%0 Conference Proceedings %A Aa, Tom Vander %A Eeckhout, Lieven %A Goeman, Bart %A Vandierendonck, Hans %A Van Achteren, Tanja %A Lauwereins, Rudy %A De Bosschere, Koen %D 2002 %T Optimizing a 3D Image Reconstruction Algorithm: Investigating the Interaction between the High-Level Implementation, the Compiler and the Architecture %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P119-126 %P 119-126 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Aa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Abd Rozan, Mohd Zaidi %A Mikami, Yoshiki %A Abu Bakar, Ahmad Zaki %A Vikas, Om %D 2005 %T Multilingual ICT Education: Language Observatory as a Monitoring Instrument %B South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges %E Low, Graham %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV46P53-61 %P 53-61 %S CRPIT %V 46 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV46AbdRozan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Abdullah, Ahsan %A Brobst, Stephen %A Pervaiz, Ijaz %A Umer, Muhammad %A Nisar, Azhar %D 2004 %T Learning Dynamics of Pesticide Abuse through Data Mining %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P151-156 %P 151-156 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Abdullah.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Abraham, Tamas %D 2006 %T Event Sequence Mining to Develop Profiles for Computer Forensic Investigation Purposes %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P145-153 %P 145-153 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Abraham.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Adcock, Matt %A Chung, Jaewoo %A Schmandt, Chris %D 2008 %T AreWeThereYet? - A Temporally Aware Media Player %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P29-32 %P 29-32 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Adcock.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ager, Rachel %A Kendall, Mike %D 2003 %T Getting it Right From the Start: A Case Study of the Development of a Foundation Stage Learning and ICT Strategy in Northamptonshire, UK %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P3-11 %P 3-11 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Ager.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahmad, Muhammad %A Teredesai, Ankur %D 2006 %T Modeling Proliferation of Ideas in Online Social Networks %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P185-190 %P 185-190 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Ahmad.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahmad, Mohammad Nazir %A Colomb, Robert M. %D 2007 %T Managing Ontologies: A Comparative Study of Ontology Servers %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P13-22 %P 13-22 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Ahmad.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahmed, Adel %A Eades, Peter %D 2005 %T Automatic Camera Path Generation for Graph Navigation in 3D %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P27-32 %P 27-32 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Ahmed.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahmed, Chowdhury Farhan %A Tanbeer, Syed Khairuzzaman %A Jeong, Byeong-Soo %A Lee, Young-Koo %D 2008 %T ShrFP-Tree: An Efficient Tree Structure for Mining Share-Frequent Patterns %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P79-86 %P 79-86 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Ahmed.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahmed, Mobin Uddin %A Zaheer, Raja Asad %A Qadir, M. Abdul %D 2005 %T Intelligent Cache Management for Data Grid %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P5-12 %P 5-12 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Ahmed.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahn, Hee-Kap %A Alt, Helmut %A Asano, Tetsuo %A Bae, Sang Won %A Brass, Peter %A Cheong, Otfried %A Knauer, Christian %A Na, Hyeon-Suk %A Shin, Chan-Su %A Wolff, Alexander %D 2007 %T Constructing Optimal Highways %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P7-14 %P 7-14 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Ahn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahoniemi, Tuukka %A Lahtinen, Essi %A Erkkola, Teemu %D 2007 %T Fighting the student dropout rate with an incremental programming assignment %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P163-166 %P 163-166 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Ahoniemi2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahoniemi, Tuukka %A Lahtinen, Essi %A Valaskala, Keeko %D 2007 %T Why should we bore students when teaching CS? %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P227-228 %P 227-228 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Ahoniemi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ahsan, Nasir %A Bain, Michael %A Potter, John %A Gaeta, Bruno %A Temple, Mark %A Dawes, Ian %D 2006 %T Learning Causal Networks from Microarray Data %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P3-8 %P 3-8 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Ahsan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Akand, Elma %A Bain, Michael %A Temple, Mark %D 2007 %T Learning from Ontological Annotation : an Application of Formal Concept Analysis to Feature Construction in the Gene Ontology %B Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Nayak, Abhaya C. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV85P15-23 %P 15-23 %S CRPIT %V 85 %K abstract %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV85Akand.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Akiyama, Toyokazu %A Sakai, Shinobu %A Umigai, Akimichi %A Hara, Takahiro %A Tsukamoto, Masahiko %A Nishio, Shojiro %D 2002 %T Design and Implementation of DB-MAN Alpha: Does Database Migration Work Well in a Real Environment? %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P23-31 %P 23-31 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Akiyama.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Al-Fedaghi, Sabah S. %D 2007 %T Beyond Purpose-Based Privacy Access Control %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P23-32 %P 23-32 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63AlFedaghi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Al-Oqaily, Ahmad %A Kennedy, Paul J. %D 2006 %T Using a Kernel-Based Approach to Visualize Integrated Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Datasets %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P53-61 %P 53-61 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61AlOqaily.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Al-Oqaily, Ahmad %A Kennedy, Paul J. %A Catchpoole, Daniel R. %A Simoff, Simeon J. %D 2008 %T Comparison of Visualization Methods of Genome-wide SNP Profiles in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P111-121 %P 111-121 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87AlOqaily.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Al-Wasil, Fahad M. %A Gray, W.A. %A Fiddian, N.J. %D 2006 %T Establishing an XML Metadata Knowledge Base to Assist Integration of Structured and Semi-structured Databases %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P69-78 %P 69-78 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49AlWasil.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Alcalde, Baptiste %A Dubois, Eric %A Mauw, Sjouke %A Mayer, Nicolas %A Radomirovic, Sasa %D 2009 %T Towards a Decision Model Based on Trust and Security Risk Management %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P61-69 %P 61-69 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Alcalde.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Algur, Siddu P. %A Hiremath, P. S. %D 2006 %T Extraction of Flat and Nested Data Records from Web Pages %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P163-168 %P 163-168 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Algur.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Aljasser, Khalid %A Schachte, Peter %D 2009 %T ParaAJ: toward Reusable and Maintainable Aspect Oriented Programs %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P53-62 %P 53-62 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Aljasser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allan, Jeff %D 2005 %T UK e-Science Pilot Project DAME: Context, Lessons Learned and Future %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allen, John G. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2002 %T Enhancing Screen Teleconferencing with Streaming SIMD Extensions %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P143-149 %P 143-149 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Allen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allen, John G. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2003 %T Code Generation for Just-in-Time Compiled Mobile Collector Agents %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P1 %P 1 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Allen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allen, John G. %A Xu, Richard Y. D. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2004 %T Object Tracking Using CamShift Algorithm and Multiple Quantized Feature Spaces %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P3-7 %P 3-7 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Allen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allender, Eric %D 2008 %T Chipping Away at P vs NP: How Far Are We from Proving Circuit Size Lower Bounds? %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Allender.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allert, James D. %D 2004 %T The Effectiveness of Innovative Approaches to CS1: Comparing Opinion to Outcome %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P151-157 %P 151-157 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Allert.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allison, Lloyd %D 2003 %T Types and Classes of Machine Learning and Data Mining %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P207-215 %P 207-215 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Allison.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allison, Lloyd %D 2006 %T A Programming Paradigm for Machine Learning, with a Case Study of Bayesian Networks %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P103-111 %P 103-111 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Allison.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Allwright, Alan %A Roddick, John F. %D 2008 %T Exploratory Mining over Organisational Communications Data %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P41-50 %P 41-50 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Allwright.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Altmanninger, Kerstin %A Kotsis, Gabriele %D 2009 %T Towards Accurate Conflict Detection in a VCS for Model Artifacts: A Comparison of Two Semantically Enhanced Approaches %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P139-146 %P 139-146 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Altmanninger.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Alvares, Luis Otavio %A Bogorny, Vania %A Fernandes de Macedo, Jose Antonio %A Moelans, Bart %A Spaccapietra, Stefano %D 2007 %T Dynamic Modeling of Trajectory Patterns using Data Mining and Reverse Engineering %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P149-154 %P 149-154 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Alvares.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Alzaid, Hani %A Foo, Ernest %A Gonzalez Nieto, Juan Manuel %D 2008 %T Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network: a survey %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P93-105 %P 93-105 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Alzaid.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A AlZomai, Mohammed %A Alfayyadh, Bander %A Josang, Audun %A McCullagh, Adrian %D 2008 %T An Experimental Investigation of the Usability of Transaction Authorization in Online Bank Security Systems %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P65-73 %P 65-73 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81AlZomai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A AlZoubi, Omar %A Koprinska, Irena %A Calvo, Rafael A. %D 2008 %T Classification of Brain-Computer Interface Data %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P123-131 %P 123-131 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87AlZoubi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Amann, Philipp %A Quirchmayr, Gerald %D 2003 %T Foundation of a Framework to Support Knowledge Management in the Field of Context-Aware and Pervasive Computing %B Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P119-131 %P 119-131 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21WAmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Amer, Taher %A Cockburn, Andy %A Green, Richard %A Odgers, Grant %D 2007 %T Evaluating Swiftpoint as a Mobile Device for Direct Manipulation Input %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P63-70 %P 63-70 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Amer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Amirbekyan, Artak %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %D 2007 %T The Privacy of k-NN Retrieval for Horizontal Partitioned Data - New Methods and Applications %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P33-42 %P 33-42 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Amirbekyan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Amirbekyan, Artak %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %D 2007 %T A New Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Protocol %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P209-214 %P 209-214 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Amirbekyan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ammerlaan, Justin %A Wright, David A. %D 2004 %T Adaptive Cooperative Fuzzy Logic Controller %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P255-263 %P 255-263 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Ammerlaan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A An, Jiyuan %A Chen, Hanxiong %A Furuse, Kazutaka %A Ishikawa, Masahiro %A Ohbo, Nobuo %D 2002 %T The Complex Polyhedra Technique: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Space %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P33-40 %P 33-40 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5An.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Anderson, Kevin %D 2007 %T A risk-based approach to supporting the operator role in complex monitoring systems %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P3-11 %P 3-11 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Anderson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Anh, Vo Ngoc %A Moffat, Alistair %D 2002 %T Improved Retrieval Effectiveness Through Impact Transformation %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P41-47 %P 41-47 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Anh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Anh, Vo Ngoc %A Moffat, Alistair %D 2004 %T Index Compression Using Fixed Binary Codewords %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P61-67 %P 61-67 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Anh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Anslow, Craig %A Marshall, Stuart %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %A Jackson, Kirk %D 2004 %T XML Database Support for Program Trace Visualisation %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P25-34 %P 25-34 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Anslow.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Aparicio, Adriana S. %A Farias, Oscar L. M. %A dos Santos, Neide %D 2005 %T Applying Ontologies in the Integration of Heterogeneous Relational Databases %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P11-16 %P 11-16 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Aparicio.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Apperley, Mark %A McLeod, Laurie %A Masoodian, Masood %A Paine, Lance %A Phillips, Malcolm %A Rogers, Bill %A Thomson, Kirsten %D 2003 %T Use of Video Shadow for Small Group Interaction Awareness on a Large Interactive Display Surface %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P81-90 %P 81-90 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Apperley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Arai, Masato %A Hidehiko, Tanaka %D 2009 %T Proposal for Effective Information Flow Control Model for Sharing and Protecting Sensitive Information %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P89-98 %P 89-98 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Arai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Archer, David W. %A Delcambre, Lois M. L. %D 2007 %T Capturing Users' Everyday, Implicit Information Integration Decisions %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P133-138 %P 133-138 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Archer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ardagh, David %D 2001 %T Public Education in Computer Usage: An Ethico-Political Rationale %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P81-87 %P 81-87 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Ardagh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Arjunan, Sridhar P. %A Weghorn, Hans %A Kumar, Dinesh K. %A Yau, Wai C. %D 2006 %T Vowel recognition of English and German language using Facial movement(SEMG) for Speech control based HCI %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P13-18 %P 13-18 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Arjunan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Armstrong, Leisa %A Diepeveen, Dean %A Maddern, Rowan %D 2007 %T The application of data mining techniques to characterize agricultural soil profiles %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P85-100 %P 85-100 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Armstrong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Arvo, James %A Novins, Kevin %D 2006 %T Fluid Sketching of Directed Graphs %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P81-86 %P 81-86 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Arvo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Arwin, Christian %A Tahaghoghi, S.M.M. %D 2006 %T Plagiarism Detection across Programming Languages %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P277-286 %P 277-286 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Arwin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Asahiro, Yuichi %A Miyano, Eiji %A Ono, Hirotaka %D 2008 %T Graph Classes and the Complexity of the Graph Orientation Minimizing the Maximum Weighted Outdegree %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P97-106 %P 97-106 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Asahiro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Asahiro, Yuichi %A Miyano, Eiji %A Ono, Hirotaka %A Zenmyo, Kouhei %D 2006 %T Graph Orientation Algorithms to Minimize the Maximum Outdegree %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P11-20 %P 11-20 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Asahiro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Asano, Tetsuo %D 2006 %T Computational Geometric and Combinatorial Approaches to Digital Halftoning %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Asano.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Asheibi, Ali %A Stirling, David %A Soetanto, Danny %D 2006 %T Analyzing Harmonic Monitoring Data Using Data Mining %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P63-68 %P 63-68 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Asheibi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Asian, Jelita %A Williams, Hugh E. %A Tahaghoghi, S.M.M. %D 2005 %T Stemming Indonesian %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P307-314 %P 307-314 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Asian.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Askitis, Nikolas %D 2009 %T Fast and Compact Hash Tables for Integer Keys %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P101-110 %P 101-110 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Askitis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Askitis, Nikolas %A Sinha, Ranjan %D 2007 %T HAT-Trie: A Cache-Conscious Trie-Based Data Structure For Strings %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P97-105 %P 97-105 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Askitis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Asquith, Matthew %A Gudmundsson, Joachim %A Merrick, Damian %D 2008 %T An ILP for the metro-line crossing problem %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P49-56 %P 49-56 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Asquith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Atallah, Mikhail J. %D 2005 %T A Survey of Watermarking Techniques for Non-Media Digital Objects %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P73 %P 73 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Atallah.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Atchison, Brenton %A Griffiths, Alena %D 2002 %T A Product-Based Assurance Model for Mixed-Integrity Markets %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P55-62 %P 55-62 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15Atchison.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Atkinson, Ian M. %A du Boulay, Douglas %A Chee, Clinton %A Chiu, Kenneth %A Coddington, Paul %A Gerson, Andrea %A King, Tristan %A McMullen, Donald F. %A Quilici, Romain %A Turner, Peter %A Wendelborn, Andrew %A Wyatt, Mathew J. %A Zhang, Donglai %D 2007 %T Developing CIMA-Based Cyberinfrastructure for Remote Access to Scientific Instruments and Collaborative e-Research %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P3-10 %P 3-10 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Atkinson.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Atkinson, Mike %A Dehne, Frank %D 2005 %T Theory of Computing 2005. Proceedings of the Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %V 41 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Au, Fiora T. W. %A Baker, Simon %A Warren, Ian %A Dobbie, Gillian %D 2008 %T Automated Usability Testing Framework %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P55-64 %P 55-64 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Au.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ausiello, Giorgio %A Giannakos, Aristotelis %A Paschos, Vangelis Th. %D 2006 %T Greedy algorithms for on-line set-covering and related problems %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P145-151 %P 145-151 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Ausiello.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Avery, Benjamin %A Piekarski, Wayne %A Warren, James R. %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2006 %T Evaluation of User Satisfaction and Learnability for Outdoor Augmented Reality Gaming %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P17-24 %P 17-24 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Avery.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Avery, Benjamin %A Thomas, Bruce H. %A Velikovsky, Joe %A Piekarski, Wayne %D 2005 %T Outdoor Augmented Reality Gaming on Five Dollars a Day %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P79-88 %P 79-88 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Avery.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Awang Iskandar, D. N. F. %A Thom, James A. %A Tahaghoghi, S. M. M. %D 2008 %T Content-based Image Retrieval Using Image Regions as Query Examples %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P39-47 %P 39-47 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75AwangIskander.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ayed, Samiha %A Cuppens-Boulahia, Nora %A Cuppens, Frederic %D 2008 %T Deploying Access Control in Distributed Workflow %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P9-17 %P 9-17 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Ayed.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Aynsley, Brenda %A Thomas, Bruce %D 2002 %T Pervasive Computing 2002. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002 %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 25 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Baader, Franz %D 2005 %T A Description Logics Voyage: From Inexpressive to Expressive Languages and Back %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 58 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Back, Ralph-Johan %A Mannila, Linda %A Peltomaki, Mia %A Salakoski, Tapio %D 2007 %T Improving mathematics and programming education - the IMPEd initiative %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P167-170 %P 167-170 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Back.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Baeza-Yates, Ricardo %D 2004 %T Web Mining in Search Engines %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P3-4 %P 3-4 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26BaezaYates.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bagirov, Adil M. %A Mardaneh, Karim %D 2006 %T Modified Global K-Means Algorithm for Clustering in Gene Expression Data Sets %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P23-28 %P 23-28 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Bagirov.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bahreini, Kiavash %A Elci, Atilla %D 2007 %T Enterprise Semantic Information Search System Based on New Music and Audio Ontology Integrating Existing Ontologies %B Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Nayak, Abhaya C. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV85P7-13 %P 7-13 %S CRPIT %V 85 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV85Bahreini.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bai, Shi %A Brent, Richard P. %D 2008 %T On the Efficiency of Pollard's Rho Method for Discrete Logarithms %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P125-131 %P 125-131 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Bai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bai, Xin %A Jin, Jesse S. %A Feng, David D. %D 2004 %T Segmentation-Based Multilayer Diagnosis Lossless Medical Image compression %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P9-14 %P 9-14 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Bai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bailey, James %D 2005 %T Transformation and Reaction Rules for Data on the Web %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P17-23 %P 17-23 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Bailey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bailey, James %A Dong, Ce %D 2007 %T Merging Dynamic Functionality: Integration of XML Transformations %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P9-10 %P 9-10 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Bailey.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Bailey, James %A Fekete, Alan %D 2007 %T Database Technologies 2007. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %V 63 %O 1-920-68244-9 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bain, Christopher A. %A Raikundalia, Gitesh K. %A Mehta, Snehal %D 2007 %T Hospital Management Knowledge Discovery using Discrete Event Simulation %B Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P209-218 %P 209-218 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Bain.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bajic, Vladimir B. %A Brusic, Vladimir %A Li, Jinyan %A Ng, See-Kiong %A Wong, Limsoon %D 2003 %T From Informatics to Bioinformatics %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P3-12 %P 3-12 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Bajic.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Balasubramaniam, Sasitharan %A Indulska, Jadwiga %D 2002 %T Quality of Service Support for Vertical Handovers in Pervasive Systems %B Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002 %E Aynsley, Brenda %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV25Ppaper1 %P paper1 %S CRPIT %V 25 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ballinger, Daniel %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %D 2003 %T Spreadsheet structure inspection using low level access and visualisation %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P91-94 %P 91-94 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Ballinger.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ballinger, Daniel %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %D 2003 %T Spreadsheet Visualisation to Improve End-user Understanding %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P99-109 %P 99-109 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Ballinger.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bancroft, Peter %A Roe, Paul %D 2006 %T Program Annotations: Feedback for Students Learning to Program %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P19-23 %P 19-23 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Bancroft.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barbuto, Leah May %A Swaminathan, Sudha %A Trawick-Smith, Jeff %A Wright, June L. %D 2003 %T The Role of the Teacher in Scaffolding Children's Interactions in a Technological Environment: How a Technology Project is Transforming Preschool Teacher Practices in Urban Schools %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P13-20 %P 13-20 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Barbuto.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bard, Gregory V. %D 2007 %T Spelling-Error Tolerant, Order-Independent Pass-Phrases via the Damerau-Levenshtein String-Edit Distance Metric %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P117-124 %P 117-124 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Bard.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barg, Michael %A Wong, Raymond K. %D 2003 %T Cooperative Query Answering for Semistructured Data %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P209-215 %P 209-215 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Barg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barker, Sandra %D 2003 %T Online Discussion Boards: Impacting the Learning Experience %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P53-58 %P 53-58 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Barker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barney, David %A Haley, David %A Nikandros, George %D 2001 %T Calculating Train Braking Distance %B Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV3P23-30 %P 23-30 %S CRPIT %V 3 %K CRPITVol3 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV3Barney.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barr, Pippin %A Khaled, Rilla %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2005 %T A Taxonomic Analysis of User-Interface Metaphors in the Microsoft Office Project Gallery %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P109-117 %P 109-117 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Barr.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barr, Pippin %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2003 %T Icons R Icons %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P25-32 %P 25-32 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Barr.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barr, Pippin %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %A Khaled, Rilla %D 2006 %T From Pushing Buttons to Play and Progress: Value and Interaction in Fable %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P61-68 %P 61-68 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Barr.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barta, Robert %D 2005 %T Topic Maps: Fundamentalism meets Pragmatism %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P17-24 %P 17-24 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Barta.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Barta, Robert %A Salzer, Gernot %D 2005 %T The Tau Model, Formalizing Topic Maps %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P37-42 %P 37-42 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Barta.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bartlett, B. %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %A Seymon, S. %D 2004 %T Dogs or Robots - Why do Children See Them as Robotic Pets Rather Than Canine Machines? %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P7-14 %P 7-14 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Bartlett.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Baskinger, Mark %A Nam, Ki-Chol %D 2006 %T Visual Narratives: The Essential Role of Imagination in the Visualization Process %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P217-220 %P 217-220 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Baskinger.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bate, Iain %A Hawkins, Richard %A McDermid, John %D 2004 %T A Contract-based Approach to Designing Safe Systems %B Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %E Lindsay, Peter %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV33P25-36 %P 25-36 %S CRPIT %V 33 %K CRPITVol33 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV33Bate.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bauer, Michael J. %D 2002 %T Functional Safety of a Theatre Stage Machinery Control System %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P49-53 %P 49-53 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15Bauer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Baxter, Rohan %A Gawler, Mark %A Ang, Russell %D 2007 %T Predictive Model of Insolvency Risk for Australian Corporations %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P21-28 %P 21-28 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Baxter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Beckett, Paul %A Jennings, Andrew %D 2002 %T Towards Nanocomputer Architecture %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P141-150 %P 141-150 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Beckett.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bedford, Gail K. %D 2003 %T 'Theyyur Aye Now Sand in Theur' Jake 4.11 Years - Transition and the Importance of the Learning Environment %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P21-26 %P 21-26 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Bedford.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Beecher, Bronwyn %D 2003 %T Learning Technologies in Children's Social Contexts %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P119 %P 119 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Beeson, Brett %A Melnikoff, Steve %A Venugopal, Srikumar %A Barnes, David G. %D 2005 %T A Portal for Grid-enabled Physics %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P13-20 %P 13-20 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Beeson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Beis, Mihalis %A Duckworth, William %A Zito, Michele %D 2005 %T Large k-Separated Matchings of Random Regular Graphs %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P175-182 %P 175-182 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Beis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bekos, Michael A. %A Kaufmann, Michael %A Potika, Katerina %A Symvonis, Antonios %D 2006 %T Polygons Labelling of Minimum Leader Length %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P15-21 %P 15-21 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Bekos.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bell, Genevieve %D 2007 %T Just Like Magic: Anthropological Musings on the History and Culture of Wireless Technologies %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Bell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bell, Gordon %D 2008 %T Realizing Memex... Digital Capture, Storage, and Utilization of All Personal Information %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 82 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bell, Graeme %A Weir, Michael %D 2004 %T Forward Chaining for Robot and Agent Navigation using Potential Fields %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P265-274 %P 265-274 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Bell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bell, John %A Schauder, Don %D 2003 %T The Webworkforce - a learning repository to support educators, trainers and Information Technology courses %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P239-245 %P 239-245 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Bell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bell, Ron %D 2005 %T Introduction to IEC 61508 %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P3-12 %P 3-12 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Bell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bem, Derek %A Huebner, Ewa %D 2008 %T Computer forensics workshop for undergraduate students %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P29-34 %P 29-34 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Bem.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bem, Ewa Z. %D 2003 %T A Case for Teaching Computer Architecture %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P1-7 %P 1-7 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Bem.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Benatallah, Boualem %A Motahari-Nezhad, Hamid Reza %D 2006 %T ServiceMosaic Project: Modeling, Analysis and Management of Web Services Interactions %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P7-9 %P 7-9 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Benatallah.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bennedsen, Jens %A Schulte, Carsten %D 2007 %T What does 'objects-first' mean? An international study of teachers' perceptions of objects-first %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P21-29 %P 21-29 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Bennedsen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bennett, Graham %A Scholer, Falk %A Uitdenbogerd, Alexandra %D 2008 %T A Comparative Study of Probabalistic and Language Models for Information Retrieval %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P65-74 %P 65-74 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Bennett.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Benzie, David %A Marshall, Gail %A Bedford, Gail K. %D 2003 %T The Gifts of Athena: Mindsets, Metaphors and Methods for 21st Century Learning %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P121 %P 121 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berger, Helmut %A Dittenbach, Michael %A Merkl, Dieter %D 2004 %T An Adaptive Information Retrieval System Based on Associative Networks %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P27-36 %P 27-36 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Berger.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berglund, Anders %A Box, Ilona %A Eckerdal, Anna %A Lister, Raymond %A Pears, Arnold %D 2008 %T Learning educational research methods through collaborative research: the PhICER initiative %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P35-42 %P 35-42 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Berglund2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berglund, Anders %A Daniels, Mats %A Pears, Arnold %D 2006 %T Qualitative Research Projects in Computing Education Research: An Overview %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P25-33 %P 25-33 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Berglund.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berglund, Anders %A Kinnunen, Paivi %A Malmi, Lauri %D 2007 %T A doctoral course in research methods in computing education research. How should we teach it? %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P175-178 %P 175-178 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Berglund.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berglund, Anders %A Lister, Raymond %D 2007 %T Debating the OO debate: where is the problem? %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P171-174 %P 171-174 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Berglund2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berglund, Anders %A Wiggberg, Mattias %D 2008 %T Students learn CS in different ways: insights from an empirical study %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P21-26 %P 21-26 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Berglund.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berlich, Ruediger %A Hardt, Marcus %A Kunze, Marcel %A Atkinson, Malcolm %A Fergusson, David %D 2006 %T EGEE: Building a Pan-European Grid Training Organisation %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P105-111 %P 105-111 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Berlich.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berlich, Rudiger %A Kunze, Marcel %A Schwarz, Kilian %D 2005 %T Grid Computing in Europe: From Research to Deployment %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P21-27 %P 21-27 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Berlich.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berretta, Regina %A Mendes, Alexandre %A Moscato, Pablo %D 2005 %T Integer Programming Models and Algorithms for Molecular Classification of Cancer from Microarray Data %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P361-370 %P 361-370 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Berretta.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berry, Marsha %A Hamilton, Margaret %D 2006 %T Mobile Computing, Visual Diaries, Learning and Communication: Changes to the Communicative Ecology of Design Students Through Mobile Computing %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P35-44 %P 35-44 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Berry.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Berry, Rodney %A Naemura, Masahide %A Kobayashi, Yuichi %A Tada, Masahiro %A Inoue, Naomi %A Pisan, Yusuf %A Edmonds, Ernest %D 2006 %T An Interface Test-Bed for 'Kansei' Filters Using the Touch Designer Visual Programming Environment %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P173-176 %P 173-176 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Berry.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Beynon, Meurig %A Harfield, Anthony %A Vesisenaho, Mikko %D 2007 %T Contextualising information and communications technology in developing countries %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P31-40 %P 31-40 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Beynon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bezdek, James C. %A Hathaway, Richard J. %A Leckie, Christopher %A Kotagiri, Ramamohanarao %D 2006 %T Approximate Data Mining in Very Large Relational Data %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P3-13 %P 3-13 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Bezdek.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bhuvaneswaran, R.S. %A Katayama, Yoshiaki %A Takahashi, Naohisa %D 2006 %T Redundant Parallel Data Transfer Schemes for the Grid Environment %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P71-78 %P 71-78 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Bhuvaneswaran.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2002 %T Essential Use Cases and Responsibility in Object-Oriented Development %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P7-16 %P 7-16 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Biddle.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2002 %T Sokoban: A System Object Case Study %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P103-111 %P 103-111 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Biddle1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2002 %T Reflections on CRC Cards and OO Design %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P201-205 %P 201-205 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Biddle2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2003 %T Teaching the Evaluation of Object-Oriented Designs %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P213-220 %P 213-220 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Biddle.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2003 %T Patterns for Essential Use Case Bodies %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P85 %P 85 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Biddle.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Biddle, Robert %A Thomas, Bruce %D 2003 %T User Interfaces 2003. Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 18 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bidwell, Nicola J. %A O'Brien, Mia B. %A Kaplan, Simon M. %D 2003 %T Identifying Salient Learning Experiences: A Scenario-Based Method Enabling Industry-University Partnerships in IT %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P127-135 %P 127-135 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Bidwell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Biham, Eli %A Seberry, Jennifer %D 2008 %T A New Very Fast Stream Cipher : Tpy %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P5 %P 5 %S CRPIT %V 81 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Billerbeck, Bodo %A Zobel, Justin %D 2004 %T Questioning Query Expansion: An Examination of Behaviour and Parameters %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P69-76 %P 69-76 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Billerbeck.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Billinghurst, Mark %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2005 %T User Interfaces 2005. Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %V 40 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Billington, Jonathan %A Han, Bing %D 2003 %T On Defining the Service Provided by TCP %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P129-138 %P 129-138 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Billington.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Billington, Jonathan %A Han, Bing %D 2004 %T Closed Form Expressions for the State Space of TCP's Data Transfer Service Operating over Unbounded Channels %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P31-39 %P 31-39 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Billington.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bindhammer, T. %A Gockelmann, R. %A Marquardt, O. %A Shottner, M. %A Wende, M. %A Schulthess, P. %D 2002 %T Device Driver Programming in a Transactional DSM Operating System %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P65-71 %P 65-71 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Bindhammer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Binemann-Zdanowicz, Aleksander %A Kaschek, Roland %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Thalheim, Bernhard %D 2004 %T Context-Aware Web Information Systems %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P37-48 %P 37-48 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Binemann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Biro, Josephine M.K. %A Biro, Jan C. %D 2004 %T Recognition Sequences in the Restriction Endonucleases %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P217-222 %P 217-222 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Biro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bishop, Pamela F. %D 2002 %T Information and Communication Technology and School Leaders %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P1-4 %P 1-4 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Bishop.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bittner, Sven %A Hinze, Annika %D 2006 %T Pruning Subscriptions in Distributed Publish/Subscribe Systems %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P197-206 %P 197-206 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Bittner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Blackburn, Terence %A Vernik, Rudi %A Bright, Damien %D 2002 %T Enterprise-Enabled Ubiquitous Workspaces %B Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002 %E Aynsley, Brenda %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV25Ppaper2 %P paper2 %S CRPIT %V 25 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Blackmore, Karen L. %A Nesbitt, Keith V. %D 2008 %T Identifying risks for cross-disciplinary higher degree research students %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P43-52 %P 43-52 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Blackmore.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Blackwell, Bruce %A Ravada, Siva %D 2003 %T Oracle's Technology for Bioinformatics and Future Directions %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P35-42 %P 35-42 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Blackwell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Blazejewski, Adam %A Coggins, Richard %D 2004 %T Application of Self-Organizing Maps to Clustering of High-Frequency Financial Data %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P85-90 %P 85-90 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Blazejewski.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Blazewicz, Jacek %A Kasprzak, Marta %D 2006 %T On the complexity of the DNA Simplified Partial Digest Problem %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P93-100 %P 93-100 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Blazewicz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Blinman, Scott %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2005 %T Program Comprehension: Investigating the Effects of Naming Style and Documentation %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P73-78 %P 73-78 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Blinman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Boardman, Glenn %A Lu, Hongen %D 2007 %T Structure Based Semantic Measurement for Information Filtering Agents %B Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Nayak, Abhaya C. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV85P25-33 %P 25-33 %S CRPIT %V 85 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV85Boardman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bobadilla, Jesus %A Serradilla, Francisco %D 2009 %T The Effect of Sparsity on Collaborative Filtering Metrics %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P9-17 %P 9-17 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Bobadilla.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Boden, Mikael %A Bailey, Timothy L. %D 2006 %T Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 73 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bordes, Nicole %A Pailthorpe, Bernard %D 2004 %T High Resolution Scalable Displays: Manufacturing and Use %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P151-156 %P 151-156 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Bordes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bornat, Richard %A Dehnadi, Saeed %A Simon %D 2008 %T Mental models, consistency and programming aptitude %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P53-62 %P 53-62 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Bornat.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Borschbach, M. %A Lippe, W. -M. %A Mertens, C. %A Niedieck, S. %D 2003 %T Analysing MEG-Data by a Combination of Different Neural Networks %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P181-188 %P 181-188 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Borschbach.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bottcher, Stefan %A Hartel, Rita %D 2009 %T CSC: Supporting Queries on Compressed Cached XML %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P153-160 %P 153-160 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Bottcher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bottino, Rosa Maria %D 2003 %T ICT, National Policies, and Impact on Schools and Teachers' Development %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P3-6 %P 3-6 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Bottino.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Boughton, Clive %D 2002 %T Beginning to Define a Body of Knowledge for Safety Practitioners %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P31-40 %P 31-40 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15Boughton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bouguettaya, Athman %D 2008 %T Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Services %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P9 %P 9 %S CRPIT %V 75 %0 Edited Book %A Bouguettaya, Athman %A Lin, Xuemin %D 2009 %T Database Technologies 2009. Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 92 %S CRPIT %0 Conference Proceedings %A Boukottaya, A. %A Vanoirbeek, C. %A Paganelli, F. %A Khaled, O. Abou %D 2004 %T Automating XML document Transformations: A conceptual modelling based approach %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P81-90 %P 81-90 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Boukottaya.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bourne, Philip %D 2004 %T The Future of Bioinformatics %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Bourne.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bower, Matt %D 2006 %T A Learning System Engineering Approach to Developing Online Courses %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P45-54 %P 45-54 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Bower.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bowes, Janine %D 2003 %T The Emerging Repertoire Demanded of Teachers of the Future : Surviving the Transition %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P7-9 %P 7-9 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Bowes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Box, Ilona %D 2003 %T Assessing the Assessment: an Empirical Study of an Information Systems Development Subject %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P149-158 %P 149-158 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Box.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Box, Ilona %D 2004 %T Object-Oriented Analysis, Criterion-Referencing and Bloom %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P1-8 %P 1-8 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Box.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Boyens, Claus %A Gunther, Oliver %A Teltzrow, Maximilian %D 2002 %T Privacy Conflicts in CRM Services for Online Shops: A Case Study %B IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %E Clifton, Chris %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %F CRPITV14P27-35 %P 27-35 %S CRPIT %V 14 %K CRPITVol14 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV14Boyens.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Boyle, Martin %A McDougall, Anne %D 2003 %T Formal and Informal Environments for the Learning and Teaching of Computer Programming %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P11-12 %P 11-12 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Boyle.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brabrand, Claus %A Dahl, Bettina %D 2007 %T Constructive alignment and the SOLO taxonomy: a comparative study of university competences in computer science vs. mathematics %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P3-17 %P 3-17 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Brabrand.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bradley, Daniel %A Josang, Audun %D 2004 %T Mesmerize - an Open Framework for Enterprise Security Management %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P37-42 %P 37-42 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Bradley.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Brankovic, Ljiljana %A Coddington, Paul %A Roddick, John F. %A Steketee, Chris %A Warren, James R. %A Wendelborn, Andrew %D 2007 %T ACSW Frontiers 2007. Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), the Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), and the Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %V 68 %O 1-920-68249-X %0 Edited Book %A Brankovic, Ljiljana %A Miller, Mirka %D 2008 %T Information Security 2008. Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 81 %0 Edited Book %A Brankovic, Ljiljana %A Susilo, Willy %D 2009 %T Information Security 2009. Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 98 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brereton, Margot %A Bidwell, Nicola J. %A Donovan, Jared %A Campbell, Brett %A Buur, Jacob %D 2003 %T Work at Hand: An Exploration of Gesture in the Context of Work and Everyday Life to Inform the Design of Gestural Input Devices %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P1-10 %P 1-10 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Brereton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brereton, Margot %A Donovan, Jared %A Viller, Stephen %D 2003 %T Talking about watching: Using the Video Card Game and wiki-web technology to engage IT students in developing observational skills %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P197-205 %P 197-205 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Brereton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brewster, Stephen %A Brown, Lorna M. %D 2004 %T Tactons: Structured Tactile Messages for Non-Visual Information Display %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P15-23 %P 15-23 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Brewster.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brock, Michael %A Goscinski, Andrzej %D 2008 %T State Aware WSDL %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P35-44 %P 35-44 %S CRPIT %V 82 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Brock.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brodie-Tyrrell, William %A Detmold, Henry %A Falkner, Katrina %A Munro, David S. %D 2004 %T Garbage Collection for Storage-Oriented Clusters %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P99-108 %P 99-108 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26BrodieTyrrell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brookes, Wayne %D 2004 %T Computing Theory With Relevance %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P9-13 %P 9-13 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Brookes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Broughton, Michael %D 2006 %T Virtual Planning Rooms (ViPR): A 3D Visualisation Environment for Hierarchical Information %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P125-128 %P 125-128 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Broughton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brown, A.L. %D 2004 %T Constructing Genome Scale Suffix Trees %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P105-112 %P 105-112 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Brown.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brown, Curtis %D 2004 %T Implementation and Indeterminacy %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P27-31 %P 27-31 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Brown.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brown, Chris M. %A Jacobs, Grant %A Schreiber, Mark %D 2003 %T Signals in mRNAs that Influence the Initiation of Translation %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P203-206 %P 203-206 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Brown.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brumen, Bostjan %A Golob, Izidor %A Jaakkola, Hannu %A Welzer, Tatjana %A Rozman, Ivan %D 2004 %T Early Assessment of Classification Performance %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P91-96 %P 91-96 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Brumen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Brusa, Graciela %A Caliusco, Maria Laura %A Chiotti, Omar %D 2006 %T A Process for Building a Domain Ontology: an Experience in Developing a Government Budgetary Ontology %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P7-15 %P 7-15 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Brusa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bryant, Kay C. %D 2003 %T A Methodology for the Design of Courses in Information Systems %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P159-167 %P 159-167 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Bryant.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bryant, Kay C. %D 2004 %T The Evaluation of Courses in Information Systems %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P15-23 %P 15-23 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Bryant.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Buang, Norazwin %A Liu, Nianjun %A Caelli, Terry %A Lesslie, Rob %A Hill, Michael J. %D 2006 %T Discover Knowledge From Distribution Maps Using Bayesian Networks %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P69-74 %P 69-74 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Buang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bubendorfer, Kris %D 2006 %T Improving Resource Utilisation in Market Oriented Grid Management and Scheduling %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P25-31 %P 25-31 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Bubendorfer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bubendorfer, Kris %A Hine, John H. %D 2005 %T Auction Based Resource Negotiation in NOMAD %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P297-306 %P 297-306 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Bubendorfer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Buchmann, Volkert %A Nilsen, Trond %A Billinghurst, Mark %D 2005 %T Interaction With Partially Transparent Hands And Objects %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P17-20 %P 17-20 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Buchmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Buckle, Ashley %D 2009 %T Impact of Grid Computing in Structural Biology %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P7 %P 7 %S CRPIT %V 99 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bui, Michael %A Lowe, Nick %A Takatsuka, Masahiro %D 2006 %T Visualization of a Closed Three-Dimensional Surface using Portal-based Rendering %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P35-38 %P 35-38 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Bui.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bulka, Andy %D 2003 %T Design Pattern Automation %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P1 %P 1 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Bulka.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bullers, William I. Jr. %D 2004 %T Personal Software Process in the Database Course %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P25-31 %P 25-31 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Bullers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Bunder, Martin %D 2008 %T The Inhabitation Problem for Intersection Types %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P7-14 %P 7-14 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Bunder.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Burmeister, Oliver K. %D 2001 %T Usability Testing: Revisiting Informed Consent Procedures for Testing Internet Sites %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P3-10 %P 3-10 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Burmeister2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Burmeister, Oliver K. %D 2001 %T HCI Professionalism: Ethical Concerns in Usability Engineering %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P11-17 %P 11-17 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Burmeister1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Burton, Benjamin A. %D 2008 %T Informatics Olympiads: Challenges in Programming and Algorithm Design %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P9-13 %P 9-13 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Burton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Busch, Peter A. %A Richards, Debbie %D 2001 %T Graphically Defining Articulable Tacit Knowledge %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P51-60 %P 51-60 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Busch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Busch, Peter A. %A Richards, Debbie %A Dampney, C.N.G. (Kit) %D 2001 %T Visual Mapping of Articulable Tacit Knowledge %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P37-47 %P 37-47 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Busch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Busch, Peter A. %A Richards, Debbie %A Dampney, C.N.G. (Kit) %D 2003 %T The graphical interpretation of plausible tacit knowledge flows %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P37-46 %P 37-46 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Busch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Busch, Peter A. %A Richards, Debbie %A Dampney, C.N.G. (Kit) %A Galloway, John %D 2003 %T Selected Tacit Knowledge Observations Within Two Organisations %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P5 %P 5 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Busch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Buttfield, Anna %D 2003 %T A New Approach to Rapid Image Morphing for Lip Motion Synthesis %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P79-86 %P 79-86 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Buttfield.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Butts, Lee %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2002 %T An Evaluation of Mobile Phone Text Input Methods %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P55-59 %P 55-59 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Butts.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Buyya, Rajkumar %A Coddington, Paul %A Montague, Paul %A Safavi-Naini, Rei %A Sheppard, Nicholas %A Wendelborn, Andrew %D 2005 %T ACSW Frontiers 2005. Proceedings of the Third Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) and the Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %V 44 %0 Edited Book %A Buyya, Rajkumar %A Ma, Tianchi %A Safavi-Naini, Rei %A Steketee, Chris %A Susilo, Willy %D 2006 %T ACSW Frontiers 2006. Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) and the Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 54 %O 1-920-68236-8 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Caballero-Gil, Pino %D 2008 %T Current Topics in Security of Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81CaballeroGil.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cafezeiro, Isabel %A Haeusler, Edward Hermann %D 2007 %T Semantic Interoperability via Category Theory %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P197-202 %P 197-202 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Cafezeiro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cai, Tom Weidong %A Feng, David D. %A Fulton, Roger %D 2001 %T A 3D Image Smoothing Method for Dynamic Functional Imaging %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P99-100 %P 99-100 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Caldon, Patrick %D 2003 %T Using Text Classification to Predict the Gene Knockout Behaviour of S. Cerevisiae %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P211-214 %P 211-214 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Caldon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Calvert, Sandra L. %D 2003 %T Production Features for Intrinsically Interesting Learning Environments %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P27-30 %P 27-30 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Calvert.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cannings, Terence %A Stager, Gary S. %D 2003 %T Online Constructionism and the Future of Teacher Education %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P13-15 %P 13-15 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Cannings.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cannings, Terence %A Talley, Sue %D 2003 %T Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice in Preservice Education : The Use of Video Case Studies %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P17-20 %P 17-20 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Cannings2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cant, Tony %D 2002 %T Computer-Based Safety Critical Systems in Defence: Def (Aust) 5679 %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P9-16 %P 9-16 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15Cant.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Cant, Tony %D 2004 %T Safety Critical Systems and Software 2004. Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %V 47 %0 Edited Book %A Cant, Tony %D 2005 %T Safety Critical Systems and Software 2005. Proceedings of the Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software, SCS 2005 %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 55 %0 Edited Book %A Cant, Tony %D 2006 %T Safety Critical Systems and Software 2006. Proceedings of the Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software, SCS 2006 %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %V 69 %0 Edited Book %A Cant, Tony %D 2007 %T Safety Critical Systems and Software 2007. Proceedings of the Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 86 %S CRPIT %0 Edited Book %A Cant, Tony %D 2008 %T Safety Critical Systems and Software 2008. Proceedings of the Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %V 100 %S CRPIT %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cant, Tony %A Mahony, Brendan %A Atchison, Brenton %D 2005 %T Revision of Australian Defence Standard Def (Aust) 5679 %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P85-94 %P 85-94 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Cant.