance of Models. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11) Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 5 |
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