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Volume 143 - Ninth Asia-Paci c Conference on Con-ceptual Modelling

(APCCM 2013), , January 2013

This volume contains papers presented at the Ninth Asia-Paci c Conference on Con-ceptual Modelling (APCCM 2013), , January 2013. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format.

The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included.

Edited by

Flavio Ferrarotti and Georg Grossmann.


January 2013.





8 Papers, ix+99 pages.

BiBTeX file for Volume.

Complete Volume.

Acceptance Rate Information.

The full papers in this volume were peer refereed, in full, by an international programme committee. The acceptance rate was 38.1% (8 from 21).

Volume Citation

Flavio Ferrarotti and Georg Grossmann Eds. (2013). Proceedings of the Ninth Asia-Paci c Conference on Con-ceptual Modelling (APCCM 2013). CRPIT. 143. , ACS.

Papers Included in the Volume

Schrefl, M., Neumayr, B. and Stumptner, M. (2013). The Decision-Scope Approach to Specialization of Business Rules: Application in Business Process Modeling and Data Warehousing. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 3-20. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Maly, J. and Neccasky, M. (2013). When Grammars do not Suffice: Data and Content Integrity Constraints Verification in XML through a Conceptual Model. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 21-30. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Benda, S., Klimek, J. and Necasky, M. (2013). Using Schematron as Schema Language in Conceptual Modeling for XML . In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 31-40. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Link, S. and Memari, M. (2013). Letting Keys and Functional Dependencies out of the Bag. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 41-50. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Poppe, E., Brown, R., Recker, J. and Johnson, D. (2013). Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 51-60. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Looser, D., Ma, H. and Schewe, K. (2013). Using Formal Concept Analysis for Ontology Maintenance in Human Resource Recruitment. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 61-68. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Affleck, A., Krishna, A. and Achuthan, N.R. (2013). Optimal Selection of Operationalizations for Non-Functional Requirements. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 69-78. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wynn, M. T., Low, W. Z. and Nauta, W. (2013). A Framework for Cost-Aware Process Management: Generation of Accurate and Timely Management Accounting Cost Reports. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 79-88. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Wischenbart, M., Mitsch, S., Kapsammer, E., Kusel, A., Lechner, S., Proll, B., Retschitzegger, W., Schonbock, J., Schwinger, W. and Wimmer, M. (2013). . In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 89-98. abstractpdfBibTeXEndNoteGS

Papers listed: 9



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