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cant, Tony %A Mahony, Brendan %A McCarthy, Jim %A Vu, Linh %D 2005 %T Hierarchical Verification Environment %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P47-57 %P 47-57 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Cant2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cao, Jing %A Nymeyer, Albert %D 2009 %T Formal Model of a Protocol Converter %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P107-117 %P 107-117 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Cao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cao, Shuping %A Grundy, John %A Hosking, John %A Stoeckle, Hermann %A Tempero, Ewan %A Zhu, Nianping %D 2005 %T Generating Web-based User Interfaces for Diagramming Tools %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P63-72 %P 63-72 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Cao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cao, Tri M. %A Compton, Paul %D 2005 %T A Simulation Framework for Knowledge Acquisition Evaluation %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P353-360 %P 353-360 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Cao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carbone, Angela %A de Raadt, Michael %A Kay, Judy %A Lister, Raymond %A Litchfield, Andrew %A Raban, Richard %A Roe, Paul %A Santamaria, Daniel %A Sheard, Judy %A Shepherd, John %A Solomon, Andrew %A Thomas, Richard %D 2007 %T The Carrick Vision and Computing Education: Four Case Studies in Multi-institutional Collaboration %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P3-8 %P 3-8 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Carbone.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carbone, Angela %A Hurst, John %A Mitchell, Ian %A Gunstone, Dick %D 2009 %T An Exploration of Internal Factors Influencing Student Learning of Programming %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P25-34 %P 25-34 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Carbone.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carlsen, Roger %D 2003 %T Using an Educational Census to Reach Educational Technology Tipping Point %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P21-22 %P 21-22 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Carlsen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carlsson, Mats %A Beldiceanu, Nicolas %D 2004 %T Dispensation Order Generation for Pyrosequencing %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P327-332 %P 327-332 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Carlsson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carreira, Joao %A Peixoto, Paulo %D 2006 %T Nuisance Free Recognition of Hand Postures Over a Tabletop Display %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P73-78 %P 73-78 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Carreira.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carrizo, Savrina F. %D 2004 %T Phylogenetic Trees: An Information Visualisation Perspective %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P315-320 %P 315-320 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Carrizo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carrizo, Savrina F. %D 2004 %T A Colour-Filling Approach For Visualising Trait Evolution With Phylogenies %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P117-126 %P 117-126 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Carrizo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carter, Belinda M. %A Lin, Joe Y.-C. %A Orlowska, Maria E. %D 2004 %T Customizing Internal Activity Behaviour for Flexible Process Enforcement %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P189-196 %P 189-196 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Carter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Carter, Simon %A Graham, Malcolm %A Strooper, Paul %A Yuan, Zhiguo %D 2003 %T Mutation Analysis to Verify Feature Matrices for Isolating Errors in Simulation Models %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P29-34 %P 29-34 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Carter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Casas, Josep R. %A Salvador, Jordi %D 2006 %T Image-Based Multi-view Scene Analysis using 'Conexels' %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P19-28 %P 19-28 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Casas.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ceddia, Jason %A Dick, Martin %D 2004 %T Automating the Estimation of Project Size from Software Design Tools Using Modified Function Points %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P33-39 %P 33-39 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Ceddia.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ceddia, Jason %A Sheard, Judy %A Tibbey, Grant %D 2007 %T WAT - A Tool for Classifying Learning Activities from a Log File %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P11-18 %P 11-18 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Ceddia.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ceglar, Aaron %A Roddick, John F. %A Powers, David M. W. %D 2007 %T CURIO: A Fast Outlier and Outlier Cluster Detection Algorithm for Large Datasets %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P37-45 %P 37-45 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Ceglar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cerecke, Carl %D 2002 %T Repairing Syntax Errors in LR-based Parsers %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P17-22 %P 17-22 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Cerecke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cerone, Antonio %D 2002 %T From Process Algebra to Visual Language %B Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P27-36 %P 27-36 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Cerone.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cerone, Antonio %D 2003 %T Representing ASN.1 in Z %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P9-16 %P 9-16 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21ACerone.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chakka, Nagesh %A Gready, Jill E. %D 2006 %T Pathway to Functional Studies: Pipeline Linking Phylogenetic Footprinting and Transcription-Factor Binding Analysis %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P15-21 %P 15-21 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Chakka.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chambers, Les %D 2005 %T A Hazard Analysis of Human Factors in Safety-critical Systems Engineering %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P27-41 %P 27-41 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Chambers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chamiel, Gil %A Pagnucco, Maurice %D 2008 %T Utilising Ontological Structure for Reasoning with Preferences %B Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV90P1-9 %P 1-9 %S CRPIT %V 90 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV90Chamiel.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chan, Celyn S L %A Chan, Tony K Y %A Prakash, Edmond C. %D 2001 %T A System for Geographical and Spatial Data Exploration on the Internet %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P23-29 %P 23-29 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Chan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chan, Darin %A Roddick, John F. %D 2003 %T Context-Sensitive Mobile Database Summarisation %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P139-149 %P 139-149 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Chan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chan, Yau Lin %A Lim, Yu S. %A Feng, David D. %D 2003 %T Web-based Multimedia Collaboration System for Medical Images Analysis and Diagnosis %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P13 %P 13 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Chan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Ching-Lueh %A Lyuu, Yuh-Dauh %D 2009 %T Spreading of Messages in Random Graphs %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P3-7 %P 3-7 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Ching-Lueh %A Ti, Yen-Wu %A Lyuu, Yuh-Dauh %D 2008 %T Testing Embeddability Between Metric Spaces %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P117-124 %P 117-124 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Dempsey %A Dooley, Laurence %A Tuovinen, Juhani E. %D 2002 %T Gestalt Theory in Visual Screen Design - A New Look at an Old Subject %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P5-12 %P 5-12 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Dempsey %A Nesbitt, Keith V. %D 2005 %T Developing Gestalt-based Design Guidelines for Multi-sensory Displays %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P9-16 %P 9-16 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Dempsey %A Nesbitt, Keith V. %A Wilkins, Kevin %D 2007 %T The Gestalt Principles of Similarity and Proximity Apply to Both the Haptic and Visual Grouping of Elements %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P79-86 %P 79-86 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Hans %A Raffensperger, John F. %A Churcher, Neville %D 2004 %T Displaying Linear Programs and Their Solutions With XML and SVG %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P141-150 %P 141-150 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Hsuan T. %A Lo, Neng-Wen %A Lu, Wei C. %A Kuo, Chung J. %D 2003 %T Visualisation and Comparison of DNA Sequences by Use of Three-Dimensional Trajectories %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P81-85 %P 81-85 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Tao-Ku %A Hwang, Gwan-Hwan %D 2007 %T A Processing Model for the Optimal Querying of Encrypted XML Documents in XQuery %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P43-51 %P 43-51 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Yan %A Fu, Alan M.N. %A Yan, Hong %D 2002 %T A Hierarchical Approach in Multilevel Thresholding Based on Maximum Entropy and Bayes' Formula %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P109-113 %P 109-113 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Yan %A Fu, Alan M.N. %A Yan, Hong %A Zhao, Mansuo %D 2001 %T Comparison of Five Conditional Probabilities in 2-Level Image Threshold Based on Bayesian Formulation %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P79-81 %P 79-81 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Yan %A Yan, Hong %D 2003 %T An Effective Multilevel Thresholding Approach Using Conditional Probability Entropy and Genetic Algorithm %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P17 %P 17 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chang, Yen-Jen %A Ruan, Shanq-Jang %A Lai, Feipei %D 2002 %T Sentry Tag: An Efficient Filter Scheme for Low Power Cache %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P135-140 %P 135-140 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Chang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chapman, Roderick %D 2005 %T Correctness by Construction: a Manifesto for High Integrity Software %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P43-46 %P 43-46 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Chapman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chattaraj, Abhijit %A Williams, Hugh E. %D 2004 %T Variable-length Intervals in Homology Search %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P85-91 %P 85-91 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Chattaraj.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chau, Rowena %A Tsoi, Ah Chung %A Hagenbuchner, Markus %A Lee, Vincent %D 2009 %T A ConceptLink Graph for Text Structure Mining %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P129-137 %P 129-137 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Chau.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cheeseman, Paul %D 2008 %T Are We Making Progress? %B Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV100P3-9 %P 3-9 %S CRPIT %V 100 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV100Cheeseman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Dingyi %A Li, Xue %A Liu, Jing %A Chen, Xia %D 2009 %T Ranking-Constrained Keyword Sequence Extraction from Web Documents %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P161-169 %P 161-169 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Danny %A Wong, Raymond K. %D 2004 %T Optimizing The Lazy DFA Approach for XML Stream Processing %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P131-140 %P 131-140 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Ding-Yi %A Li, Xue %A Zhao Yang Dong %A Chen, Xia %D 2005 %T Determining the Fitness of a Document Model by Using Conflict Instances %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P125-133 %P 125-133 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Chen.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Chen, Fang %A Epps, Julien %D 2006 %T Multimodal User Interaction 2005. Proceedings of the NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 57 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Guocai %A Warren, James R. %A Evans, Joanne %D 2008 %T Automatically Generated Consumer Health Metadata Using Semantic Spaces %B Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %E Warren, James R. %E Yu, Ping %E Yearwood, John %E Patrick, Jon D. %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV80P9-15 %P 9-15 %S CRPIT %V 80 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV80Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Huiling %A Hu, Xiaohua %A Yoo, Illhoi %A Zhou, Huan-Xiang %D 2004 %T Classification Comparison of Prediction of Solvent Accessibility From Protein Sequences %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P333-338 %P 333-338 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Hsin-Ming %A Kao, Chung-Fu %A Huang, Ing-Jer %D 2002 %T Analysis of Hardware and Software Approaches to Embedded In-Circuit Emulation of Microprocessors %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P127-133 %P 127-133 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Jason %D 2007 %T Useful Clustering Outcomes from Meaningful Time Series Clustering %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P101-109 %P 101-109 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Jisong %A Chau, Rowena %A Yeh, Chung-Hsing %D 2004 %T Discovering Parallel Text from The World Wide Web %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P157-161 %P 157-161 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Jinjun %A Yang, Yun %D 2006 %T Key Research Issues in Grid Workflow Verification and Validation %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P97-104 %P 97-104 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Lin %A Nayak, Richi %D 2007 %T A Case Study of Failure Mode Analysis with Text Mining Methods %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P49-60 %P 49-60 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Liang-Hua %A Chin, Kuo-Hao %A Liao, Hong-Yuan %D 2008 %T An Integrated Approach to Video Retrieval %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P49-55 %P 49-55 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Chen.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %D 2003 %T Bioinformatics 2003. Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 19 %S CRPIT %0 Edited Book %A Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %D 2004 %T Bioinformatics 2004. Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %V 29 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Zhe %A Feng, David D. %A Cai, Tom Weidong %D 2003 %T Automatic Detection of PET Lesions %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P21 %P 21 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chen, Zhe %A Yu, Xiaomei %A Feng, David D. %D 2001 %T A Telemedicine System over Internet %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P113-115 %P 113-115 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Chen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cheng, Kelvin %A Pulo, Kevin %D 2003 %T Direct Interaction with Large-Scale Display Systems using Infrared Laser tracking Devices %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P67-74 %P 67-74 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Cheng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cheng, Kelvin %A Takatsuka, Masahiro %D 2005 %T Real-time Monocular Tracking of View Frustum for Large Screen Human-Computer Interaction %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P125-134 %P 125-134 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Cheng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cheong, Otfried %A Haverkorty, Herman %A Lee, Mira %D 2007 %T Computing a Minimum-Dilation Spanning Tree is NP-hard %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P15-24 %P 15-24 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Cheong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cheow, Peng Yew %A Governatori, Guido %D 2004 %T Representing and Reasoning on XForms Document %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P141-150 %P 141-150 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Cheow.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cherfi, Samira Si-said %A Akoka, Jacky %A Comyn-Wattiau, Isabelle %D 2007 %T Perceived vs. Measured Quality of Conceptual Schemas: An Experimental Comparison %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P185-190 %P 185-190 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Cherfi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chetty, Girija %A Wagner, Michael %D 2005 %T Audio-Visual Multimodal Fusion for Biometric Person Authentication and Liveness Verification %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P17-24 %P 17-24 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Chetty.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chetty, Girija %A Wagner, Michael %D 2006 %T Video to the Rescue %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P107-108 %P 107-108 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Chetty.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cheung, Kingsley %A Heiser, Gernot %D 2002 %T A Resource Management Framework for Priority-Based Physical-Memory Allocation %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P47-56 %P 47-56 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Cheung.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cheung, Sherman %A Chu, Xingchen %A Xu, Shengjin %A Buyya, Rajkumar %A Tu, Jiyuan %D 2007 %T A Grid Based e-Research Platform for Clinical Management in the Human Respiratory and Vascular System %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P11-17 %P 11-17 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Cheung.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chik, Desmond %D 2006 %T Using Optical Flow for Step Size Initialisation in Hand Tracking by Stochastic Optimisation %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P61-66 %P 61-66 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Chik.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chinneck, Paul %A Pumfrey, David %A McDermid, John %D 2004 %T The HEAT/ACT Preliminary Safety Case: A case study in the use of Goal Structuring Notation %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P33-41 %P 33-41 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Chinneck.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cho, Andrew %A Deva, Paresh %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2008 %T JWS: A Flexible Web Service %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P109-116 %P 109-116 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Cho.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cho, Sung-Bae %A Won, Hong-Hee %D 2003 %T Machine Learning in DNA Microarray Analysis for Cancer Classification %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P189-198 %P 189-198 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Cho.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Choi, Eric H.C. %D 2006 %T On Compensating the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients for Noisy Speech Recognition %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P49-54 %P 49-54 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Choi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Choi, Kelvin %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2007 %T Dynamic Measurement of Polymorphism %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P211-220 %P 211-220 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Choi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Choi, Ryan H. %A Wong, Raymond K. %D 2009 %T Efficient XQuery Join Processing in Publish/Subscribe Systems %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P97-106 %P 97-106 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Choi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chong, Suan Khai %A Farr, Graham %A Frost, Laura %A Hawley, Simon %D 2006 %T On pedagogically sound examples in public-key cryptography %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P63-68 %P 63-68 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Chong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chong, Wen Haw %D 2008 %T On Inconsistencies in Quantifying Strength of Community Structures %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P21-26 %P 21-26 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Chong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chou, Pauline LienHua %A Zhang, Xiuzhen %D 2003 %T Efficiently Computing the Top N Averages in Iceberg Cubes %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P101-109 %P 101-109 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Chou.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chow, Yang-Wai %A Pose, Ronald %A Regan, Matthew %D 2005 %T Large Object Segmentation with Region Priority Rendering %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P19-28 %P 19-28 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Chow.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chow, Yang-Wai %A Pose, Ronald %A Regan, Matthew %A Phillips, James %D 2006 %T Human Visual Perception of Region Warping Distortions %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P217-226 %P 217-226 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Chow.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Christen, Peter %D 2007 %T A Two-Step Classification Approach to Unsupervised Record Linkage %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P111-119 %P 111-119 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Christen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Christen, Peter %D 2007 %T Evaluation of a Graduate Level Data Mining Course with Industry Participants %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P233-241 %P 233-241 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Christen2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Christen, Peter %D 2008 %T Febrl - A Freely Available Record Linkage System with a Graphical User Interface %B Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %E Warren, James R. %E Yu, Ping %E Yearwood, John %E Patrick, Jon D. %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV80P17-25 %P 17-25 %S CRPIT %V 80 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV80Christen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Christen, Peter %A Gayler, Ross %D 2008 %T Towards Scalable Real-Time Entity Resolution using a Similarity-Aware Inverted Index Approach %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P51-60 %P 51-60 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Christen.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Christen, Peter %A Kennedy, Paul J. %A Li, Jiuyong %A Kolyshkina, Inna %A Williams, Graham J. %D 2007 %T Data Mining and Analytics 2007. Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %V 70 %O 978-1-920682-51-4 %0 Edited Book %A Christen, Peter %A Kennedy, Paul J. %A Li, Jiuyong %A Simoff, Simeon J. %A Williams, Graham J. %D 2006 %T Data Mining and Analytics 2006. Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 61 %O 1-920-68242-2 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chung, Voon-Li %A MacDonald, Chris S. %D 2002 %T The Development of a Distributed Capability System for VLOS %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P57-64 %P 57-64 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Chung.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Chung, Voon-Li %A McDonald, Chris %D 2003 %T Towards Customisable Tuple Field Matching in VLOS %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P317-323 %P 317-323 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Chung.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Churcher, Neville %A Churcher, Clare %D 2004 %T Information Visualisation 2004. Proceedings of the Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %V 35 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Churcher, Neville %A Creek, Alan %D 2001 %T Building Virtual Worlds with the Big-Bang Model %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P87-94 %P 87-94 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Churcher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Churcher, Neville %A Irwin, Warwick %D 2005 %T Informing the Design of Pipeline-Based Software Visualisations %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P59-68 %P 59-68 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Churcher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Churcher, Neville %A Irwin, Warwick %A Cook, Carl %D 2004 %T Inhomogeneous Force-Directed Layout Algorithms in the Visualisation Pipeline: From Layouts to Visualisations %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P43-51 %P 43-51 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Churcher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Churcher, Neville %A Irwin, Warwick %A Kriz, Ron %D 2003 %T Visualising Class Cohesion with Virtual Worlds %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P89-97 %P 89-97 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Churcher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ciavarella, Michael %A Moffat, Alistair %D 2004 %T Lossless Image Compression Using Pixel Reordering %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P125-132 %P 125-132 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Ciavarella.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cikara, S. %A Maj, S.P. %A Shaw, D.T. %D 2006 %T Modelling Layer 2 and Layer 3 Device Bandwidths using B-Node Theory %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P127-136 %P 127-136 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Cikara.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Citro, Sandy %A McGovern, Jim %A Ryan, Caspar %D 2007 %T Conflict Management For Real-Time Collaborative Editing in Mobile Replicated Architectures %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P115-124 %P 115-124 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Citro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clark, Nicole %D 2004 %T Peer Testing in Software Engineering Projects %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P41-48 %P 41-48 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Clark.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clark, Nicole %D 2005 %T Evaluating Student Teams Developing Unique Industry Projects %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P21-30 %P 21-30 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Clark1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clark, Nicole %A Davies, Pam %A Skeers, Rebecca %D 2005 %T Self and Peer Assessment in Software Engineering Projects %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P91-100 %P 91-100 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Clark2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clark, Ted %D 2003 %T Disadvantages of Collaborative Online Discussion and the Advantages of Sociability, Fun and Cliques for Online Learning %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P23-25 %P 23-25 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Clark.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clarke, Brett %D 2002 %T Corporate Curricula in Schools: Issues and Implementation %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P13-18 %P 13-18 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Clarke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clarke, Bill %A Czezowski, Adam %A Strazdins, Peter %D 2002 %T Implemention Aspects of a SPARC V9 Complete Machine Simulator %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P23-32 %P 23-32 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Clarke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clarke, Sally %A Thomas, Richard C. %A Adams, Michael %D 2005 %T Developing Case Studies to Enhance Student Learning %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P101-108 %P 101-108 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Clarke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clear, Tony %A Edwards, Jenny %A Lister, Raymond %A Simon, Beth %A Thompson, Errol %A Whalley, Jacqueline %D 2008 %T The teaching of novice computer programmers: bringing the scholarly-research approach to Australia %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P63-68 %P 63-68 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Clear.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Clear, Tony %A Kassabova, Diana %D 2005 %T Motivational Patterns in Virtual Team Collaboration %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P51-58 %P 51-58 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Clear.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Clifton, Chris %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %D 2002 %T Privacy, Security and Data Mining. Proceedings of the IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %V 14 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2004 %T Revisiting 2D vs 3D Implications on Spatial Memory %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P25-31 %P 25-31 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Cockburn.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2004 %T User Interfaces 2004. Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %V 28 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Coddington, Paul %A Galang, Gerson %A Kamleh, Waseem %A Leinweber, Derek %A Moskwa, Sam %A Patterson, Julia %A Wang, Qiang %A Wendelborn, Andrew %A Zhang, Shunde %A Zhang, Qunfang %D 2008 %T Experiences in Developing a Node of an International Computational Physics Data Grid %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P7-16 %P 7-16 %S CRPIT %V 82 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Coddington.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Coddington, Paul D. %A Lu, Lici %A Webb, Darren %A Wendelborn, Andrew L. %D 2003 %T Extensible Job Managers for Grid Computing %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P151-159 %P 151-159 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Coddington.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cohen, Jeremy %A Harder, Uli %A Ortuno, Fernando Martinez %A Richardson, Colin %A Darlington, John %D 2009 %T Node-level Architecture Design and Simulation of the MAGOG Grid Middleware %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P57-67 %P 57-67 %S CRPIT %V 99 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV99Cohen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Coldwell, Jo %D 2001 %T It is possible to teach computer ethics via distance education! %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P73-80 %P 73-80 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Coldwell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Coleman, Tom %A Teague, Vanessa %D 2007 %T On The Complexity of Manipulating Elections %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P25-33 %P 25-33 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Coleman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Colvin, R. %A Hayes, I. %A Hemer, David %A Strooper, Paul %D 2002 %T Translating Refined Logic Programs to Mercury %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P33-40 %P 33-40 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Colvin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Compton, Michael %D 2005 %T Stenning's Protocol Implemented in UDP and Verified in Isabelle %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P21-30 %P 21-30 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Compton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Conmy, Philippa %A McDermid, John A. %D 2001 %T High Level Failure Analysis for Integrated Modular Avionics %B Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV3P13-22 %P 13-22 %S CRPIT %V 3 %K CRPITVol3 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV3Conmy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Conmy, Philippa %A Nicholson, Mark %A McDermid, John %D 2004 %T Safety Assurance Contracts for Integrated Modular Avionics %B Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %E Lindsay, Peter %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV33P69-78 %P 69-78 %S CRPIT %V 33 %K CRPITVol33 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV33Conmy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Connelly, Simon %A Burmeister, Jay %A MacDonald, Anthony %A Hussey, Andrew %D 2001 %T Extending and Evaluating a Pattern Language for Safety-Critical User Interfaces %B Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV3P39-50 %P 39-50 %S CRPIT %V 3 %K CRPITVol3 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV3Connelly.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cook, Carl %A Churcher, Neville %D 2005 %T Modelling and Measuring Collaborative Software Engineering %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P267-276 %P 267-276 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Cook.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cook, Carl %A Churcher, Neville %D 2006 %T Constructing Real-Time Collaborative Software Engineering Tools Using CAISE, an Architecture for Supporting Tool Development %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P267-276 %P 267-276 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Cook.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cook, Deirdre %D 2003 %T The Question is No Longer 'If', but 'How Best', ICT can be Used in Early Years Practice %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P31-38 %P 31-38 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Cook.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cook, Deirdre %D 2003 %T 'Schoolish Things' or Playful Practices? ICT Use and Teachers' Views %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P123 %P 123 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cook, Duncan %A Hartnett, Jacky %A Manderson, Kevin %A Scanlan, Joel %D 2006 %T Catching Spam Before it Arrives: Domain Specific Dynamic Blacklists %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P193-202 %P 193-202 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Cook.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cooney, Dominic %A Dumas, Marlon %A Roe, Paul %D 2005 %T A Programming Language for Web Service Development %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P143-150 %P 143-150 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Cooney.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cooper, Brenton %A Montague, Paul %D 2005 %T Translation of Rights Expressions %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P137-144 %P 137-144 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Cooper.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cooper, David %A Khoo, Benjamin %A Konsky, Brian R. von %A Robey, Michael %D 2004 %T Java Implementation Verification Using Reverse Engineering %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P203-211 %P 203-211 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Cooper.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cope, Jared %A Craswell, Nick %A Hawking, David %D 2003 %T Automated Discovery of Search Interfaces on the Web %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P181-189 %P 181-189 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Cope.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Corman, Amy %A Schachte, Peter %A Teague, Vanessa %D 2007 %T QUIP: A Protocol For Securing Content in Peer-To-Peer Publish/Subscribe Overlay Networks %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P35-40 %P 35-40 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Corman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Coxson, Allan %A Jacob, Verghese %D 2008 %T 'When the Regulator Calls' %B Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV100P19-26 %P 19-26 %S CRPIT %V 100 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV100Coxson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Craig, Annemieke %D 2009 %T Intervention Programmes to Recruit Female Computing Students: Why Do Programme Champions Do It? %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P35-44 %P 35-44 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Craig.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cramp, Anthony %A Oudshoorn, Michael J. %D 2002 %T Employing Hierarchical Federation Communities in the Virtual Ship Architecture %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P41-49 %P 41-49 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Cramp.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Craswell, Nick %A Crimmins, Francis %A Hawking, David %A Moffat, Alistair %D 2004 %T Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P161-169 %P 161-169 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Craswell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cregan, Anne M. %D 2005 %T Towards a Science of Definition %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P25-32 %P 25-32 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Cregan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Crehan, Anna Corbo %D 2001 %T Mabo-Style Claims to the Radio Spectrum %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P94-98 %P 94-98 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Crehan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Crisp, David J. %A Perry, Peter %A Redding, Nicholas J. %D 2003 %T Fast Segmentation of Large Images %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P87-93 %P 87-93 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Crisp.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Croft, Bruce %D 2002 %T The Future of Web Search %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Crump, Barbara J. %D 2004 %T New Arrival Students: Mitigating Factors on the Culture of the Computing Learning Environment %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P49-56 %P 49-56 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Crump.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cui, Bin %A Shen, Heng Tao %A Shen, Jialie %A Tan, Kian-Lee %D 2005 %T Exploring Bit-Difference for Approximate KNN Search in High-dimensional Databases %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P165-174 %P 165-174 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Cui.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cunningham, Andrew %A Thomas, Bruce %D 2005 %T Target Motion Analysis Visualisation %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P81-90 %P 81-90 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Cunningham.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cunningham, Colleen %A Song, Il-Yeol %D 2007 %T A Taxonomy of Customer Relationship Management Analyses for Data Warehousing %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P97-102 %P 97-102 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Cunningham.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Cutts, Quintin %A Kennedy, Gregor E. %D 2005 %T Connecting Learning Environments Using Electronic Voting Systems %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P181-186 %P 181-186 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Cutts.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A D'Souza, Daryl %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Harland, James %A Muir, Peter %A Thevathayan, Charles %A Walker, Cecily %D 2008 %T Transforming learning of programming: a mentoring project %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P75-84 %P 75-84 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78DSouza.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A D'Souza, Daryl %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Harris, Michael C. %D 2007 %T Software Development Marketplaces - Implications for Plagiarism %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P27-33 %P 27-33 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66DSouza.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A da Silva, Geiza M. H. %A Rademaker, Alexandre %A de Vasconcelos, Davi Romero %A Amaral, Fernando N. %A Bazilio, Carlos %A Costa, Vaston %A Haeusler, Edward Hermann %D 2007 %T Dealing with the Formal Analysis of Information Security Policies through Ontologies : A Case Study %B Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Nayak, Abhaya C. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV85P55-60 %P 55-60 %S CRPIT %V 85 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV85daSilva.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dabrowski, Christopher %A Hunt, Fern %D 2009 %T Using Markov Chain Analysis to Study Dynamic Behaviour in Large-Scale Grid Systems %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P29-40 %P 29-40 %S CRPIT %V 99 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV99Dabrowski.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dagiene, Valentina %D 2003 %T Focus on the Pedagogical Dimension in ICT Literacy for Teachers %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P27-29 %P 27-29 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Dagiene.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Daiqin He, Daisy %A Compton, Michael %A Taylor, Kerry %A Yang, Jian %D 2009 %T What is Required in Business Collaboration? %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P107-116 %P 107-116 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92DaiqinHe.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dale, Robert %D 2004 %T Language Technology and Software Internationalisation %B Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004) %E Hogan, James %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P185 %P 185 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Dale.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dale, Robert %A Geldof, Sabine %A Prost, Jean-Philippe %D 2003 %T CORAL : Using Natural Language Generation for Navigational Assistance %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P35-44 %P 35-44 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Dale.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dale, Robert %A Molla-Aliod, Diego %A Schwitter, Rolf %D 2003 %T Natural Language Processing in the Undergraduate Curriculum %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P9-13 %P 9-13 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Dale.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dalrymple, Brian P. %A Wijffels, Gene %A Kongsuwan, Kritaya %A Jennings, Phil %D 2003 %T Towards an understanding of protein-protein interaction network heirarchies. Analysis of DnaN-binding peptide motifs in members of protein families interacting with the eubacterial processivity clamp, the subunit of DNA Polymerase III %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P153-162 %P 153-162 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Dalrymple.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dang, Xuan Hong %A Ng, Wee-Keong %A Ong, Kok-Leong %A Lee, Vincent C. S. %D 2007 %T Discovering Frequent Sets from Data Streams with CPU Constraint %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P121-128 %P 121-128 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Dang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dani, Anita %A Getta, Janusz %D 2005 %T Conceptual Modelling of Computations On Data Streams %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P43-48 %P 43-48 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Dani.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Daniels, Mats %A Berglund, Anders %A Pears, Arnold %D 2004 %T Five Myths of Assessment %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P57-61 %P 57-61 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Daniels.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Danko, Ondrej %A Skopal, Tomas %D 2009 %T Elliptic Indexing of Multidimensional Databases %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P87-95 %P 87-95 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Danko.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dantin, Ursula %D 2005 %T Application of Personas in User Interface Design for Educational Software %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P239-247 %P 239-247 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Dantin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dasgupta, Aniruddha %A Ghose, Aditya K. %D 2006 %T CASO: A Framework for dealing with objectives in a constraint-based extension to AgentSpeak(L) %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P121-126 %P 121-126 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Dasgupta.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Datta, Susmita %A Datta, Somnath %D 2004 %T An Empirical Bayes Adjustment to Multiple p-values for the Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Experiments %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P155-159 %P 155-159 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Datta.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dattasharma, Abhi %A Tripathi, Praveen Kumar %A G, Sridhar %D 2008 %T Identifying Stock Similarity Based on Multi-event Episodes %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P153-162 %P 153-162 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Dattasharma.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Davis, Lynne %A Hawkins, John %A Maetschke, Stefan R. %A Boden, Mikael %D 2006 %T Comparing SVM Sequence Kernels: A Subcellular Localization Theme %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P39-47 %P 39-47 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Davis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dawson, Jeremy E. %A Gore, Rajeev %D 2007 %T Termination of Abstract Reduction Systems %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P35-43 %P 35-43 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Dawson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dawson, Robert %A Boyd, Colin %A Dawson, Ed %A Gonzalez-Nieto, Juan Manuel %D 2006 %T SKMA - A Key Management Architecture for SCADA Systems %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P183-192 %P 183-192 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Dawson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Day, Adam %D 2009 %T On Process Complexity %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P29-34 %P 29-34 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Day.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dayalan, Saravanan %A Bevinakoppa, Savitri %A Schroder, Heiko %D 2004 %T A Dihedral Angle Database of Short Sub-sequences for Protein Structure Prediction %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P131-137 %P 131-137 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Dayalan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A de Laborda, Cristian Perez %A Conrad, Stefan %D 2005 %T Relational.OWL - A Data and Schema Representation Format Based on OWL %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P89-96 %P 89-96 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43deLaborda.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A de Raadt, Michael %A Lai, David %A Watson, Richard %D 2007 %T Incorporating programming strategies explicitly into curricula %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P41-52 %P 41-52 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88deRaadt2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A de Raadt, Michael %A Toleman, Mark %A Watson, Richard %D 2007 %T An evaluation of electronic individual peer assessment in an introductory programming course %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P53-64 %P 53-64 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88deRaadt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A de Raadt, Michael %A Watson, Richard %A Toleman, Mark %D 2003 %T Language Tug-Of-War: Industry Demand and Academic Choice %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P137-142 %P 137-142 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20deRaadt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A de Raadt, Michael %A Watson, Richard %A Toleman, Mark %D 2004 %T Introductory Programming: What's Happening Today and Will There Be Anyone to Teach Tomorrow? %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P277-282 %P 277-282 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30deRaadt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A de Raadt, Michael %A Watson, Richard %A Toleman, Mark %D 2006 %T Chick Sexing and Novice Programmers: Explicit Instruction of Problem Solving Strategies %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P55-62 %P 55-62 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52deRaadt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A de Raadt, Michael %A Watson, Richard %A Toleman, Mark %D 2009 %T Teaching and Assessing Programming Strategies Explicitly %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P55-64 %P 55-64 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95deRaadt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A de Silva, Lavindra %A Dekker, Anthony %A Harland, James %D 2007 %T Planning with Time Limits in BDI Agent Programming Languages %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P131-139 %P 131-139 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65deSilva.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A De Troyer, Olga %A Kleinermann, Frederic %A Pellens, Bram %A Bille, Wesley %D 2007 %T Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P3-18 %P 3-18 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83DeTroyer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dean, David %A Sridharan, Sridha %A Wark, Tim %D 2006 %T Audio-Visual Speaker Verification using Continuous Fused HMMs %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P87-92 %P 87-92 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Dean.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dekeyser, Stijn %A de Raadt, Michael %A Lee, Tien Yu %D 2007 %T Computer Assisted Assessment of SQL Query Skills %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P53-62 %P 53-62 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Dekeyser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dekeyser, Stijn %A Hidders, Jan %D 2004 %T Conflict Scheduling of Transactions on XML Documents %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P93-101 %P 93-101 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Dekeyser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dekeyser, Stijn %A Hidders, Jan %A Watson, Richard %A Addie, Ron %D 2006 %T Peer-to-Peer Form Based Web Information Systems %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P79-88 %P 79-88 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Dekeyser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dekeyser, Stijn %A Watson, Richard %A Motroen, Lasse %D 2008 %T Towards a Definition and Model for Metadata File Systems %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P17-26 %P 17-26 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Dekeyser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dekker, Anthony %D 2001 %T Visualisation of Social Networks Using CAVALIER %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P49-55 %P 49-55 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Dekker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dekker, Anthony H. %D 2005 %T Simulating Network Robustness for Critical Infrastructure Networks %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P59-68 %P 59-68 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Dekker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dekker, Anthony H. %A Colbert, Bernard %D 2005 %T The Symmetry Ratio of a Network %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P13-20 %P 13-20 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Dekker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dekker, Anthony H. %A Colbert, Bernard D. %D 2004 %T Network Robustness and Graph Topology %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P359-368 %P 359-368 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Dekker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Delwadia, Vipul %A Marshall, Stuart %A Welch, Ian %D 2009 %T Using Remotely Executing Software via a Mobile Device %B Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009) %E Weber, Gerald %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV93P3-8 %P 3-8 %S CRPIT %V 93 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV93Delwadia.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Deng, Da %A Zhang, Jianhua %A Purvis, Martin %D 2004 %T Visualisation and Comparison of Image Collections based on Self-organised Maps %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P97-102 %P 97-102 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Deng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Deng, Dixon D. S. %A El Gindy, Hossam %D 2002 %T High-speed Parameterisable Hough Transform Using Reconfigurable Hardware %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P51-57 %P 51-57 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Deng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Denning, Tim %A Fisher, Tony %A Higgins, Chris %A Loveless, Avril %A Tweats, Rob %D 2003 %T Thinking Skills and ICT Use in the Classroom? %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P31-33 %P 31-33 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Denning.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Denny %A Williams, Graham J. %A Christen, Peter %D 2007 %T Exploratory Multilevel Hot Spot Analysis: Australian Taxation Office Case Study %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P77-84 %P 77-84 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Denny.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Denny, Paul %A Luxton-Reilly, Andrew %A Hamer, John %D 2008 %T The PeerWise system of student contributed assessment questions %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P69-74 %P 69-74 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Denny.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Denny, Paul %A Luxton-Reilly, Andrew %A Simon, Beth %D 2009 %T Quality of Student Contributed Questions Using PeerWise %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P45-53 %P 45-53 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Denny.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Deogun, Jitender S. %A Donis, Ruben %A Komina, Olga %A Ma, Fangrui %D 2004 %T RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with Simple Pseudoknots %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P239-246 %P 239-246 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Deogun2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Deogun, Jitender S. %A Ma, Fangrui %A Yang, Jingyi %D 2004 %T EMAGEN: An Efficient Approach to Multiple Whole Genome Alignment %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P113-122 %P 113-122 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Deogun1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Deray, Kristine %D 2002 %T Avatars: A Shifting Interaction %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P129-138 %P 129-138 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Deray.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dermoudy, Julian %D 2003 %T A Novel Approach to Parenting in Functional Program Evaluation %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P217-226 %P 217-226 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Dermoudy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dessmark, Anders %A Jansson, Jesper %A Lingas, Andrzej %A Lundell, Eva-Marta %A Persson, Mia %D 2006 %T On the Approximability of Maximum and Minimum Edge Clique Partition Problems %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P101-105 %P 101-105 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Dessmark.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Diaconescu, Roxana E. %D 2002 %T Distributed Component Architecture for Scientific Applications %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P81-89 %P 81-89 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Diaconescu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Diebold, Boris %A Kaufmann, Michael %D 2001 %T Usage-based Visualization of Web Locations %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P159-164 %P 159-164 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Diebold.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dillon, Tharam %A Chang, Elizabeth %A Hadzic, Maja %A Wongthongtham, Pornpit %D 2008 %T Differentiating Conceptual Modelling from Data Modelling, Knowledge Modelling and Ontology Modelling and a Notation for Ontology Modelling %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P7-17 %P 7-17 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Dillon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ding, Yi %A Li, Xue %A Orlowska, Maria E. %D 2006 %T Recency-Based Collaborative Filtering %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P99-107 %P 99-107 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Ding.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Disseldorp, Bronwyn %A Chambers, Dianne %D 2003 %T Selecting the Right Technology for Students in a Changing Teaching Environment : A Case Study %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P35-36 %P 35-36 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Disseldorp.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dittenbach, Michael %A Berger, Helmut %A Merkl, Dieter %D 2004 %T Improving Domain Ontologies by Mining Semantics from Text %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P91-100 %P 91-100 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Dittenbach.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ditze, Michael %A Altenbernd, Peter %A Loeser, Chris %D 2004 %T Improving Resource Utilization for MPEG-4 Decoding in Embedded End-Devices %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P133-142 %P 133-142 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Ditze.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A do Nascimento, Hugo A.D. %D 2001 %T A Framework for Human-Computer Interaction in Directed Graph Drawing %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P63-69 %P 63-69 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Nascimento.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A do Nascimento, Hugo A.D. %A Eades, Peter %D 2001 %T A System for Graph Clustering Based on User Hints %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P73-74 %P 73-74 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Nascimento.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A do Nascimento, Hugo A.D. %A Eades, Peter %D 2003 %T User Hints for Map Labelling %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P339-347 %P 339-347 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16doNascimento.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dobbie, Gillian %D 2004 %T Databases, But Not As We Know Them %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P11-13 %P 11-13 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Dobbie.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Dobbie, Gillian %D 2007 %T Computer Science 2007. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %V 62 %O 1-920-68243-0 %0 Edited Book %A Dobbie, Gillian %A Bailey, James %D 2006 %T Database Technologies 2006. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 49 %O 1-920682-31-7 %0 Edited Book %A Dobbie, Gillian %A Mans, Bernard %D 2008 %T Computer Science 2008. Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 74 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dobbie, Gillian %A Sun, Jing %A Li, Yuan Fang %A Lee, Scott U. K. Jin %D 2007 %T Towards Verifying Semistructured Data %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P11-14 %P 11-14 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Dobbie.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Doerr, Martin %A Ore, Christian-Emil %A Stead, Stephen %D 2007 %T The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model - A New Standard for Knowledge Sharing %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P51-56 %P 51-56 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Doerr.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Doherty, Michelle %A Bordes, Nicole %A Hugh, Thomas %A Pailthorpe, Bernard %D 2003 %T 3D Visualisation of Tumours and Blood Vessels in Human Liver %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P27 %P 27 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Doherty.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dong, Ce %A Bailey, James %D 2004 %T Static Analysis of XSLT Programs %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P151-160 %P 151-160 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Dong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Donohoo, Andrew %A Richards, Debbie %D 2002 %T Layered Earth Inversion Visual Toolkit: A Scientific Visualisation Case Study %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P93-101 %P 93-101 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Donohoo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dowling, Carolyn %D 2001 %T Intelligent Agents: Some Ethical Issues and Dilemmas %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P28-32 %P 28-32 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Dowling.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dowling, Carolyn %D 2003 %T The Role of the Human Teacher in Learning Environments of the Future %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P37-38 %P 37-38 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Dowling.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dowling, Greg %A Tickle, Alan %A Stark, Karen %A Rowe, Jillian %A Godat, Meredith %D 2005 %T Animation of Complex Data Communications Concepts May Not Always Yield improved Learning Outcomes. %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P151-154 %P 151-154 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Dowling.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Downes, Toni %D 2003 %T The Playable Computer: Young Children's Home Computing Experiences %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P125 %P 125 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Edited Book %A Downey, Rod %A Manyem, Prabhu %D 2009 %T Theory of Computing 2009. Proc Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 94 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Downey, Rodney G. %A McCartin, Catherine %D 2005 %T Bounded Persistence Pathwidth %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P51-56 %P 51-56 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Downey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Doyle, Bernard %A Lister, Raymond %D 2007 %T Why Teach Unix? %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P19-25 %P 19-25 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Doyle.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Drago, Sara %A Bogdanovych, Anton %A Ancona, Massimo %A Simoff, Simeon %A Sierra, Carles %D 2007 %T From Graphs to Euclidean Virtual Worlds: Visualization of 3D Electronic Institutions %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P25-33 %P 25-33 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Drago.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Drury, Helen %A Kay, Judy %A Losberg, Warren %D 2003 %T Student satisfaction with groupwork in undergraduate computer science : do things get better? %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P77-85 %P 77-85 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Drury.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Du, Jiang %A Woo, Chaw-Seng %A Pham, Binh %D 2005 %T Recovery of Watermark Using Differential Affine Motion Estimation %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P81-88 %P 81-88 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Du.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Du, Rong %A Foo, Ernest %A Boyd, Colin %A Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond %D 2006 %T Formal Analysis of Secure Contracting Protocol for E-Tendering %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P155-164 %P 155-164 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Du.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Du, Rong %A Foo, Ernest %A Boyd, Colin %A Fitzgerald, Brian %D 2004 %T Defining Security Services for Electronic Tendering %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P43-52 %P 43-52 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Du.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Du, Wenliang %A Zhan, Zhijun %D 2002 %T Building Decision Tree Classifier on Private Data %B IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %E Clifton, Chris %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %F CRPITV14P1-8 %P 1-8 %S CRPIT %V 14 %K CRPITVol14 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV14Du.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Duignan, Matthew %A Biddle, Robert %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2003 %T Evaluating Scalable Vector Graphics for Use in Software Visualisation %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P127-136 %P 127-136 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Duignan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Duke, David %D 2001 %T Modular Techniques in Information Visualization %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P11-18 %P 11-18 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Duke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dukka, Bahadur K.C. %A Akutsu, Tatsuya %A Seki, Tomokazu %A Tomita, Etsuji %D 2004 %T Protein Side-chain Packing Problem: A Maximum Edge-weight Clique Algorithmic Approach %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P191-200 %P 191-200 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Dukka.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Duncombe, David %A Mohay, George %A Clark, Andrew %D 2006 %T Synapse: Auto-correlation and Dynamic Attack Redirection in an Immunologically-inspired IDS %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P135-144 %P 135-144 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Duncombe.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dunn, Adam %D 2003 %T Environment-Independent Performance Analyses of Cryptographic Algorithms %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P265-274 %P 265-274 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Dunn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dunne, Lucy E. %A Brady, Sarah %A Tynan, Richard %A Lau, Kim %A Smyth, Barry %A Diamond, Dermot %A O'Hare, G. M. P. %D 2006 %T Garment-Based Body Sensing Using Foam Sensors %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P165-171 %P 165-171 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Dunne.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Duong, Maggie %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2005 %T LSDX: A New Labelling Scheme for Dynamically Updating XML Data %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P185-193 %P 185-193 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Duong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Duong, Maggie %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2008 %T An Integrated Access Control for Securely Querying and Updating XML Data %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P75-83 %P 75-83 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Duong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dwyer, Joanne %D 2003 %T Computer Based Learning in NSW Primary Schools. Early Childhood v's Primary %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P127 %P 127 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dwyer, Tim %D 2001 %T Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P77-85 %P 77-85 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Dwyer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dwyer, Tim %D 2003 %T A Scalable Method for Visualising Changes in Portfolio Data %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P17-25 %P 17-25 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Dwyer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dwyer, Tim %D 2005 %T Extending the WilmaScope 3D Graph Visualisation System - Software Demonstration %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P39-45 %P 39-45 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Dwyer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dwyer, Tim %A Hong, Seok-Hee %A Koschuetzki, Dirk %A Schreiber, Falk %A Xu, Kai %D 2006 %T Visual Analysis of Network Centralities %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P189-197 %P 189-197 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Dwyer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dwyer, Tim %A Rolletschek, Hardy %A Schreiber, Falk %D 2004 %T Representing Experimental Biological Data in Metabolic Networks %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P13-20 %P 13-20 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Dwyer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Dwyer, Tim %A Schreiber, Falk %D 2004 %T Optimal Leaf Ordering for Two and a Half Dimensional Phylogenetic Tree Visualisation %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P109-115 %P 109-115 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Dwyer.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Eades, Peter %A Jin, Jesse %D 2001 %T Visualisation 2000. Proceedings of the Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 2 %0 Edited Book %A Eades, Peter %A Pattison, Tim %D 2001 %T Information Visualisation 2001. