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EvoJava: A Tool for Measuring Evolving Software

Oosterman, J., Irwin, W. and Churcher, N.

    This paper introduces EVOJAVA, a new tool for extracting static software metrics from a Java source code repository. For each version of a program, EVOJAVA builds a comprehensive model of the semantic features described by Java code (classes, methods, invocations, etc), and tracks the identity of these features as they evolve through sequential versions. This allows traditional software metrics to be recorded over time without losing traceability of software components, and permits calculation of new metrics that characterise the software evolution itself.
Cite as: Oosterman, J., Irwin, W. and Churcher, N. (2011). EvoJava: A Tool for Measuring Evolving Software. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011) Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 117-126
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