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation (invis.au 2001) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 9 %P %S %O 0-909-92587-9 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Eades, Peter %A Shen, Xiaobin %D 2004 %T MoneyTree: Ambient Information Visualization Of Financial Data %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P15-18 %P 15-18 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Eades.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Eales, R. T. Jim %D 2004 %T A Knowledge Management Approach to User Support %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P33-38 %P 33-38 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Eales.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Edwards, Brett %A Zatorsky, Michael %A Nayak, Richi %D 2008 %T Clustering and Classification of Maintenance Logs using Text Data Mining %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P193-199 %P 193-199 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Edwards.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Edwards, C. B. H. %D 2008 %T The Role of the Evaluator in Australian Defence Standard Def (Aust) 5679 %B Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV100P27-35 %P 27-35 %S CRPIT %V 100 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV100Edwards.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Egea, Kathy %D 2003 %T Managing the managers: Collaborative virtual teams with large staff and student numbers %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P87-94 %P 87-94 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Egea.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ehrig, Marc %A Koschmider, Agnes %A Oberweis, Andreas %D 2007 %T Measuring Similarity between Semantic Business Process Models %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P71-80 %P 71-80 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Ehrig.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Eisman, Gerry %A Ravikumar, B. %D 2005 %T Approximate Recognition of Non-regular Languages by Finite Automata %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P219-228 %P 219-228 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Eisman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Eitrich, Tatjana %A Lang, Bruno %D 2006 %T On The Optimal Working Set Size in Serial and Parallel Support Vector Machine Learning With The Decomposition Algorithm %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P121-128 %P 121-128 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Eitrich.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A ElGindy, Hossam %A Ferizis, George %D 2004 %T On Improving the Memory Access Patterns During The Execution of Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Algorithm %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P109-115 %P 109-115 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26ElGindy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ellims, Michael %D 2004 %T On Wheels, Nuts and Software %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P67-76 %P 67-76 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Ellims.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Elliott, Alison %D 2003 %T Reflections and Directions: Transforming Early Childhood Pedagogies with Learning Technologies %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P129 %P 129 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Elmasry, Amr %A Jensen, Claus %A Katajainen, Jyrki %D 2007 %T On the Power of Structural Violations in Priority Queues %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P45-53 %P 45-53 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Elmasry.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Elms, Kim %D 2004 %T Internationalisation in the Web Services Domain %B Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004) %E Hogan, James %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P195 %P 195 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Elms.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Embley, David W. %D 2004 %T Towards Semantic Understanding - An Approach Based on Information Extraction Ontologies %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Embley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Enkhsaikhan, Majigsuren %A Wong, Wilson %A Liu, Wei %A Reynolds, Mark %D 2007 %T Measuring Data-Driven Ontology Changes using Text Mining %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P39-46 %P 39-46 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Enkhsaikhan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Epps, Julien %A Ambikairajah, Eliathamby %D 2005 %T Visualisation of Reduced-Dimension Microarray Data Using Gaussian Mixture Models %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P141-146 %P 141-146 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Epps.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Eremin, Evgeny A. %D 2007 %T Using topic map technology in the planning of courses from the CS knowledge domain %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P179-182 %P 179-182 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Eremin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Erlinger, Michael A. %A Molle, Mart %A Winters, Titus %A Lundberg, Chris %A Shea, Roy %D 2004 %T TinkerNet: A Low-Cost Networking Laboratory %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P63-67 %P 63-67 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Erlinger.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Erwin, Alva %A Gopalan, Raj P. %A Achuthan, N. R. %D 2007 %T A Bottom-Up Projection Based Algorithm for Mining High Utility Itemsets %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P3-10 %P 3-10 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Erwin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Espinosa, Linda M. %D 2003 %T Using Technology to Support the Learning and Social Development of Young Children %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P131 %P 131 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Edited Book %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %D 2004 %T Computer Science 2004. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %V 26 %0 Edited Book %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %D 2005 %T Computer Science 2005. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %V 38 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %A Clifton, Chris %D 2002 %T Preface: Proceedings of the ICDM 2002 Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining %B IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %E Clifton, Chris %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %F CRPITV14Pvii-ix %P vii-ix %S CRPIT %V 14 %K CRPITVol14 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV14EstivillCastro.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %A Dobbie, Gillian %D 2006 %T Computer Science 2006. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 48 %O 1-920682-30-9 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %A Parsa, Mahdi %D 2009 %T Computing Nash Equilibria Gets Harder: New Results Show Hardness Even for Parameterized Complexity %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P81-87 %P 81-87 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94EstivillCastro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Evered, Mark %D 2002 %T Bracket Capabilities for Distributed Systems Security %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P51-58 %P 51-58 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Evered.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Evered, Mark %D 2002 %T Opsis - A Distributed Object Architecture Based on Bracket Capabilities %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P63-70 %P 63-70 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Evered.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Evered, Mark %D 2003 %T Flexible Enterprise Access Control with Object-oriented View Specification %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P17-24 %P 17-24 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21AEvered.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Evered, Mark %A Bogeholz, Serge %D 2004 %T A Case Study in Access Control Requirements for a Health Information System %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P53-61 %P 53-61 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Evered.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Everts, Timothy J. %A Park, Sung Sik %A Kang, Byeong Ho %D 2006 %T Using Formal Concept Analysis with an Incremental Knowledge Acquisition System for Web Document Management %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P247-256 %P 247-256 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Everts.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fagin, Ronald %D 2009 %T Finite Model Theory and its Origins %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 96 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Falkner, Katrina %A Munro, David S. %D 2009 %T Easing the Transition: A Collaborative Learning Approach %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P65-74 %P 65-74 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Falkner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fallis, Don %D 2004 %T Social Epistemology and the Digital Divide %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P79-84 %P 79-84 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Fallis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fan, Hongjian %A Ramamohanarao, Kotagiri %D 2003 %T A Bayesian Approach to Use Emerging Patterns for Classification %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P39-48 %P 39-48 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Fan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Farago, Andras %D 2009 %T Structural Properties of Random Graph Models %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P129-136 %P 129-136 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Farago.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Faulconbridge, Ian %A Pickering, Mark %A Ryan, Mike %D 2006 %T Unsupervised band removal leading to improved classification accuracy of hyperspectral images %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P43-48 %P 43-48 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Faulconbridge.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fauvet, M.-C. %A Dumas, M. %A Rabhi, F. %A Benatallah, Boualem %D 2003 %T Patterns for e-service composition %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P37 %P 37 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Fauvet.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Feiner, Steven %D 2007 %T On Beyond GUI %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 64 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fekete, Alan %D 2003 %T Using Counter-Examples in the Data Structures Course %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P179-186 %P 179-186 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Fekete.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fekete, Alan %A Greenfield, Paul %A Kuo, Dean %A Jang, Julian %D 2003 %T Transactions in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P7-12 %P 7-12 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Fekete.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Fekete, Alan %A Lin, Xuemin %D 2008 %T Database Technologies 2008. Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 75 %O 978-1-920682-56-9 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Feng, David D. %D 2004 %T Molecular Imaging and Biomedical Process Modeling %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P5-10 %P 5-10 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Feng.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Feng, David Dagan %A Jin, Jesse %A Eades, Peter %A Yan, Hong %D 2002 %T Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 11 %O 0-909-92589-5 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fenwick, Joel %A Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %D 2007 %T Mutually Visible Agents in a Discrete Environment %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P141-150 %P 141-150 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Fenwick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ferrarotti, Flavio A. %A Turull-Torres, Jose Maria %D 2004 %T On the Computation of Approximations of Database Queries %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P27-37 %P 27-37 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Ferrarotti.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ferreira, Jennifer %A Barr, Pippin %A Noble, James %D 2005 %T The Semiotics of User Interface Redesign %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P47-53 %P 47-53 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Ferreira.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ferreira, Jennifer %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2006 %T A Case for Iconic Icons %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P97-100 %P 97-100 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Ferreira.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ferreira, Joelma de Moura %A do Nascimento, Hugo A. Dantas %A de Albuquerque, Eduardo Simoes %D 2006 %T Interactive Optimization in Cooperative Environments %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P117-120 %P 117-120 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Ferreira.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fetherston, Tony %D 2002 %T What Information and Communication Technologies Courses Should Be Taught at a New Senior College? %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P19-22 %P 19-22 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Fetherston.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fidge, Colin %D 2008 %T Relative Simulation and Model Checking of Real-Time Processes %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P157-165 %P 157-165 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Fidge.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fidge, Colin %A McComb, Tim %D 2006 %T Tracing Information Flow Through Mode Changes %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P303-310 %P 303-310 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Fidge.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fidge, Colin %A Teague, Donna %D 2009 %T Losing Their Marbles: Syntax-Free Programming for Assessing Problem-Solving Skills %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P75-82 %P 75-82 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Fidge.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fiedler, Gunar %A Raak, Thomas %A Thalheim, Bernhard %D 2005 %T Database Collaboration Instead of Integration %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Fiedler.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Figueroa, Andres %A Goldstein, Avraham %A Jiang, Tao %A Kurowski, Maciej %A Lingas, Andrzej %A Persson, Mia %D 2005 %T Approximate Clustering of Fingerprint Vectors with Missing Values %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P57-60 %P 57-60 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Figueroa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Figueroa, Alejandro %A Neumann, Gunter %D 2007 %T Mining Web Snippets to Answer List Questions %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P61-71 %P 61-71 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Figueroa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Filsell, Jenny %A Barnes, Alan %D 2002 %T Researching Pedagogy and Teaching Methodologies that Transform Student Learning in South Australian Classrooms %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P23-30 %P 23-30 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Filsell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fincher, Sally %A Lister, Raymond %A Pears, Arnold %A Sheard, Judy %A Tenenberg, Josh %A Young, Alison %D 2006 %T Multi-Institutional Teaching Communities in Computer Education %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P7-10 %P 7-10 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Fincher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Finegan, Andrew %A Tutty, Jodi %A White, Barbera %D 2006 %T Information Technology Online: A Knowledge Framework for Curriculum Externalisation %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P63-70 %P 63-70 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Finegan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Finkel, Raphael A. %A Zaslavsky, Arkady %A Monostori, Krisztian %A Schmidt, Heinz %D 2002 %T Signature Extraction for Overlap Detection in Documents %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P59-64 %P 59-64 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 SPJRP %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Finkel.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fischmeister, Sebastian %A Menkhaus, Guido %A Pree, Wolfgang %D 2002 %T MUSA-Shadow: Concepts, Implementation and Sample Applications - A Location-Based Service Supporting Multiple Devices %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P71-79 %P 71-79 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Fischmeister.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fisher, Damien K. %A Lam, Franky %A Shui, William M. %A Wong, Raymond K. %D 2006 %T Dynamic Labeling Schemes for Ordered XML Based on Type Information %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P59-68 %P 59-68 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Fisher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fishkin, Aleksei V. %A Gerber, Olga %A Jansen, Klaus %A Solis-Oba, Roberto %D 2005 %T On Packing Squares with Resource Augmentation: Maximizing the Profit %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P61-67 %P 61-67 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Fishkin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Flake, Stephan %D 2004 %T Towards the Completion of the Formal Semantics of OCL 2.0 %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P73-82 %P 73-82 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Flake.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Flint, Shayne %A Gardner, Henry %A Boughton, Clive %D 2004 %T Executable/Translatable UML in Computing Education %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P69-75 %P 69-75 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Flint.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Floridi, Luciano %D 2004 %T Informational Realism %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P7-12 %P 7-12 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Floridi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fluck, Andrew %D 2003 %T Why Isn't ICT as Effective as it Ought To Be in School Education? %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P39-41 %P 39-41 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Fluck.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Foo, Jun Jie %A Sinha, Ranjan %D 2007 %T Pruning SIFT for Scalable Near-duplicate Image Matching %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P63-71 %P 63-71 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Foo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Foster, Ian %D 2009 %T Computing Outside the Box %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 91 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Foster, Ian %D 2009 %T Computing Outside the Box %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 99 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Francis, Lishoy %A Sirett, William G. %A Mayes, Keith %A Markantonakis, Konstantinos %D 2005 %T Countermeasures for Attacks on Satellite TV Cards using Open Receivers %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P153-158 %P 153-158 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Francis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Franco, Luis %A Sahama, Tony %A Croll, Peter %D 2008 %T Security Enhanced Linux to Enforce Mandatory Access Control in Health Information Systems %B Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %E Warren, James R. %E Yu, Ping %E Yearwood, John %E Patrick, Jon D. %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV80P27-33 %P 27-33 %S CRPIT %V 80 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV80Franco.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fraser, R. %A Rankine, T. %A Woodcock, R. %D 2007 %T Service Oriented Grid Architecture for Geosciences Community %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P19-23 %P 19-23 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Fraser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Frasincar, Flavius %A Houben, Geert-Jan %A Pau, Cristian %D 2002 %T XAL: An Algebra For XML Query Optimization %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P49-56 %P 49-56 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Frasincar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Frattolillo, Franco %A D'Onofrio, Salvatore %D 2005 %T Applying Web Oriented Technologies to Implement an Adaptive Spread Spectrum Watermarking Procedure and a Flexible DRM Platform %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P159-167 %P 159-167 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Frattolillo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Freeman, Darren %A Knowles, Greg %D 2003 %T Hardware Acceleration of JPEG2000 Image Compression for Low-Power Embedded Applications %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P325-331 %P 325-331 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Freeman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Freeman, Isaac J. %A Plimmer, Beryl %D 2007 %T Connector Semantics for Sketched Diagram Recognition %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P71-78 %P 71-78 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Freeman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Freischlad, Stefan %D 2007 %T Exploration module for understanding the functionality of the internet in secondary education %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P183-186 %P 183-186 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Freischlad.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Friedrich, Carsten %A Schreiber, Falk %D 2004 %T Flexible Layering in Hierarchical Drawings with Nodes of Arbitrary Size %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P369-376 %P 369-376 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Friedrich.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Frikken, Keith %A Atallah, Mikhail J. %A Bykova, Marina %D 2005 %T Remote Revocation of Smart Cards in a Private DRM System %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P169-178 %P 169-178 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Frikken.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fu, Jung-Sheng %A Chen, Gen-Huey %D 2002 %T Pancycles and Hamiltonian-Connectedness of the Hierarchical Cubic Network %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P7-16 %P 7-16 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Fu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fu, Xiaoyan %A Li, Dahai %D 2005 %T Haptic Shoes: Representing Information By Vibration %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P47-50 %P 47-50 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Fu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fuad, Mohammed M. %A Oudshoorn, Michael J. %D 2002 %T AdJava - Automatic Distribution of Java Applications %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P65-75 %P 65-75 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Fuad.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fuericht, Reinhard %A Prahofer, Herbert %A Hofinger, Thomas %A Altmann, Josef %D 2002 %T A Component-Based Application Framework for Manufacturing Execution Systems in C# and .NET %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P169-178 %P 169-178 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Fuericht.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fukuda, Ken Ichiro %A Takagi, Toshihisa %D 2004 %T A Pathway Editor for Literature-based Knowledge Curation %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P339-344 %P 339-344 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Fukuda.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fukuhara, Hideaki %A Takimoto, Eiji %D 2009 %T Lower Bounds on Quantum Query Complexity for Read-Once Decision Trees with Parity Nodes %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P89-98 %P 89-98 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Fukuhara.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fule, Peter %A Roddick, John F. %D 2004 %T Detecting Privacy and Ethical Sensitivity in Data Mining Results %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P159-166 %P 159-166 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Fule.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fule, Peter %A Roddick, John F. %D 2004 %T Experiences in Building a Tool for Navigating Association Rule Result Sets %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P103-108 %P 103-108 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Fule.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fuller, Ursula %A Keim, Bob %D 2007 %T Should we assess our students' attitudes? %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P187-190 %P 187-190 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Fuller.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fung, Peggy %A Kwok, Lam-for %A Longley, Dennis %D 2003 %T Electronic Information Security Documentation %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P25-31 %P 25-31 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21AFung.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Furness III, Thomas A. %D 2006 %T A Quest For The Ultimate Interface %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 50 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fusenig, Volker %A Spiewak, Dagmara %A Engel, Thomas %D 2008 %T Acimn: A protocol for Anonymous Communication In Multi hop wireless networks %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P107-114 %P 107-114 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Fusenig.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fusenig, Volker %A Staab, Eugen %A Sorger, Uli %A Engel, Thomas %D 2009 %T Slotted Packet Counting Attacks on Anonymity Protocols %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P53-59 %P 53-59 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Fusenig.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Fuster-Sabater, Amparo %A Caballero-Gil, Pino %D 2008 %T Linear Cellular Automata as Discrete Models for Generating Cryptographic Sequences %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P47-52 %P 47-52 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81FusterSabater.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gaber, Mohamed Medhat %A Krishnaswamy, Shonali %A Zaslavsky, Arkady %D 2004 %T Cost-Efficient Mining Techniques for Data Streams %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P109-114 %P 109-114 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Gaber.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Galloway, John %A Simoff, Simeon J. %D 2006 %T Network Data Mining: Methods and Techniques for Discovering Deep Linkage between Attributes %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P21-32 %P 21-32 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Galloway.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ganguly, Pronab %A Rabhi, Fethi A. %A Ray, Pradeep K. %D 2003 %T Bridging Semantic Gap %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P59 %P 59 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Ganguly.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ganguly, Sumit %D 2009 %T Distributing Frequency-Dependent Data Stream Computations %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P161-167 %P 161-167 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Ganguly.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gani, Hendrik %A Ryan, Caspar %D 2009 %T Improving the Transparency of Proxy Injection in Java %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P43-52 %P 43-52 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Gani.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gao, Peng %A van der Meyden, Ron %D 2007 %T A Linear Time Algorithm for Pricing European Sequential Barrier Options %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P55-62 %P 55-62 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Gao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gao, Wenying Wendy %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2003 %T Multimedia Index and Retrieval Under MARC Framework %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P33 %P 33 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Gao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Garcia, Steven %A Cannane, Adam %A Williams, Hugh E. %D 2004 %T Access-Ordered Indexes %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P7-14 %P 7-14 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Garcia.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Garcia-Remesal, Miguel %A Gil, Pedro %A Maojo, Victor %A Billhardt, Holger %A Crespo, Jose %D 2007 %T SAT & ZB: Novel Tools to Acquire and Browse Conceptual Schemas from Public Online Databases for Biomedical Applications %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P65-70 %P 65-70 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83GarciaRemesal.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gardner, Henry %A Johnson, Chris W. %A Leach, Geoff %A Vuylsteker, Pascal %D 2005 %T eScience Curricula at Two Australian Universities %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P211-216 %P 211-216 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Gardner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gardner, Henry %A Lifeng, Duan %A Wang, Qing %A Zhou, Guyin %D 2006 %T Line Drawing in Virtual Reality using a Game Pad %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P177-180 %P 177-180 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Gardner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Garg, Saurabh Kumar %A Buyya, Rajkumar %A Siegel, H. J. %D 2009 %T Scheduling Parallel Applications on Utility Grids: Time and Cost Trade-off Management %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P139-147 %P 139-147 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Garg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Garlan, David %A Schmerl, Bradley %D 2006 %T Architecture-driven Modelling and Analysis %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P3-17 %P 3-17 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Garlan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Garner, Sandy %A Haden, Patricia %A Robins, Anthony %D 2005 %T My Program is Correct But it Doesn't Run: A Preliminary Investigation of Novice Programmers' Problems %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P173-180 %P 173-180 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Garner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gartner, J. U. %D 2006 %T Certified Software Factory: Open Software Toolsuites, Safe Methodologies and System Architectures %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P19-22 %P 19-22 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Gartner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ge, Esther %A Nayak, Richi %A Xu, Yue %A Li, Yuefeng %D 2006 %T Data Mining For Lifetime Prediction of Metallic Components %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P75-81 %P 75-81 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Ge.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gebauer, Heidi %A Okamoto, Yoshio %D 2007 %T Fast Exponential-Time Algorithms for the Forest Counting in Graph Classes %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P63-69 %P 63-69 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Gebauer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Georgakopoulos, Dimitrios %D 2009 %T Engineering Agile Systems %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P5 %P 5 %S CRPIT %V 92 %0 Conference Proceedings %A George, Susan E. %D 2002 %T Learning and the Reflective Journal in Computer Science %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P77-86 %P 77-86 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4George.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ghandar, Adam %A Sajeev, A.S.M %A Huang, Xiaodi %D 2006 %T Pattern Puzzle: A Metaphor for Visualizing Software Complexity Measures %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P221-224 %P 221-224 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Ghandar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ghose, Aditya %A Koliadis, George %D 2008 %T Model Eco-Systems: Preliminary Work %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P19-26 %P 19-26 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Ghose.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ghous, Hamid %A Kennedy, Paul J. %A Catchpoole, Daniel R. %A Simoff, Simeon J. %D 2008 %T Kernel-based Visualisation of Genes with the Gene Ontology %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P133-140 %P 133-140 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Ghous.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gibbs, Donna %A Roberts, Susan %D 2003 %T A Jump-start in Learning? Young Children's Use of CDRom Technology %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P39-47 %P 39-47 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Gibbs.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gill, Rupinder %A Smith, Jason %A Clark, Andrew %D 2006 %T Experiences in Passively Detecting Session Hijacking Attacks in IEEE 802.11 Networks %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P221-230 %P 221-230 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Gill.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gilmour, Stephen %A Dras, Mark %D 2005 %T A Two-Pronged Attack on the Dragon of Intractability %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P183-192 %P 183-192 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Gilmour.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gipps, John %D 2002 %T Data Logging and Inquiry Learning in Science %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P31-34 %P 31-34 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Gipps.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Glynn, Erica %A Hayes, Ian %A MacDonald, Anthony %D 2005 %T Integration of generic program analysis tools into a software development environment %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P249-258 %P 249-258 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Glynn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Godfrey, Bob %D 2001 %T Electronic Work Monitoring: An Ethical Model %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P18-21 %P 18-21 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Godfrey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Godinet, Helene %D 2003 %T Distant Actors On a Digital Campus, or Sharing and Crumbling Pedagogical Responsibility %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P43-45 %P 43-45 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Godinet.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goecke, Roland %D 2005 %T Audio-Video Automatic Speech Recognition: An Example of Improved Performance through Multimodal Sensor Input %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P25-32 %P 25-32 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Goecke.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Goecke, Roland %A Robles-Kelly, Antonio %A Caelli, Terry %D 2006 %T Vision in Human-Computer Interaction. Proceedings of the HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %V 56 %P 109-117 %S CRPIT %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goedecke, David %D 2007 %T The Role of the Software Practitioner in the Development of Public Safety Software-intensive Systems %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P13-19 %P 13-19 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Goedecke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goh, Liang %A Kasabov, Nikola %A Song, Qun %D 2004 %T A Novel Feature Selection Method to Improve Classification of Gene Expression Data %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P161-166 %P 161-166 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Goh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goiser, Karl %A Christen, Peter %D 2006 %T Towards Automated Record Linkage %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P23-31 %P 23-31 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Goiser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goldman, Debora %D 2003 %T Reality Bytes : A Reflection of the Perception Versus The Reality of Teaching with ICT %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P47-49 %P 47-49 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Goldman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goldman, Grigori %D 2007 %T Periodical Payment Model Using Restricted Proxy Certificates %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P131-139 %P 131-139 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Goldman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goldson, Doug %A Dongol, Brijesh %D 2005 %T Concurrent Program Design in the Extended Theory of Owicki and Gries %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P41-50 %P 41-50 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Goldson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goldstein, Cecil %A Leisten, Susanna %A Stark, Karen %A Tickle, Alan %D 2005 %T Using a Network Simulation Tool to Engage Students in Active Learning Enhances Their Understanding of Complex Data Communications Concepts. %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P223-228 %P 223-228 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Goldstein.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goldweber, Michael %A Bergin, Joe %A Lister, Raymond %A McNally, Myles F. %D 2006 %T A Comparison of Different Approaches to the Introductory Programming Course %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P11-13 %P 11-13 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Goldweber.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gomes, Pedro %A Farinha, Jos %A Trigueiros, Maria Jos %D 2007 %T A Data Quality Metamodel Extension to CWM %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P17-26 %P 17-26 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Gomes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gomez, Sergio Alejandro %A Chesnevar, Carlos Ivan %A Simari, Guillermo Ricardo %D 2008 %T An Argumentative Approach to Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies %B Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV90P11-20 %P 11-20 %S CRPIT %V 90 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV90Gomez.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gong, Xiujun %A Nakamura, Kensuke %A Yura, Kei %A Go, Nobuhiro %D 2006 %T Toward Building Grid Applications in Bioinformatics %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P17-23 %P 17-23 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Gong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goode, Matthew %A Buckler, Ed %A Drummond, Alexei %A Strimmer, Korbinian %A Rodrigo, Allen %D 2004 %T A Brief Introduction to the Phylogenetic Analysis Library V1.5 %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P175-179 %P 175-179 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Goode.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Goodwin, Robert %A Williams, Neville %D 2004 %T Flexible Learning - Maximising Flexibility in a Subject with Large Student Numbers %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P77-82 %P 77-82 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Goodwin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gorantla, M. Choudary %A Boyd, Colin %A Gonzalez Nieto, Juan Manuel %D 2008 %T ID-based One-pass Authenticated Key Establishment %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P39-46 %P 39-46 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Gorantla.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gorantla, M. Choudary %A Boyd, Colin %A Nieto, Juan Manuel Gonzalez %D 2009 %T Strong Designated Verifier Signature in a Multi-user Setting %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P21-31 %P 21-31 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Gorantla.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gordon, Donald %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2005 %T Clicki: A Framework for Light-weight Web-based Visual Applications %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P39-45 %P 39-45 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Gordon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gotterbarn, Don %A Clear, Tony %D 2004 %T Using SoDIS as a Risk Analysis Process: A Teaching Perspective %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P83-90 %P 83-90 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Gotterbarn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Governatori, Guido %A Rotolo, Antonino %A Sadiq, Shazia %D 2004 %T A Model of Dynamic Resource Allocation in Workflow Systems %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P197-206 %P 197-206 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Governatori.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Graham, Hamish %A Yang, Hong Yul %A Berrigan, Rebecca %D 2004 %T A Solar System Metaphor for 3D Visualisation of Object Oriented Software Metrics %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P53-59 %P 53-59 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Graham.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grainger, Ryan %A Tolhurst, Denise %D 2005 %T Organisational Factors Affecting Teachers' Use and Perception of Information & Communications Technology %B South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges %E Low, Graham %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV46P13-22 %P 13-22 %S CRPIT %V 46 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV46Grainger.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grandell, Linda %A Peltomaki, Mia %A Back, Ralph-Johan %A Salakoski, Tapio %D 2006 %T Why Complicate Things? Introducing Programming in High School Using Python %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P71-80 %P 71-80 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Grandell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grasset, Raphael %A Boissieux, Laurence %A Gascuel, Jean-D. %A Schmalstieg, Dieter %D 2005 %T Interactive Mediated Reality %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P21-29 %P 21-29 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Grasset.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gray, Pamela N. %D 2004 %T Intellectual Artefacts of Expert Systems Meta-epistemology %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P51-58 %P 51-58 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Gray.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Greenberg, Saul %D 2004 %T Enhancing Creativity with (Groupware) Toolkits %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Greenberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Greening, Tony %A Kay, Judy %A Kummerfeld, Bob %D 2004 %T Integrating Ethical Content Into Computing Curricula %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P91-99 %P 91-99 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Greening.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Greening, Tony %A Lister, Raymond %D 2003 %T Computing Education 2003. Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 20 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gregersen, Heidi %D 2006 %T The Formal Semantics of the TimeER Model %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P35-44 %P 35-44 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Gregersen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grieshaber, Susan %A McBride, Noelene %A Lange, Detta %A Hale, Allison %D 2003 %T Teachers Rethinking Curriculum Approaches within a New Basics Framework %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P135 %P 135 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grieshaber, Susan %A McBride, Noelene %A Matters, Gabrielle %D 2003 %T New Basics Pedagogies that Promote Multiliteracies %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P133 %P 133 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Griffiths, Alena %D 2006 %T On proof-test intervals for safety functions implemented in software %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P23-33 %P 23-33 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Griffiths.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Griffiths, Alena %A Yim, Dennis %D 2002 %T Systems Assurance for the Integrated Control and Communications System for KCRC East Rail Extensions %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P21-29 %P 21-29 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15Griffiths.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grimsmo, Nils %D 2008 %T Faster Path Indexes for Search in XML Data %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P127-135 %P 127-135 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Grimsmo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grossmann, Georg %A Schrefl, Michael %A Stumptner, Markus %D 2007 %T Exploiting Semantics of Inter-Process Dependencies to Instantiate Predefined Integration Patterns %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P155-160 %P 155-160 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Grossmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grossmann, Georg %A Schrefl, Michael %A Stumptner, Markus %D 2008 %T Modelling Inter-Process Dependencies with High-Level Business Process Modelling Languages %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P89-102 %P 89-102 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Grossmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Groves, Lindsay %D 2008 %T Verifying Michael and Scott's Lock-Free Queue Algorithm using Trace Reduction %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P133-142 %P 133-142 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Groves.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gruba, Paul %A Al-Mahmood, Reem %D 2004 %T Strategies for Communication Skills Development %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P101-107 %P 101-107 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Gruba1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gruba, Paul %A Moffat, Alistair %A Sondergaard, Harald %A Zobel, Justin %D 2004 %T What Drives Curriculum Change? %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P109-117 %P 109-117 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Gruba2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gruhn, Volker %A Mocker, Martin %A Schope, Lothar %D 2002 %T Development of an Electronic Commerce Portal System using a Specific Software Development Process %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P93-101 %P 93-101 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Gruhn.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Grundy, John %A Calder, Paul %D 2002 %T User Interfaces 2002. Proceedings of the Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %V 7 %O 0-909-92585-2 %0 Edited Book %A Grundy, John %A Hartmann, Sven %A Laender, Alberto H. F. %A Maciaszek, Leszek %A Roddick, John F. %D 2007 %T Challenges in Conceptual Modelling. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %V 83 %O 978-1-920682-64-4 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grundy, John %A Newby, Steve %A Whitmore, Thomas %A Grundeman, Peter %D 2002 %T Extending a Persistent Object Framework to Enhance Enterprise Application Server Performance %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P57-64 %P 57-64 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Grundy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grundy, John %A Wang, Xing %A Hosking, John %D 2002 %T Building Multi-Device, Component-based, Thin-client Groupware: Issues and Experiences %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P71-80 %P 71-80 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Grundy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Grundy, John %A Yang, Biao %D 2003 %T An environment for developing adaptive, multi-device user interfaces %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P47-56 %P 47-56 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Grundy.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Gudmundsson, Joachim %A Jay, Barry %D 2006 %T Theory of Computing 2006. Proceedings of the Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 51 %J Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %O 1-920682-33-3 %0 Edited Book %A Gudmundsson, Joachim %A Jay, Barry %D 2007 %T Theory of Computing 2007. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %V 65 %O 1-920-68246-5 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Guillaume, Sylvie %A Alachaher, Leila Nemmiche %D 2006 %T Visualization of Attractive and Repulsive Zones Between Variables %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P115-120 %P 115-120 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Guillaume.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gunes, Hatice %A Piccardi, Massimo %D 2006 %T Observer Annotation of Affective Display and Evaluation of Expressivity: Face vs. Face-and-Body %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P35-42 %P 35-42 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Gunes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gunes, Hatice %A Piccardi, Massimo %A Jan, Tony %D 2004 %T Face and Body Gesture Recognition for a Vision-Based Multimodal Analyzer %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P19-28 %P 19-28 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Gunes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gunji, Yukio-Pegio %A Kamiura, Moto %D 2004 %T Observational Heterarchy as Phenomenal Computing %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P39 %P 39 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Gunji.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Guo, Jian %A Lin, Yuanlie %A Sun, Zhirong %D 2004 %T A Novel Method for Protein Subcellular Localization Based on Boosting and Probabilistic Neural Network %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P21-27 %P 21-27 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Guo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Guo, Zhijuan %D 2003 %T SPECT Image Data Compression Using Optimal Sampling Schedule %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P43 %P 43 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Guo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Gurrutxaga, Ibai %A Arbelaitz, Olatz %A Ma Perez, Jesus %A Muguerza, Javier %A Martin, Jose I. %A Perona, Inigo %D 2008 %T Evaluation of Malware clustering based on its dynamic behaviour %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P163-170 %P 163-170 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Gurrutxaga.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Guzdial, Mark %D 2009 %T Contextualized Computing Education of Programming %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 95 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Haaksma-Oostijen, T.G. %A Puper, J. %D 2003 %T ICT and the New Roles of the Teacher in Dutch Secondary Education %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P51-52 %P 51-52 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Haaksma.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Haden, Patricia %D 2006 %T The Incredible Rainbow Spitting Chicken: Teaching Traditional Programming Skills Through Games Programming %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P81-89 %P 81-89 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Haden.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hafenrichter, Bernd %A Kiessling, Werner %D 2005 %T Optimization of Relational Preference Queries %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P175-184 %P 175-184 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Hafenrichter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hagan, Dianne %D 2004 %T Employer Satisfaction with ICT graduates %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P119-123 %P 119-123 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Hagan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hagemann, Stephan %A Vossen, Gottfried %D 2009 %T ActiveTags: Making Tags More Useful Anywhere on the Web %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P41-48 %P 41-48 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Hagemann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hagen, Richard A. %A Goodwin, Scott D. %A Sattar, Abdul %D 2004 %T Code Improvements for Model Elimination Based Reasoning Systems %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P233-240 %P 233-240 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Hagen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hagen, Richard A. %A Sattar, Abdul %A Goodwin, Scott D. %D 2003 %T Improving Search in a Hypothetical Reasoning System %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P45-53 %P 45-53 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Hagen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hajmoosaei, Abdolreza %A Abdul Kareem, Sameem %D 2007 %T An ontology-based approach for resolving semantic schema conflicts in the extraction and integration of query-based information from heterogeneous web data sources %B Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Nayak, Abhaya C. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV85P35-43 %P 35-43 %S CRPIT %V 85 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV85Hajmoosaei.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Halabi, Abdel K. %A Tuovinen, Juhani E. %D 2002 %T Designing Better CBL than Face-to-Face Tutoring by Incorporating Teacher-like Feedback and Guidance in Accounting %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P35-38 %P 35-38 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Halabi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Haley, Debra T. %A Thomas, Pete %A De Roeck, Anne %A Petre, Marian %D 2007 %T Measuring Improvement in Latent Semantic Analysis-Based Marking Systems: Using a Computer to Mark Questions about HTML %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P35-42 %P 35-42 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Haley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Halim, Farris J. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2002 %T View Synthesis by Image Mapping and Interpolation %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P25-30 %P 25-30 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Halim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hall, Robin %D 2002 %T Learning and Online Knowledge Use %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P39-42 %P 39-42 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Hall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hall, R. %A Stern, L. %D 2004 %T A Rapid Method of Whole Genome Visualisation Illustrating Features in Both Coding and Non-coding Regions %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P285-290 %P 285-290 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Hall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hallinan, Jennifer %A Wiles, Janet %D 2004 %T Evolving Genetic Regulatory Networks Using an Artificial Genome %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P291-296 %P 291-296 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Hallinan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamadi, Rachid %A Benatallah, Boualem %D 2003 %T A Petri Net-based Model for Web Service Composition %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P191-200 %P 191-200 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Hamadi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamadi, Rachid %A Benatallah, Boualem %D 2005 %T Dynamic Restructuring of Recovery Nets %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P37-46 %P 37-46 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Hamadi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamer, John %D 2004 %T Visualising Java Data Structures as Graphs %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P125-129 %P 125-129 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Hamer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamer, John %A Kell, Catherine %A Spence, Fiona %D 2007 %T Peer Assessment Using Aropa %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P43-54 %P 43-54 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Hamer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamer, John %A Ma, Kenneth T.K. %A Kwong, Hugh H.F. %D 2005 %T A Method of Automatic Grade Calibration in Peer Assessment %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P67-72 %P 67-72 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Hamer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamey, Leonard G.C. %D 2003 %T Teaching Secure Data Communications Using a Game Representation %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P187-196 %P 187-196 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Hamey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Berry, Marsha %D 2007 %T Mobile Computing, Programming, Games and Online Communities: Changes to the Communicative Ecology of Design Students Through Mobile Computing: Part 2 %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P55-61 %P 55-61 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Hamilton.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Clear, Tony %D 2009 %T Computing Education 2009. Proc Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 95 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Harland, James %A Padgham, Lin %D 2003 %T Experiences in Teaching Computing Theory via Aspects of Problem-based Learning %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P207-211 %P 207-211 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Hamilton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Haywood, Liz %D 2004 %T Learning about Software Development - Should Programming Always Come First? %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P131-136 %P 131-136 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Hamilton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamilton, N. %A Pantelic, R. %A Hanson, K. %A Fink, J. L. %A Karunaratne, S. %A Teasdale, R. D. %D 2006 %T Automated Sub-Cellular Phenotype Classification: An Introduction and Recent Results %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P67-72 %P 67-72 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Hamilton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamilton, Viv %D 2005 %T A New Concept in Defence Safety Standards: The Revised UK Defence Standard 00-56 %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P77-83 %P 77-83 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Hamilton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hamoy, Christian %A Hemer, David %A Lindsay, Peter %D 2004 %T HazLog: Tool Support for Hazard Management %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P77-87 %P 77-87 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Hamoy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Han, Bing %A Billington, Jonathan %D 2002 %T Validating TCP Connection Management %B Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P47-55 %P 47-55 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Han.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Han, Christina C.W. %D 2003 %T Challenges of Using ICT in Hong Kong Early Childhood Settings %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P49-52 %P 49-52 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Han.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hansaki, Tomoyuki %A Shizuki, Buntarou %A Misue, Kazuo %A Tanaka, Jiro %D 2006 %T FindFlow: Visual Interface for Information Search based on Intermediate Results %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P147-152 %P 147-152 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Hansaki.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hansen, Klaus Marius %A Wells, Lisa %D 2006 %T Dynamic Design and Evaluation of Software Architecture in Critical Systems Development %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P35-44 %P 35-44 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Hansen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hao, Guoshun %A Ma, Shilong %A Sui, Yuefei %A Lv, Jianghua %D 2007 %T An Unified Dynamic Description Logic Model for Databases: Relational Data, Relational Operations and Queries %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P121-126 %P 121-126 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Hao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hao, Yanan %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2006 %T A Two-Phase Rule Generation and Optimization Approach for Wrapper Generation %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P39-48 %P 39-48 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Hao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hao, Yanan %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2007 %T Web Services Discovery Based On Schema Matching %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P107-113 %P 107-113 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Hao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Harland, James %D 2006 %T The Busy Beaver, the Placid Platypus and other Crazy Creatures %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P79-86 %P 79-86 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Harland.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Harland, James %D 2007 %T Analysis of Busy Beaver Machines via Induction Proofs %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P71-78 %P 71-78 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Harland.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Harland, James %A Manyem, Prabhu %D 2008 %T Theory of Computing 2008. Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 77 %O 978-1-920682-58-3 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Harper, Barry %D 2005 %T Constructing High Quality Learning Settings %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Harper.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Harris, Eric %A Fitzpatrick, Geraldine %A Rogers, Yvonne %A Price, Sara %A Phelps, Ted %A Randell, Cliff %D 2004 %T From Snark to Park: Lessons Learnt Moving Pervasive Experiences From Indoors to Outdoors %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P39-48 %P 39-48 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Harris.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Harrison, Cathie %A O'Rourke, Maureen %D 2003 %T The Introduction of New Technologies - New Possibilities, Partnerships and Power Relationships %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P137 %P 137 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hartmann, Sven %D 2003 %T Reasoning about participation constraints and Chen's constraints %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P105-113 %P 105-113 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Hartmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hartmann, Sven %A Link, Sebastian %D 2006 %T Horn Clauses and Functional Dependencies in Complex-value Databases %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P21-30 %P 21-30 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Hartmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hartmann, Sven %A Link, Sebastian %D 2007 %T English Sentence Structures and EER Modeling %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P27-35 %P 27-35 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Hartmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hartmann, Sven %A Link, Sebastian %D 2007 %T On Inferences of Full Hierarchical Dependencies %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P69-78 %P 69-78 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Hartmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hartmann, Sven %A Link, Sebastian %A Trinh, Thu %D 2008 %T Constraint Acquisition - You Can Chase but You Cannot Find %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P59-68 %P 59-68 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Hartmann.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Hartmann, Sven %A Roddick, John F. %D 2004 %T Conceptual Modelling 2004. Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %V 31 %0 Edited Book %A Hartmann, Sven %A Stumptner, Markus %D 2005 %T Conceptual Modelling 2005. Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %V 43 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hartnell-Young, Elizabeth %D 2003 %T From Facilitator to Knowledge-Builder : A New Role for the Teacher of the Future %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P53-55 %P 53-55 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Hartnell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hasan, Syed %A Lefevre, Laurent %A Huang, Zhiyi %A Werstein, Paul %D 2008 %T Supporting Large Scale eResearch Infrastructures with Adapted Live Streaming Capabilities %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P55-63 %P 55-63 %S CRPIT %V 82 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Hasan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hasegawa, Ryo %A Kitamura, Motohiro %A Kaiya, Haruhiko %A Saeki, Motoshi %D 2009 %T Extracting Conceptual Graphs from Japanese Documents for Software Requirements Modeling %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P87-96 %P 87-96 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Hasegawa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hasunuma, Toro %D 2006 %T Multilayer Grid Embeddings of Iterated Line Digraphs %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P21-26 %P 21-26 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Hasunuma.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hauer, Amie %A Daniels, Mats %D 2008 %T A learning theory perspective on running open ended group projects (OEGPs) %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P85-92 %P 85-92 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Hauer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Haugvaldstad, Erik %A Wright, Tim %D 2006 %T Moving animation script creation from textual to visual representation %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P87-90 %P 87-90 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Haugvaldstad.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hausser, Roland %D 2009 %T Modeling Natural Language Communication in Database Semantics %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P17-26 %P 17-26 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Hausser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hawick, K.A. %A James, H.A. %D 2003 %T Bootstrapping Computer Science in Old North Wales %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P25-33 %P 25-33 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Hawick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hawick, K.A. %A James, H.A. %D 2003 %T Middleware for Context Sensitive Mobile Applications %B Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P133-141 %P 133-141 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21WHawick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hawick, K.A. %A James, H.A. %D 2006 %T Simulating a Computational Grid with Networked Animat Agents %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P63-70 %P 63-70 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Hawick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hawking, David %D 2004 %T Challenges in Enterprise Search %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P15-24 %P 15-24 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Hawking1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hawking, David %A Crimmins, Francis %A Craswell, Nick %A Upstill, Trystan %D 2004 %T How Valuable is External Link Evidence When Searching Enterprise Webs? %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P77-84 %P 77-84 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Hawking2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hawkins, John %A Boden, Mikael %D 2006 %T Multi-stage Redundancy Reduction: Effective Utilisation of Small Protein Datasets %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P55-59 %P 55-59 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Hawkins.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hawryszkiewycz, Igor %D 2007 %T The Impact on the Changing Business Process Spectrum on Conceptual Modeling %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P7 %P 7 %S CRPIT %V 67 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hawryszkiewycz, I.T. %D 2005 %T A Framework for Integrating Learning into Business Processes %B South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges %E Low, Graham %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV46P23-28 %P 23-28 %S CRPIT %V 46 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV46Hawryszkiewycz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A He, Hongxing %A Jin, Huidong %A Chen, Jie %A McAullay, Damien %A Li, Jiuyong %A Fallon, Tony %D 2006 %T Analysis of Breast Feeding Data Using Data Mining Methods %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P47-52 %P 47-52 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61He.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A He, Jing %A Chiu, Wah %A Ranjan, Desh %A Schmid, Michael F. %A Jiang, Wen %D 2004 %T Detecting Local Symmetry Axis in 3-dimensional Virus Structures %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P265-270 %P 265-270 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29He.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Heckenberg, Stewart G. %A Herbert, Ric D. %A Webber, Richard %D 2004 %T Visualisation of the Minority Game Using a Mod %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P157-163 %P 157-163 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Heckenberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Heinz, Steffen %A Zobel, Justin %D 2002 %T Performance of Data Structures for Small Sets of Strings %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P87-94 %P 87-94 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Heinz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Heitmeyer, Constance %D 2005 %T Developing Safety-Critical Systems: The Role of Formal Methods and Tools %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P95-99 %P 95-99 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Heitmeyer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hemer, David %D 2005 %T A Formal Approach to Component Adaptation and Composition %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P259-266 %P 259-266 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Hemer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hemer, David %A Lindsay, Peter %D 2002 %T Supporting Component-Based Reuse in CARE %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P95-104 %P 95-104 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Hemer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hemer, David %A Long, Gregory %A Strooper, Paul %D 2005 %T Plug-in Proof Support for Formal Development Environments %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P69-79 %P 69-79 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Hemer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Henderson-Sellers, Brian %A Gonzalez-Perez, Cesar %D 2005 %T The Rationale of Powertype-based Metamodelling to Underpin Software Development Methodologies %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P7-16 %P 7-16 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43HendersonSellers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Henricksen, Matt %A Caelli, William %A Croll, Peter R. %D 2007 %T Securing Grid Data Using Mandatory Access Controls %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P25-32 %P 25-32 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Henricksen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Henshall, Kevin %A Schachte, Peter %A Sondergaard, Harald %A Whiting, Leigh %D 2009 %T Boolean Affine Approximation with Binary Decision Diagrams %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P119-127 %P 119-127 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Henshall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hepp, Pedro %A Laval, Ernesto %D 2003 %T Improving Literacy and Numeracy in Poor Schools: The Main Challenge in Developing Countries %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P53-57 %P 53-57 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Hepp.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Heravizadeh, Mitra %A Edmond, David %D 2008 %T Making Workflows Context-aware: A Way to Support Knowledge-intensive Tasks %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P79-88 %P 79-88 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Heravizadeh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Herbert, Nicole %D 2007 %T Quantitative Peer Assessment: Can students be objective? %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P63-71 %P 63-71 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Herbert1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Herbert, Nicole %A Wang, Zhong %D 2007 %T Student timesheets can aid in curriculum coordination %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P73-80 %P 73-80 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Herbert2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hering, Joachim A. %A Haris, Parvez I. %A Innocent, Peter R. %D 2004 %T Empirical Knowledge and Genetic Algorithms for Selection of Amide I Frequencies in Protein Secondary Structure Prediction %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P345-350 %P 345-350 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Hering.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Herlihy, Brian %A Schachte, Peter %A Sondergaard, Harald %D 2006 %T Boolean equation solving as graph traversal %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P123-132 %P 123-132 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Herlihy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hesketh, Alan %D 2009 %T Making 12,000 Healthcare Organisations Interoperate, and Other Challenges %B Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009) %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV97P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 97 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Heuser, Carlos A. %A Krieser, Francisco N. A. %A Orengo, Viviane Moreira %D 2007 %T SimEval - A Tool for Evaluating the Quality of Similarity Functions %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P71-76 %P 71-76 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Heuser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hew, Patrick Chisan %D 2003 %T Visualisation of Surveillance Coverage by Latency Mapping %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P11-16 %P 11-16 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Hew.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hexel, Rene %D 2003 %T FITS - A Fault Injection Architecture for Time-Triggered Systems %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P333-338 %P 333-338 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Hexel.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hexel, Rene %A Johnson, Chris %A Kummerfeld, Bob %A Quigley, Aaron J. %D 2004 %T 'Powerpoint to the People' : Suiting the Word to the Audience %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P49-56 %P 49-56 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Hexel.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hidders, Jan %A Dumas, Marlon %A Aalst, Wil M.P. van der %A Hofstede, Arthur H.M. ter %A Verelst, Jan %D 2005 %T When are two Workflows the Same? %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P3-11 %P 3-11 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Hidders.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hideshima, Yusuke %A Koike, Hideki %D 2006 %T STARMINE : A Visualization System for Cyber Attacks %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P131-138 %P 131-138 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Hideshima.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Higgins, Phillip %A Richards, Debbie %A McGrath, Mike %D 2001 %T Intelligent Visualisation of Social Network Analysis Data %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P83 %P 83 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Higgins.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hilker, Michael %A Schommer, Christoph %D 2006 %T Description of Bad-Signatures for Network Intrusion Detection %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P175-182 %P 175-182 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Hilker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hinchey, Michael G. %D 2002 %T Confessions of a Formal Methodist %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P17-20 %P 17-20 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15Hinchey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hine, John H. %A Dagger, Paul %D 2004 %T Securing Distributed Computing Against the Hostile Host %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P279-286 %P 279-286 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Hine.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hingston, Philip F. %D 2002 %T Using Finite State Automata for Sequence Mining %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P105-110 %P 105-110 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Hingston1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hingston, Philip F. %A While, R. Lyndon %D 2002 %T A Dynamic Communication Algorithm for Digital Halftoning %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P111-118 %P 111-118 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Hingston2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hinze, Annika %A Buchanan, George %D 2006 %T The Challenge of Creating Cooperating Mobile Services: Experiences and Lessons Learned %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P207-215 %P 207-215 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Hinze3.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Hinze, Annika %A Kirchberg, Markus %D 2008 %T Conceptual Modelling 2008. Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 79 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hinze, Annika %A Malik, Petra %A Malik, Robi %D 2006 %T Interaction Design for a Mobile Context-Aware System using Discrete Event Modelling %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P257-266 %P 257-266 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Hinze3.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hinze, Annika %A Michel, Yann %A Eschner, Lisa %D 2009 %T Event-based Communication for Location-based Service Collaboration %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P127-136 %P 127-136 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Hinze.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hinze, Annika %A Michel, Yann %A Schlieder, Torsten %D 2006 %T Approximative Filtering of XML Documents in Publish/Subscribe Systems %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P177-185 %P 177-185 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Hinze1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hisil, Huseyin %A Wong, Kenneth Koon-Ho %A Carter, Gary %A Dawson, Ed %D 2009 %T Faster Group Operations on Elliptic Curves %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P7-19 %P 7-19 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Hisil.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hitchens, Michael %A Lister, Raymond %D 2009 %T A Focus Group Study of Student Attitudes to Lectures %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P93-100 %P 93-100 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Hitchens.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hoad, Timothy C. %A Zobel, Justin %D 2003 %T Video Similarity Detection for Digital Rights Management %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P237-245 %P 237-245 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Hoad.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hoang, Thuong N. %A Porter, Shane R. %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2009 %T Augmenting Image Place AR 3D Interactions for Wearable Computers %B Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009) %E Weber, Gerald %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV93P13-19 %P 13-19 %S CRPIT %V 93 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV93Hoang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hoffman, Mark E. %D 2004 %T The Case for More Digital Logic in Computer Architecture %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P137-143 %P 137-143 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Hoffman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hoffmann, Jan %A Duffert, Uwe %D 2004 %T Frequency Space Representation of Transitions of Quadruped Robot Gaits %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P275-278 %P 275-278 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Hoffmann.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Hogan, James %A Montague, Paul %A Purvis, Martin %A Steketee, Chris %D 2004 %T ACSW Frontiers 2004. Proceedings of the Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), the Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), and the Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %V 32 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hogan, James M. %A Ho-Stuart, Chris %A Pham, Binh %D 2004 %T Key Challenges in Software Internationalisation %B Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004) %E Hogan, James %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P187-194 %P 187-194 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Hogan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hogan, James M. %A Smith, Glenn %A Thomas, Richard C. %D 2005 %T Tight Spirals and Industry Clients: The Modern SE Education Experience %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P217-222 %P 217-222 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Hogan2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hogan, James M. %A Thomas, Richard C. %D 2005 %T Developing the Software Engineering Team %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P203-210 %P 203-210 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Hogan1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hogg, K. %A Chilcott, P. %A Nolan, M. %A Srinivasan, B. %D 2004 %T An Evaluation of Web Services in the Design of a B2B Application %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P331-340 %P 331-340 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Hogg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hogg, Richard %D 2003 %T ICT Education - The Challenge for the Future %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P57-59 %P 57-59 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Hogg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Holford, John W. %A Caelli, William J. %A Rhodes, Anthony W. %D 2004 %T Using Self-Defending Objects to Develop Security Aware Applications in Java %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P341-349 %P 341-349 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Holford.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Holkner, Alex %A Harland, James %D 2009 %T Evaluating the dynamic behaviour of Python applications %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P17-25 %P 17-25 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Holkner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Holkner, Bernard %D 2003 %T Four Platforms : Moral perspectives on Information Technology %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P61-63 %P 61-63 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Holkner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Holmberg, Nathan %A Wuensche, Burkhard %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2006 %T A Framework for InteractiveWeb-Based Visualization %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P137-144 %P 137-144 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Holmberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Holt, Jason E. %D 2006 %T Logcrypt: Forward Security and Public Verification for Secure Audit Logs %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P203-211 %P 203-211 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Holt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Homola, Martin %A Serafini, Luciano %D 2008 %T Towards Distributed Tableaux Reasoning Procedure for DDL with Increased Subsumption Propagation between Remote Ontologies %B Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV90P21-30 %P 21-30 %S CRPIT %V 90 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV90Homola.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hong, Seok-Hee %D 2001 %T Visualisation of Symmetry in Graphs %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P71-72 %P 71-72 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Hong.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Hong, Seok-Hee %D 2005 %T Information Visualisation 2005. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 45 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hong, Seok-Hee %A Merrick, Damian %A Nascimento, Hugo A. D. do %D 2004 %T The Metro Map Layout Problem %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P91-100 %P 91-100 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Hong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hong, Seok-Hee %A Nikolov, Nikola S. %D 2005 %T Layered Drawings of Directed Graphs in Three Dimensions %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P69-74 %P 69-74 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Hong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hongladarom, Soraj %D 2004 %T Exploring the Philosophical Terrain of the Digital Divide %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P85-89 %P 85-89 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hongtao, Su %A Feng, David D. %A Rong-chun, Zhao %D 2003 %T Face Recognition Using Multi-feature and Radial Basis Function Network %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P51 %P 51 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Hongtao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Honnappa, Harsha %D 2008 %T Customer Event Rate Estimation Using Particle Filters %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P61-72 %P 61-72 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Honnappa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hooijmaijers, Dennis %A Stumptner, Markus %D 2006 %T Trust Based Ontology Integration For The Community Services Sector %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P17-24 %P 17-24 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Hooijmaijers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hooijmaijers, Dennis %A Stumptner, Markus %D 2008 %T Enhancing Subjective Ontologies with Social Tagging Systems %B Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV90P31-40 %P 31-40 %S CRPIT %V 90 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV90Hooijmaijers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hopkins, Josie L. %A McDougall, Anne %D 2002 %T Psycles of Change: Development and Implementation of Databased Curriculum Documentation %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P43-47 %P 43-47 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Hopkins.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hopkins, Josie L. %A McDougall, Anne %D 2003 %T Constructionist Learning and Teaching in a Computer Clubhouse Environment %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P65-66 %P 65-66 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Hopkins.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hosobe, Hiroshi %D 2005 %T An Extended High-Dimensional Method for Interactive Graph Drawing %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P15-20 %P 15-20 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Hosobe.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hou, Jinyu %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2002 %T Constructing Good Quality Web Page Communities %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P65-74 %P 65-74 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 SPJRP %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Hou.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hou, Jingyu %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2003 %T Utilizing Hyperlink Transitivity to Improve Web Page Clustering %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P49-57 %P 49-57 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Hou.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hoy, Jason E. Sew %A McCulloch, Alan F. %A McDonald, John R. %D 2004 %T BRINet: A BioResource Integration Network %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P29-34 %P 29-34 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Hoy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hsieh, Min-Sheng (Peter) %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2006 %T Supporting Software Reuse by the Individual Programmer %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P25-33 %P 25-33 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Hsieh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hu, Hong %A Li, Jiuyong %D 2005 %T Using Association Rules to Make Rule-based Classifiers Robust %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P47-54 %P 47-54 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Hu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hu, Hong %A Li, Jiuyong %A Plank, Ashley %A Wang, Hua %A Daggard, Grant %D 2006 %T A Comparative Study of Classification Methods For Microarray Data Analysis %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P33-37 %P 33-37 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Hu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hu, Hong %A Li, Jiuyong %A Wang, Hua %A Daggard, Grant %A Shi, Mingren %D 2006 %T A Maximally Diversified Multiple Decision Tree Algorithm for Microarray Data Classification %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P35-38 %P 35-38 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Hu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hu, Jing %A Cui, Bin %A Shen, Hengtao %D 2004 %T Diagonal Ordering: A New Approach to High-Dimensional KNN Processing %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P39-47 %P 39-47 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Hu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hu, Qimei %A He, Sean Xiangjian %A Zhou, Jun %D 2004 %T Multi-Scale Edge Detection with Bilateral Filtering in Spiral Architecture %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P29-32 %P 29-32 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Hu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hu, Xiaohua %A Yoo, Illhoi %D 2004 %T Cluster Ensemble and Its Applications in Gene Expression Analysis %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P297-302 %P 297-302 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Hu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Chung-Ming %A Hsu, Tz-Heng %A Hsu, Ming-Fa %D 2005 %T A File Discovery Control Scheme for P2P File Sharing Applications in Wireless Mobile Environments %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P39-48 %P 39-48 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Huang2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, F.Y. %A Jay, C. Barry %A Skillicorn, D.B. %D 2006 %T Programming with Heterogeneous Structures: Manipulating XML data Using bondi %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P287-295 %P 287-295 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Huang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Mao Lin %D 2001 %T Information Visualization of Attributed Relational Data %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P143-149 %P 143-149 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Huang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Weidong %A Eades, Peter %D 2005 %T How People Read Graphs %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P51-58 %P 51-58 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Huang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Weidong %A Hong, Seok-Hee %A Eades, Peter %D 2006 %T How People Read Sociograms: A Questionnaire Study %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P199-206 %P 199-206 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Huang2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Weidong %A Hong, Seok-Hee %A Eades, Peter %D 2006 %T Predicting Graph Reading Performance: A Cognitive Approach %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P207-216 %P 207-216 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Huang1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Xiaodi %A Eades, Peter %A Lai, Wei %D 2005 %T A Framework of Filtering, Clustering and Dynamic Layout Graphs for Visualization %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P87-96 %P 87-96 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Huang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Xiaowei %A Jiao, Li %A Lu, Weiming %D 2008 %T Weak Parametric Failure Equivalences and Their Congruence Formats %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P15-26 %P 15-26 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Huang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Xiaodi %A Lai, Wei %D 2003 %T Force-Transfer : A New Approach to Removing Overlapping Nodes in Graph Layout %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P349-358 %P 349-358 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Huang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Xiaodi %A Lai, Wei %D 2004 %T On the Structural Algorithm of Filtering Graphs for Layout %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P33-42 %P 33-42 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Huang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huang, Zi %A Zhou, Xiaofang %A Song, Dawei %A Bruza, Peter %D 2006 %T Dimensionality Reduction in Patch-Signature Based Protein Structure Matching %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P89-97 %P 89-97 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Huang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hudaya, Anang %A Khan, Asad %D 2008 %T Commodity-Grid Based Distributed Pattern Recognition Framework %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P27-34 %P 27-34 %S CRPIT %V 82 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Hudaya.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hughes, Baden %D 2006 %T Building Computational Grids with Apple's Xgrid Middleware %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P47-54 %P 47-54 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Hughes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huisman, Marieke %A Trentelman, Kerry %D 2005 %T Factorising Temporal Specifications %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P87-96 %P 87-96 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Huisman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hung, Patrick C.K. %A Karlapalem, Kamalakar %D 2003 %T A Secure Workflow Model %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P33-41 %P 33-41 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21AHung.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hung, Regant Y. S. %A Ting, H. F. %D 2007 %T An Optimal Broadcasting Protocol for Mobile Video-on-Demand %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P79-84 %P 79-84 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Hung.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hunter, Adam %A Schibeci, David %A Hiew, Hong Liang %A Bellgard, Matthew %D 2005 %T Grendel: A Bioinformatics Web Service-based Architecture for Accessing HPC Resources %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P29-32 %P 29-32 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Hunter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hunter, Bruce %D 2006 %T Assuring Separation of Safety and Non-safety Related Systems %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P45-51 %P 45-51 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Hunter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hunter, Chris %A Robinson, Peter %A Strooper, Paul %D 2005 %T Agent-Based Distributed Software Verification %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P159-164 %P 159-164 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Hunter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hunter, Jane %D 2007 %T The Development, Evaluation and Application of Ontologies to eResearch %B Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Nayak, Abhaya C. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV85P3-3 %P 3-3 %S CRPIT %V 85 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV85Hunter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hurst, Nathan %A Marriott, Kim %A Moulder, Peter %D 2003 %T Cobweb : A Constraint-Based WEB Browser %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P247-254 %P 247-254 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Hurst.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Huston, Samuel %A Puchinger, Jakob %A Stuckey, Peter %D 2008 %T The Core Concept for 0/1 Integer Programming %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P39-47 %P 39-47 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Huston.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hutchens, Ruston %A Singh, Samar %D 2002 %T Bandwidth Reservation Strategies for Mobility Support of Wireless Connections with QoS Guarantees %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P119-128 %P 119-128 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Hutchens.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hutterer, Peter %A Close, Benjamin S. %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2006 %T TIDL: Mixed Presence Groupware Support for Legacy and Custom Applications %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P117-124 %P 117-124 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Hutterer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hutterer, Peter %A Smith, Mark T. %A Thomas, Bruce H. %A Piekarski, Wayne %A Ankcorn, John %D 2005 %T Lightweight User Interfaces for Watch Based Displays %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P89-98 %P 89-98 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Hutterer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hutterer, Peter %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2007 %T Groupware Support in the Windowing System %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P39-46 %P 39-46 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Hutterer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hutterer, Peter %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2008 %T Enabling Co-located Ad-hoc Collaboration on Shared Displays %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P43-50 %P 43-50 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Hutterer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Hvam, K. %A Reinhardt, L. %A Winter, P. %A Zachariasen, M. %D 2007 %T Some Structural and Geometric Properties of Two-Connected Steiner Networks %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P85-90 %P 85-90 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Hvam.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Iga, Soichiro %A Shinnishi, Makoto %D 2006 %T SnapShoot: Integrating Semantic Analysis and Visualization Techniques for Web-based Note Taking System %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P161-167 %P 161-167 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Iga.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ikeda, Katsuhiro %A Sugiyama, Kozo %A Watanabe, Isamu %A Misue, Kazuo %D 2006 %T Generation of Relevance Maps and Navigation in A Digital Book %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Ikeda.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Indulska, Jadwiga %A Sutton, Peter %D 2003 %T Location Management in Pervasive Systems %B Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P143-151 %P 143-151 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21WIndulska.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Indulska, M. %A Orlowska, Maria E. %D 2002 %T On Aggregation Issues in Spatial Data Management %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P75-84 %P 75-84 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Indulska.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Irwin, Warwick %A Churcher, Neville %D 2002 %T XML in the Visualisation Pipeline %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P59-67 %P 59-67 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Irwin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Isal, R. Yugo Kartono %A Moffat, Alistair %A Ngai, Alwin C.H. %D 2002 %T Enhanced Word-Based Block-Sorting Text Compression %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P129-137 %P 129-137 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Isal.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ishihara, Masaki %A Misue, Kazuo %A Tanaka, Jiro %D 2006 %T Ripple Presentation for Tree Structures with Historical Information %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P153-160 %P 153-160 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Ishihara.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ishihara, Yukio %A Ishihara, Makio %D 2007 %T Locating A Projector Using The Strength of Beams Reflected on a Screen %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P47-50 %P 47-50 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Ishihara.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ishii, Toshimasa %D 2007 %T Minimum Augmentation of Edge-Connectivity with Monotone Requirements in Undirected Graphs %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P91-100 %P 91-100 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Ishii.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ishii, Toshimasa %A Fujita, Hitoshi %A Nagamochi, Hiroshi %D 2005 %T Minimum Cost Source Location Problem with Local 3-Vertex-Connectivity Requirements %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P97-105 %P 97-105 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Ishii.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ishii, Toshimasa %A Makino, Kazuhisa %D 2009 %T Augmenting Edge-Connectivity between Vertex Subsets %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P43-49 %P 43-49 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Ishii.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Islam, Khandaker Shahidul %D 2007 %T An Approach to Argumentation Context Mining from Dialogue History in an E-Market Scenario %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P73-83 %P 73-83 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Islam.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Islam, Khandaker Shahidul %D 2007 %T An E-Market Framework to Determine the Strength of Business Relationships between Intelligent Agents %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P215-224 %P 215-224 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Islam.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Islam, Md. Zahidul %A Brankovic, Ljiljana %D 2004 %T A Framework for Privacy Preserving Data Mining %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P163-168 %P 163-168 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Islam.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Islas Sedano, Carolina %A Kuts, Ekaterina %A Sutinen, Erkki %D 2007 %T Computer science students can help to solve problems of multiplayer mobile games %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P213-216 %P 213-216 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88IslasSedano.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Itoh, Takayuki %A Yamashita, Fumiyoshi %D 2006 %T Visualization of multi-dimensional data of bioactive chemicals using a hierarchical data visualization technique 'HeiankyoView' %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P23-29 %P 23-29 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Itoh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Itzstein, G. Stewart %A Kearney, David %D 2002 %T Applications of Join Java %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P37-46 %P 37-46 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Itzstein.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Iyengar, Vijay %A Boier, Ioana %A Kelley, Karen %A Curatolo, Raymond %D 2007 %T Analytics for Audit and Business Controls in Corporate Travel and Entertainment %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P3-12 %P 3-12 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Iyengar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Izu, Cruz %D 2006 %T Throughput fairness in k-ary n-cube networks. %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P137-145 %P 137-145 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Izu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jackson, Margaret %A Shah, Ashish %D 2005 %T The Impact of DRMs on Personal Use Expectations and Fair Dealing Rights %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P119-126 %P 119-126 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Jackson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jaffar, Joxan %D 2008 %T Constraint Logic Programming for Program Analysis %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Jaffar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jakob, Mihaly %A Schiller, Oliver %A Schwarz, Holger %A Kaiser, Fabian %D 2007 %T flashWeb: Graphical Modeling of Web Applications for Data Management %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P59-64 %P 59-64 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Jakob.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A James, H.A. %A Hawick, K.A. %A James, C.J. %D 2005 %T Teaching Students How to be Computer Scientists Through Student Projects %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P259-267 %P 259-267 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42James.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jamieson, John %D 2001 %T Regulation of Medical Devices involving Software in Australia - an Overview %B Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV3P7-12 %P 7-12 %S CRPIT %V 3 %K CRPITVol3 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV3Jamieson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jang, Daniel %A Whigham, Peter %A Dick, Grant %D 2004 %T On Evolving Fixed Pattern Strategies for Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P241-247 %P 241-247 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Jang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Janneck, Jorn W. %A Esser, Robert %D 2002 %T Higher-Order Petri Net Modelling - Techniques and Applications %B Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P17-25 %P 17-25 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Janneck.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jansamak, S. %A Surarerks, A. %D 2004 %T Formalization of UML Statechart Models Using Concurrent Regular Expressions %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P83-88 %P 83-88 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Jansamak.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A JasonSmith, Michael %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2003 %T Get a Way Back : Evaluating Retrieval from History Lists %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P33-38 %P 33-38 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18JasonSmith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Javadi, Bahman %A Abawajy, Jemal H. %A Akbari, Mohammad K. %D 2007 %T Communication Network Analysis of the Enterprise Grid Systems %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P33-40 %P 33-40 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Javadi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jayasinghe, Malith %A Tari, Zahir %A Zeephongsekul, Panlop %D 2009 %T The Impact of Quanta on the Performance of Multi-level Time Sharing Policy under Heavy-tailed Workloads %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P83-91 %P 83-91 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Jayasinghe.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jiang, Haifeng %A Lu, Hongjun %A Wang, Wei %A Yu, Jeffrey Xu %D 2002 %T Path Materialization Revisited: An Efficient Storage Model for XML Data %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P85-94 %P 85-94 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Jiang.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Jin, Jesse S. %A Eades, Peter %A Feng, David Dagan %A Yan, Hong %D 2003 %T Visualisation 2002. Selected papers from the Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 22 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jin, Jesse S. %A Wang, Ruiyi %D 2002 %T The Development of an Online Video Browing System %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P3-9 %P 3-9 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Jin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jin, Jesse S. %A Wu, Sue R. %D 2004 %T Screen Capture - A Vector Quantisation Approach %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P43-47 %P 43-47 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Jin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jin, Yan %A Esser, Robert %A Lakos, Charles %D 2003 %T Lightweight Consistency Analysis of Dataflow Process Networks %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P291-300 %P 291-300 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Jin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jittrawong, Keerati %A Wong, Raymond K. %D 2007 %T Optimizing XPath Queries on Streaming XML Data %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P73-82 %P 73-82 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Jittrawong.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Johnson, Chris %A Montague, Paul %A Steketee, Chris %D 2003 %T ACSW Frontiers 2003. Proceedings of the First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 21 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Johnson, Chris R. %A Weinstein, David M. %D 2006 %T Biomedical Computing and Visualization %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P3-10 %P 3-10 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Johnson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Johnson, Chris W. %D 2007 %T Analysing the Causes of the Italian and Swiss Blackout, 28th September 2003 %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P21-30 %P 21-30 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Johnson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Johnson, Chris W. %A Barnes, Ian %D 2005 %T Redesigning the Intermediate Course in Software Design %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P249-258 %P 249-258 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Johnson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Johnsten, Tom %A Raghavan, Vijay V. %D 2002 %T A Methodology for Hiding Knowledge in Databases %B IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %E Clifton, Chris %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %F CRPITV14P9-17 %P 9-17 %S CRPIT %V 14 %K CRPITVol14 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV14Johnsten.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Johnston, Benjamin %A Governatori, Guido %D 2003 %T An algorithm for the induction of defeasible logic theories from databases %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P75-83 %P 75-83 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Johnston.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Johnston, Stanley %A Acquaah-Gaisie, Gerald %D 2001 %T Economic development via the Net in Oceania %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P60-66 %P 60-66 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Johnston.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jones, Anthony J. %D 2002 %T Integration of ICT in an Initial Teacher Training Course: Participants' Views %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P49-54 %P 49-54 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Jones.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jones, Anthony J. %D 2003 %T ICT and Future Teachers : Are We Prepared for E-Learning? %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P67-69 %P 67-69 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Jones.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jones, Anthony J. %D 2003 %T Infusing ICT Use within the Early Years of Elementary Education %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P59-64 %P 59-64 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Jones.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jones, Christian %A Munro, Callum %D 2009 %T Using Machinima to Promote Computer Science Study %B Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009) %E Weber, Gerald %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV93P21-29 %P 21-29 %S CRPIT %V 93 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV93Jones.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jones, John %D 2002 %T DVB-MHP/JavaTV Data Transport Mechanisms %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P115-121 %P 115-121 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Jones.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jones, Jeff %D 2005 %T Creative Research and Development Collaborations %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Jones.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jones-Diaz, Criss %D 2003 %T Multiple Literacies... Multiple Learning Opportunities %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P139 %P 139 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jones-Lee, Michael %A Loomes, Graham %D 2004 %T Eliciting Measures of Value for Health and Safety %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47JonesLee.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jorns, Oliver %A Quirchmayr, Gerald %A Jung, Oliver %D 2007 %T A Privacy Enhancing Mechanism based on Pseudonyms for Identity Protection in Location-Based Services %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P133-142 %P 133-142 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Jorns.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %D 2007 %T Probabilistic Logic under Uncertainty %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P101-110 %P 101-110 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Al Zomai, Muhammed %A Suriadi, Suriadi %D 2007 %T Usability and Privacy in Identity Management Architectures %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P143-152 %P 143-152 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Alfayyadh, Bander %D 2008 %T Robust WYSIWYS: A Method for Ensuring that What You See Is What You Sign %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P53-58 %P 53-58 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Bradley, Daniel %A Knapskog, Svein J. %D 2004 %T Belief Based Risk Analysis %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P63-68 %P 63-68 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Fabre, John %A Hay, Brian %A Dalziel, James %A Pope, Simon %D 2005 %T Trust Requirements in Identity Management %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P99-108 %P 99-108 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Gollmann, Dieter %A Au, Richard %D 2006 %T A Method for Access Authorisation Through Delegation Networks %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P165-174 %P 165-174 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Patton, Mary Anne %D 2003 %T User Interface Requirements for Authentication of Communication %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P75-80 %P 75-80 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Pope, Simon %D 2005 %T Semantic Constraints for Trust Transitivity %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P59-68 %P 59-68 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Pope, Simon %A Hayward, Ross %D 2006 %T Trust Network Analysis with Subjective Logic %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P85-94 %P 85-94 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Josang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Josang, Audun %A Sanderud, Gunnar %D 2003 %T Security in Mobile Communications: Challenges and Opportunities %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P43-48 %P 43-48 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21AJosang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Joyce, Donald %A Young, Alison L. %D 2004 %T Developing and Implementing a Professional Doctorate in Computing %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P145-149 %P 145-149 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Joyce.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Jureta, Ivan J. %A Faulkner, Stephane %D 2007 %T Clarifying Goal Models %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P139-144 %P 139-144 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Jureta.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kabir, Md Enamul %A Wang, Hua %D 2009 %T Conditional Purpose Based Access Control Model for Privacy Protection %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P137-144 %P 137-144 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Kabir.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kaburagi, T. %A Hashimoto, S. %A Matsumoto, T. %A Muramatsu, D. %A Sasaki, M. %D 2004 %T Transmembrane Region Prediction with Hydropathy Index/Charge Two-Dimensional Trajectories of Stochastic Dynamical Systems %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P35-42 %P 35-42 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Kaburagi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kaiser, Bernhard %A Liggesmeyer, Peter %A Mackel, Oliver %D 2004 %T A New Component Concept for Fault Trees %B Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %E Lindsay, Peter %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV33P37-46 %P 37-46 %S CRPIT %V 33 %K CRPITVol33 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV33Kaiser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kaiser, Robin %A Oertel, Karina %D 2006 %T Emotions in HCI - An Affective E-Learning System %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P105-106 %P 105-106 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Kaiser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kamble, Anand S. %D 2008 %T A Conceptual Model for Multidimensional Data %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P29-38 %P 29-38 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Kamble.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kaneiwa, Ken %A Tojo, Satoshi %D 2005 %T Logical Aspects of Events: Quantification, Sorts, Composition and Disjointness %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P33-40 %P 33-40 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Kaneiwa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kang, Hyunchul %A Han, Seungchul %A Kim, Younghyun %D 2005 %T Schemes of Storing XML Query Cache %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P55-64 %P 55-64 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Kang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kang, Hyunchul %A Sung, Hosang %A Moon, ChanHo %D 2003 %T Deferred Incremental Refresh of XML Materialized Views : Algorithms and Performance Evaluation %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P217-226 %P 217-226 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Kang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kantarcioglu, Murat %A Vaidya, Jaideep %D 2002 %T An Architecture for Privacy-preserving Mining of Client Information %B IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %E Clifton, Chris %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %F CRPITV14P37-42 %P 37-42 %S CRPIT %V 14 %K CRPITVol14 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV14Kantarcioglu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kanzaki, Yuichiro %A Igaki, Hiroshi %A Nakamura, Masahide %A Monden, Akito %A Matsumoto, Ken-ichi %D 2005 %T Characterizing Dynamics of Information Leakage in Security-Sensitive Software Process %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P145-151 %P 145-151 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Kanzaki.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Karahasanovic, Amela %A Thomas, Richard C. %D 2007 %T Difficulties experienced by students in maintaining object-oriented systems: an empirical study %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P81-87 %P 81-87 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Karahasanovic.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Karimi, Mehdi %A Gupta, Arvind %D 2009 %T Minimum Cost Homomorphism to Oriented Cycles with Some Loops %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P7-17 %P 7-17 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Karimi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Karunaratne, Savant %A Yan, Hong %D 2001 %T A Fuzzy Rule-Based Interactive Methodology for Training Multimedia Actors %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P3-9 %P 3-9 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Karunaratne.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kasabov, N. %A Middlemiss, M. %A Lane, T. %D 2003 %T A Generic Connectionist-Based Method for On-Line Feature Selection and Modelling with a Case Study of Gene Expression Data Analysis %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P199-202 %P 199-202 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Kasabov.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kaschek, Roland %A Albertyn, Frina %A Shekhovtsov, Vladimir A. %A Zlatkin, Sergiy %D 2007 %T An e-Process Selection Model %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P115-120 %P 115-120 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Kaschek.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kasmarik, Kathryn %A Thurbon, Joe %D 2003 %T Experimental Evaluation of a Program Visualisation Tool for Use in Computer Science Education %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P111-116 %P 111-116 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Kasmarik.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kassab, Randa %A Lamirel, Jean-Charles %D 2006 %T A New Approach to Intelligent Text Filtering Based on Novelty Detection %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P149-156 %P 149-156 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Kassab.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kay, Judy %A Li, Lichao %A Fekete, Alan %D 2007 %T Learner Reflection in Student Self-assessment %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P89-95 %P 89-95 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Kay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kayed, Ahmad %A Colomb, Robert M. %D 2002 %T Using Ontologies to Index Conceptual Structures for Tendering Automation %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P95-101 %P 95-101 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Kayed.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Keedy, J. Leslie %A Menger, Gisela %A Heinlein, Christian %D 2002 %T Support for Subtyping and Code Re-use in Timor %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P35-43 %P 35-43 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Keedy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Keefe, Karen %A Dick, Martin %D 2004 %T Using Extreme Programming in a Capstone Project %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P151-160 %P 151-160 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Keefe.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Keefe, Karen %A Sheard, Judithe %A Dick, Martin %D 2006 %T Adopting XP Practices for Teaching Object Oriented Programming %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P91-100 %P 91-100 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Keefe.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Keith, Jonathan M. %A Adams, Peter %A Bryant, Darryn %A Mitchelson, Keith R. %A Cochran, Duncan A. E. %A Lala, Gita H. %D 2003 %T Inferring an Original Sequence from Erroneous Copies : A Bayesian Approach %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P23-28 %P 23-28 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Keith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kelarev, A.V. %D 2006 %T A Polynomial Algorithm for Codes Based on Directed Graphs %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P87-92 %P 87-92 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Kelarev.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kelly, Peter M. %A Coddington, Paul D. %A Wendelborn, Andrew L. %D 2006 %T A Simplified Approach to Web Service Development %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P79-88 %P 79-88 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Kelly.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kelly, Tim %D 2006 %T Using Software Architecture Techniques to Support the Modular Certification of Safety-Critical Systems %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P53-65 %P 53-65 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Kelly.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kelly, Wayne %A Gough, John %D 2008 %T Compiling Ruby on the CLR %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P37-46 %P 37-46 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Kelly.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Kelly, Wayne %A Roe, Paul %D 2008 %T Grid Computing and e-Research 2008. Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 82 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kemp, Zarine %A Tan, Lei %A Whalley, Jacqueline %D 2007 %T Interoperability for Geospatial Analysis: a Semantics and Ontology-based Approach %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P83-92 %P 83-92 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Kemp.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kendall, Mike %D 2003 %T ICT and the Teacher of the Future %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P71-72 %P 71-72 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Kendall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kennedy, Angel %A MacNish, Cara %D 2008 %T An Investigation of the State Formation and Transition Limitations for Prediction Problems in Recurrent Neural Networks %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P137-145 %P 137-145 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Kennedy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kennedy, Geoffrey J. %D 2005 %T Peer-assessment in Group Projects: Is it worth it? %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P59-65 %P 59-65 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Kennedy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kennewell, Steve %D 2003 %T Developing Research Models for ICT-Based Pedagogy %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P73-74 %P 73-74 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Kennewell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kennewell, Steve %A Beauchamp, Gary %D 2003 %T The Influence of a Technology-rich Classroom Environment on Elementary Teachers' Pedagogy and Children's Learning %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P65-70 %P 65-70 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Kennewell2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kennewell, Steve %A Morgan, Alex %D 2003 %T Student Teachers' Experiences and Attitudes Towards Using Interactive Whiteboards in the Teaching and Learning of Young Children %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P71-75 %P 71-75 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Kennewell1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Keogh, Eamonn %A Lin, Jessica %A Lonardi, Stefano %A Chiu, Bill %D 2004 %T We Have Seen the Future, and It Is Symbolic %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P83 %P 83 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Keogh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khaled, Rilla %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %A Barr, Pippin %A Fischer, Ronald %D 2006 %T Persuasive Interaction for Collectivist Cultures %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P73-80 %P 73-80 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Khaled.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khaled, Rilla %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2003 %T InspectJ : Program Monitoring for Visualisation Using AspectJ %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P359-368 %P 359-368 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Khaled.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khaled, Rilla %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2003 %T A Case Study of Cartoon Visualisation Using AspectJ %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P117-125 %P 117-125 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Khaled.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khalil, Faten %A Li, Jiuyong %A Wang, Hua %D 2006 %T A Framework of Combining Markov Model With Association Rules for Predicting Web Page Accesses %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P177-184 %P 177-184 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Khalil.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khalil, Faten %A Li, Jiuyong %A Wang, Hua %D 2008 %T Integrating Recommendation Models for Improved Web page prediction accuracy %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P91-100 %P 91-100 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Khalil.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khan, Khaled M. %A Kapurubandara, Mahesha %A Chadha, Urvashi %D 2004 %T Incorporating Business Requirements and Constraints in Database Conceptual Model %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P59-64 %P 59-64 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Khan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khan, Umer %A Shin, Hyunjung %A Choi, Jong Pill %A Kim, Minkoo %D 2008 %T wFDT - Weighted Fuzzy Decision Trees for Prognosis of Breast Cancer Survivability %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P141-152 %P 141-152 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Khan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khandekar, Anushree %A Krishna, P. Radha %A Karlapalem, Kamalakar %D 2007 %T A Methodology and Toolkit for Deploying Contract Documents as E-contracts %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P91-96 %P 91-96 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Khandekar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khanli, L. Mohammad %A Analoui, M. %D 2006 %T Grid-JQA : Grid Java based Quality of service management by Active database %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P41-45 %P 41-45 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Khanli.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khoury, Gerald R. %A Simoff, Simeon J. %D 2004 %T Enterprise Architecture Modelling using Elastic Metaphors %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P65-69 %P 65-69 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Khoury.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khoury, Gerald R. %A Simoff, Simeon J. %D 2004 %T Elastic Metaphors: Expanding the Philosophy of Interface Design %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P65-71 %P 65-71 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Khoury.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Khoury, Gerald R. %A Simoff, Simeon J. %A Debenham, John %D 2005 %T Modelling Enterprise Architectures: An Approach Based on Linking Metaphors and Ontologies %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P41-46 %P 41-46 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Khoury.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ki, W. %A Chung, A.L.S. %A Lam, H.C. %D 2003 %T Teacher Empowerment and Minimalist Design %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P75-76 %P 75-76 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Ki.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kiili, Kristian %D 2003 %T Technology Access : Resources Wasted in Computer Laboratories %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P77-79 %P 77-79 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Kiili.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kildare, Robert %A Williams, R.N. %A Hartnett, Jacky %D 2006 %T An online tool for learning collaboration and learning while collaborating. %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P101-108 %P 101-108 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Kildare.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kim, Bok Dong %A Koo, Sang Ok %A Kwon, Hyok Don %A Jung, Seong Dae %A Jung, Soon Ki %A Lee, Minho %A Rho, YongWoo %A Koo, SungJa %D 2006 %T Integrated Visualization for Geometry PIG Data %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P63-66 %P 63-66 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Kim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kim, Han-joon %A Lee, TaeHee %A Lee, Sang-goo %A Chun, Jonghun %D 2003 %T Automated Data Warehousing for Rule-based CRM Systems %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P67-73 %P 67-73 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17HJKim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kim, Jinman %A Feng, David D. %A Cai, Tom Weidong %D 2001 %T A Web Based Medical Image Data Processing and Management System %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P89-91 %P 89-91 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kim, Jinman %A Feng, David D. %A Cai, Tom Weidong %A Eberl, Stefan %D 2002 %T Integrated Multimedia Medical Data Agent in E-Health %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P11-15 %P 11-15 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Kim2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kim, Jinman %A Feng, David D. %A Cai, Tom Weidong %A Eberl, Stefan %D 2002 %T A Solution to the Distribution and Standarization of Multimedia Medical Data in E-Health %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P161-164 %P 161-164 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Kim1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kim, James %A Lutteroth, Christof %D 2009 %T Multi-Platform Document-Oriented GUIs %B Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009) %E Weber, Gerald %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV93P31-38 %P 31-38 %S CRPIT %V 93 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV93Kim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kim, Tae-Wan %A Li, Ki-Joune %D 2003 %T A Distance-Based Packing Method for High Dimensional Data %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P135-144 %P 135-144 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17TWKim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A King, John %A Bond, Trevor %D 2002 %T Parents' and Students' Satisfaction with the Use of Information Technology in Government Schools in Queensland, Australia %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P55-59 %P 55-59 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8King.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kirchberg, Markus %A Link, Sebastian %D 2003 %T On the Implication Problem for Functional Dependencies in the Higher-Order Entity-Relationship Model %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P115-124 %P 115-124 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Kirchberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kirchberg, Markus %A Riaz-ud-Din, Faizal %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Tretiakov, Alexei %D 2006 %T Using Reflection for Querying XML Documents %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P119-128 %P 119-128 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Kirchberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kirley, Michael %D 2006 %T Supporting Casual Tutors and Demonstrators: A case study in computer science and software engineering %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P109-115 %P 109-115 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Kirley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kit, Lau Hoi %A Ng, Vincent %D 2005 %T Enumerating XML Data for Dynamic Updating %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P75-84 %P 75-84 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Kit.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kitiyadisai, Krisana %D 2004 %T Bridging the Digital Divide from a Buddhist Perspective with Implications for Public Policy %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P91-95 %P 91-95 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Kitiyadisai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kitsuregawa, Masaru %A Toyoda, Masashi %A Pramudiono, Iko %D 2002 %T WEB Community Mining and WEB Log Mining: Commodity Cluster Based Execution %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P3-10 %P 3-10 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Kitsuregawa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kiyoki, Yasushi %A Chen, Xing %D 2009 %T A Semantic Associative Computation Method for Automatic Decorative-Multimedia Creation with 'Kansei' Information %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P7-15 %P 7-15 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Kiyoki.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Klein, Gerwin %A Huuck, Ralf %D 2005 %T High Assurance System Software %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P59-67 %P 59-67 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Klein.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Klukas, Christian %A Schreiber, Falk %A Schwoebbermeyer, Henning %D 2006 %T Coordinated Perspectives and Enhanced Force-Directed Layout for the Analysis of Network Motifs %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P39-48 %P 39-48 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Klukas.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kneale, Bruce %A Horta, Ain Y. de %A Box, Ilona %D 2004 %T VELNET (Virtual Environment for Learning Networking) %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P161-168 %P 161-168 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Kneale.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Knight, John %A Patrickson, Margaret %A Gurd, Bruce %D 2009 %T GP Attitudes towards Using HI Systems in Their Professional Role %B Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009) %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV97P37-44 %P 37-44 %S CRPIT %V 97 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV97Knight.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Knight, John C. %A Graydon, Patrick J. %D 2007 %T Engineering, Communication, and Safety %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P31-39 %P 31-39 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Knight.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Knobelsdorf, Maria %A Schulte, Carsten %D 2007 %T Computer science in context - pathways to computer science %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P65-76 %P 65-76 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Knobelsdorf.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kobayashi, Takumi %A Misue, Kazuo %A Shizuki, Buntarou %A Tanaka, Jiro %D 2006 %T Information Gathering Support Interface by the Overview Presentation of Web Search Results %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P103-108 %P 103-108 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Kobayashi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kodituwakku, Saluka R. %A Bertok, Peter %D 2003 %T Pattern Categories: A Mathematical Approach for Organizing Design Patterns %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P63 %P 63 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Kodituwakku.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Koehler, Henning %D 2005 %T A Contraction Algorithm for finding Minimal Feedback Sets %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P165-174 %P 165-174 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Koehler.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Koehler, Henning %D 2007 %T Domination Normal Form - Decomposing Relational Database Schemas %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P79-85 %P 79-85 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Koehler.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Koehler, Henning %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Zhao, Jane %D 2007 %T Dynamic Data Warehouse Design as a Refinement in ASM-based Approach %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P61-69 %P 61-69 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Koehler.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Koh, Yun Sing %A Pears, Russel %D 2008 %T Rare Association Rule Mining via Transaction Clustering %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P87-94 %P 87-94 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Koh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kohl, Lutz %D 2007 %T Puck - a visual programming system for schools %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P191-194 %P 191-194 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Kohl.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kolanski, Rafal %A Klein, Gerwin %D 2006 %T Formalising the L4 microkernel API %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P53-68 %P 53-68 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Kolanski.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kolyshkina, Inna %A Simoff, Simeon %D 2007 %T Customer Analytics Projects: Addressing Existing Problems with a Process that Leads to Success %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P13-19 %P 13-19 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Kolyshkina.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Komisarczuk, Peter %A Welch, Ian %D 2006 %T A Board Game for Teaching Internet Engineering %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P117-123 %P 117-123 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Komisarczuk.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kong, Waiming %A Tan, Patrick %A Tham, Lawrence %A Wong, Kee Yew %D 2004 %T Support Vector Machine Approach for Cancer Detection Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Screening Method %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P63-66 %P 63-66 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Kong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Koppi, Tony %A Sheard, Judy %A Naghdy, Fazel %A Chicharo, Joe %A Edwards, Sylvia L. %A Brookes, Wayne %A Wilson, David %D 2009 %T What Our ICT Graduates Need from Us: A Perspective from the Workplace %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P101-109 %P 101-109 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Koppi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Korb, Kevin B. %A Nicholson, Ann E. %A Hope, Lucas R. %D 2007 %T Take Heart II: A Modular Bayesian Decision Support System %B Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P203-203 %P 203-203 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Korb.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kozlova, Iryna %A Ritter, Norbert %A Husemann, Martin %D 2007 %T Providing Semantically Equivalent, Complete Views for Multilingual Access to Integrated Data %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P191-196 %P 191-196 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Kozlova.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Krawczyk, Stefan %A Bubendorfer, Kris %D 2008 %T Grid Resource Allocation : Allocation Mechanisms and Utilisation Patterns %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P73-81 %P 73-81 %S CRPIT %V 82 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Krawczyk.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Krishna, P. Radha %A Karlapalem, Kamalakar %D 2007 %T Active Meta Modeling Support for Evolving E-contracts %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P103-108 %P 103-108 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Krishna.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kristensen, Lars M. %A Mitchell, Brice %A Zhang, Lin %A Billington, Jonathan %D 2002 %T Modelling and Initial Analysis of Operational Planning Processes using Coloured Petri Nets %B Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P105-114 %P 105-114 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Kristensen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kuffner, Adam %A Robles-Kelly, Antonio %D 2006 %T Image Feature Evaluation for Contents-based Image Retrieval %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P29-33 %P 29-33 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Kuffner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kuhne, Thomas %D 2009 %T Contrasting Classification with Generalisation %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P71-78 %P 71-78 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Kuhne.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kummerfeld, Sarah K. %A Kay, Judy %D 2003 %T The Neglected Battle Fields of Syntax Errors %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P105-111 %P 105-111 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Kummerfeld.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kurata, Ken-ichi %A Breton, Vincent %A Saguez, Christian %A Dine, Gerald %D 2003 %T Evaluation of Unique Sequences on the European Data Grid %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P43-52 %P 43-52 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Kurata.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kurokawa, Taketo %D 2006 %T Japanese Landscape and My Environmental Design %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P9-12 %P 9-12 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Kurokawa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kutay, Cat %A Lister, Raymond %D 2006 %T Up Close and Pedagogical: Computing Academics Talk About Teaching %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P125-134 %P 125-134 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Kutay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kutty, Sangeetha %A Nayak, Richi %A Li, Yuefeng %D 2007 %T PCITMiner- Prefix-based Closed Induced Tree Miner for finding closed induced frequent subtrees %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P151-160 %P 151-160 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Kutty.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kutz, Oliver %A Lucke, Dominik %A Mossakowski, Till %D 2008 %T Heterogeneously Structured Ontologies - Integration, Connection, and Refinement %B Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV90P41-50 %P 41-50 %S CRPIT %V 90 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV90Kutz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Kwan, Paul W.H. %A Gao, Junbin %D 2006 %T A Multi-step Strategy for Approximate Similarity Search in Image Databases %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P139-147 %P 139-147 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Kwan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ladkin, Peter B. %D 2004 %T Causal Analysis of the ACAS/TCAS Sociotechnical System %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P3-12 %P 3-12 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Ladkin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ladkin, Peter B. %A Stuphorn, Jorn %D 2004 %T Two Causal Analyses of the Black Hawk Shootdown during Operation Provide Comfort %B Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %E Lindsay, Peter %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV33P3-23 %P 3-23 %S CRPIT %V 33 %K CRPITVol33 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV33Ladkin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Laffey, James M. %A Espinosa, Linda M. %D 2003 %T Appropriation, Mastery and Resistance to Technology in Early Childhood Preservice Teacher Education: Case Studies %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P77-82 %P 77-82 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Laffey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lahtinen, Essi %A Ahoniemi, Tuukka %A Salo, Anniina %D 2007 %T Effectiveness of integrating program visualizations to a programming course %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P195-198 %P 195-198 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Lahtinen.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Lai, Feipei %A Morris, John %D 2002 %T Computer Systems Architecture 2002. Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %V 6 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lai, Paulo %A Church, W. Bret %A Kaplan, Warren %A Wong, Raymond K. %D 2004 %T Informative 3D Visualization of Multiple Protein Structures %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P201-208 %P 201-208 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Lai.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Lakos, Charles %A Esser, Robert %A Kristensen, Lars M. %A Billington, Jonathan %D 2002 %T Formal Methods in Software Engineering and Defence Systems 2002. Proceedings of the Satellite Workshops on Software Engineering and Formal Methods and Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 12 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lambert, Dale %A Nowak, Chris %D 2006 %T Mephisto I. - Towards a Formal Theory %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P25-30 %P 25-30 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Lambert.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lambrix, Patrick %A Jakoniene, Vaida %D 2003 %T Towards Transparent Access to Multiple Biological Databanks %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P53-60 %P 53-60 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Lambrix.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lamouchi, Olfa %A Cherif, Amar R. %A Levy, Nicole %D 2008 %T A Framework Based Measurements for Evaluating an IS Quality %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P39-47 %P 39-47 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Lamouchi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Langemann, Dirk %D 2007 %T Selfish-brain Theory: Challenges in the Top-down Analysis of Metabolic Supply Chains %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P39-49 %P 39-49 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Langemann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lanthier, Mark A. %A Nussbaum, Doron %A Wang, Tsuo-Jung %D 2005 %T Calculating the Meeting Point of Scattered Robots on Weighted Terrain Surfaces %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P107-118 %P 107-118 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Lanthier.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Larkin, James %A Stocks, Phil %D 2004 %T Self-Replicating Expressions in the Lambda Calculus %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P167-173 %P 167-173 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Larkin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Latu, Savae %A Young, Alison L. %D 2004 %T Teaching ICT to Pacific Island Background Students %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P169-175 %P 169-175 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Latu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Laxer, Cary %A Daniel, Mats %A Cajander, Asa %A Wollowski, Michael %D 2009 %T Evolution of an International Collaborative Student Project %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P111-118 %P 111-118 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Laxer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Laxer, Cary %A Fuller, Ursula %A Goold, Annegret %A Young, Alison %D 2006 %T Facilitating Global Computing Education Through Study Abroad and Collaborative Projects %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P15-16 %P 15-16 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Laxer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Le, Quynh %A Le, Thao %D 2002 %T Where Does the Superhighway Lead Us? A Learners' Perspective %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P61-66 %P 61-66 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Le1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Le, Thao %D 2002 %T Collaborate to Learn and Learn to Collaborate %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P67-70 %P 67-70 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Le2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Leckie, Christopher %A Kotagiri, Ramamohanarao %D 2003 %T Policies for Sharing Distributed Probabilistic Beliefs %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P285-290 %P 285-290 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Leckie.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lee, Byoungcheon %A Boyd, Colin %A Dawson, Ed %A Kim, Kwangjo %A Yang, Jeongmo %A Yoo, Seungjae %D 2004 %T Secure Key Issuing in ID-based Cryptography %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P69-74 %P 69-74 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Lee.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lee, Jeremy Y. %A Zic, John %D 2002 %T On Modelling Real-Time Mobile Processes %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P139-147 %P 139-147 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Lee.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lee, Michael D. %A Nepal, Surya %A Srinivasan, Uma %D 2003 %T Role of Edge Detection in Video Semantics %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P59 %P 59 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Lee.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lee, Michael D. %A Reilly, Rachel E. %A Butavicius, Marcus A. %D 2003 %T An Empirical Evaluation of Chernoff Faces, Star Glyphs, and Spatial Visualisations for Binary Data %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P1-10 %P 1-10 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Lee.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lee, Sofianto %A Lister, Raymond %D 2008 %T Experiments in the Dynamics of Phase Coupled Oscillators When Applied to Graph Colouring %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P83-89 %P 83-89 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Lee.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lee, Yi-Yi %A Lin, Chun-Cheng %A Yen, Hsu-Chun %D 2006 %T Mental Map Preserving Graph Drawing Using Simulated Annealing %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P179-188 %P 179-188 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Lee.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lefevre, Laurent %A Roe, Paul %D 2006 %T Improving the Flexibility of Active Grids through Web Services %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P3-8 %P 3-8 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Lefevre.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lefort, Laurent %A Taylor, Kerry %D 2005 %T Large scale colour ontology generation with XO %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P47-52 %P 47-52 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Lefort.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lefort, Laurent %A Taylor, Kerry %A Ratcliffe, David %D 2006 %T Towards Scalable Ontology Engineering Patterns: Lessons Learned from an Experiment based on W3Cs Part-whole Guidelines %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P31-40 %P 31-40 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Lefort.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Leist, Arno %A Hawick, Ken A. %D 2009 %T A Small-World Network Model for Distributed Storage of Semantic Metadata %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P49-56 %P 49-56 %S CRPIT %V 99 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV99Leist.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Leitch, Shona %A Warren, Matthew %D 2001 %T The Issue of Ethics in Electronic Commerce %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P56-59 %P 56-59 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Leitch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lenarcic, John %A Mousset, Eric C. %D 2004 %T The Open Source Singularity: A Postmodernist View %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P73-77 %P 73-77 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Lenarcic.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lester, Nicholas %A Williams, Hugh E. %A Zobel, Justin %D 2004 %T In-Place versus Re-Build versus Re-Merge: Index Maintenance Strategies for Text Retrieval Systems %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P15-22 %P 15-22 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Lester.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Leung, Kingsly %A Leckie, Christopher %D 2005 %T Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection Using Clusters %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P333-342 %P 333-342 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Leung.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Levit, Vadim %A Mandrescu, Eugen %D 2008 %T Well-covered Graphs and Greedoids %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P87-91 %P 87-91 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Levit.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Levy, Neil %D 2004 %T Cyborgs-R-Us %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P13-17 %P 13-17 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Levy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lewis, Sue %A McKay, Judy %A Lang, Catherine %D 2006 %T The Next Wave of Gender Projects in IT Curriculum and Teaching at Universities %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P135-142 %P 135-142 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Lewis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lewis, Trent W. %A Powers, David M.W. %D 2001 %T Lip Feature Extraction Using Red Exclusion %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P61-67 %P 61-67 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Lewis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lewis, Trent W. %A Powers, David M.W. %D 2002 %T Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using Red Exclusion and Neural Networks %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P149-156 %P 149-156 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 SPJRP %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Lewis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lewis, Trent W. %A Powers, David M.W. %D 2004 %T Sensor Fusion Weighting Measures in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P305-314 %P 305-314 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Lewis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Dongyang %A Li, Chunping %D 2008 %T TRACK : A Novel XML Join Algorithm for Efficient Processing Twig Queries %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P137-143 %P 137-143 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Li2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Jianxin %A Liu, Chengfei %A Yu, Jeffrey Xu %A Liu, Jixue %A Wang, Guoren %A Yang, Chi %D 2008 %T Computing Structural Similarity of Source XML Schemas against Domain XML Schema %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P155-164 %P 155-164 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Li3.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Jinyan %A Liu, Huiqing %A Wong, Limsoon %D 2004 %T Use of Built-in Features in the Interpretation of High-dimensional Cancer Diagnosis Data %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P67-74 %P 67-74 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Jinyan %A Ong, Hwee-Leng %D 2003 %T Feature Space Transformation and Decision Results Interpretation %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P129-137 %P 129-137 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, J. S. Jimmy %A Randhawa, Sharmil %D 2004 %T Improved Video Mosaic Construction by Selecting a Suitable Subset of Video Images %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P143-149 %P 143-149 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Ling %A Volkov, Vasily %D 2005 %T Cloth Animation with Adaptively Refined Meshes %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P107-114 %P 107-114 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Li %A Wu, Baolin %A Yang, Yun %D 2005 %T Agent-based Ontology Integration for Ontology-based Applications %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P53-59 %P 53-59 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Min %A Wang, Hua %A Plank, Ashley %D 2009 %T Privacy-aware Access Control with Generalization Boundaries %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P93-100 %P 93-100 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Qing %D 2008 %T Multimedia Data Modelling: Moving Up the Ladder %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Shuai Cheng %D 2006 %T Faster Algorithms for Finding Missing Patterns %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P107-111 %P 107-111 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Wanchun %A Eades, Peter %A Nikolov, Nikola %D 2005 %T Using Spring Algorithms to Remove Node Overlapping %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P131-140 %P 131-140 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Wanchun %A Takatsuka, Masahiro %D 2004 %T Adding Filtering to Geometric Distortion to Visualize a Clustered Graph on Small Screens %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P71-79 %P 71-79 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Xiaoming %A Huang, Lianen %D 2008 %T From WebArchive to WebDigest : Concept and Examples %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P11 %P 11 %S CRPIT %V 75 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Xueming %A Parsons, Jeffrey %D 2007 %T Ontological Semantics for the Use of UML in Conceptual Modeling %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P179-184 %P 179-184 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Yamin %A Peng, Shietung %A Chu, Wanming %D 2002 %T Metacube - A New Interconnection Network for Large Scale Parallel Systems %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P29-36 %P 29-36 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Li, Yijun %A Zhang, Dianqing %A Zhou, Xiangmin %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2008 %T A Confidence Based Recognition System for TV Commercial Extraction %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P57-64 %P 57-64 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Li.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liang, Ping %A Roddick, John F. %D 2007 %T Detecting Anomalous Longitudinal Associations Through Higher Order Mining %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P19-27 %P 19-27 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Liang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liang, Ping %A Roddick, John F. %A Ceglar, Aaron %A Shillabeer, Anna %A de Vries, Denise %D 2009 %T Discovering Itemset Interactions %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P121-128 %P 121-128 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Liang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liao, Chia-Hung %A Shieh, Jong-Jiann %D 2002 %T Exploiting Speculative Value Reuse Using Value Prediction %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P101-108 %P 101-108 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Liao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liegl, Philipp %D 2009 %T Conceptual Business Document Modeling using UN/CEFACT's Core Components %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P59-69 %P 59-69 %S CRPIT %V 96 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lim, Chee Chern %A Yu, Man Hing %A Jin, Jesse J. %D 2004 %T Web-based Multimedia GP Medical System %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P49-52 %P 49-52 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Lim1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lim, Joo-Hwee %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2003 %T Home Photo Indexing using Learned Visual Keywords %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P69 %P 69 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Lim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lim, Joo-Hwee %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2004 %T Using Dual Cascading Learning Frameworks for Image Indexing %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P53-60 %P 53-60 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Lim2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lim, Yusuk %A Xu, Changsheng %A Feng, David D. %D 2002 %T Web-based Image Authentication Using Invisible Fragile Watermark %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P31-34 %P 31-34 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Lim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lim, Yu S. %A Feng, David D. %A Cai, Tom Weidong %D 2001 %T A Web-based Collaborative System for Medical Image Analysis and Diagnosis %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P93-95 %P 93-95 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Lim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Limaye, Nutan %A Mahajan, Meena %A Nimbhorkar, Prajakta %D 2009 %T Longest Paths in Planar DAGs in Unambiguous Logspace %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P99-105 %P 99-105 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Limaye.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Limthanmaphon, Benchaphon %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2003 %T Web Service Composition with Case-Based Reasoning %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P201-208 %P 201-208 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Limthanmaphon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Limthanmaphon, Benchaphon %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2004 %T Web Service Composition Transaction Management %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P171-179 %P 171-179 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Limthanmaphon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lin, Li %A Cao, Longbing %A Zhang, Chengqi %D 2005 %T The Fish-eye Visualization of Foreign Currency Exchange Data Streams %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P91-96 %P 91-96 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Lin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lin, Ming-Yen %A Hsueh, Sue-Chen %A Hwang, Sheng-Kun %D 2008 %T Interactive Mining of Frequent Itemsets over Arbitrary Time Intervals in a Data Stream %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P15-21 %P 15-21 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Lin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lin, Wilfred W. K. %A Wong, Allan K. Y. %A Dillon, Tharam S. %D 2005 %T A Novel Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) for Shortening the TCP Channel Roundtrip Time by Eliminating User Buffer Overflow Adaptively %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P29-38 %P 29-38 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Lin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lin, Xuemin %D 2007 %T Continuously Maintaining Order Statistics over Data Streams %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P7-10 %P 7-10 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Lin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lin, Zheng %A Jin, Jesse S. %A Talbot, Hugues %D 2001 %T Unseeded Region Growing for 3D Image Segmentation %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P31-37 %P 31-37 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Lin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lindsay, Peter %D 2001 %T Improved Acquisition Processes for Safety-Critical Systems in the Australian Department of Defence %B Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV3P31-38 %P 31-38 %S CRPIT %V 3 %K CRPITVol3 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV3Lindsay.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Lindsay, Peter %D 2001 %T Safety Critical Systems and Software 2001. Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %V 3 %K CRPITVol3 %0 Edited Book %A Lindsay, Peter %D 2002 %T Safety-Critical Systems and Software 2002. Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 15 %O CRPITV15Redmill %0 Edited Book %A Lindsay, Peter %A Cant, Tony %D 2004 %T Safety Critical Systems and Software 2003. Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %V 33 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lindsay, Peter %A Connelly, Simon %D 2002 %T Modelling Erroneous Operator Behaviours for an Air-Traffic Control Task %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P43-54 %P 43-54 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Lindsay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lindstrom, Bo %A Wagenhals, Lee W. %D 2002 %T Operational Planning using Web-Based Interfaces to a Coloured Petri Net Simulator of Influence Nets %B Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P115-124 %P 115-124 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Lindstrom.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Link, Sebastian %D 2006 %T On the Logical Implication of Multivalued Dependencies with Null Values %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P113-122 %P 113-122 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Link.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Link, Sebastian %A Hartmann, Sven %D 2004 %T Normalisation in the Presence of Lists %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P49-60 %P 49-60 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Link.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Link, Sebastian %A Kirchberg, Markus %D 2009 %T Conceptual Modelling 2009. Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 96 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Link, Sebastian %A Trinh, Thu %D 2007 %T Know your Limits: Enhanced XML Modeling with Cardinality Constraints %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P19-30 %P 19-30 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Link.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lister, Raymond %D 2004 %T Teaching Java First: Experiments with a Pigs-Early Pedagogy %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P177-183 %P 177-183 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Lister.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lister, Raymond %D 2005 %T One Small Step Toward a Culture of Peer Review and Multi-Institutional Sharing of Educational Resources: A Multiple Choice Exam for First Semester Programming Students %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P155-164 %P 155-164 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Lister.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lister, Raymond %D 2008 %T After the gold rush: toward sustainable scholarship in computing %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P3-18 %P 3-18 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Lister.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lister, Raymond %A Berglund, Anders %A Box, Ilona %A Cope, Chris %A Pears, Arnold %A Avram, Chris %A Bower, Mat %A Carbone, Angela %A Davey, Bill %A de Raadt, Michael %A Doyle, Bernard %A Fitzgerald, Sue %A Mannila, Linda %A Kutay, Cat %A Peltomaki, Mia %A Sheard, Judy %A Simon %A Sutton, Ken %A Traynor, Des %A Tutty, Jodi %A Venables, Anne %D 2007 %T Differing Ways that Computing Academics Understand Teaching %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P97-106 %P 97-106 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Lister.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lister, Raymond %A Box, Ilona %D 2008 %T A citation analysis of the ACE2005 - 2007 proceedings, with reference to the June 2007 CORE conference and journal rankings %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P93-102 %P 93-102 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Lister2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lister, Raymond %A Box, Ilona %D 2009 %T A Citation Analysis of the ACSC 2006-2008 Proceedings, with Reference to the CORE Conference and Journal Rankings %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P7-16 %P 7-16 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Lister.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lister, Raymond %A Leaney, John %D 2003 %T First Year Programming: Let All the Flowers Bloom %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P221-230 %P 221-230 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Lister.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Lister, Raymond %A Simon %D 2007 %T Koli Calling 2007 - Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %V 88 %S CRPIT %O 978-1-920682-69-9 %0 Edited Book %A Lister, Raymond %A Young, Alison L. %D 2004 %T Computing Education 2004. Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %V 30 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Little, Joyce Currie %D 2003 %T Using Cases to Increase Interest in ICT and Computing as a Career %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P81-83 %P 81-83 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Little.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Chuchang %A Billard, Angela %A Ozols, Maris %A Jeremic, Nikifor %D 2007 %T Access Control Models and Security Labelling %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P181-190 %P 181-190 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Congrong %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2002 %T Modelling and Design of VAML %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P151-152 %P 151-152 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Chuchang %A McLean, Patrick %A Ozols, Maris A. %D 2005 %T Combining Logics for Modelling Security Policies %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P323-332 %P 323-332 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Chuchang %A Orgun, Mehmet A. %D 2006 %T Towards Security Labelling %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P69-76 %P 69-76 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Ke %A Chen, Jinjun %A Jin, Hai %A Yang, Yun %D 2009 %T A Min-Min Average Algorithm for Scheduling Transaction-Intensive Grid Workflows %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P41-48 %P 41-48 %S CRPIT %V 99 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV99Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Lin %D 2009 %T Verification of the SIP Transaction Using Coloured Petri Nets %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P63-72 %P 63-72 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Na %A Hosking, John %A Grundy, John %D 2007 %T A Visual Language and Environment for Specifying User Interface Event Handling in Design Tools %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P87-94 %P 87-94 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Qiong %A Safavi-Naini, Reihaneh %A Sheppard, Nicholas Paul %D 2003 %T Digital Rights Management for Content Distribution %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21ALiu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Qing %A Yuan, Yidong %A Lin, Xuemin %D 2003 %T Multi-resolution Algorithms for Building Spatial Histograms %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P145-151 %P 145-151 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Vicky %A Caelli, William %A May, Lauren %A Croll, Peter %D 2008 %T Open Trusted Health Informatics Structure (OTHIS) %B Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %E Warren, James R. %E Yu, Ping %E Yearwood, John %E Patrick, Jon D. %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV80P35-63 %P 35-63 %S CRPIT %V 80 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV80Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Vicky %A Caelli, William %A May, Lauren %A Sahama, Tony %D 2009 %T Privacy and Security in Open and Trusted Health Information Systems %B Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009) %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV97P25-30 %P 25-30 %S CRPIT %V 97 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV97Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Vicky %A Caelli, William J. %A Foo, Ernest %A Russell, Selwyn %D 2004 %T Visually Sealed and Digitally Signed Documents %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P287-294 %P 287-294 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Vicky %A Franco, Luis %A Caelli, William %A May, Lauren %A Sahama, Tony %D 2009 %T Open and Trusted Information Systems/Health Informatics Access Control (OTHIS/HIAC) %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P99-108 %P 99-108 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Liu, Yan %A Gorton, Ian %A Liu, Anna %A Jiang, Ning %A Chen, Shiping %D 2002 %T Designing a Test Suite for Empirically-based Middleware Performance Prediction %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P123-130 %P 123-130 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Liu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lloyd, Margaret %D 2002 %T Reinvention of Childhood in a Networked World %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P71-74 %P 71-74 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Lloyd.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Loekito, Elsa %A Bailey, James %D 2007 %T Are Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams Good for Mining Frequent Patterns in High Dimensional Datasets? %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P139-150 %P 139-150 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Loekito.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Loh, Peter K. K. %A Hsu, W. J. %A Omondi, Amos %D 2002 %T Embedding of Fault-Tolerant Trees in the Josephus Cube %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P17-27 %P 17-27 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Loh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lokan, Chris %A Mendes, Emilia %D 2009 %T Using Chronological Splitting to Compare Cross- and Single-company Effort Models: Further Investigation %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P35-42 %P 35-42 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Lokan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Long, Benjamin %D 2003 %T Formalising Key-Distribution in the Presence of Trust using Object-Z %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P59-66 %P 59-66 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21ALong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Long, Benjamin %A Fidge, Colin %A Carrington, David %D 2007 %T Cross-Layer Verification of Type Flaw Attacks on Security Protocols %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P171-180 %P 171-180 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Long.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lonnberg, Jan %A Berglund, Anders %D 2007 %T Students' understandings of concurrent programming %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P77-86 %P 77-86 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Lonnberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lonnberg, Jan %A Berglund, Anders %A Malmi, Lauri %D 2009 %T How Students Develop Concurrent Programs %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P129-138 %P 129-138 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Lonnberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lovatt, Howard C. %A Sloane, Anthony M. %A Verity, Dominic R. %D 2005 %T A Pattern Enforcing Compiler (PEC) for Java: Using the Compiler %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P69-78 %P 69-78 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Lovatt.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Low, Graham %D 2005 %T ICT in Education - Proceedings of the South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 46 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lu, Feng %A Bubendorfer, Kris %D 2004 %T A RMI Protocol for Aglets %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P249-253 %P 249-253 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Lu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lu, Feng %A Bubendorfer, Kris %D 2006 %T A JMX Toolkit for Merging Network Management Systems %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P147-156 %P 147-156 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Lu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lu, Hongjun %D 2003 %T On Efficient Management of XML Documents %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P3-4 %P 3-4 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Lu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lu, Ruopeng %A Sadiq, Shazia %A Padmanabhan, Vineet %A Governatori, Guido %D 2006 %T Using a Temporal Constraint Network for Business Process Execution %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P157-166 %P 157-166 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Lu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lu, Xiaoyan %A Rahayu, J. Wenny %A Taniar, David %D 2002 %T ODMG Extension of Composite Objects in OODBMS: A Proposal %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P133-142 %P 133-142 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Lu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Luca, Joe %D 2006 %T Using Blended Learning to Enhance Teaching and Learning %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P3-4 %P 3-4 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Luca.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lucas, Richard %D 2001 %T Why Bother? Ethical Computers - That's Why! %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P33-38 %P 33-38 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Lucas.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lucey, Patrick %A Sridharan, Sridha %D 2006 %T Patch-Based Representation of Visual Speech %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P79-85 %P 79-85 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Lucey2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lucey, Simon %A Matthews, Iain %D 2006 %T Face Refinement through a Gradient Descent Alignment Approach %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P43-49 %P 43-49 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Lucey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Luerssen, Martin H. %D 2005 %T Graph Grammar Encoding and Evolution of Automata Networks %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P229-238 %P 229-238 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Luerssen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lundberg, Jonas %A Arvola, Mattias %D 2007 %T Lessons Learned from Facilitation in Collaborative Design %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P51-54 %P 51-54 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Lundberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Luo, Bing %A Jesshope, Chris %D 2002 %T Performance Evaluation on a Micro-threading Pipeline %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P83-90 %P 83-90 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Luo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Luo, Hong %A Luo, Jingchu %D 2004 %T Initial SARS Genome Data Analysis Using a Bioinformatics Platform %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P271-276 %P 271-276 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Luo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Luo, Jizhou %A Zhou, Xiaofang %A Zhang, Yu %A Shen, Heng Tao %A Li, Jianzhong %D 2007 %T Selectivity Estimation by Batch-Query based Histogram and Parametric Method %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P93-102 %P 93-102 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Luo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Luoma, Harri %A Lahtinen, Essi %A Jarvinen, Hannu-Matti %D 2007 %T CLIP, a Command Line InterPreter for a subset of C++ %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P199-202 %P 199-202 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Luoma.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lutteroth, Christof %D 2008 %T Automated Reverse Engineering of Hard-Coded GUI Layouts %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P65-73 %P 65-73 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Lutteroth.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lutteroth, Christof %A Luxton-Reilly, Andrew %A Dobbie, Gillian %A Hamer, John %D 2007 %T A Maturity Model for Computing Education %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P107-114 %P 107-114 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Lutteroth.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lutteroth, Christof %A Weber, Gerald %D 2006 %T User Interface Layout with Ordinal and Linear Constraints %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P53-60 %P 53-60 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Lutteroth.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Luu, Justin %A Kennedy, Paul J. %D 2006 %T Investigating the Size and Value Effect in Determining Performance of Australian Listed Companies: A Neural Network Approach %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P155-161 %P 155-161 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Luu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lynar, Timothy M. %A Herbert, Ric D. %A Chivers, William J. %A Simon %D 2009 %T A Grid Resource Allocation Mechanism for Heterogeneous E-waste Computers %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P69-75 %P 69-75 %S CRPIT %V 99 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV99Lynar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Lynch, Kathy %A Carbone, Angela %A Arnott, David %A Jamieson, Peter %D 2002 %T A Studio-Based Approach to Teaching Information Technology %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P75-79 %P 75-79 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Lynch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ma, Hui %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Thalheim, Bernhard %D 2008 %T Context Analysis: Toward Pragmatics of Web Information Systems Design %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P69-78 %P 69-78 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Ma.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ma, Hui %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Wang, Qing %D 2006 %T A Heuristic Approach to Cost-Efficient Fragmentation and Allocation of Complex Value Databases %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P183-192 %P 183-192 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Ma.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ma, Hui %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Wang, Qing %D 2007 %T A Heuristic Approach to Cost-Efficient Derived Horizontal Fragmentation of Complex Value Databases %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P103-111 %P 103-111 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63MaH.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ma, Kwan-Liu %D 2006 %T Cyber Security Through Visualization %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P3-7 %P 3-7 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Ma.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ma, Lisha %A Nutt, Werner %A Taylor, Hamish %D 2007 %T Condensative Stream Query Language for Data Streams %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P113-122 %P 113-122 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63MaL.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ma, Liping %A Shepherd, John %A Nguyen, Anh %D 2003 %T Document Classification via Structure Synopses %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P59-65 %P 59-65 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Ma.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mabotuwana, Thusitha %A Warren, James R. %A Gaikwad, Rekha %A Kenelly, John %A Kenealy, Timothy %D 2008 %T Towards an Architecture for Quality Audit Reporting to Improve Hypertension Management %B Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %E Warren, James R. %E Yu, Ping %E Yearwood, John %E Patrick, Jon D. %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV80P45-54 %P 45-54 %S CRPIT %V 80 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV80Mabotuwana.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Machanick, Philip %D 2005 %T Peer Assessment for Action Learning of Data Structures and Algorithms %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P73-82 %P 73-82 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Machanick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Machi, Hidetomo %A Tomita, Kohji %A Hosono, Chiharu %D 2005 %T The Relative Completeness of a Version of CTL* %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P81-85 %P 81-85 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Machi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maciaszek, Leszek A. %D 2005 %T Roundtrip Architectural Modelling %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P17-23 %P 17-23 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Maciaszek.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maciaszek, Leszek A. %D 2007 %T Modeling and Engineering Adaptive Complex Systems %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P31-38 %P 31-38 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Maciaszek.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A MacIsaac, Peter %A James, Julie %A Hess, William %D 2005 %T Principles for Modelling of a Dose Form Vocabulary %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P7 %P 7 %S CRPIT %V 58 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mackay, Daniel %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2003 %T A Lightweight Web-Based Case Tool for UML Class Diagrams %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P95-98 %P 95-98 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Mackay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maeder, Anthony %D 2008 %T e-Research Meets e-Health %B Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %E Warren, James R. %E Yu, Ping %E Yearwood, John %E Patrick, Jon D. %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV80P3-6 %P 3-6 %S CRPIT %V 80 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV80Maeder.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maeder, Anthony %A Fookes, Clinton %D 2009 %T Assessing Viewing Pattern Consistency in Mammogram Readers %B Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009) %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV97P7-11 %P 7-11 %S CRPIT %V 97 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV97Maeder.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maetschke, Stefan %A Boden, Mikael %A Gallagher, Marcus %D 2006 %T Higher Order HMMs for Localization Prediction of Transmembrane Proteins %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P49-53 %P 49-53 %S CRPIT %V 73 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maetschke, Stefan R. %A Towsey, Michael W. %A Hogan, James M. %D 2006 %T Bacterial Promoter Modeling and Prediction for E. Coli and B. Subtilis with Beagle %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P9-13 %P 9-13 %S CRPIT %V 73 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Magenheim, Johannes %D 2003 %T Social, Affective and Normative Aspects of Learning in ICT-Enriched Learning Environments - Collaborative Exploration of Societal Aspects of ICT %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P85-88 %P 85-88 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Magenheim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maglia, Anne M. %A Ghatti, Venkat Ram %A Leopold, Jennifer L. %D 2004 %T Identifying Character Non-Independence in Phylogenetic Data Using Data Mining Techniques %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P181-189 %P 181-189 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Maglia.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mahdavi, Mehregan %A Shepherd, John %A Benatallah, Boualem %D 2004 %T A Collaborative Approach for Caching Dynamic Data in Portal Applications %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P181-188 %P 181-188 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Mahdavi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mahony, B. P. %A Cant, Tony %D 2008 %T A Lightweight Approach to Formal Safety Architecture Assurance: The PARTI Case Study %B Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV100P37-48 %P 37-48 %S CRPIT %V 100 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV100Mahony.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maindonald, John %D 2006 %T Data Mining Methodological Weaknesses and Suggested Fixes %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P9-16 %P 9-16 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Maindonald.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Maj, S.P. %A Kohli, G. %A Fetherston, T. %D 2005 %T A Pedagogical Evaluation of New State Model Diagrams for Teaching Internetwork Technologies %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P135-142 %P 135-142 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Maj.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Majumdar, Anirban %A Thomborson, Clark %D 2006 %T Manufacturing Opaque Predicates in Distributed Systems for Code Obfuscation %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P187-196 %P 187-196 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Majumdar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Makela, Marko %D 2002 %T Efficiently Verifying Safety Properties with Idle Office Computers %B Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P11-16 %P 11-16 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Makela.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Malik, Muzaffar A. %A Khan, Haroon R. %D 2009 %T Understanding the Implementation of an Electronic Hospital Information System in a Developing Country: A Case Study from Pakistan %B Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009) %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV97P31-36 %P 31-36 %S CRPIT %V 97 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV97Malik.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Malinowski, Elzbieta %A Zimanyi, Esteban %D 2006 %T A Conceptual Solution for Representing Time in Data Warehouse Dimensions %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P45-54 %P 45-54 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Malinowski.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Malkin, Michael %A Venkatesan, Ramarathnam %D 2005 %T Comparison of Texts Streams in the Presence of Mild Adversaries %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P179-186 %P 179-186 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Malkin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mangan, Peter %A Sadiq, Shazia %D 2002 %T On Building Workflow Models for Flexible Processes %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P103-109 %P 103-109 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 SPJRP %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Mangan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mann, Samuel %A Frew, Zelda %D 2006 %T Similarity and originality in code: plagiarism and normal variation in student assignments %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P143-150 %P 143-150 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Mann.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Mann, Samuel %A Simon %D 2007 %T Computing Education 2007. Proceedings of the Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %V 66 %O 1-920-68247-3 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mann, Samuel %A Smith, Lesley %D 2007 %T Software engineering class eating its own tail %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P115-123 %P 115-123 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Mann.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Mans, Bernard %D 2009 %T Computer Science 2009. Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 91 %S CRPIT %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mansuy, Trevor %A Hilderman, Robert %D 2006 %T A Characterization of Wordnet Features in Boolean Models For Text Classification %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P103-109 %P 103-109 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Mansuy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mantoro, Teddy %A Johnson, C.W. %D 2003 %T Location History in a Low-cost Context Awareness Environment %B Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P153-158 %P 153-158 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21WMantoro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mapelsden, David %A Hosking, John %A Grundy, John %D 2002 %T Design Pattern Modelling and Instantiation using DPML %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P3-11 %P 3-11 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Mapelsden.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mar, J. C. %A McLachlan, G. J. %D 2003 %T Model-Based Clustering in Gene Expression Microarrays : An Application to Breast Cancer Data %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P139-144 %P 139-144 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Mar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A March, Verdi %A Teo, Yong Meng %A Wang, Xianbing %D 2007 %T DGRID: A DHT-Based Resource Indexing and Discovery Scheme for Computational Grids %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P41-48 %P 41-48 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68March.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marriott, Kym %D 2005 %T Towards Flexible Graphical Communication Using Adaptive Diagrams %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marriott, Kim %A Moulder, Peter %A Hope, Lucas %A Twardy, Charles %D 2005 %T Layout of Bayesian Networks %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P97-106 %P 97-106 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Marriott.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marriott, Kim %A Sbarski, Peter %D 2007 %T Compact Layout of Layered Trees %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P7-14 %P 7-14 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Marriott.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marshall, Gail %D 2003 %T New Wine in Old Bottles or New Wine in New Bottles? Teaching Young Children with Technology %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P141 %P 141 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marshall, Stuart %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %D 2004 %T A Web User Interface For An Interactive Software Repository %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P57-64 %P 57-64 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Marshall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marshall, Stuart %A Biddle, Robert %A Noble, James %D 2004 %T Using Software Visualisation to Enhance Online Component Markets %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P35-41 %P 35-41 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Marshall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marshall, Stuart %A Biddle, Robert %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2002 %T How (Not) To Help People Test Drive Code %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P39-42 %P 39-42 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Marshall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marshall, Stuart %A Jackson, Kirk %A Anslow, Craig %A Biddle, Robert %D 2003 %T Aspects to Visualising Reusable Components %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P81-88 %P 81-88 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Marshall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marshall, Stuart %A Jackson, Kirk %A McGavin, Michael %A Duignan, Matthew %A Biddle, Robert %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2001 %T Visualising Reusable Software Over The Web %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P103-111 %P 103-111 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Marshall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marshall, Stephen %A Mitchell, Geoff %D 2004 %T Applying SPICE to e-Learning: An e-Learning Maturity Model? %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P185-191 %P 185-191 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Marshall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Marsico, Annalisa %A Vanselow, Kerstin %A Wang, Jing %A Labudde, Dirk %D 2007 %T 2D Visualisation of SMFS Data on Membrane Proteins %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P79-84 %P 79-84 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Marsico.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Martin, Robin %A Bordes, Nicole %A Hugh, Thomas %A Pailthorpe, Bernard %D 2004 %T Semi-Automatic Feature Delineation In Medical Images %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P127-131 %P 127-131 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Martin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Martinaitis, Paul N. %A Wendelborn, Andrew L. %D 2009 %T Stream-Components: Component based Stream computation on the Grid %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P11-20 %P 11-20 %S CRPIT %V 99 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV99Martinaitis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mason, Richard %A Kelly, Wayne %D 2005 %T G2-P2P: A Fully Decentralised Fault-Tolerant Cycle-Stealing Framework %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P33-39 %P 33-39 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Mason.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mason, Richard %A Kelly, Wayne %D 2007 %T Enhancing Data Locality in a Fully Decentralised P2P Cycle Stealing Framework %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P41-47 %P 41-47 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Mason.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Masoodian, Masood %A Budd, Daryl %D 2004 %T Visualization of Travel Itinerary Information on PDAs %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P65-71 %P 65-71 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Masoodian.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Masoodian, Masood %A Lane, Nicholas %D 2003 %T An Empirical Study of Textual and Graphical Travel Itinerary Visualization using Mobile Phones %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P11-18 %P 11-18 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Masoodian.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mathieson, Ian %A Dance, Sandy %A Gorman, Malcolm %A Padgham, Lin %A Winikoff, Michael %D 2004 %T An Open Meteorological Alerting System: Issues and Solutions %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P351-358 %P 351-358 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Mathieson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mathieson, Luke %A Szeider, Stefan %D 2008 %T The Parameterized Complexity of Regular Subgraph Problems and Generalizations %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P79-86 %P 79-86 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Mathieson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Matono, Akiyoshi %A Amagasa, Toshiyuki %A Yoshikawa, Masatoshi %A Uemura, Shunsuke %D 2005 %T A Path-based Relational RDF Database %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P95-103 %P 95-103 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Matono.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Matsubara, Wataru %A Inenaga, Shunsuke %A Shinohara, Ayumi %D 2009 %T Testing Square-Freeness of Strings Compressed by Balanced Straight Line Program %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P19-28 %P 19-28 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Matsubara.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Matsushita, Soichiro %A Shiba, Ayumi %A Nagashima, Kan %D 2006 %T A Wearable Fatigue Monitoring System - Application of Human-Computer Interaction Evaluation %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P161-164 %P 161-164 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Matsushita.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Matthews, Iain %D 2006 %T Fast and Accurate Active Appearance Models %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Matthews.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Matzko, Sarah %A Clarke, Peter J. %A Gibbs, Tanton H. %A Malloy, Brian A. %A Power, James F. %A Monahan, Rosemary %D 2002 %T Reveal: A Tool to Reverse Engineer Class Diagrams %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P13-21 %P 13-21 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Matzko.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mavers, Diane %D 2003 %T Children Drawing Children: Representing an Online Club in Mind Mapping %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P143 %P 143 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mayo, Michael %D 2003 %T Symbol Grounding and its Implications for Artificial Intelligence %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P55-60 %P 55-60 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Mayo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mayr, Heinrich C. %D 2006 %T Conceptual Requirements Modeling - a Contribution to XNP (eXtreme Non Programming) %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Mayr.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McAndrew, Alasdair %D 2003 %T Teaching image processing using minimal mathematics %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P15-23 %P 15-23 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20McAndrew.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McAullay, Damien %A Williams, Graham %A Chen, Jie %A Jin, Huidong %A He, Hongxing %A Sparks, Ross %A Kelman, Chris %D 2005 %T A Delivery Framework for Health Data Mining and Analytics %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P381-390 %P 381-390 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38McAullay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McCarthy, J. %A Thredgold, J. %D 2002 %T Modelling Smart Security for Classified Rooms with DOVE %B Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P135-144 %P 135-144 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12McCarthy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McCormick, G. Frank %D 2008 %T The Agnostic Hazard %B Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV100P11-15 %P 11-15 %S CRPIT %V 100 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV100McCormick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McCulloch, Alan %A Demmers, Pieter %A Mitchell, Jason %A Townley, David %A Smale, Paul %A Smithies, Russell %A Miskell, Craig %A Khan, Anar %A Maqbool, Nauman %D 2007 %T Concept Instance Sketching and Design for a Biological Database Framework %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P145-147 %P 145-147 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83McCulloch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McDermid, John A. %D 2001 %T Software Safety: Where's the Evidence? %B Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV3P1-6 %P 1-6 %S CRPIT %V 3 %K CRPITVol3 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV3McDermid.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McDermid, John A. %D 2002 %T Trends in Systems Safety: A European View? %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P3-8 %P 3-8 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15McDermid.pdf %0 Edited Book %A McDougall, Anne %A Murnane, John %A Chambers, Dianne %D 2002 %T Computers in Education 2001 : Australian Topics. Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE2001 Australian Topics) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %V 8 %O 0-909-92586-0 %0 Edited Book %A McDougall, Anne %A Murnane, John S. %A Stacey, Carol %A Dowling, Carolyn %D 2003 %T ICT and the Teacher of the Future. Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %V 23 %0 Conference Proceedings %A McDowall, Janet %D 2003 %T Music Technology: New Literacies in the Early Years %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P83-88 %P 83-88 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34McDowall.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McGavin, Mike %A Wright, Tim %A Marshall, Stuart %D 2006 %T Visualisations of Execution Traces (VET): An Interactive Plugin-Based Visualisation Tool %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P153-160 %P 153-160 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50McGavin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McIlvenna, Stephen %A Dumas, Marlon %A Wynn, Moe Thandar %D 2009 %T Synthesis of Orchestrators from Service Choreographies %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P129-138 %P 129-138 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96McIlvenna.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McKay, Elspeth %D 2005 %T Human-Computer Interaction Closes the Digital Divide: A multicultural, intergenerational ICT case study %B South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges %E Low, Graham %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV46P29-33 %P 29-33 %S CRPIT %V 46 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV46McKay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McKenzie, Walter %D 2003 %T Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P145 %P 145 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A McKinnon, Alan E. %A Raymond, Emma %D 2001 %T Visualising the Probability Distribution Function of Uncertain Data - Application to Stochastic Modelling of Ground Water Solute Transport %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P139-142 %P 139-142 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9McKinnon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McLachlan, G. J. %A Ambroise, C. %A Chang, S. %A Mar, J. C. %D 2004 %T On the Simultaneous Use of Clinical and Microarray Expression Data in the Cluster Analysis of Tissue Samples %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P167-171 %P 167-171 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29McLachlan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McLean, Patrick G. %D 2003 %T A Secure Pervasive Environment %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P67-75 %P 67-75 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21AMcLean.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McMullan, John %D 2002 %T Negligence: Engineering Safety-Critical Systems %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P63-72 %P 63-72 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15McMullan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McNally, Myles F. %D 2006 %T Walking the Grid: Robotics in CS 2 %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P151-155 %P 151-155 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52McNally.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A McNamara, Robyn %D 2004 %T Evaluating assessment with competency mapping %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P193-199 %P 193-199 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30McNamara.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Meintjes, Peter %A Rodrigo, Allen %D 2004 %T Evolution of Relative Synonymous Codon Usage in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P277-282 %P 277-282 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Meintjes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Melser, Peter %A Byrne-Armstrong, Hilary %D 2001 %T Corporate Voices, Personal Voices: The Ethics of the Internet %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P39-45 %P 39-45 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Melser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Melton, Hayden %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2006 %T Identifying Refactoring Opportunites by Identifying Dependency Cycles %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P35-41 %P 35-41 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Melton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Melton, Hayden %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2007 %T Jooj: Real-Time Support For Avoiding Cyclic Dependencies %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P87-95 %P 87-95 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Melton1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Melton, Hayden %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2007 %T The CRSS Metric for Package Design Quality %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P201-210 %P 201-210 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Melton2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mendes, Emilia %D 2003 %T Applying the Cognitive Flexibility Theory to Teaching Web Engineering %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P113-117 %P 113-117 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Mendes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mendling, Jan %A Neumann, Gustaf %A van der Aalst, Wil %D 2007 %T On the Correlation between Process Model Metrics and Errors %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P173-178 %P 173-178 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Mendling.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mendoza, Rogan %A Williams, Mary-Anne %D 2005 %T Ontology Based Object Categorisation for Robots %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P61-67 %P 61-67 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Mendoza.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Menon, Catherine %A Kong, Cindy %A Lakos, Charles %D 2004 %T Towards a Semantic Basis for Rosetta %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P175-184 %P 175-184 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Menon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Merrick, Damian %A Dwyer, Tim %D 2004 %T Skeletal Animation for the Exploration of Graphs %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P61-70 %P 61-70 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Merrick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Merrick, Damian %A Gudmundsson, Joachim %D 2006 %T Increasing the Readability of Graph Drawings with Centrality-Based Scaling %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P67-76 %P 67-76 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Merrick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Messig, Michael %A Goscinski, Andrzej %D 2007 %T Autonomic System Management in Mobile Grid Environments %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Messig.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Messig, Michael %A Goscinski, Andrzej %D 2008 %T Service Migration in Autonomic Service Oriented Grids %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P45-54 %P 45-54 %S CRPIT %V 82 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Messig.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Meyenn, Andrew %D 2001 %T A Proposed Methodology for the Teaching of Information Technology Ethics in Schools %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P67-72 %P 67-72 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Meyenn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Meyer, Sven %A Rakotonirainy, Andry %D 2003 %T A Survey of Research on Context-Aware Homes %B Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P159-168 %P 159-168 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21WMeyer.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Meyer, Thomas %A Nayak, Abhaya C. %D 2007 %T Advances in Ontologies 2007. Proceedings of the Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %V 85 %O 978-1-920682-66-8 %0 Edited Book %A Meyer, Thomas %A Orgun, Mehmet A. %D 2005 %T Advances in Ontologies 2005. Proceedings of the Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 58 %0 Edited Book %A Meyer, Thomas %A Orgun, Mehmet A. %D 2008 %T Advances in Ontologies. Proceedings of the Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney %V 90 %O 978-1-920682-71-2 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mickan, Katherine %A Balasubramaniam, Dharini %A Kirby, Graham %A Morrison, Ron %A Zirintsis, Evangelos %D 2004 %T Using Generative Programming to Visualise Hypercode in Complex and Dynamic Systems %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P377-386 %P 377-386 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Mickan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Middleton, Gaye L. %D 2005 %T Copyright Conundrum - Liability of ISPs for Online Copyright Infringement %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P109-118 %P 109-118 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Middleton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Miller, Kerrie M. %A Dick, Geoffrey N. %D 2005 %T Computer-based Collaboration in Student Work: Does a Preference for using Technology Affect Performance? %B South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges %E Low, Graham %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV46P35-41 %P 35-41 %S CRPIT %V 46 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV46Miller.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Miller, Mirka %D 2007 %T Security of Statistical Databases: Overview and Future Directions %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P115-115 %P 115-115 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Miller.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Miller, Mirka %A Nguyen, Minh H. %A Pineda-Villavicencio, Guillermo %D 2008 %T On the Non-existence of Even Degree Graphs with Diameter 2 and Defect 2 %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P93-95 %P 93-95 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Miller.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Miller, Tim %A McBurney, Peter %D 2008 %T On Illegal Composition of First-Class Agent Interaction Protocols %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P127-136 %P 127-136 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Miller.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mingins, Christine A. %A Chan, Chee Y. %D 2002 %T Building Trust in Third-party Components using Component Wrappers in the .NET Frameworks %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P153-157 %P 153-157 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Mingins.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mir, Stephan %A Pirzada, Asad %A Portmann, Marius %D 2008 %T HOVER: Hybrid On-demand Distance Vector Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P63-71 %P 63-71 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Mir.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Miret, J. %A Sadornil, D. %A Tena, J. %A Tomas, R. %A Valls, M. %D 2007 %T Isogeny cordillera algorithm to obtain cryptographically good elliptic curves %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P153-157 %P 153-157 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Miret.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Misue, Kazuo %D 2006 %T Drawing Bipartite Graphs as Anchored Maps %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P169-177 %P 169-177 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Misue.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Misue, Kazuo %A Sugiyama, Kozo %A Tanaka, Jiro %D 2006 %T Information Visualisation 2006. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %V 60 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mitchell, Margaret %D 2001 %T Use of Series Parallel Digraph Analysis in Generating Instructions for Multiple Users %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P85-86 %P 85-86 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Mitchell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mitchell, Margaret %D 2001 %T Use of Directed Acyclic Graph Analysis in Generating Instructions for Multiple Users %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P57-62 %P 57-62 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Mitchell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mitchell, Margaret %D 2004 %T Creating Minimal Vertex Series Parallel Graphs from Directed Acyclic Graphs. %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P133-139 %P 133-139 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Mitchell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mitchell, Phillip E. %A Yan, Hong %D 2002 %T Newspaper Document Analysis Featuring Connected Line Segmentation %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P77-81 %P 77-81 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Mitchell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mitri, George %A Ciesielski, Vic %A Uitdenbogerd, Alexandra L. %D 2004 %T Automatic Music Classification Problems %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P315-322 %P 315-322 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Mitri.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Miura, Kazuyuki %A Nishizeki, Takao %D 2005 %T Rectangle-of-Influence Drawings of Four-Connected Plane Graphs %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P75-80 %P 75-80 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Miura.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Miyoshi, Hiroyuki %D 2004 %T From Reflection to Interaction: An Indirect Approach to the Philosophy of Computation %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P33-38 %P 33-38 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Miyoshi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mlynkova, Irena %D 2009 %T On Inference of XML Schema with the Knowledge of an Obsolete One %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P79-86 %P 79-86 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Mlynkova.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mlynkova, Irena %A Pokorny, Jaroslav %D 2008 %T UserMap : an Adaptive Enhancing of User-Driven XML-to-Relational Mapping Strategies %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P165-174 %P 165-174 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Mlynkova.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Moffat, Alistair %A Hughes, Baden %A Sondergaard, Harald %A Gruba, Paul %D 2005 %T Making Connections: First Year Transition for Computer Science and Software Engineering Students %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P229-238 %P 229-238 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Moffat.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Monden, Akito %A Monsifrot, Antoine %A Thomborson, Clark %D 2004 %T A Framework for Obfuscated Interpretation %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P7-16 %P 7-16 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Monden.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Monk, Andrew F. %D 2008 %T Simple, social, ethical and beautiful : requirements for UIs in the home %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P3-9 %P 3-9 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Monk.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Monostori, Krisztian %A Zaslavsky, Arkady %A Schmidt, Heinz %D 2002 %T Suffix Vector: Space- and Time-Efficient Alternative to Suffix Trees %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P157-165 %P 157-165 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Monostori.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mooney, Carl H. %A Roddick, John F. %D 2006 %T Marking Time in Sequence Mining %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P129-134 %P 129-134 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Mooney.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Moreno, Andres %A Sutinen, Erkki %A Bednarik, Roman %A Myller, Niko %D 2007 %T Con?ictive animations as engaging learning tools %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P203-206 %P 203-206 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Moreno.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Morozova, Elena %D 2008 %T A Multidimensional Bisection Method for Unconstrained Minimization Problem %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P57-62 %P 57-62 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Morozova.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Morris, John %D 2005 %T Algorithm Animation: Using the Algorithm Code to Drive the Animation %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P15-20 %P 15-20 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Morris.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Morris, John %A Lam, Peng %A Lee, Gareth %A Parker, Kris %A Bundell, Gary A. %D 2002 %T Determining Component Reliability Using a Testing Index %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P167-176 %P 167-176 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Morris.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Morris, Peter %A Altenkirch, Thorsten %A Ghani, Neil %D 2007 %T Constructing Strictly Positive Families %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P111-121 %P 111-121 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Morris.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Morrison, Evan D. %A Menzies, Alex %A Koliadis, George %A Ghose, Aditya K. %D 2009 %T Business Process Integration: Method and Analysis %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P29-37 %P 29-37 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Morrison.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Moscato, Pablo %A Mathieson, Luke %A Mendes, Alexandre %A Berretta, Regina %D 2005 %T The Electronic Primaries: Predicting the U.S. Presidency Using Feature Selection with Safe Data Reduction %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P371-380 %P 371-380 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Moscato.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Motoyoshi, Masahiro %A Miura, Takao %A Shioya, Isamu %D 2004 %T Clustering Stream Data by Regression Analysis %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P115-120 %P 115-120 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Motoyoshi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Moyle, Michael %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2003 %T The Design and Evaluation of a Flick Gesture for 'Back' and 'Forward' in Web Browsers %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P39-46 %P 39-46 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Moyle.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Muecke, Nial %A Stranieri, Andrew %D 2007 %T An Argument Structure Abstraction for Bayesian Belief Networks: Just Outcomes in On-line Dispute Resolution %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P35-40 %P 35-40 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Muecke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mueller, Wolfgang %A Nocke, Thomas %A Schumann, Heidrun %D 2006 %T Enhancing the Visualization Process with Principal Component Analysis to Support the Exploration of Trends %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P121-130 %P 121-130 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Mueller.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mueller-Tomfelde, Christian %A Paris, Cecile %D 2005 %T Explicit Task Representation based on Gesture Interaction %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P39-45 %P 39-45 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57MuellerT.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Mujuni, Egbert %A Rosamond, Frances %D 2008 %T Parameterized Complexity of the Clique Partition Problem %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P75-78 %P 75-78 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Mujuni.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murdaca, Clara %A Jay, C. Barry %D 2006 %T A Relational Account of Objects %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P297-302 %P 297-302 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Murdaca.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murdoch, John %A Clark, Graham %A Powell, Antony %A Caseley, Paul %D 2004 %T Measuring Safety: Applying PSM to the System Safety Domain %B Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %E Lindsay, Peter %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV33P47-55 %P 47-55 %S CRPIT %V 33 %K CRPITVol33 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV33Murdoch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murnane, John S. %D 2003 %T Teaching Teaching with Information Technology %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P89-91 %P 89-91 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Murnane.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murnane, John S. %A Warner, John W. %D 2002 %T An Empirical Study of Junior Secondary Students' Expression of Algorithms in Natural Language %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P81-85 %P 81-85 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Murnane.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murray, Alex %A Grove, Duncan %D 2008 %T PULSE: a Pluggable User-space Linux Security Environment paper %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P19-25 %P 19-25 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Murray.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murray, Colin %D 2005 %T A User-based Evaluation of Skeletal Animation Techniques in Graph Interaction %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P7-14 %P 7-14 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Murray.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murray, Colin %A Friedrich, Carsten %D 2005 %T Visualisation of Satisfiability using the Logic Engine %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P147-152 %P 147-152 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Murray.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murray, Colin %A Merrick, Damian %A Takatsuka, Masahiro %D 2004 %T Graph Interaction through Force-Based Skeletal Animation %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P81-90 %P 81-90 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Murray.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murray, Iain %A Armstrong, Helen %D 2004 %T A Computing Education Vision for the Sight Impaired %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P201-206 %P 201-206 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Murray.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murray, Leesa %A Carrington, David %A Strooper, Paul %D 2004 %T An Approach to Specifying Software Frameworks %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P185-192 %P 185-192 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Murray.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Murthy, Sudarshan %A Delcambre, Lois %A Maier, David %A Bowers, Shawn %D 2004 %T Putting Integrated Information in Context: Superimposing Conceptual Models with SPARCE %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P71-80 %P 71-80 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Murthy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Musial, Benjamin %A Jacobs, Timothy %D 2003 %T Application of Focus + Context to UML %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P75-80 %P 75-80 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Musial.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Muthuvelu, Nithiapidary %A Liu, Junyang %A Soe, Nay Lin %A Venugopal, Srikumar %A Sulistio, Anthony %A Buyya, Rajkumar %D 2005 %T A Dynamic Job Grouping-Based Scheduling for Deploying Applications with Fine-Grained Tasks on Global Grids %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P41-48 %P 41-48 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Muthuvelu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Myers, Trina S. %A Atkinson, Ian %A Johnstone, Ron %D 2008 %T Supporting Coral Reef Ecosystems Research through Modelling Re-usable Ontologies %B Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV90P51-59 %P 51-59 %S CRPIT %V 90 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV90Myers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Myers, Trina S. %A Atkinson, Ian M. %A Lavery, William J. %D 2007 %T The Semantic Reef: Managing Complex Knowledge to Predict Coral Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P59-67 %P 59-67 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Myers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nagappan, Rajehndra %D 2001 %T A Graph Based Model for Navigating Visualisation %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P17-21 %P 17-21 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Nagappan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nagarajan, Srivalli %A Edwards, Jenny %D 2008 %T Towards understanding the non-technical work experiences of recent Australian information technology graduates %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P103-112 %P 103-112 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Nagarajan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nagasaki, Masao %A Doi, Atsushi %A Matsuno, Hiroshi %A Miyano, Satoru %D 2004 %T Integrating Biopathway Databases for Large-scale Modeling and Simulation %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P43-52 %P 43-52 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Nagasaki.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nagra, Jasvir %A Thomborson, Clark %A Collberg, Christian %D 2002 %T A Functional Taxonomy for Software Watermarking %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P177-186 %P 177-186 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Nagra.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Naik, Ganesh R. %A Kumar, Dinesh Kant %A Singh, Vijay Pal %A Palaniswam, Marimuthu %D 2006 %T Hand gestures for HCI using ICA of EMG %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P67-72 %P 67-72 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Naik.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Naish, Lee %D 2003 %T Approximating the Success Set of Logic Programs Using Constrained Regular Types %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P61-67 %P 61-67 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Naish.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nakanishi, Takafumi %A Kitagawa, Takashi %D 2006 %T Visualization of Music Impression in Facial Expression to Represent Emotion %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P55-64 %P 55-64 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Nakanishi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nakayama, Minoru %A Katsukura, Makoto %D 2007 %T System Usability Evaluation for Input Operation using Oculo-motors %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P15-22 %P 15-22 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Nakayama.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nakayama, Minoru %A Katsukura, Makoto %D 2009 %T Assessing Usability for Input Operation using Frequency Components of Eye Movements %B Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009) %E Weber, Gerald %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV93P49-56 %P 49-56 %S CRPIT %V 93 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV93Nakayama.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nakazawa, Koji %A Tatsuta, Makoto %D 2009 %T Type Checking and Inference for Polymorphic and Existential Types %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P61-69 %P 61-69 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Nakazawa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nakazono, Nagayoshi %A Misue, Kazuo %A Tanaka, Jiro %D 2006 %T NeL2: Network Drawing Tool for Handling Layered Structured Network Diagram %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P109-115 %P 109-115 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Nakazono.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Natsev, Apostol (Paul) %A Fuh, Gene Y. C. %A Chen, Weidong %A Chiu, ChiHuang %A Vitter, Jeffery S. %D 2002 %T Aggregate Predicate Support in DBMS %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P111-120 %P 111-120 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Natsev.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Natwichai, Juggapong %A Li, Xue %A Orlowska, Maria E. %D 2006 %T A Reconstruction-based Algorithm for Classification Rules Hiding %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Natwichai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Natwichai, Juggapong %A Sun, Xingzhi %A Li, Xue %D 2008 %T Data Reduction Approach for Sensitive Association Classification Rule Hiding %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P23-30 %P 23-30 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Natwichai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nayak, Richi %A Buys, Laurie %A Lovie-Kitchins, Jan %D 2006 %T Data Mining in Conceptualising Active Ageing %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P39-45 %P 39-45 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Nayak.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nayak, Richi %A te Braak, Paul %D 2007 %T Temporal Pattern Matching for the Prediction of Stock Prices %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P99-107 %P 99-107 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Nayak.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ndukwu, Ukachukwu %A Sanders, J. W. %D 2009 %T Reasoning about a Distributed Probabilistic System %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P35-42 %P 35-42 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Ndukwu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Necasky, Martin %D 2007 %T XSEM - A Conceptual Model for XML %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P37-48 %P 37-48 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Necasky.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Necasky, Martin %D 2009 %T Reverse Engineering of XML Schemas to Conceptual Diagrams %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P117-128 %P 117-128 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Necasky.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nelson, Chris %A Wuensche, Burkhard C. %D 2007 %T Game/Music Interaction - An Aural Interface for Immersive Interactive Environments %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P23-26 %P 23-26 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Nelson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nesbitt, Keith %A Hoskens, Ian %D 2008 %T Multi-sensory Game Interface Improves Player Satisfaction but not Performance %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P13-18 %P 13-18 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Nesbitt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nesbitt, Keith V. %D 2001 %T Modelling the Multi-Sensory Design Space %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P27-36 %P 27-36 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Nesbitt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nesbitt, Keith V. %D 2005 %T Using Guidelines to assist in the Visualisation Design Process %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P115-123 %P 115-123 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Nesbitt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nesbitt, Keith V. %D 2006 %T Modelling Human Perception to Leverage the Reuse of Concepts across the Multi-sensory Design Space %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P65-74 %P 65-74 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Nesbitt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Neuhauser, Markus %A Lam, Fred C. %D 2004 %T Nonparametric Approaches to Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Replicated Microarray Experiments %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P139-143 %P 139-143 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Neuhauser.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Neumayr, Bernd %A Grun, Katharina %A Schrefl, Michael %D 2009 %T Multi-Level Domain Modeling with M-Objects and M-Relationships %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P107-116 %P 107-116 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Neumayr.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Neverov, Gregory %A Roe, Paul %D 2005 %T Towards a Fully-reflective Meta-programming Language %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P151-158 %P 151-158 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Neverov.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nevison, Chris %A Wells, Barbara %D 2004 %T Using a Maze Case Study to Teach Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P207-215 %P 207-215 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Nevison.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Newman, Ian %A Daniels, Mats %A Faulkner, Xristine %D 2003 %T Open Ended Group Projects a 'Tool' for More Effective Teaching %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P95-103 %P 95-103 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Newman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ng, See-Kiong %A Zhu, Zexuan %A Ong, Yew-Soon %D 2004 %T Whole-Genome Functional Classification of Genes by Latent Semantic Analysis on Microarray Data %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P123-129 %P 123-129 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Ng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ng, S. K. %A McLachlan, G. J. %A Bean, R. W. %A Ng, S. W. %D 2006 %T Clustering Replicated Microarray Data via Mixtures of Random Effects Models for Various Covariance Structures %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P29-33 %P 29-33 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Ng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ng, Vincent %A Chan, Stephen %A Lau, Derek %A Ying, Cheung Man %D 2007 %T Incremental Mining for Temporal Association Rules for Crime Pattern Discoveries %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P123-132 %P 123-132 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Ng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Anthony %A Dowling, Jason %A Maeder, Anthony %A Nguyen, Phuong %A Brunton, Emma %D 2009 %T Characterizing Image Properties for Digital Mammograms %B Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009) %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV97P19-24 %P 19-24 %S CRPIT %V 97 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV97Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, DucDung %A Ho, TuBao %A Kawasaki, Saori %D 2006 %T Knowledge Visualization in Hepatitis Study %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P59-62 %P 59-62 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Peter %A Falkner, Katrina %A Detmold, Henry %A Munro, David %D 2009 %T A Domain Specific Language for Execution Profiling and Regulation %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P111-120 %P 111-120 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Phung Hua %A Xue, Jingling %D 2004 %T Strength Reduction for Loop-Invariant Types %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P213-222 %P 213-222 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Phung Hua %A Xue, Jingling %D 2005 %T Interprocedural Side-Effect Analysis and Optimisation in the Presence of Dynamic Class Loading %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P9-18 %P 9-18 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Philip H. P. %A Corbett, Dan %D 2007 %T A Formalization of Subjective and Objective Time Ontologies %B Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Nayak, Abhaya C. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV85P45-54 %P 45-54 %S CRPIT %V 85 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV85Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Quang Vinh %A Huang, Mao Lin %D 2003 %T Improvements of Space-Optimized Tree for Visualizing and Manipulating Very Large Hierarchies %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P75 %P 75 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Quang Vinh %A Huang, Mao Lin %D 2004 %T Visualising File-Systems Using ENCCON Model %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P61-65 %P 61-65 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Son N. %A Orlowska, Maria E. %D 2006 %T A Further Study in the Data Partitioning Approach for Frequent Itemsets Mining %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P31-37 %P 31-37 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nguyen, Son N. %A Orlowska, Maria E. %A Li, Xue %D 2008 %T Graph Mining based on a Data Partitioning Approach %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P31-37 %P 31-37 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Nguyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ni, Wei %A Ling, Tok Wang %D 2007 %T Update XML Data by Using Graphical Languages %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P209-214 %P 209-214 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Ni.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nicolau�Jr., Dan V. %A Fulga, Florin %A Nicolau�Sr., Dan V. %D 2003 %T A New Program to Compute the Surface Properties of Biomolecules %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P29-34 %P 29-34 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Nicolau.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nicolau Jr., Dan V. %A Nicolau, Dan V. %D 2004 %T Towards a Theory of Protein Adsorption: Predicting the Adsorption of Proteins on Surfaces via a Piecewise Linear Model %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P351-356 %P 351-356 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Nicolau.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nielsen, Benny K. %D 2007 %T An efficient solution method for relaxed variants of the nesting problem %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P123-130 %P 123-130 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Nielsen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nikandros, George %D 2004 %T COTS - Size Does Matter %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P59-66 %P 59-66 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Nikandros.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nikandros, George %A Tombs, David %D 2007 %T Measuring Railway Signals Passed At Danger %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P41-46 %P 41-46 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Nikandros.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Noah, Shahrul Azman %A Zakaria, Lailatulqadri %A Alhadi, Arifah Che %D 2009 %T Extracting and Modeling the Semantic Information Content of Web Documents to Support Semantic Document Retrieval %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P79-86 %P 79-86 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Noah.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Noble, James %D 2003 %T Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %V 13 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2001 %T Visualising 1,051 Visual Programs Module Choice and Layout in the Nord Modular Patch Language %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P121-127 %P 121-127 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Noble.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2002 %T Program Visualisation for Visual Programs %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P29-38 %P 29-38 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Noble.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2006 %T Postmodern Prospects for Conceptual Modelling %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P11-20 %P 11-20 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Noble.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2002 %T Metaphor and Metonymy in Object-Oriented Design Patterns %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P187-195 %P 187-195 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Noble.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Noble, James %A Foote, Brian %D 2003 %T Attack of the Clones %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P99 %P 99 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Noble.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Noble, James %A Marshall, Stuart %A Marshall, Stephen %A Biddle, Robert %D 2004 %T Less Extreme Programming %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P217-226 %P 217-226 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Noble.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Noble, James %A Potter, John %D 2002 %T Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 10 %O 0-909-92588-7 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Norcross, Stuart %A Morrison, Ron %A Munro, Dave %A Detmold, Henry %D 2003 %T Implementing a Family of Distributed Garbage Collectors %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P161-170 %P 161-170 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Norcross.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Notoatmodjo, Gilbert %A Thomborson, Clark %D 2009 %T Passwords and Perceptions %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P71-78 %P 71-78 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Notoatmodjo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Nouali, Nadia %A Doucet, Anne %A Drias, Habiba %D 2005 %T A Two-Phase Commit Protocol for Mobile Wireless Environment %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P135-144 %P 135-144 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Nouali.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A O'Dea, Damian %A Geoghegan, Sean %A Ekins, Chris %D 2005 %T Dealing with Geospatial Information in the Semantic Web %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P69-73 %P 69-73 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58ODea.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ofoghi, Bahadorreza %A Yearwood, John %A Ghosh, Ranadhir %D 2006 %T A Semantic Approach to Boost Passage Retrieval Effectiveness for Question Answering %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P95-101 %P 95-101 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Ofoghi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ohrimenko, Olga %A Stuckey, Peter %D 2008 %T Modelling for Lazy Clause Generation %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P27-37 %P 27-37 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Ohrimenko.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Oliveira, Stanley R. M. %A Zaiane, Osmar R. %D 2002 %T Foundations for an Access Control Model for Privacy Preservation in Multi-Relational Association Rule Mining %B IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %E Clifton, Chris %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %F CRPITV14P19-26 %P 19-26 %S CRPIT %V 14 %K CRPITVol14 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV14Oliveira1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Oliveira, Stanley R. M. %A Zaiane, Osmar R. %D 2002 %T Privacy Preserving Frequent Itemset Mining %B IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %E Clifton, Chris %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %F CRPITV14P43-54 %P 43-54 %S CRPIT %V 14 %K CRPITVol14 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV14Oliveira2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Oliver, Dave %A Dobele, Tony %A Greber, Myles %A Roberts, Tim %D 2004 %T This Course Has A Bloom Rating Of 3.9 %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P227-231 %P 227-231 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Oliver.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Omote, Hiroki %A Sugiyama, Kozo %D 2006 %T Method for Drawing Intersecting Clustered Graphs and Its Application to Web Ontology Language %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P89-92 %P 89-92 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Omote.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Ong, Kok-Leong %A Li, Wenyuan %A Gao, Junbin %D 2007 %T Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %V 84 %O 978-1-920682-65-1 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ong, Kok-Leong %A Ng, Wee-Keong %A Lim, Ee-Peng %D 2003 %T CrystalBall : A Framework for Mining Variants of Association Rules %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P85-94 %P 85-94 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Ong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ooi, Beng Chin %D 2008 %T Can P2P become a disruptive technology to enterprise data processing? %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 75 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ooi, Beng Chin %A Tan, Kian-Lee %D 2002 %T B-trees: Bearing Fruits of All Kinds %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P13-20 %P 13-20 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Ooi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Orgun, Bhavna %A Dras, Mark %A Cassidy, Steve %A Nayak, Abhaya %D 2005 %T DASMAS - Dialogue based Automation of Semantic interoperability in Multi Agent Systems %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P75-82 %P 75-82 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Orgun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Orgun, Bhavna %A Dras, Mark %A Nayak, Abhaya %A James, Geoff %D 2006 %T Approaches for Semantic Interoperability between Domain Ontologies %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P41-50 %P 41-50 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Orgun.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Orgun, Mehmet A. %A Meyer, Thomas %D 2006 %T Advances in Ontologies 2006. Proceedings of the Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 72 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Osman, Deanna %A Yearwood, John %A Vamplew, Peter %D 2007 %T Using Corpus Analysis to Inform Research into Opinion Detection in Blogs %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P65-75 %P 65-75 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Osman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Osman, Deanna J. %A Yearwood, John L. %D 2007 %T Opinion Search in Web Logs %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P133-139 %P 133-139 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Osman.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Oudshoorn, Michael J. %D 2002 %T Computer Science 2002. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %V 4 %0 Edited Book %A Oudshoorn, Michael J. %D 2003 %T Computer Science 2003. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 16 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ouyang, Hua %A Lee, Tan %D 2005 %T A New Lip Feature Representation Method for Video-based Bimodal Authentication %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P33-37 %P 33-37 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Ouyang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ovchinnikova, Ekaterina %A Kuehnberger, Kai-Uwe %D 2006 %T Aspects of Automatic Ontology Extension: Adapting and Regeneralizing Dynamic Updates %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P51-60 %P 51-60 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Ovchinnikova.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Oviatt, Sharon %D 2005 %T Toward Adaptive Information Fusion in Multimodal Systems %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Oviatt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ozgul, Fatih %A Bondy, Julian %A Aksoy, Hakan %D 2007 %T Mining for offender group detection and story of a police operation %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P189-193 %P 189-193 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Ozgul.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Paar, Alexander %A Reuter, Jurgen %A Schaeffer, Jaron %D 2005 %T A Pluggable Architectural Model and a Formally Specified Programming Language Independent API for an Ontological Knowledge Base Server %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P83-91 %P 83-91 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Paar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Padmanabhan, Vineet %A Governatori, Guido %A Sadiq, Shazia %A Colomb, Robert %A Rotolo, Antonino %D 2006 %T Process Modelling: The Deontic Way %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P75-84 %P 75-84 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Padmanabhan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Page, John %A Zaslavsky, Arkady %A Indrawan, Maria %D 2004 %T A Buddy Model of Security for Mobile Agent Communities Operating in Pervasive Scenarios %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P17-25 %P 17-25 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Page.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pai, Tun-Wen %A Chang, Wei-Yuan %A Chang, Margaret Dah-Tsyr %A Chu, Jia-Han %A Tai, Hsiu Ling %D 2004 %T Ladderlike Stepping and Interval Jumping Searching Algorithms for DNA Sequences %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P93-98 %P 93-98 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Pai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Palopoli, Luigi %A Terracina, Giorgio %D 2003 %T A Framework for Improving Protein Structure Predictions by Teamwork %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P163-171 %P 163-171 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Palopoli.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Palsberg, Jens %D 2007 %T Register Allocation via Coloring of Chordal Graphs %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 65 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pang, Y. %A Yuan, M.L. %A Nee, A.Y.C. %A Ong, S.K. %A Youcef-Toumi, Kamal %D 2006 %T A Markerless Registration Method for Augmented Reality based on Affine Properties %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P25-32 %P 25-32 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Pang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pankratius, Victor %A Stucky, Wolffried %D 2005 %T A Formal Foundation for Workflow Composition, Workflow View Definition, and Workflow Normalization based on Petri Nets %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P79-88 %P 79-88 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Pankratius.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Papadopoulos, Yiannis %A Parker, David %A Grante, Christian %D 2004 %T A Method and Tool Support for Model-based Semi-automated Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of Engineering Designs %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P89-95 %P 89-95 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Papadopoulos.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Park, Mira %A Jin, Jesse S. %A Wilson, Laurence S. %D 2003 %T Detection and Measurement of Hilar Region in Chest Radiograph %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P83 %P 83 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Park.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Park, Mira %A Jin, Jesse S. %A Wilson, Laurence S. %D 2004 %T Texture Classification using Multi-Scale Scheme %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P67-70 %P 67-70 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Park1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Park, Mira %A Jin, Jesse S. %A Wilson, Laurence S. %D 2004 %T Detection of Abnormal Texture in Chest X-rays with Reduction of Ribs %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P71-74 %P 71-74 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Park2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Park, Mira %A Wilson, Laurence S. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2001 %T Automatic Extraction of Lung Boundaries by a Knowledge-Based Method %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P11-16 %P 11-16 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Park.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Parker, Brian %D 2002 %T Three-dimensional Medical Image Segmentation Using a Graph-Theoretic Energy-Minimisation Approach %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P47-50 %P 47-50 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Parker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Parker, Brian %A Feng, David D. %D 2003 %T Variational Segmentation and PCA Applied to Dynamic PET Analysis %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P89 %P 89 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Parker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Parnis, James %A Lee, Gareth %D 2004 %T Exploiting FPGA Concurrency to Enhance JVM Performance %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P223-232 %P 223-232 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Parnis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Parry, David %D 2004 %T A Fuzzy Ontology for Medical Document Retrieval %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P121-126 %P 121-126 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Parry.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Parsons, Dale %A Haden, Patricia %D 2006 %T Parson's Programming Puzzles: A Fun and Effective Learning Tool for First Programming Courses %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P157-163 %P 157-163 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Parsons.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Parsons, Jeffrey %A Cole, Linda %D 2004 %T An Experimental Evaluation of Property Precedence in Conceptual Modelling %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P101-110 %P 101-110 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Parsons.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Passig, David %A Margaliot, Adva %D 2003 %T A Model for Training Future Science Teachers to Master the Cognitive Skill Melioration with ICT %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P93-96 %P 93-96 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Passig.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pasupathinathan, Vijayakrishnan %A Pieprzyk, Josef %A Wang, Huaxiong %D 2008 %T Formal Security Analysis of Australian E-passport Implementation %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P75-82 %P 75-82 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Vijayakrishnan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pasupathinathan, Vijayakrishnan %A Pieprzyk, Josef %A Wang, Huaxiong %A Cho, Joo Yeon %D 2006 %T Formal Analysis of Card-based Payment Systems in Mobile devices %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P213-220 %P 213-220 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Pasupathinathan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Patig, Susanne %D 2008 %T A Practical Guide to Testing the Understandability of Notations %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Patig.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Patrick, Jon %D 2005 %T Scamseek - A Language Technology Project Fulfilling Research Objectives with Industrial Obligations %B South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges %E Low, Graham %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV46P3-10 %P 3-10 %S CRPIT %V 46 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV46Patrick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Patrick, Jon %D 2006 %T Metonymic and Holonymic roles and Emergent Properties in the SNOMED CT Ontology %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P61-67 %P 61-67 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Patrick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Patrick, Jon %A Wang, Yefeng %A Budd, Peter %D 2007 %T An Automated System for Conversion of Clinical Notes into SNOMED Clinical Terminology %B Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P219-226 %P 219-226 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Patrick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pattison, Tim %A Phillips, Matthew %D 2001 %T View Coordination Architecture for Information Visualisation %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P165-171 %P 165-171 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Pattison3.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Pattison, Tim %A Thomas, Bruce %D 2003 %T Information Visualisation 2003. Proceedings of the Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 24 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pattison, Tim %A Vernik, Rudi %A Goodburn, Daniel %A Phillips, Matthew %D 2001 %T Rapid Assembly and Deployment of Domain Visualisation Solutions %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P19-26 %P 19-26 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Pattison2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pattison, Tim %A Vernik, Rudi %A Phillips, Matthew %D 2001 %T Information Visualisation using Composable Layouts and Visual Sets %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P1-10 %P 1-10 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Pattison1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pauling, Joel W. %A Komisarczuk, Peter %D 2007 %T Review of Work Experience in a Bachelor of Information Technology %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P125-132 %P 125-132 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Pauling.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pavlovski, Christopher J. %A Zou, Joe %D 2008 %T Non-Functional Requirements in Business Process Modeling %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P103-112 %P 103-112 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Pavlovski.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Paynter, John %A Sharkey, Emma %D 2004 %T Adventure Cycles A Software Engineering Approach %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P233-240 %P 233-240 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Paynter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pearce, David %A Haggard, Gary %A Royle, Gordon %D 2009 %T Edge-Selection Heuristics for Computing Tutte Polynomials %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P151-159 %P 151-159 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Pearce.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pears, Arnold %A Berglund, Anders %A Eckerdal, Anna %A East, Philip %A Kinnunen, Paivi %A Malmi, Lauri %A McCartney, Robert %A Mostrom, Jan-Erik %A Murphy, Laurie %A Ratcliffe, Mark Bartley %A Schulte, Carsten %A Simon, Beth %A Stamouli, Ioanna %A Thomas, Lynda %D 2007 %T What's the problem? Teachers' experience of student learning successes and failures %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P207-211 %P 207-211 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Pears.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pedersen, Dennis %A Riis, Karsten %A Pedersen, Torben Bach %D 2002 %T A Powerful and SQL-Compatible Data Model and Query Language for OLAP %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P121-130 %P 121-130 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Pedersen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pendragon, Tane %A While, Lyndon %D 2003 %T Path-Planning by Tessellation of Obstacles %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P3-9 %P 3-9 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Pendragon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Penev, Alex %A Wong, Raymond %D 2006 %T Shallow NLP techniques for Internet Search %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P167-176 %P 167-176 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Penev.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Peng, Kun %A Boyd, Colin %A Dawson, Ed %A Viswanathan, Kapali %D 2003 %T Five Sealed-bid Auction Models %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P77-86 %P 77-86 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21APeng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Peng, Kun %A Dawson, Ed %D 2007 %T A Range Test Secure in the Active Adversary Model %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P159-162 %P 159-162 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Peng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Peramunetilleke, Desh %A Wong, Raymond K. %D 2002 %T Currency Exchange Rate Forecasting From News Headlines %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P131-139 %P 131-139 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Peramunetilleke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Perona, Inigo %A Gurrutxaga, Ibai %A Arbelaitz, Olatz %A Martin, Jose I. %A Muguerza, Javier %A Ma Perez, Jesus %D 2008 %T Service-independent payload analysis to improve intrusion detection in network traffic %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P171-178 %P 171-178 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Perona.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pessoa, Marcos Clayton Fernandes %D 2003 %T Internet Projects - International Cooperation %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P97-98 %P 97-98 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Pessoa.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Petrucci, Laure %A Kristensen, Lars M. %A Billington, Jonathan %A Qureshi, Zahid H. %D 2002 %T Towards Formal Specification and Analysis of Avionics Mission Systems %B Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P95-104 %P 95-104 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Petrucci.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pettersen, Oystein %A Bordes, Nicole %A Ulm, Sean %A Gwynne, David %A Simmich, Terry %A Pailthorpe, Bernard %D 2008 %T Grid services for e-archaeology %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P17-25 %P 17-25 %S CRPIT %V 82 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Pettersen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pfitzner, Darius %A Hobbs, Vaughan %A Powers, David M.W. %D 2003 %T A Unified Taxonomic Framework for Information Visualization %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P57-66 %P 57-66 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Pfitzner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pham, Hai Nam %A Teo, Yong M. %A Thoai, N. %A Nguyen, T. A. %D 2009 %T An Approach to Vickrey-based Resource Allocation in the Presence of Monopolistic Sellers %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P77-83 %P 77-83 %S CRPIT %V 99 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV99Pham.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pham, Quan %A Reid, Jason %A McCullagh, Adrian %A Dawson, Ed %D 2008 %T Commitment Issues in Delegation Process %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P27-38 %P 27-38 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Pham.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pham, Tuan D. %A Wang, Honghui %A Zhou, Xiaobo %A Beck, Dominik %A Brandl, Miriam %A Hoehn, Gerald %A Azok, Joseph %A Brennan, Marie-Luise %A Hazen, Stanley L. %A Li, King %A Wong, Stephen T. C. %D 2006 %T Linear Predictive Coding and its Decision Logic for Early Prediction of Major Adverse Cardiac Events using Mass Spectrometry Data %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P61-66 %P 61-66 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Pham.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Philippi, Stephan %D 2002 %T Life-Cycle Inheritance in Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems %B Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P37-45 %P 37-45 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Philippi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Phillipps, Margot %A Sterling, Leon %D 2009 %T A Perspective on the International Olympiad in Informatics for CS educators %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P7 %P 7 %S CRPIT %V 95 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Phillips, Chris %A Kemp, Elizabeth %D 2002 %T In Support of User Interface Design in the Rational Unified Process %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P21-27 %P 21-27 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Phillips.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Phua, Clifton %A Smith-Miles, Kate %A Lee, Vincent C. S. %A Gayler, Ross %D 2007 %T Adaptive Spike Detection for Resilient Data Stream Mining %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P181-188 %P 181-188 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Phua.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Piccardi, Massimo %A Hintz, Tom %A He, Sean %A Huang, Mao Lin %A Feng, David Dagan %D 2004 %T Visual Information Processing 2004. Proceedings of the 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %V 36 %0 Edited Book %A Piekarski, Wayne %D 2006 %T User Interfaces 2006. Proceedings of the Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 50 %J Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %0 Edited Book %A Piekarski, Wayne %A Plimmer, Beryl %D 2007 %T User Interfaces 2007. Proceedings of the Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %V 64 %O 1-920-68245-7 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Piekarski, Wayne %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2002 %T The Tinmith System - Demonstrating New Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Modelling %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P61-70 %P 61-70 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 SPJRP %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Piekarski.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pilgrim, C. J. %D 2007 %T Trends in Sitemap Designs - A Taxonomy and Survey %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P95-102 %P 95-102 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Pilgrim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pirzada, Asad %A Portmann, Marius %A Indulska, Jadwiga %D 2007 %T Hybrid Mesh Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Pirzada.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pirzada, Asad %A Wishart, Ryan %A Portmann, Marius %A Indulska, Jadwiga %D 2009 %T Asad Pirzada, Ryan Wishart, Marius Portmann and Jadwiga Indulska %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P25-34 %P 25-34 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Pirzada.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pirzada, Asad Amir %A McDonald, Chris %D 2004 %T Kerberos Assisted Authentication in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P41-46 %P 41-46 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Pirzada2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pirzada, Asad Amir %A McDonald, Chris %D 2004 %T Establishing Trust In Pure Ad-hoc Networks %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P47-54 %P 47-54 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Pirzada1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pirzada, Asad Amir %A McDonald, Chris %A Datta, Amitava %D 2005 %T Dependable Dynamic Source Routing without a Trusted Third Party %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P79-86 %P 79-86 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Pirzada.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pisan, Yusuf %A Richards, Debbie %A Sloane, Anthony %A Koncek, Helena %A Mitchell, Simon %D 2003 %T Submit!: A Web-based System for Automatic Program Critiquing %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P59-68 %P 59-68 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Pisan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pitt, Ellen %A Nayak, Richi %D 2007 %T The Use of Various Data Mining and Feature Selection Methods in the Analysis of a Population Survey Dataset %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P87-97 %P 87-97 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Pitt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Plimmer, Beryl %A Apperley, Mark %D 2002 %T Computer-Aided Sketching to Capture Preliminary Design %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P9-12 %P 9-12 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Plimmer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Plimmer, Beryl %A Grundy, John %D 2005 %T Beautifying Sketching-based Design Tool Content: Issues and Experiences %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P31-38 %P 31-38 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Plimmer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Plimmer, Beryl %A Mason, Paul %D 2006 %T A Pen-based Paperless Environment for Annotating and Marking Student Assignments %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P37-44 %P 37-44 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Plimmer.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Plimmer, Beryl %A Weber, Gerald %D 2008 %T User Interfaces 2008. Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 76 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pollard, Janelle %A Duke, Roger %D 2005 %T A Reference Architecture for Instructional Educational Software %B South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges %E Low, Graham %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV46P43-52 %P 43-52 %S CRPIT %V 46 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV46Pollard.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pollett, Chris %A Danner, Norman %D 2005 %T Circuit Principles and Weak Pigeonhole Variants %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P31-40 %P 31-40 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Pollett.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Poon, Chung Keung %A Zheng, Feifeng %A Xu, Yinfeng %D 2006 %T On-demand Bounded Broadcast Scheduling with Tight Deadlines %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P139-143 %P 139-143 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Poon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pope, Bernard %A Naish, Lee %D 2003 %T A Program Transformation for Debugging Haskell 98 %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P227-236 %P 227-236 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Pope.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Porter, Ron %A Calder, Paul %D 2003 %T A Pattern-Based Problem-Solving Process for Novice Programmers %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P231-238 %P 231-238 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Porter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Porter, Ron %A Calder, Paul %D 2003 %T Applying Patterns to Novice Programming Problems %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P73 %P 73 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Porter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Porter, Ronald %A Calder, Paul %D 2004 %T Patterns in Learning to Program - An Experiment? %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P241-246 %P 241-246 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Porter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Potamianos, Gerasimos %D 2006 %T Audio-Visual Technologies for Lecture and Meeting Analysis inside Smart Rooms %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P7 %P 7 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Potamianos2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Potamianos, Gerasimos %D 2006 %T Audio-Visual Speech Processing: Progress and Challenges %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P5 %P 5 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Potamianos.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Potgieter, B. Christo %D 2004 %T Change and Innovation We Expect of ICT Teaching Staff %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P247-253 %P 247-253 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Potgieter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pothipruk, Pakornpong %A Governatori, Guido %D 2006 %T An Optimization for Query Answering on ALC Database %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P129-137 %P 129-137 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Pothipruk.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Powell, Daniel %D 2004 %T Automatic Derivation of Loop Termination Conditions to Support Verification %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P89-97 %P 89-97 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Powell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Powers, David %D 2006 %T Vision in HCI: Embodiment, Multimodality and Information Capacity %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P9-10 %P 9-10 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Powers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Powers, David M. W. %D 2008 %T Minors as Miners - Modelling and Evaluating Ontological and Linguistic Learning %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P3-14 %P 3-14 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Powers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Powers, Kris D. %D 2004 %T Teaching Computer Architecture in Introductory Computing: Why? and How? %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P255-260 %P 255-260 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Powers.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Prasad, Christine %A Li, Xiaosong %D 2004 %T Teaching Introductory Programming to Information Systems and Computing Majors: Is There a Difference? %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P261-267 %P 261-267 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Prasad.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Prasher, Sham %A Zhou, Xiaofang %D 2004 %T Multiresolution Amalgamation: Dynamic Spatial Data Cube Generation %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P103-111 %P 103-111 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Prasher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Price, Keith %D 2004 %T Why Computers Will Never Be People %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P45-49 %P 45-49 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Price.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Price, Richard %D 2005 %T Concepts for Multimedia Database Exploitation %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Price.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Price, Richard %D 2008 %T Volume, Velocity and Variety - Key Challenges for Mining Large Volumes of Multimedia Information %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P17-17 %P 17-17 %S CRPIT %V 87 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Prieto, Elena %D 2005 %T The Method of Extremal Structure on the k-Maximum Cut Problem %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P119-126 %P 119-126 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Prieto.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Prinz, Andreas %A Thalheim, Bernhard %D 2003 %T Operational Semantics of Transactions %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P169-179 %P 169-179 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Prinz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Prior, Julia Coleman %D 2003 %T Online Assessment of SQL Query Formulation Skills %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P247-256 %P 247-256 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Prior.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Proctor, Romina M. J. %A Baturo, Annette R. %A Cooper, Tom J. %D 2002 %T Integrating Concrete and Virtual Materials in an Elementary Mathematics Classroom: A Case Study of Success with Fractions %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P87-92 %P 87-92 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Proctor.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Proper, H.A. %A Verrijn-Stuart, A.A. %A Hoppenbrouwers, S.J.B.A. %D 2005 %T On Utility-based Selection of Architecture-Modelling Concepts %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P25-34 %P 25-34 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Proper.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Puglisi, Simon J. %A Smyth, William F. %A Turpin, Andrew %D 2006 %T Suffix Arrays: What Are They Good For? %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P17-18 %P 17-18 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Puglisi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pulo, Kevin %A Takatsuko, Masahiro %D 2003 %T Inclusion Tree Layout Convention : An Empirical Investigation %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P27-35 %P 27-35 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24Pulo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pulo, K. J. %D 2001 %T Recursive Space Decompositions in Force-Directed Graph Drawing Algorithms %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P95-102 %P 95-102 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Pulo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Pupunwiwat, Prapassara %A Stantic, Bela %D 2009 %T Unified Q-ary Tree for RFID Tag Anti-Collision Resolution %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Pupunwiwat.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Purchase, Helen C. %A Colpoys, Linda %A McGill, Matthew %A Carrington, David %A Britton, Carol %D 2001 %T UML Class Diagram Syntax: An Empirical Study of Comprehension %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P113-120 %P 113-120 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Purchase1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Purchase, Helen C. %A McGill, Matthew %A Colpoys, Linda %A Carrington, David %D 2001 %T Graph Drawing Aesthetics and the Comprehension of UML Class Diagrams: An Empirical Study %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P129-137 %P 129-137 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Purchase2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Purvis, Martin %D 2005 %T Information Systems as Distributed Multi-agent Systems %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Purvis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Purvis, Maryam %A Purvis, Martin %A Cranefield, Stephen %D 2004 %T Educational Experiences From a Global Software Engineering (GSE) Project %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P269-275 %P 269-275 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Purvis.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Qiu, Ling %A Ong, Kok-Leong %A Lui, Siu Man %D 2006 %T Safely Delegating Data Mining Tasks %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P1-7 %P 1-7 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Qiu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Quan, Tho T. %A Nguyen, Thai D. %D 2008 %T Ontology Evolution for Customer Services %B Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV90P61-69 %P 61-69 %S CRPIT %V 90 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV90Quan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Quek, Francis %D 2005 %T Mental Imagery, Language and Gesture: Multimodal Access to Human Communication %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P5 %P 5 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Quek.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Quigley, Aaron J. %D 2001 %T Large Scale 3D Clustering and Abstraction %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P117-118 %P 117-118 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Quigley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Quinn, Aaron %D 2004 %T Accepting Manipulation or Manipulating What's Acceptable? %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P59-64 %P 59-64 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Quinn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Quinn, Anthony %A Stranieri, Andrew %A Yearwood, John %D 2007 %T Classification for accuracy and insight: A weighted sum approach %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P203-208 %P 203-208 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Quinn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Quinn, Anthony %A Stranieri, Andrew %A Yearwood, John L. %A Hafen, Gaudenz %D 2009 %T A Classification Algorithm that Derives Weighted Sum Scores for Insight into Disease %B Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009) %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV97P13-17 %P 13-17 %S CRPIT %V 97 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV97Quinn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Quinn, Philip %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2008 %T The Effects of Menu Parallelism on Visual Search and Selection %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P79-84 %P 79-84 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Quinn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Quirchmayr, Gerald %D 2004 %T Survivability and Business Continuity Management %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P3-6 %P 3-6 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Quirchmayr.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Qureshi, Zahid H. %D 2006 %T Formal Modelling and Analysis of Mission-Critical Software in Military Avionics Systems %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P67-77 %P 67-77 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Qureshi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Qureshi, Zahid H. %D 2007 %T A Review of Accident Modelling Approaches for Complex Socio-Technical Systems %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P47-59 %P 47-59 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Qureshi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Radi, Odette %D 2002 %T The Impact of Computer Use on Literacy in Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Skills %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P93-97 %P 93-97 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Radi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rae, Andrew %D 2007 %T Helping the Operator in the Loop: Practical Human Machine Interface Principles for Safe Computer Controlled Systems %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P61-70 %P 61-70 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Rae.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rahayu, J. Wenny %A Taniar, David %A Lu, Xiaoyan %D 2002 %T Aggregation Query Model for OODBMS %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P143-150 %P 143-150 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Rahayu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rahwan, Iyad %A Kowalczyk, Ryszard %A Pham, Ha Hai %D 2002 %T Intelligent Agents for Automated One-to-Many e-Commerce Negotiation %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P197-203 %P 197-203 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Rahwan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Raikundalia, Gitesh %A Zhang, Hao Lan %D 2005 %T Newly-discovered Group Awareness Mechanisms for Supporting Real-time Collaborative Authoring %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P127-136 %P 127-136 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Raikundalia.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rajala, Teemu %A Laakso, Mikko-Jussi %A Kaila, Erkki %A Salakoski, Tapio %D 2007 %T VILLE - a language-independent program visualization tool %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P151-159 %P 151-159 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Rajala.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rakotomalala, Ricco %A Chauchat, Jean-Hughes %A Pellegrino, Francois %D 2006 %T Accuracy Estimation With Clustered Dataset %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P17-22 %P 17-22 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Rakotomalala.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ramakrishna, M.V. %A Nepal, Surya %A Srivastava, P.K. %D 2002 %T A Heuristic Algorithm for Combining Fuzzy Results in Multimedia Databases %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P141-145 %P 141-145 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Ramakrishna.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ramakrishnan, Raghu %D 2008 %T Web Data Management %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P5 %P 5 %S CRPIT %V 75 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ramamritham, Krithi %D 2007 %T Taming the Dynamics of Distributed Data %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Ramamritham.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ramsay, Neil %A Marshall, Stuart %A Potanin, Alex %D 2008 %T Annotating UI Architecture with Actual Use %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P75-78 %P 75-78 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Ramsay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rana, Omer F. %A Winikoff, Michael %A Padgham, Lin %A Harland, James %D 2002 %T Applying Conflict Management Strategies in BDI Agents for Resource Management in Computational Grids %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P205-214 %P 205-214 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Rana.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Randolph, Nick %A Morris, John %A Lee, Gareth %D 2002 %T A Generalised Spreadsheet Verification Methodology %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P215-222 %P 215-222 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Randolph.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rao, M.R.K. Krishna %D 2006 %T Learnability of Term Rewrite Systems from Positive Examples %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P133-137 %P 133-137 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Rao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rauch, Felix %A Stricker, Thomas M. %D 2005 %T OS Support for a Commodity Database on PC clusters - Distributed Devices vs. Distributed File Systems %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P145-154 %P 145-154 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Rauch.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ravana, Sri Devi %A Moffat, Alistair %D 2009 %T Score Aggregation Techniques in Retrieval Experimentation %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P59-67 %P 59-67 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Ravana.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reading, Jill %A Inniss, Gail %D 2003 %T Teaching for Tomorrow - Integrating Learning Technologies into Early Years Professional Development %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P147 %P 147 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reddacliff, Cathy %A Downes, Toni %D 2003 %T Young Children Talking about Their Use of the Internet at Home and at School %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P149 %P 149 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Redmill, Felix %D 2002 %T A Community Club on Safety-Critical Systems %B Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002) %E Lindsay, Peter %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV15P41-48 %P 41-48 %S CRPIT %V 15 %K CRPITVol15 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV15Redmill.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Redmill, Felix %D 2007 %T Thoughts on Safety Responsibilities of Management %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P71-77 %P 71-77 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Redmill.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rees, Michael J. %D 2002 %T Evolving the Browser Towards a Standard User Interface Architecture %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P1-7 %P 1-7 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Rees.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reeve, Greg %A Reeves, Steve %D 2006 %T Logic and Refinement for Charts %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P13-23 %P 13-23 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Reeve.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Regan, Lyn %A Robertson, Elaine %A McKenzie, Des %D 2003 %T Integration of ICT into the Curriculum at Anderson's Creek Primary School %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P99-100 %P 99-100 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Regan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reid, Jason F. %A Caelli, William J. %D 2005 %T DRM, Trusted Computing and Operating System Architecture %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P127-136 %P 127-136 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Reid.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reid, Wayne %A Kelly, Wayne %A Craik, Andrew %D 2008 %T Reasoning about Data Parallelism in Modern Object-Oriented Languages %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P27-36 %P 27-36 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Reid.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reinhardt, Derek %D 2006 %T Certification Criteria for Emulation Technology in the Australian Defence Force Military Avionics Context %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P79-92 %P 79-92 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Reinhardt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reinhardt, Derek W. %D 2008 %T Considerations in the Preference for and Application of RTCA/DO-178B in the Australian Military Avionics Context %B Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV100P49-68 %P 49-68 %S CRPIT %V 100 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV100Reinhardt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reitmayr, Gerhard %A Schmalstieg, Dieter %D 2003 %T Location based Applications for Mobile Augmented Reality %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P65-73 %P 65-73 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Reitmayr.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ren, Qiong %A Mu, Yi %A Susilo, Willy %D 2008 %T Mitigating Phishing with ID-based Online/Offline Authentication %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P59-64 %P 59-64 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Ren.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rennie, Lara %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2005 %T Aiding Text Entry of Foreign Alphabets with Visual Keyboard Plus %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P119-125 %P 119-125 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Rennie.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reynolds, Nicholas %D 2003 %T Musical Composition and Creativity in an ICT-Enriched Learning Environment - a case study %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P101-103 %P 101-103 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Reynolds.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Reza Z'aba, Muhammad %A Raddum, Havard %A Simpson, Leonie %A Dawson, Ed %A Henricksen, Matt %A Wong, Kenneth %D 2009 %T Algebraic Analysis of LEX %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P33-45 %P 33-45 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98RezaZaba.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rhodes, Anthony %A Bower, Karyn %A Bancroft, Peter %D 2004 %T Managing Large Class Assessment %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P285-289 %P 285-289 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Rhodes.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Riaz, Tariq %A Li, Kuo-Bin :Wang, Yi %D 2004 %T Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Tabu Search %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P223-232 %P 223-232 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Riaz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Riazati, Dariush %A Thom, James A. %A Zhang, Xuizhen %D 2008 %T Drill Across and Visualization of Cubes with Non-conformed Dimensions %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P85-93 %P 85-93 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Riazati.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rice, Sally %A Roddick, John F. %A de Vries, Denise %D 2006 %T Defining and Implementing Domains with Multiple Types using Mesodata Modelling Techniques %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P85-93 %P 85-93 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Rice.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Richardson, John %D 2004 %T Internationalisation in the Large at Oracle %B Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004) %E Hogan, James %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P197 %P 197 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Richardson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ritter, Nicola %A Cooper, James %D 2007 %T Segmentation and Border Identification of Cells in Images of Peripheral Blood Smear Slides %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P161-169 %P 161-169 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Ritter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rizzo, Alberto %D 2003 %T Activity Centred Professional Development and Teachers' Take-Up of ICT %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P105-108 %P 105-108 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Rizzo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Roantree, Mark %D 2002 %T Metadata Management in Federated Multimedia Systems %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P147-155 %P 147-155 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Roantree.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Robards, Matthew %A Gao, Junbin %A Charlton, Philip %D 2007 %T A Discriminant Analysis for Undersampled Data %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P11-18 %P 11-18 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Robards.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Roberts, Graham H.B. %A Verbyla, Janet L.M. %D 2003 %T An Online Programming Assessment Tool %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P69-75 %P 69-75 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Roberts.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Roberts, Tim S. %D 2006 %T The Use of Multiple Choice Tests for Formative and Summative Assessment %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P175-180 %P 175-180 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Roberts.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Robertson, Calum %A Geva, Shlomo %A Wolff, Rodney %D 2006 %T What Types of Events Provide the Strongest Evidence that the Stock Market is Affected by Company Specific News? %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P145-153 %P 145-153 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Robertson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Robertson, Calum %A Geva, Shlomo %A Wolff, Rodney %D 2007 %T News Aware Volatility Forecasting: Is the Content of News Important? %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P161-170 %P 161-170 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Robertson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Robins, Anthony %A Haden, Patricia %A Garner, Sandy %D 2006 %T Problem Distributions in a CS1 Course %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P165-173 %P 165-173 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Robins.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Robinson, Richard M. %A Anderson, Kevin J. %D 2004 %T SIL Rating Fire Protection Equipment %B Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %E Lindsay, Peter %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV33P89-97 %P 89-97 %S CRPIT %V 33 %K CRPITVol33 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV33Robinson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Roddick, John F. %A Ceglar, Aaron %A de Vries, Denise %D 2007 %T Towards Active Conceptual Modelling for Sudden Events %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P203-208 %P 203-208 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Roddick.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Roddick, John F. %A Fule, Peter %D 2007 %T SemGrAM - Integrating Semantic Graphs into Association Rule Mining %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P129-137 %P 129-137 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Roddick.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Roddick, John F. %A Hinze, Annika %D 2007 %T Conceptual Modelling 2007. Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %V 67 %O 1-920-68248-1 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Roddick, John F. %A Hornsby, Kathleen %A de Vries, Denise %D 2003 %T A Unifying Semantic Distance Model for Determining the Similarity of Attribute Values %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P111-118 %P 111-118 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Roddick.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Roddick, John F. %A Li, Jiuyong %A Christen, Peter %A Kennedy, Paul J. %D 2008 %T Data Mining and Analytics 2008. Proceedings of the Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %V 87 %O 978-1-920682-68-2 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Roddick, John F. %A Nieuwenhuis, Adrienne L. %D 2002 %T Application Rates to Undergraduate Programs in Information Technology in Australian Universities %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P223-231 %P 223-231 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Roddick.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Roe, Paul %A Kelly, Wayne %D 2009 %T Grid Computing and e-Research 2009. Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 99 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Roehm, Uwe %A Gaber, Mohamed Medhat %A Tse %A Quincy %D 2008 %T Enabling Resource-Awareness for In-Network Data Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P95-102 %P 95-102 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Roehm.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Romeike, Ralf %D 2007 %T Applying creativity in CS high school education - criteria, teaching example and evaluation %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P87-96 %P 87-96 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Romeike.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rose, D. %A Stegmaier, S. %A Reina, G. %A Weiskopf, D. %A Ertl, T. %D 2003 %T Non-invasive Adaptation of Black-box User Interfaces %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P19-24 %P 19-24 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Rose.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rosvik, Sindre %D 2003 %T National Plans - Local Challenges: Preparing for Life Long Learning in a Digital Society %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P151 %P 151 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rountree, Janet %A Rountree, Nathan %D 2009 %T Issues Regarding Threshold Concepts in Computer Science %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P139-145 %P 139-145 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Rountree.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rountree, Janet %A Rountree, Nathan %A Robins, Anthony %A Hannah, Robert %D 2005 %T Observations of Student Competency in a CS1 Course %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P145-149 %P 145-149 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Rountree.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Routledge, Nick %A Bird, Linda %A Goodchild, Andrew %D 2002 %T UML and XML Schema %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P157-166 %P 157-166 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Routledge.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rubin, Eran %A Wand, Yair %D 2007 %T A Framework Supporting the Utilization of Domain Knowledge Embedded in Software %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P85-90 %P 85-90 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Rubin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rui, Kexing %A Butler, Greg %D 2003 %T Refactoring Use Case Models : The Metamodel %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P301-308 %P 301-308 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Rui.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ruiz, Natalie %A Chen, Fang %A Choi, Eric %D 2005 %T Exploratory Study of Lexical Patterns in Multimodal Cues %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P47-50 %P 47-50 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Ruiz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ruskey, Frank %A Williams, Aaron %D 2008 %T Generating Balanced Parentheses and Binary Trees by Prefix Shifts %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P107-115 %P 107-115 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Ruskey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Russel, A.B.M. %A Khan, Asad I. %D 2006 %T Towards Dynamic Data Grid Framework for eResearch %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P9-16 %P 9-16 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Russel.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Russell, Nick %A van der Aalst, Wil M.P. %A ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. %A Wohed, Petia %D 2006 %T On the Suitability of UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams for Business Process Modelling %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P95-104 %P 95-104 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Russell.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rusu, Adrian %A Jianu, Radu %A Santiago, Confesor %A Clement, Christopher %D 2006 %T An Experimental Study on Algorithms for Drawing Binary Trees %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P85-88 %P 85-88 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Rusu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rutherford, Paul %A Churcher, Clare %A McCallum, John %D 2004 %T An Interactive Visualisation for Investigating DNA Sequence Information %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P101-107 %P 101-107 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Rutherford.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Rutherford, Paul %A Churcher, Clare %A McCallum, John %D 2005 %T An Interactive Visualisation for Selecting PCR Primers %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P21-26 %P 21-26 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Rutherford.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ryan, Amanda %D 2006 %T Towards Semantic Interoperability in Healthcare: Ontology Mapping from SNOMED-CT to HL7 version 3 %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P69-74 %P 69-74 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Ryan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ryan, Caspar %A Gonsalves, Atish %D 2005 %T The Effect of Context and Application Type on Mobile Usability: An Empirical Study %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P115-124 %P 115-124 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Ryan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ryu, Seung Hwan %A Saint-Paul, Regis %A Benatallah, Boualem %A Casati, Fabio %D 2007 %T A Framework for Managing the Evolution of Business Protocols in Web Services %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P49-59 %P 49-59 %S CRPIT %V 67 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV67Ryu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Saabas, Ando %A Uustalu, Tarmo %D 2006 %T Compositional Type Systems for Stack-Based Low-Level Languages %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P27-39 %P 27-39 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Saabas.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sadiq, Shazia %A Orlowska, Maria E. %A Sadiq, Wasim %A Foulger, Cameron %D 2004 %T Data Flow and Validation in Workflow Modelling %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P207-214 %P 207-214 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Sadiq.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Saeed, Nauman %A Yang, Yun %D 2008 %T Incorporating blogs, social bookmarks, and podcasts into unit teaching %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P113-118 %P 113-118 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Saeed.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Saffrey, Peter %A Purchase, Helen %D 2008 %T The 'Mental Map' versus 'Static Aesthetic' Compromise in Dynamic Graphs : A User Study %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P85-93 %P 85-93 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Saffrey.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sahama, Tony %A Ho-Stuart, Chris %A Hogan, James M. %D 2004 %T Developing and Delivering a Software Internationalisation Subject %B Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004) %E Hogan, James %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P199-204 %P 199-204 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Sahama.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sahama, Tony R. %A Croll, Peter R. %D 2007 %T A Data Warehouse Architecture for Clinical Data Warehousing %B Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P227-232 %P 227-232 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Sahama.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Saito, Toshinori %A Ohiwa, Hajime %D 2003 %T Roles of the Teacher in Media Literacy Education %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P109-110 %P 109-110 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Saito.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Samer, Marko %A Szeider, Stefan %D 2008 %T Tractable Cases of the Extended Global Cardinality Constraint %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P67-74 %P 67-74 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Samer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sandom, Carl %D 2007 %T Success and Failure: Human as Hero - Human as Hazard %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P79-87 %P 79-87 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Sandom.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sandy, Geoffrey A. %D 2001 %T The Online Services Bill: Theories and Evidence of Pornographic Harm %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P46-55 %P 46-55 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Sandy.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Saneifar, Hassan %A Bringay, Sandra %A Laurent, Anne %A Teisseire, Maguelonne %D 2008 %T S2MP: Similarity Measure for Sequential Patterns %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P95-104 %P 95-104 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Saneifar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sang, Yingpeng %A Shen, Hong %D 2008 %T Privacy Preserving Set Intersection Protocol Based on Bilinear Group %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P47-54 %P 47-54 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Sang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Saragih, Jason %A Goecke, Roland %D 2006 %T Learning Active Appearance Models from Image Sequences %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P51-60 %P 51-60 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Saragih.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sarai, Akinori %A Gromiha, Michael M. %A Kono, Hidetoshi %A Selvaraj, Samuel %D 2004 %T Structure-Function Relationship in DNA Sequence Recognition by Transcription Factors %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P233-238 %P 233-238 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Sarai.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sarkar, Pradip K. %A Cybulski, Jacob L. %D 2003 %T A Set of Patterns for the Web-based Interfaces of an Employee Services System %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P25 %P 25 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Sarkar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Saunders, Gary %A Ivkovic, Sasa %A Ghosh, Ranadhir %A Yearwood, John %D 2005 %T Applying Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) and Critical Term Ontologies to Australian Drug Safety Data for Association Rules and Adverse Event Signalling %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P93-98 %P 93-98 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Saunders.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Saunders, Shane %A Takaoka, Tadao %D 2005 %T Efficient Algorithms for Solving Shortest Paths on Nearly Acyclic Directed Graphs %B Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005) %E Atkinson, Mike %E Dehne, Frank %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV41P127-131 %P 127-131 %S CRPIT %V 41 %K CRPITVol41 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV41Saunders.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Savarimuthu, Bastin Tony Roy %A Purvis, Maryam %D 2004 %T Towards a multi-lingual workflow system - a practical outlook %B Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004) %E Hogan, James %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P205-210 %P 205-210 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Savarimuthu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Savarimuthu, Bastin Tony Roy %A Purvis, Maryam %A Fleurke, Martin %D 2004 %T Monitoring and Controlling of a Multi-agent Based Workflow System %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P127-132 %P 127-132 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Savarimuthu2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schadow, Gunther %A Grannis, Shaun J. %A McDonald, Clement J. %D 2002 %T Privacy-Preserving Distributed Queries for a Clinical Case Research Network %B IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002) %E Clifton, Chris %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Maebashi City, Japan %F CRPITV14P55-65 %P 55-65 %S CRPIT %V 14 %K CRPITVol14 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV14Schadow.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schafer, Andreas %A John, Mathias %D 2009 %T Conceptional Modeling and Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Processes in Biomolecular Systems %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P39-48 %P 39-48 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Schafer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %D 2005 %T Redundancy, Dependencies and Normal Forms for XML Databases %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P7-16 %P 7-16 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Schewe.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Thalheim, Bernhard %D 2006 %T Component-Driven Engineering of Database Applications %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P105-114 %P 105-114 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Schewe.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Williams, Hugh E. %D 2004 %T Database Technologies 2004. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %V 27 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Zhao, Jane %D 2005 %T Balancing Redundancy and Query Costs in Distributed Data Warehouses %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P97-106 %P 97-106 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Schewe.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Zhou, Xiaofang %D 2003 %T Database Technologies 2003. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %V 17 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schmidt, Heinz %D 2002 %T Compositional Software Architecture Definition %B Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P7-9 %P 7-9 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Schmidt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schmieder, Paul %A Plimmer, Beryl %A Dobbie, Gill %D 2009 %T Sketching ER Diagrams %B Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009) %E Weber, Gerald %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV93P57-64 %P 57-64 %S CRPIT %V 93 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV93Schmieder.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Scholz, Jason %A Grigg, Mark %A Prekop, Paul %A Burnett, Mark %D 2003 %T Development of the software infrastructure for a ubiquitous computing environment - the DSTO iRoom %B Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P169-176 %P 169-176 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21WScholz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schreiber, Falk %D 2003 %T Comparison of Metabolic Pathways using Constraint Graph Drawing %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P105-110 %P 105-110 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Schreiber.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schulz, Hans-Jorg %A Nocke, Thomas %A Schumann, Heidrun %D 2006 %T A Framework for Visual Data Mining of Structures %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P157-166 %P 157-166 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Schulz.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schwartzman, Leslie %D 2007 %T Student transformative learning in software engineering and design: discontinuity (pre)serves meaning %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P97-108 %P 97-108 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Schwartzman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schwitter, Rolf %D 2008 %T Creating and Querying Linguistically Motivated Ontologies %B Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV90P71-80 %P 71-80 %S CRPIT %V 90 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV90Schwitter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Schwitter, Rolf %A Tilbrook, Marc %D 2006 %T Annotating Websites with Machine-processable Information in Controlled Natural Language %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P75-84 %P 75-84 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Schwitter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Scriven, Ian %A Lewis, Andrew %A Smith, Matthew %A Friese, Thomas %D 2008 %T Resource Evaluation and Node Monitoring in Service Oriented Ad-hoc Grids %B Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008) %E Kelly, Wayne %E Roe, Paul %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV82P65-71 %P 65-71 %S CRPIT %V 82 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Scriven.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Searle, Glenn %A Ward, Roberta %D 2002 %T Funktion Zusammen: Two Schools, One Class and German LOTE in Rural Queensland %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P99-103 %P 99-103 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Searle.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Segal, Tariq %A Barnard, Ross %D 2003 %T Let the Shoemaker Make the Shoes - An Abstraction Layer is Needed Between Bioinformatic Analysis, Tools, Data and Equipment : An Agenda for the Next Five Years %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P215-218 %P 215-218 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Segal.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shah, Nita H. %A Gor, Ajay S. %A Wee, Hui %D 2008 %T Optimal Joint Vendor-Buyer Inventory Strategy for Deteriorating Items with Salvage Value %B Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008) %E Harland, James %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV77P63-66 %P 63-66 %S CRPIT %V 77 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV77Shah.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shalom, S. A. Arul %A Dash, Manoranjan %A Tue, Minh %D 2008 %T Graphics Hardware based Efficient and Scalable Fuzzy C-Means Clustering %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P179-186 %P 179-186 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Shalom.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shan, Yin %A Jeacocke, David %A Murray, D. Wayne %A Sutinen, Alison %D 2008 %T Mining Medical Specialist Billing Patterns for Health Service Management %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P105-110 %P 105-110 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Shan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shankaranarayanan, Avinash %A Dehne, Frank %A Lewis, Andrew %D 2006 %T A Template Based Static Coalition Protocol - A3PviGrid %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P55-62 %P 55-62 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Shankaranarayanan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shanker, Udai %A Misra, Manoj %A Sarje, Anil K. %D 2006 %T OCP - A Distributed Real Time Commit Protocol %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P193-202 %P 193-202 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Shanker.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shanks, Vaughan R. %A Williams, Hugh E. %A Cannane, Adam %D 2003 %T Indexing for Fast Categorisation %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P119-127 %P 119-127 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Shanks.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shanneb, Abdelsalam %A Potter, John %D 2005 %T Flexible Exclusion Control for Composite Objects %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P277-286 %P 277-286 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Shanneb.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shao, Xi %A Xu, Changsheng %A Lim, Joo-Hwee %D 2003 %T Image Mosaics Based on Homogenous Coordinates %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P93 %P 93 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Shao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shaw, Katherine %A Dermoudy, Julian %D 2005 %T Engendering an Empathy for Software Engineering %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P135-144 %P 135-144 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Shaw.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sheard, Judy %A Carbone, Angela %D 2004 %T From Informal to Formal: Creating the Australasian Computing Education Community %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P291-297 %P 291-297 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Sheard.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sheard, Judy %A Carbone, Angela %D 2007 %T ICT teaching and learning in a new educational paradigm: lecturers' perceptions versus students' experiences %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P109-117 %P 109-117 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Sheard.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sheard, Judy %A Carbone, Angela %A Dick, Martin %D 2003 %T Determination of Factors which Impact on IT Students' Propensity to Cheat %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P119-126 %P 119-126 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Sheard.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sheard, Judy %A Carbone, Angela %A Markham, Selby %A Hurst, A. J. %A Casey, Des %A Avram, Chris %D 2008 %T Performance and progression of first year ICT students %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P119-128 %P 119-128 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Sheard.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shehadi, Ihsan A. %A Ilyin, Valentin %A Murga, Leonel F. %A Ondrechen, Mary Jo %A Uzun, Alper %D 2004 %T THEMATICS is Effective for Active Site Prediction in Comparative Model Structures %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P209-215 %P 209-215 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Shehadi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shen, Heng Tao %D 2009 %T Large-scale Video Sequence Indexing: Impacts, Ideas and Trends %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 92 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shen, Xiaobin %A Eades, Peter %D 2005 %T Using MoneyColor to Represent Financial Data %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P125-129 %P 125-129 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Shen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shen, Zeqian %A Ogawa, Michael %A Teoh, Soon Tee %A Ma, Kwan-Liu %D 2006 %T BiblioViz: A System for Visualizing Bibliography Information %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P93-102 %P 93-102 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Shen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shillabeer, Anna %A Pfitzner, Darius %D 2007 %T Determining Pattern Element Contribution in Medical Datasets %B Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P233-240 %P 233-240 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Shillabeer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shillabeer, Anna %A Roddick, John F. %D 2007 %T Establishing a Lineage for Medical Knowledge Discovery %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P29-37 %P 29-37 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Shillabeer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shin, Dongjun %A Koh, Kern %D 2002 %T Optimizing Web Content Delivery Using Web Server Accelerator %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P233-239 %P 233-239 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Shin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shokouhi, Milad %A Zobel, Justin %A Bernstein, Yaniv %D 2007 %T Distributed Text Retrieval From Overlapping Collections %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P141-150 %P 141-150 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Shokouhi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shuhidan, Shuhaida %A Hamilton, Margaret %A D'Souza, Daryl %D 2009 %T A Taxonomic Study of Novice Programming Summative Assessment %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P147-156 %P 147-156 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Shuhidan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shui, William %A Lam, Franky %A Fisher, Damien K. %A Wong, Raymond K. %D 2005 %T Querying and Maintaining Ordered XML Data using Relational Databases %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P85-94 %P 85-94 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Shui.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Shui, William M. %A Wong, Raymond K. %A Graham, Stephen C. %A Lee, Lawrence K. %A Church, W. Bret %D 2003 %T A New Approach to Protein Structure and Function Analysis Using Semi-structured Databases %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P61-69 %P 61-69 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Shui.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sifer, Mark %D 2002 %T Querying Web Site Visitor Trend Data with Coordinated Nested Bar and Pie Charts %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P1-2 %P 1-2 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Sifer1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sifer, Mark %A Peres, Yardena %A Maarek, Yoelle %D 2002 %T A Grammer View for Editing Structured Documents %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P23-24 %P 23-24 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Sifer2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Siltanen, Sanni %A Hyvakka, Jouko %D 2006 %T Implementing a Natural User Interface for Camera Phones Using Visual Tags %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P113-116 %P 113-116 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Siltanen2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Siltanen, Sanni %A Woodward, Charles %D 2006 %T Augmented Interiors with Digital Camera Images %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P33-36 %P 33-36 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Siltanen1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simcock, Todd %A Hillenbrand, Stephen Peter %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2003 %T Developing a Location Based Tourist Guide Application %B Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P177-183 %P 177-183 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21WSimcock.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simeon, Mondelle %A Hilderman, Robert %D 2008 %T Categorical Proportional Difference: A Feature Selection Method for Text Categorization %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P201-208 %P 201-208 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Simeon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simmonds, Andy %D 2003 %T Student Learning Experience with an Industry Certification Course at University %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P143-147 %P 143-147 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Simmonds.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %D 2003 %T An IT degree combining the expertise of University and TAFE %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P35-40 %P 35-40 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Simon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %D 2004 %T The Cryptic Crossword Puzzle as a Useful Analogue in Teaching Programming %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P299-303 %P 299-303 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Simon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %D 2005 %T Electronic Watermarks to Help Authenticate Soft-copy Exams %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P7-13 %P 7-13 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Simon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %D 2007 %T Mandatory fields - a case study in the divergence between education and practice %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P133-139 %P 133-139 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Simon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %D 2007 %T Koli Calling comes of age: an analysis %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P119-126 %P 119-126 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Simon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %D 2009 %T Ten Years of the Australasian Computing Education Conference %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P157-163 %P 157-163 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Simon1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %A Cutts, Quintin %A Fincher, Sally %A Haden, Patricia %A Robbins, Anthony %A Sutton, Ken %A Baker, Bob %A Box, Ilona %A de Raadt, Michael %A Hamer, John %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Lister, Raymond %A Petre, Marian %A Tolhurst, Denise %A Tutty, Jodi %D 2006 %T The ability to articulate strategy as a predictor of programming skill %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P181-188 %P 181-188 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Simon1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %A Fincher, Sally %A Robbins, Anthony %A Baker, Bob %A Box, Ilona %A Cutts, Quintin %A de Raadt, Michael %A Haden, Patricia %A Hamer, John %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Lister, Raymond %A Petre, Marian %A Sutton, Ken %A Tolhurst, Denise %A Tutty, Jodi %D 2006 %T Predictors of success in a first programming course %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P189-196 %P 189-196 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Simon2.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Simon %A Hamilton, Margaret %D 2008 %T Computing Education 2008. Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 78 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simon %A Lopez, Mike %A Sutton, Ken %A Clear, Tony %D 2009 %T Surely We Must Learn to Read before We Learn to Write! %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P165-170 %P 165-170 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Simon2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Simpson, Matthew %A Burmeister, Jay %A Boykiw, Alan %A Zhu, Jihan %D 2003 %T Successful Studio-based Real-World Projects in IT Education %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P41-51 %P 41-51 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Simpson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Singh, Abhishek %A Billington, Jonathan %D 2002 %T Creating an Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Service Specification %B Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P57-66 %P 57-66 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Singh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Singh, Pramod K. %D 2004 %T Unsupervised Segmentation of Medical Images using DCT Coefficients %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P75-81 %P 75-81 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Singh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sinha, Ranjan %A Zobel, Justin %D 2003 %T Efficient Trie-Based Sorting of Large Sets of Strings %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P11-18 %P 11-18 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Sinha.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sirkkala, Petri %A Puonti, Sami %D 2007 %T Nalkki-project - tool for plagiarism detection using the web %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P229-230 %P 229-230 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Sirkkala.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sitzmann, Inga %A Stuckey, Peter J. %D 2002 %T Compacting Discriminator Information for Spatial Trees %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P167-176 %P 167-176 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Sitzmann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Skabar, Andrew %A Cloete, Ian %D 2002 %T Neural Networks and Financial Trading and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P241-249 %P 241-249 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Skabar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sladek, Jarrah %A Zschorn, Andrew %A Hashemi-Sakhtsari, Ahmad %D 2002 %T Speech-to-Text Transcription in Support of Pervasive Computing %B Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002 %E Aynsley, Brenda %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV25Ppaper3 %P paper3 %S CRPIT %V 25 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV25Sladek.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Slaviero, Jackie %A Wiseman, Lorraine %D 2003 %T Communicate in an E-Learning Community %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P153 %P 153 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Slay, Hannah %A Phillips, Matthew %A Thomas, Bruce H. %A Vernik, Rudi %D 2003 %T Keg Master : a Graph-Aware Visual Editor for 3D Graphs %B Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) %E Biddle, Robert %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV18P99-103 %P 99-103 %S CRPIT %V 18 %K CRPITVol18 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV18Slay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Slay, Hannah %A Phillips, Matthew %A Vernik, Rudi %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2001 %T Interaction Modes for Augmented Reality Visualization %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P71-75 %P 71-75 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Slay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Slay, Hannah %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2006 %T Evaluation of a Universal Interaction and Control Device for use within Multiple Heterogeneous Display Ubiquitous Environments %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P129-136 %P 129-136 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Slay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Slay, Hannah %A Thomas, Bruce H. %A Vernik, Rudi %D 2002 %T Tangible User Interaction Using Augmented Reality %B Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002) %E Grundy, John %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV7P13-20 %P 13-20 %S CRPIT %V 7 %K CRPITVol7 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV7Slay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Slay, Jill %A Quirchmayr, Gerald %A Kurzel, Frank %A Hagenus, Kim %D 2003 %T Adaptive Learning Environments for CS Education : From AMLE to Live Spaces %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P257-262 %P 257-262 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Slay.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smart, Will %A Zhang, Mengjie %D 2004 %T Applying Online Gradient-Descent Search to Genetic Programming for Object Recognition %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P133-138 %P 133-138 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Smart.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smid, Michiel %D 2006 %T Geometric spanners with few edges and degree five %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P7-9 %P 7-9 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Smid.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smillie, Jonathan %A Allsman, Roberta %A Hungerford, Stuart %A Ozolins, Jason %D 2005 %T Integrating The MACHO Data-set with the Virtual Observatory %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P49-56 %P 49-56 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Smillie.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Graeme %D 2002 %T Specifying Mode Requirements of Embedded Systems %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P251-257 %P 251-257 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Smith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Graeme %D 2004 %T A Framework for Modelling and Analysing Mobile Systems %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P193-202 %P 193-202 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Smith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Glenn %A Escott, Eban %D 2004 %T Using Animations to Support the Teaching of General Computing Concepts %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P305-310 %P 305-310 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Smith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Glenn %A Fidge, Colin %D 2008 %T On the efficacy of prerecorded lectures for teaching introductory programming %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P129-136 %P 129-136 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Smith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Jason %A Gonzalez-Nieto, Juan Manuel %A Boyd, Colin %D 2006 %T Modelling Denial of Service Attacks on JFK with Meadows's Cost-Based Framework %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P125-134 %P 125-134 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Smith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Jason %A Russell, S. %A Looi, M. %D 2004 %T Security as a Safety Issue in Rail Communications %B Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %E Lindsay, Peter %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV33P79-88 %P 79-88 %S CRPIT %V 33 %K CRPITVol33 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV33Smith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Kerrie %D 2003 %T EdNA Online for Early Childhood Educators %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P155 %P 155 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Ross %A Piekarski, Wayne %A Wigley, Grant %D 2005 %T Hand Tracking For Low Powered Mobile AR User Interfaces %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P7-16 %P 7-16 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Smith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Smith, Ross T. %A Piekarski, Wayne %D 2008 %T Public and Private Workspaces on Tabletop Displays %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P51-54 %P 51-54 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Smith.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sodre, Victor de�Freitas %A Filho, Jugurta Lisboa %A Vilela, Valerio Moyses %A Andrade, Marcus Vinicius Alvim %D 2005 %T Improving Productivity and Quality of GIS Databases Design using an Analysis Pattern Catalog %B Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Stumptner, Markus %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV43P107-114 %P 107-114 %S CRPIT %V 43 %K CRPITVol43 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV43Sodre.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Soliman, Mostafa I. %A Sedukhin, Stanislav G. %D 2002 %T Trident: A Scalable Architecture for Scalar, Vector and Matrix Operations %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P91-99 %P 91-99 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Soliman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Solomon, Andrew %D 2003 %T Applying NAILS to Blackboard %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P263-266 %P 263-266 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Solomon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Somekh, Bridget %D 2003 %T Children Exploring a 'Fun' Web-site: Sites of Learning and Roles of Being %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P89-93 %P 89-93 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Somekh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Song, Gao %D 2004 %T Reducing Register Pressure Through LAER Algorithm %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P55-64 %P 55-64 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Song.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Song, Jian %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2007 %T Architecture of a Web Accelerator For Wireless Networks %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P125-129 %P 125-129 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Song.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Song, Le %A Takatsuka, Masahiro %D 2005 %T Real-time 3D Finger Pointing for an Augmented Desk %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P99-108 %P 99-108 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Song.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sonntag, Benoit %A Colnet, Dominique %D 2002 %T Lisaac: the power of simplicity at work for operating system %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P45-52 %P 45-52 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Sonntag.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Soon, Lay-Ki %A Lee, Sang Ho %D 2007 %T An Empirical Study of Similarity Search in Stock Data %B 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007) %E Ong, Kok-Leong %E Li, Wenyuan %E Gao, Junbin %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia %F CRPITV84P29-36 %P 29-36 %S CRPIT %V 84 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV84Soon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Soriano, Christine %A Raikundalia, Gitesh K. %A Szajman, Jakub %D 2006 %T Middle-Aged Users' Experience of Short Message Service %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P109-112 %P 109-112 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Soriano.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sorva, Juha %D 2007 %T Students' understandings of storing objects %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P127-135 %P 127-135 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Sorva.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Spaccapietra, Stefano %D 2007 %T Exploring New Directions in Conceptual Data Modeling %B Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Hinze, Annika %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV67P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 67 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Speer, Jayson %A Kirchberg, Markus %A Riaz-ud-Din, Faizal %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %D 2009 %T Solving the Golden Transaction Problem for ARIES-based Multi-level Recovery %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P19-28 %P 19-28 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Speer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Spence, Edward %D 2001 %T Cosmopolitanism and the Internet %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P88-93 %P 88-93 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Spence.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Spinczyk, Olaf %A Gal, Andreas %A Schroder-Preikschat, Wolfgang %D 2002 %T AspectC++: An Aspect-Oriented Extension to the C++ Programming Language %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P53-60 %P 53-60 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Spinczyk.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Squair, Matthew John %D 2005 %T Issues in the Application of Software Safety Standards %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P13-26 %P 13-26 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Squair.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Squair, Matthew John %D 2006 %T Safety, Software Architecture and MIL-STD-1760 %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P93-112 %P 93-112 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Squair.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Squair, Matthew John %D 2007 %T Human Engineering for Australia's F/A-18 Night Vision Capability %B Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV86P89-100 %P 89-100 %S CRPIT %V 86 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV86Squair.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stafford, Aaron %A Piekarski, Wayne %D 2008 %T User Evaluation of God-like Interaction Techniques %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P19-27 %P 19-27 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Stafford.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stafford, Aaron %A Thomas, Bruce H. %A Piekarski, Wayne %D 2009 %T Comparison of techniques for mixed-space collaborative navigation %B Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009) %E Weber, Gerald %E Calder, Paul %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV93P65-64 %P 65-64 %S CRPIT %V 93 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV93Stafford.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stager, Gary S. %D 2002 %T Computationally-Rich Constructionism and At-Risk Learners %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P105-111 %P 105-111 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Stager.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stager, Gary S. %D 2003 %T The Feeling of Wonderful Ideas - Implications for the Future of Teaching and Learning %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P111-113 %P 111-113 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Stager.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stanley, Edward %A Mogin, Pavle %A Andreae, Peter %D 2009 %T S.E.A.L. - A Query Language for Entity-Association Queries %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P69-78 %P 69-78 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Stanley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stanley, Timothy D. %A Xuan, Thanh Quach %A Fife, Leslie %A Colton, Don %D 2007 %T Simple Eight Bit, Emulated Computers for Illustrating Computer Architecture Concepts and Providing a Starting Point for Student Designs %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P141-146 %P 141-146 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Stanley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stantic, Bela %A Governatori, Guido %A Sattar, Abdul %D 2006 %T Handling of Current Time in Native XML Databases %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P175-182 %P 175-182 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Stantic.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stantic, Bela %A Khanna, Sankalp %A Thornton, John %D 2004 %T An Efficient Method for Indexing Now-relative Bitemporal data %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P113-122 %P 113-122 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Stantic.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stevenson, Duncan %A Li, Jane %A Smith, Jocelyn %A Hutchins, Matthew %D 2008 %T A Collaborative Guidance Case Study %B Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008) %E Plimmer, Beryl %E Weber, Gerald %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV76P33-42 %P 33-42 %S CRPIT %V 76 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV76Stevenson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stewart, Arran D. %A Zhang, Xiuzhen %D 2007 %T Building a Disordered Protein Database: A Case Study in Managing Biological Data %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P151-159 %P 151-159 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Stewart.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stewart, Bozena %D 2007 %T Reflection on Development and Delivery of a Data Mining Unit %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P225-232 %P 225-232 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Stewart.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stewart, Graeme A. %A Cameron, David %A Cowan, Greig A. %A McCance, Gavin %D 2007 %T Storage and Data Management in EGEE %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P69-77 %P 69-77 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Stewart.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stokes, Jackie %D 2002 %T Developing Generic Attributes in a Pre-service Primary Teacher Education Course %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P113-117 %P 113-117 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Stokes2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stokes, Jackie %D 2002 %T Towards Knowledge Age Teachers: Reflective Practitioners %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P119-124 %P 119-124 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Stokes1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stone, Gordon %D 2005 %T On Arguing the Safety of Large Systems %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P69-75 %P 69-75 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Stone.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stone, Gordon R. %D 2004 %T Complex Reactive Real Time Systems and the Safety Case %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P23-32 %P 23-32 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Stone.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Strazdins, Peter %D 2008 %T Applying the community of practice approach to individual IT projects %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P137-146 %P 137-146 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Strazdins.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Strazdins, Peter %A Clarke, Bill %A Over, Andrew %D 2007 %T Efficient Cycle-Accurate Simulation of the Ultrasparc III CPU %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P221-228 %P 221-228 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Strazdins.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Strooper, Paul %A Meinicke, Larissa %D 2007 %T Evaluation of a New Assesment Scheme for a Third-year Concurrency Course %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P147-154 %P 147-154 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Strooper.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Stumptner, Markus %A Hartmann, Sven %A Kiyoki, Yasushi %D 2006 %T Conceptual Modelling 2006. Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 53 %O 1-920-68235-X %0 Conference Proceedings %A Stumptner, Markus %A Schrefl, Michael %A Grossmann, Georg %D 2004 %T On the Road to Behavior-Based Integration %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P15-22 %P 15-22 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Stumptner.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Subramaniam, Ganesan %A Ong, Kenneth %D 2006 %T Mesh Simplification using Ellipsoidal Schema for Isotropic Quantization of Face-Normal Vectors %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P31-34 %P 31-34 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Subramaniam.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sucahyo, Yudho Giri %A Gopalan, Raj P. %D 2003 %T CT-ITL : Efficient Frequent Item Set Mining Using a Compressed Prefix Tree with Pattern Growth %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P95-104 %P 95-104 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Sucahyo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sugiyama, Kozo %A Osawa, Ryo %A Hong, Seok-Hee %D 2005 %T Puzzle Generators and Symmetric Puzzle Layout %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P97-105 %P 97-105 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Sugiyama.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Suhonen, Jarkko %A Thompson, Errol %A Davies, Janet %A Kinshuk %D 2007 %T Applications of variation theory in computing education %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P217-220 %P 217-220 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Suhonen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sun, Hung-Min %A Hsieh, Bin-Tsan %D 2004 %T On the Security of Some Proxy Blind Signatures Schemes %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P75-78 %P 75-78 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Sun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sun, Xiaoxun %A Li, Min %A Wang, Hua %A Plank, Ashley %D 2008 %T An efficient hash-based algorithm for minimal k-anonymity %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P101-107 %P 101-107 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Sun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sun, Xiaoxun %A Wang, Hua %A Li, Jiuyong %D 2008 %T Priority Driven K-Anonymisation for Privacy Protection %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P73-78 %P 73-78 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Sun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sun, Xiaoxun %A Wang, Hua %A Li, Jiuyong %D 2009 %T Microdata Protection Through Approximate Microaggregation %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P149-156 %P 149-156 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Sun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sun, Yong %A Chen, Fang %A Chung, Vera %D 2005 %T QuickFusion: Multimodal Fusion Without Time Thresholds %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P51-54 %P 51-54 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Sun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sun, Zhaohui %A Deogun, Jitender S. %D 2004 %T Local Prediction Approach of Protein Classification using Probabilistic Suffix Trees %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P357-362 %P 357-362 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Sun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Suriadi, Suriadi %A Foo, Ernest %A Du, Rong %D 2008 %T Layered Identity Infrastructure Model for Identity Meta Systems %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P83-92 %P 83-92 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Suriadi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Sutton, Peter %A Brereton, Margot %A Heyer, Clint %A MacColl, Ian %D 2002 %T Ambient Interaction Framework - Software Infrastructure for the Rapid Development of Pervasive Computing Environments %B Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002 %E Aynsley, Brenda %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV25Ppaper4 %P paper4 %S CRPIT %V 25 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Suzuki, Nobutaka %A Fukushima, Yuji %D 2008 %T An XML Document Transformation Algorithm Inferred from an Edit Script between DTDs %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P175-184 %P 175-184 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Suzuki.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Szeto, Lap Keung %A Liew, Alan Wee-Chung %A Yan, Hong %A Tang, Sy-sen %D 2003 %T Gene Expression Data Clustering and Visualization Based on a Binary Heirarchical Clustering Framework %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P145-152 %P 145-152 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Szeto.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tahaghoghi, S.M.M. %A Williams, Hugh E. %A Thom, James A. %A Volkmer, Timo %D 2005 %T Video Cut Detection using Frame Windows %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P193-200 %P 193-200 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Tahaghoghi.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Taib, Ronnie %A Shi, Yu %A Choi, Eric %A Chen, Fang %A Sladescu, Matthew %A Phung, Nhan %D 2005 %T Multimodal User Interface Facilitating Critical Data Entry for Traffic Incident Management %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P55-59 %P 55-59 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Taib.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Takaoka, Tadao %A Violich, Stephen %D 2006 %T Combinatorial Generation by Fusing Loopless Algorithms %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P69-77 %P 69-77 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Takaoka.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tam, Vincent W. L. %A Shepherd, John %D 2009 %T Information Retrieval in Structured Domains %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P145-151 %P 145-151 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Tam.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tan, Aik Choon %A Gilbert, David %D 2003 %T An Empirical Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques in Bioinformatics %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P219-222 %P 219-222 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Tan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tan, Jefferson %A Abramson, David %A Enticott, Colin %D 2009 %T Optimizing Tunneled Grid Connectivity across Firewalls %B Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009) %E Roe, Paul %E Kelly, Wayne %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV99P21-27 %P 21-27 %S CRPIT %V 99 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV99Tan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tandianus, Jeff E. %A Chandra, Andrias %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2002 %T Video Cataloguing and Browsing %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P39-45 %P 39-45 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Tandianus.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tang, Anthony %A Boyle, Michael %A Greenberg, Saul %D 2004 %T Display and Presence Disparity in Mixed Presence Groupware %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P73-82 %P 73-82 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Tang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tang, Jianmin %A Balbuena, Camino %A Lin, Yuqing %A Miller, Mirka %D 2007 %T An open problem: (4; g)-cages with odd g <= 5 are tightly connected %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P141-144 %P 141-144 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Tang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tang, Jia %A Zhang, Minjie %D 2006 %T An Agent-based Peer-to-Peer Grid Computing Architecture - Convergence of Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P33-39 %P 33-39 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Tang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tang, Qing %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2003 %T Compressed Video Transmission over Digital Networks : Analysis and Design %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P97 %P 97 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Tang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tao, Trevor %A Crisp, David J. %D 2003 %T A Useful Bound for Region Merging Algorithms in a Bayesian Model %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P95-100 %P 95-100 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Tao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tao, Will %A Steele, Robert %D 2008 %T A Local Broker Enabled MobiPass Architecture for Enhancing Trusted Interaction Efficiency %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P55-61 %P 55-61 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Tao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tari, Zahir %A Hamidjadja, Herry %D 2002 %T A CORBA Cooperative Cache Approach with Popularity Admission and Routing Mechanism %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P177-186 %P 177-186 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Tari.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Taylor, John L. %A Burgess, Scott A. %D 2004 %T Steve Austin Versus the Symbol Grounding Problem %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P21-25 %P 21-25 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Taylor.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Taylor, Kerry %D 2006 %T The Semantics of Water %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Mehmet, A. Orgun %E Thomas, Meyer %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Taylor.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Taylor, Kerry %A Murty, James %D 2003 %T Implementing Role Based Access Control for Federated Information Systems on the Web %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P87-95 %P 87-95 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21ATaylor.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Taylor, Ken %A Palmer, Doug %D 2003 %T Applying Enterprise Architectures and Technology to the Embedded Devices Domain %B Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P185-190 %P 185-190 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21WTaylor.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Taylor, Paul R. %D 2003 %T Patterns of the Prairie Houses %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P11 %P 11 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Taylor.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Taylor, Richard %D 2007 %T Effective Prediction and its Computational Complexity %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P145-151 %P 145-151 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Taylor.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Teague, Donna %D 2009 %T A People-First Approach to Programming %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P171-179 %P 171-179 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Teague.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Teague, Donna %A Roe, Paul %D 2008 %T Collaborative learning - towards a solution for novice programmers %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P147-154 %P 147-154 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Teague.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2008 %T On Measuring Java Software %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P7 %P 7 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Tempero.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2009 %T Experiences in Teaching Quality Attribute Scenarios %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P181-188 %P 181-188 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Tempero.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tempero, Ewan %A Noble, James %A Biddle, Robert %D 2004 %T Delegation Diagrams: Visual Support for the Development of Object-Oriented Designs %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P83-89 %P 83-89 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Tempero.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Terada, Routo %A Ueda, Eduardo T. %D 2009 %T A New Version of the RC6 Algorithm, Stronger against \chi^2 Cryptanalysis %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P47-52 %P 47-52 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Terada.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Terrasse, Marie-Noelle %A Savonnet, Marinette %A Leclercq, Eric %A Becker, George %A Fourmentin, Eric %A Lariviere, Damien %A Grenon, Pierre %A Roux-Rouquie, Magali %D 2007 %T Metamodeling Integration Architecture for Open Biomedical Ontologies: The GO Extensions' Case Study %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P167-172 %P 167-172 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Terrasse.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thaicharoen, Supphachai %A Altman, Tom %A Cios, Krzysztof J. %D 2008 %T Structure-Based Document Model with Discrete Wavelet Transforms and Its Application to Document Classification %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P209-217 %P 209-217 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Thaicharoen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thalheim, Bernhard %D 2003 %T Database Component Ware %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P13-26 %P 13-26 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Thalheim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thalheim, Bernhard %D 2004 %T Co-Design of Structuring, Functionality, Distribution, and Interactivity for Information Systems %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P3-12 %P 3-12 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Thalheim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thalheim, Bernhard %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %A Ma, Hui %D 2009 %T Conceptual Application Domain Modelling %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P49-57 %P 49-57 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Thalheim.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thangarajah, John %A Padgham, Lin %A Harland, James %D 2002 %T Representation and Reasoning for Goals in BDI Agents %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P259-265 %P 259-265 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Thangarajah.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thiagarajan, Rajesh %A Stumptner, Markus %D 2006 %T A Native Ontology Approach for Semantic Service Descriptions %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P85-90 %P 85-90 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Thiagarajan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thies, Gunnar %A Vossen, Gottfried %D 2009 %T Modelling Web-Oriented Architectures %B Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009) %E Link, Sebastian %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV96P97-105 %P 97-105 %S CRPIT %V 96 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV96Thies.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thomas, Martyn %D 2004 %T Engineering Judgement %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P43-47 %P 43-47 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Thomas.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thomas, Richard C. %A Karahasanovic, Amela %A Kennedy, Gregor E. %D 2005 %T An Investigation into Keystroke Latency Metrics as an Indicator of Programming Performance %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P127-134 %P 127-134 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Thomas.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thomas, Theda %D 2003 %T Cooperative Learning and Object-Orientated Development Methods %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P115-117 %P 115-117 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Thomas.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thomborson, Clark %D 2009 %T Foundation for Systems Security %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P3-3 %P 3-3 %S CRPIT %V 98 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thomborson, Clark %A Nagra, Jasvir %A Somaraju, Ram %A He, Charles %D 2004 %T Tamper-proofing Software Watermarks %B Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004) %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P27-36 %P 27-36 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Thomborson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thompson, Errol %D 2006 %T Using a subject area model as a learning improvement model %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P197-203 %P 197-203 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Thompson1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thompson, Errol %D 2007 %T Holistic assessment criteria - Applying SOLO to programming projects %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P155-162 %P 155-162 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Thompson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thompson, Errol %A Hunt, Lynn %A Kinshuk %D 2006 %T Exploring Conceptions of programming %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P205-212 %P 205-212 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Thompson2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thompson, Errol %A Luxton-Reilly, Andrew %A Whalley, Jacqueline %A Hu, Minjie %A Robbins, Phil %D 2008 %T Bloom's Taxonomy for CS assessment %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P155-162 %P 155-162 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Thompson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Thongkam, Jaree %A Xu, Guandong %A Zhang, Yanchan %A Huang, Fuchun %D 2008 %T Breast Cancer Survivability via AdaBoost Algorithms %B Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %E Warren, James R. %E Yu, Ping %E Yearwood, John %E Patrick, Jon D. %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV80P55-64 %P 55-64 %S CRPIT %V 80 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV80Thongkam.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tian, Lin %A Takaoka, Tadao %D 2007 %T Improved Shortest Path Algorithms For Nearly Acyclic Directed Graphs %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P15-24 %P 15-24 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Tian.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tian, Ye Henry %D 2006 %T Mechanically Verifying Correctness of CPS Compilation %B Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV51P41-51 %P 41-51 %S CRPIT %V 51 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV51Tian.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tilakaratne, Chandima %A Mammadov, Musa %A Morris, Sidney %D 2007 %T Effectiveness of Using Quantified Intermarket Influence for Predicting Trading Signals of Stock Markets %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P171-179 %P 171-179 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Tilakaratne.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tin, Yiu Shing Terry %A Boyd, Colin %A Nieto, Juanma Gonzalez %D 2003 %T Provably Secure Key Exchange: an Engineering Approach %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P97-104 %P 97-104 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21ATin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ting, Zhao %A Feng, David D. %A Zheng, Tan %D 2004 %T 3D Reconstruction of Single Picture %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P83-86 %P 83-86 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Ting.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tjondronegoro, Dian %A Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %A Pham, Binh %D 2005 %T A Statistical-driven Approach for Automatic Classification of Events in AFL Video Highlights %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P209-218 %P 209-218 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Tjondronegoro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tjondronegoro, Dian %A Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %A Pham, Binh %D 2006 %T Extensible Detection and Indexing of Highlight Events in Broadcasted Sports Video %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P237-246 %P 237-246 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Tjondronegoro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Todd, E. %A Kemp, Elizabeth %A Phillips, C. %D 2004 %T What Makes a Good User Interface Pattern Language? %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P91-100 %P 91-100 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Todd.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tokoro, Ken %A Yamaguchi, Kazuaki %A Masuda, Sumio %D 2006 %T Improvements of TLAESA Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm and Extension to Approximation Search %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P77-83 %P 77-83 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Tokoro.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tolhurst, Denise %D 2004 %T The Influence of Web-supported Independent Activities and Small Group Work on Students' Epistemological Beliefs %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P311-316 %P 311-316 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Tolhurst.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tolhurst, Denise %A Baker, Bob %D 2003 %T A New Approach to a First Year Undergraduate Information Systems Course %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P169-177 %P 169-177 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Tolhurst.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tolhurst, Denise %A Baker, Bob %A Hamer, John %A Box, Ilona %A Lister, Raymond %A Cutts, Quintin %A Petre, Marian %A de Raadt, Michael %A Robbins, Anthony %A Fincher, Sally %A Simon %A Haden, Patricia %A Sutton, Ken %A Hamilton, Margaret %A Tutty, Jodi %D 2006 %T Do map drawing styles of novice programmers predict success in programming? A multi-national, mulit-institutional study %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P213-222 %P 213-222 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Tolhurst.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Tolhurst, Denise %A Mann, Samuel %D 2006 %T Computing Education 2006. Proceedings of the Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %V 52 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tomita, Shinji %A Hayashi, Yukio %D 2006 %T Spatial analysis of centralization and decentralization in the population migration network %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P139-142 %P 139-142 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Tomita.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Toney, Aaron P. %A Thomas, Bruce H. %D 2007 %T Modeling Reach For Use in User Interface Design %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P27-30 %P 27-30 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Toney.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Toshniwal, Durga %A Joshi, Ramesh C. %D 2005 %T Finding Similarity in Time Series Data by Method of Time Weighted Moments %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P155-164 %P 155-164 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Toshniwal.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tran, Kha %A Phung, Dinh %A Adams, Brett %A Venkatesh, Svetha %D 2008 %T Indoor Location Prediction Using Multiple Wireless Received Signal Strengths %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P187-192 %P 187-192 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Tran.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tran, Minh Hong %A Yang, Yun %A Raikundalia, Gitesh K. %D 2006 %T Extended Radar View and Modification Director: Awareness Mechanisms for Synchronous Collaborative Authoring %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P45-52 %P 45-52 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Tran.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tran, Minh Hong %A Yang, Yun %A Raikundalia, Gitesh K. %D 2007 %T SWIM: An Alternative Interface for MSN Messenger %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P55-62 %P 55-62 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Tran.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tran, Tien %A Nayak, Richi %A Bruza, Peter %D 2008 %T Combining Structure and Content Similarities for XML Document Clustering %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P219-226 %P 219-226 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87TranT.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tran, Van T. K. %A Wong, Raymond K. %A Cheung, William K. %A Liu, Jiming %D 2009 %T Mobile Information Exchange and Integration: From Query to Application Layer %B Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009) %E Bouguettaya, Athman %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV92P117-126 %P 117-126 %S CRPIT %V 92 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV92Tran.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Traynor, Des %A Bergin, Susan %A Gibson, J. Paul %D 2006 %T Automated Assessment in CS1 %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P223-228 %P 223-228 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Traynor.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Trinidad, Sue %D 2002 %T A Journey of Networking Learners Down Under: A Reflection of the Evolution of ICT in Western Australian Primary Schools %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P125-129 %P 125-129 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Trinidad.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tritilanunt, Suratose %A Boyd, Colin %A Foo, Ernest %A Gonzalez Nieto, Juan Manuel %D 2007 %T Cost-Based Framework and Simulation of DoS-Resistant Protocols Using Coloured Petri Nets %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P191-200 %P 191-200 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Tritilanunt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Truong, Nghi %A Bancroft, Peter %A Roe, Paul %D 2003 %T A Web Based Environment for Learning to Program %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P255-264 %P 255-264 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Truong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Truong, Nghi %A Roe, Paul %A Bancroft, Peter %D 2004 %T Static Analysis of Students' Java Programs %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P317-325 %P 317-325 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Truong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Truong, Nghi %A Roe, Paul %A Bancroft, Peter %D 2005 %T Automated Feedback for 'Fill in the Gap' Programming Exercises %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P117-126 %P 117-126 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Truong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Truyen, Tran The %A Phung, Dinh Quoc %A Venkatesh, Svetha %D 2007 %T Preference Networks: Probabilistic Models for Recommendation Systems %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P195-202 %P 195-202 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Truyen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tsang, W.W. %A Chong, C.F. %A Chow, K.P. %A Hui, L.C.K. %A Tso, C.W. %D 2004 %T Tuning the Collision Test for Power %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P23-30 %P 23-30 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Tsang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tse, Edward %A Greenberg, Saul %D 2004 %T Rapidly Prototyping Single Display Groupware through the SDGToolkit %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P101-110 %P 101-110 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Tse.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tu, Yu-Cheng %A Thomborson, Clark %D 2009 %T Preliminary Security Specification for New Zealand's igovt System %B Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV98P79-88 %P 79-88 %S CRPIT %V 98 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV98Tu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tun, Nwe Ni %D 2006 %T Semantic Enrichment in Ontologies for Matching %B Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006) %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %E Meyer, Thomas %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV72P91-100 %P 91-100 %S CRPIT %V 72 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV72Tun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tun, Nwe Ni %A Tojo, Satoshi %D 2005 %T IC-based Ontology Expansion in Devouring Accessibility %B Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Orgun, Mehmet A. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV58P99-106 %P 99-106 %S CRPIT %V 58 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV58Tun.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tupakula, Udaya Kiran %A Varadharajan, Vijay %D 2003 %T A Practical Method to Counteract Denial of Service Attacks %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P275-284 %P 275-284 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Tupakula.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tupakula, Udaya Kiran %A Varadharajan, Vijay %D 2006 %T Analysis of Traceback Techniques %B Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Steketee, Chris %E Susilo, Willy %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P115-124 %P 115-124 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Tupakula.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Turcsanyi-Szabo, Marta %D 2003 %T Drawing a Parallel between Computational Metaphors, Processes, Games and Learning at an Early Age %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P157 %P 157 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Turpin, Andrew %A Hersh, William %D 2004 %T Do Clarity Scores for Queries Correlate with User Performance? %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P85-91 %P 85-91 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Turpin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Turpin, Andrew %A Smyth, W.F. %D 2002 %T An Approach to Phrase Selection for Offline Data Compression %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P267-273 %P 267-273 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Turpin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tutty, Jodi %A White, Barbera %D 2006 %T Tablet classroom interactions %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P229-233 %P 229-233 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Tutty.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tutty, Jodi %A White, Barbara %A Pascoe, Robert %D 2005 %T Experiences from a Wireless-enabled Tablet Classroom %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P165-172 %P 165-172 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Tutty.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Tyrelle, Greg D. %A King, Garry C. %D 2003 %T A Platform for the Description, Distribution and Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism Data %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P173-180 %P 173-180 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Tyrelle.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Uitdenbogerd, Alexandra L. %A Zobel, Justin %D 2002 %T Music Ranking Techniques Evaluated %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P275-283 %P 275-283 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Uitdenbogerd.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ullman, Jeffrey D. %D 2005 %T Gradiance On-Line Accelerated Learning %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P3-6 %P 3-6 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Ullman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Urting, David %A Berbers, Yolande %A Van Baelen, Stefan %A Holvoet, Tom %A Vandewoude, Yves %A Rigole, Peter %D 2002 %T A Tool for Component Based Design of Embedded Software %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P159-168 %P 159-168 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Urting.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Utting, Mark %A Malik, Petra %A Toyn, Ian %D 2009 %T Transformation Rules for Z %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P71-80 %P 71-80 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Utting.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vale, Paul %D 2003 %T Having Fun and Raising Standards %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P95-98 %P 95-98 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Vale.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vallance, Scott %A Calder, Paul %D 2002 %T Multi-Perspective Images for Visualisation %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P69-76 %P 69-76 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Vallance.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vallance, Scott %A Calder, Paul %D 2006 %T Rendering Multi-Perspective Images with Trilinear Projection %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P227-235 %P 227-235 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Vallance.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Valluri, Satyanarayana R. %A Vadapalli, Soujanya %A Karlapalem, Kamalakar %D 2002 %T View Relevance Driven Materialized View Selection in Data Warehousing Environment %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P187-196 %P 187-196 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Valluri.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Valverde, Francisco %A Panach, Ignacio %A Pastor, Oscar %D 2007 %T An Abstract Interaction Model for a MDA Software Production Method %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P109-114 %P 109-114 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Valverde.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vamplew, Peter %A Dermoudy, Julian %D 2005 %T An Anti-Plagiarism Editor for Software Development Courses %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P83-90 %P 83-90 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Vamplew.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Van Berendonck, Christopher %A Jacobs, Timothy %D 2003 %T Bubbleworld : A New Visual Information Retreival Technique %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03) %E Pattison, Tim %E Thomas, Bruce %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV24P47-56 %P 47-56 %S CRPIT %V 24 %K CRPITVol24 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV24VanBerendonck.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A van Dieten, H. %D 2003 %T Slash 21 : A New School and a New Way of Learning %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P119-120 %P 119-120 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23vanDieten.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A van Gils, B. %A Proper, H. A. %A van Bommel, P. %A de Vrieze, P. %D 2005 %T Transformation selection for aptness-based web retrieval %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P115-124 %P 115-124 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39vanGils.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A van Kouwen, Frank %A Dieperink, Carel %A Schrot, Paul P. %A Wassen, Martin J. %D 2007 %T Improving Environmental Decision-making: Bridging the Gap between Conceptual Modelling and Quantitative Analyses with Quasta %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P161-166 %P 161-166 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83vanKouwen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vartiainen, Tero %D 2008 %T Student life in computing: a variety of conflicting moral requirements %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P163-170 %P 163-170 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78Vartiainen.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vasudevan, Amit %A Yerraballi, Ramesh %D 2006 %T SPiKE: Engineering Malware Analysis Tools using Unobtrusive Binary-Instrumentation %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P311-320 %P 311-320 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Vasudevan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vasudevan, Amit %A Yerraballi, Ramesh %A Chawla, Ashish %D 2005 %T A High Performance Kernel-Less Operating System Architecture %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P287-296 %P 287-296 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Vasudevan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vasudevan, Venkatesh %A Waldeck, Peter %A Mehta, Hardik %A Bergmann, Neil %D 2006 %T Implementation of a Triple Modular Redundant FPGA based Safety Critical Systems for Reliable Software Execution %B Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV69P113-119 %P 113-119 %S CRPIT %V 69 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV69Vasudevan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vaughan, Francis A. %A Grove, Duncan A. %A Coddington, Paul D. %D 2003 %T Communication Performance Issues for Two Cluster Computers %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P171-180 %P 171-180 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Vaughan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Veelo, Nicole %D 2003 %T Conditions and Possibilities for Integration of ICT in Open Teaching in Secondary Schools - A Comparative Study in Preparation %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P121-122 %P 121-122 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Veelo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Venables, Anne %A Haywood, Liz %D 2003 %T Programming students need instant feedback! %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P267-272 %P 267-272 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Venables.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Verenikina, Irina %A Harris, Pauline %A Lysaght, Pauline %D 2003 %T Child's Play: Computer Games, Theories of Play and Children's Development %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P99-106 %P 99-106 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Verenikina.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Verheecke, Bart %A Straeten, Ragnhild Van Der %D 2002 %T Specifying and Implementing the Operational Use of Constraints in Object-Oriented Applications %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P23-32 %P 23-32 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Verheecke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vernik, Michael %A Johnson, Steven %A Vernik, Rudi %D 2004 %T e-Ghosts: Leaving Virtual Footprints in Ubiquitous Workspaces %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P111-116 %P 111-116 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Vernik.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vilkomir, Sergiy A. %A Parnas, David L. %A Mendiratta, Veena B. %A Murphy, Eamonn %D 2006 %T Segregated Failures Model for Availability Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Systems %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P55-61 %P 55-61 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Vilkomir.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vincent, John %D 2002 %T MicroWorlds and the Integrated Brain %B WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Chambers, Dianne %I ACS %C Copenhagen, Denmark %F CRPITV8P131-137 %P 131-137 %S CRPIT %V 8 %K CRPITVol8 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV8Vincent.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vincent, Jill %D 2003 %T A Technological Environment for Promoting Mathematical Reasoning : A Dynamic Approach to Geometric Proof %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P123-125 %P 123-125 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23VincentJill.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vincent, John %D 2003 %T Individual Differences, Technology and the Teacher of the Future %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P127-129 %P 127-129 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23VincentJohn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Volkmer, Timo %A Thom, James A. %A Tahaghoghi, Seyed M. M. %D 2007 %T Exploring Human Judgement of Digital Imagery %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P151-160 %P 151-160 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Volkmer.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A von Konsky, Brian R. %A Ivins, Jim %D 2008 %T Assessing the capability and maturity of capstone software engineering projects %B Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008) %E Simon %E Hamilton, Margaret %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV78P171-180 %P 171-180 %S CRPIT %V 78 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV78vonKonsky.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A von Konsky, Brian R. %A Ivins, Jim %A Gribble, Susan J. %D 2007 %T Engaging Undergraduates in Discussions about Ethics in Computing %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P163-169 %P 163-169 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66vonKonsky.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A von Konsky, Brian R. %A Ivins, Jim %A Robey, Michael %D 2005 %T Using PSP to Evaluate Student Effort in Achieving Learning - Outcomes in a Software Engineering Assignment %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P193-201 %P 193-201 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42vonKonsky.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A von Konsky, Brian R. %A Loh, Allan %A Robey, Mike %A Gribble, Susan J. %A Ivins, Jim %A Cooper, David %D 2006 %T The Benefit of Information Technology in Managing Outcomes Focused Curriculum Development Across Related Degree Programs %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P235-242 %P 235-242 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52vonKonsky.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Vyatkina, Kira %D 2009 %T Linear Axis for Planar Straight Line Graphs %B Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009) %E Downey, Rod %E Manyem, Prabhu %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV94P137-150 %P 137-150 %S CRPIT %V 94 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV94Vyatkina.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wagenhals, Lee W. %A Haider, Sajjad %A Levis, Alexander H. %D 2002 %T Synthesizing Executable Models of Object Oriented Architectures %B Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P85-93 %P 85-93 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Wagenhals.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wahlstrom, Kirsten %A Quirchmayr, Gerald %D 2007 %T The motivation and proposition of a privacy-enhancing architecture for operational databases %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P173-182 %P 173-182 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Wahlstrom.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wahlstrom, Kirsten %A Roddick, John F. %D 2001 %T On the Impact of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P22-27 %P 22-27 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Wahlstrom.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wallace, Andrew %A Savage, Joshua %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2004 %T Rapid Visual Flow: How Fast Is Too Fast? %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P117-122 %P 117-122 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Wallace.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wan, Jacky W.W. %A Dobbie, Gillian %D 2004 %T Mining Association Rules from XML Data using XQuery %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P169-174 %P 169-174 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Wan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wan Zainon, Wan Nazmee %A Calder, Paul %D 2006 %T Visualising Phylogenetic Trees %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P145-152 %P 145-152 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50WanZainon.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wanas, Nayer %A Said, Dina %A Darwish, Nevin %A Hegazy, Nadia %D 2006 %T A Study of Local and Global Thresholding Techniques in Text Categorization %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P91-101 %P 91-101 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Wanas.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wandmacher, Tonio %A Ovchinnikova, Ekaterina %A Krumnack, Ulf %A Dittmann, Henrik %D 2007 %T Extraction, evaluation and integration of lexical-semantic relations for the automated construction of a lexical ontology %B Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007) %E Meyer, Thomas %E Nayak, Abhaya C. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV85P61-69 %P 61-69 %S CRPIT %V 85 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV85Wandmacher.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Bill B. %A McKay, R.I. (Bob) %A Abbass, Hussein A. %A Barlow, Michael %D 2003 %T A Comparative Study for Domain Ontology Guided Feature Extraction %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P69-78 %P 69-78 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16BWang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Daolong %A Lauria, Mario %A Wright, Fred A. %A Yuan, Bo %D 2004 %T Mega Weaver: A Simple Iterative Approach for BAC Consensus Assembly %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P145-153 %P 145-153 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Hua %A Addie, Ron %A Li, Jiuyong %A Dekeyser, Stijn %A Watson, Richard %D 2006 %T A Framework for Role-based group delegation in distributed environment %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P321-328 %P 321-328 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Hua %A Cao, Jinli %A Sun, Lili %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2004 %T Anonymous Access Scheme for Electronic Services %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P295-304 %P 295-304 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Hua %A Cao, Jinli %A Zhang, Yanchuan %D 2002 %T Ticket-Based Service Access Scheme for Mobile Users %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P285-292 %P 285-292 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Hua %A Cao, Jinli %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2003 %T A Flexible Payment Scheme and its Permission-Role Assignment %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P189-198 %P 189-198 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16HWang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Hongshu %A Feng, David D. %A Huang, Sung-Cheng %D 2001 %T A Statistical Method for Assessment of 3-D Medical Image Registration %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P101-103 %P 101-103 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Hao %A Ong, Twee-Hee %A Ooi, Beng Chin %A Tan, Kian-Lee %D 2003 %T BLAST++ : A Tool for BLASTing Queries in Batches %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P71-79 %P 71-79 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19HWang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Hua %A Sun, Lili %A Zhang, Yanchun %A Cao, Jinli %D 2005 %T Authorization Algorithms for the Mobility of User-Role Relationship %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P69-78 %P 69-78 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Wang2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Huaqing %A Wang, Meiqing %A Hintz, Tom %A He, Xiangjian %A Wu, Qiang %D 2005 %T Fractal Image Compression on a Pseudo Spiral Architecture %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P201-208 %P 201-208 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Hua %A Zhang, Yanchun %A Cao, Jinli %D 2003 %T Formal Authorisation Allocation Approaches for Permission-role Assignment Using Relational Algebra Operations %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P125-133 %P 125-133 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17HWang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Henry C. %A Feng, David D. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2001 %T Cataloging and Search Engine for Video Library %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P97-98 %P 97-98 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Junhu %A Maher, Michael %A Toper, Rodney %D 2002 %T Rewriting General Conjunctive Queries Using Views %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P197-206 %P 197-206 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Junhu %A Topor, Rodney %D 2005 %T Removing XML Data Redundancies Using Functional and Equality-Generating Dependencies %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P65-74 %P 65-74 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, J. R. %A Parameswaran, N. %D 2004 %T Survey of Sports Video Analysis: Research Issues and Applications %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P87-90 %P 87-90 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Lijian %A Sajeev, A. S. M. %D 2007 %T Roller Interface for Mobile Device Applications %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P7-13 %P 7-13 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Qing %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %D 2008 %T A Typed Higher-Order Calculus for Querying XML Databases %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P103-113 %P 103-113 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Qing %A Wu, Hongwei %A Xiao, Jianchang %A Zhou, Aoying %A Zhou, Junmei %D 2003 %T Deriving Relation Keys from XML Keys %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P227-235 %P 227-235 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17QWang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Xiaoxing %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2002 %T A Quantitative Analysis for Decomposing Visual Signal of the Gaze Displacement %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P153-159 %P 153-159 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Wang2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Xiaoxing %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2003 %T Visual Representation Model for Motion Direction Selectivity %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P101 %P 101 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Wang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Xiu Ying %A Feng, David D. %A Hong, Hai %D 2003 %T Novel Elastic Registration for 2-D Medical and Gel Protein Images %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P223-226 %P 223-226 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19XWang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wang, Xiu Ying %A Feng, David D. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2002 %T Elastic Medical Image Registration Based on Image Intensity %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P139-142 %P 139-142 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Wang1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Warren, Ian %D 2005 %T Teaching Patterns and Software Design %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P39-49 %P 39-49 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Warren.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Warren, James R. %D 2009 %T Health Informatics and Knowledge Management 2009. Proc. Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 97 %0 Edited Book %A Warren, James R. %A Yu, Ping %A Yearwood, John %A Patrick, Jon D. %D 2008 %T Health Data and Knowledge Management 2008. Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %V 80 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Warren, Peter %D 2004 %T Learning to Program: Spreadsheets, Scripting and HCI %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P327-333 %P 327-333 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Warren.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Washizaki, Hironori %A Fukazawa, Yoshiaki %D 2002 %T Dynamic Hierarchical Undo Facility in a Fine-Grained Component Environment %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P191-199 %P 191-199 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Washizaki.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Weaver, Rob %A Fenn, Jane %A Kelly, Tim %D 2004 %T A Pragmatic Approach to Reasoning about the Assurance of Safety Arguments %B Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003) %E Lindsay, Peter %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV33P57-67 %P 57-67 %S CRPIT %V 33 %K CRPITVol33 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV33Weaver.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Webb, Geoff %D 2008 %T Multi-Strategy Ensemble Learning, Ensembles of Bayesian Classifiers, and the Problem of False Discoveries %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P15-15 %P 15-15 %S CRPIT %V 87 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Webb, Ian %A Downes, Toni %D 2003 %T Raising the Standards : ICT and the Teacher of the Future %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P131-133 %P 131-133 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Webb.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Webb, Ivan %A Fluck, Andrew %D 2003 %T A Systems Approach to ICT in School Education %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P159 %P 159 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Weber, Derek %A Phillips, Matthew %D 2004 %T An Architecture for Multi-View Information Overlays %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P9-15 %P 9-15 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Weber.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Weber, Gerald %D 2008 %T A Platform-Independent Approach for Auditing Information Systems %B Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008) %E Warren, James R. %E Yu, Ping %E Yearwood, John %E Patrick, Jon D. %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV80P65-73 %P 65-73 %S CRPIT %V 80 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV80Weber.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Weber, Gerald %A Calder, Paul %D 2009 %T User Interfaces 2009. Proc. Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %V 93 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Weckert, John %D 2001 %T Computer Ethics - Why Bother? %B Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %E Weckert, John %I ACS %C Canberra %F CRPITV1P1-2 %P 1-2 %S CRPIT %V 1 %K CRPITVol1 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV1Weckert.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Weckert, John %D 2001 %T Computer Ethics 2000. Selected papers from the Second Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Canberra %V 1 %J Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000) %O 0-909-92579-8 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Weckert, John %A Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %D 2004 %T Introduction - Computers and Philosophy %B Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %E Weckert, John %E Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV37P3-4 %P 3-4 %S CRPIT %V 37 %K CRPITVol37 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV37Weckert.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Weckert, John %A Al-Saggaf, Yeslam %D 2004 %T Computers and Philosophy 2003. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %V 37 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wells, Marilyn A %A Brook, Phillip W %D 2004 %T Conversational KM - Student Driven Learning %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P335-341 %P 335-341 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Wells.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wells, Marilyn A. %A Jones, Beverley D. %D 2005 %T Commonsense ISD: An Empirical Approach to Teaching Systems Analysis and Design %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P31-37 %P 31-37 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Wells.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Weng, Cheng G. %A Poon, Josiah %D 2008 %T A New Evaluation Measure for Imbalanced Datasets %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P27-32 %P 27-32 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Weng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wesson, J.L. %A Warren, P.R. %D 2001 %T Interactive Visualisation of Large Multivariate Datasets on the World-Wide Web %B Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001) %E Eades, Peter %E Pattison, Tim %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV9P151-157 %P 151-157 %S CRPIT %V 9 %K CRPITVol9 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV9Wesson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Whalley, Jacqueline %A Lister, Raymond %D 2009 %T The BRACElet 2009.1 (Wellington) Specification %B Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) %E Hamilton, Margaret %E Clear, Tony %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV95P9-18 %P 9-18 %S CRPIT %V 95 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV95Whalley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Whalley, Jacqueline %A Prasad, Christine %A Kumar, P. K. Ajith %D 2007 %T Decoding Doodles: Novice Programmers and Their Annotations %B Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007) %E Mann, Samuel %E Simon %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV66P171-178 %P 171-178 %S CRPIT %V 66 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV66Whalley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Whalley, Jacqueline L. %A Lister, Raymond %A Thompson, Errol %A Clear, Tony %A Robbins, Phil %A Kumar, P.K. Ajith %A Prasard, Christine %D 2006 %T An Australasian Study of Reading and Comprehension Skills in Novice Programmers, using the Bloom and SOLO Taxonomies %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P243-252 %P 243-252 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Whalley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A While, Lyndon %A Field, Tony %D 2005 %T Optimising Parallel Pattern-matching by Source-level Program Transformation %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P239-248 %P 239-248 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38While.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A While, Lyndon %A Mildenhall, Greg %D 2002 %T An Implementation of Parallel Pattern-Matching via Concurrent Haskell %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P293-203 %P 293-203 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4While.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A White, Hayley %A Wright, Tim %A Chawner, Brenda %D 2006 %T Usability Evaluation of Library Online Catalogues %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P69-72 %P 69-72 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50White.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wiander, Timo %D 2008 %T Implementing the ISO/IEC 17799 standard in practice - experiences on audit phases %B Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Miller, Mirka %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV81P115-119 %P 115-119 %S CRPIT %V 81 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV81Wiander.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wiangsripanawan, Rungrat %A Susilo, Willy %A Safavi-Naini, Rei %D 2007 %T Design Principles for Low Latency Anonymous Network Systems Secure against Timing Attacks %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P183-191 %P 183-191 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Wiangsripanawan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wieczorek-Ghisso, Katazyna %D 2003 %T Digital Communication of Children's Co-constructing Hypothesis, Negotiating Documentation Methods %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P161 %P 161 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wiggberg, Mattias %D 2007 %T Computer science students' experiences of decision making in project groups %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P137-148 %P 137-148 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Wiggberg.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wigley, Grant %A Kearney, David %D 2002 %T The Management of Applications for Reconfigurable Computing using an Operating System %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P73-81 %P 73-81 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Wigley.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wilcke, Winfried W. %D 2002 %T Computer Architecture Challenges in the Next Ten Years %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P3 %P 3 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wildman, Luke %D 2002 %T Requirements Reformulation using Formal Specification: A Case Study %B Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P75-83 %P 75-83 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Wildman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wildman, Luke %A Cant, Tony %A Edwards, Chris %A Griffiths, Alena %A Mahony, Brendan %A Martin, B. J. %A Rae, Andrew %D 2008 %T Guidance for Def (Aust) 5679 Issue 2 %B Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV100P69-80 %P 69-80 %S CRPIT %V 100 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV100Wildman.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wilkerson, Trena L. %A Rogers, Douglas W. %D 2003 %T Multiple Platform Videoconferencing to Support Teacher Education and Professional Development in Mathematics %B ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John S. %E Stacey, Carol %E Dowling, Carolyn %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV23P135-137 %P 135-137 %S CRPIT %V 23 %K CRPITVol23 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV23Wilkerson.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Williams, Adepele %A Barker, Ken %D 2007 %T Controlling Inference: Avoiding P-level Reduction during Analysis %B Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007) %E Brankovic, Ljiljana %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P193-200 %P 193-200 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Williams.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Williams, Ed %D 2004 %T Airborne Collision Avoidance System %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P97-110 %P 97-110 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Williams.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Williams, Hugh E. %D 2003 %T Genomic Information Retrieval %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P27-35 %P 27-35 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Williams.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Williams, Hugh E. %A Dobbie, Gill %D 2005 %T Database Technologies 2005. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %V 39 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Williams, Kylie %A Esser, Robert %D 2004 %T Verification of the Futurebus+ Cache Coherence protocol: A case study in model checking %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P65-71 %P 65-71 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Williams.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Winn, Tiffany %A Calder, Paul %D 2003 %T A Pattern Language for Pattern Language Structure %B Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002) %E Noble, James %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV13P45 %P 45 %S CRPIT %V 13 %K CRPITVol13 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV13Winn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Winter, Kirsten %D 2002 %T Model Checking Railway Interlocking Systems %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P303-310 %P 303-310 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Winter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Winter, K. %A Johnston, W. %A Robinson, P. %A Strooper, P. %A van den Berg, L. %D 2005 %T Tool Support for Checking Railway Interlocking Designs %B Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV55P101-107 %P 101-107 %S CRPIT %V 55 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV55Winter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Winter, Kirsten %A Robinson, Neil J. %D 2003 %T Modelling Large Railway Interlockings and Model Checking Small Ones %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P309-316 %P 309-316 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Winter.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Winters, Titus %A Erlinger, Mike %A Ausanka-Crues, Ryan %A Kegel, Mark %A Shimshock, Erik %A Turner, Daniel %D 2006 %T TinkerNet: A Low-Cost and Ready-To-Deploy Networking Laboratory Platform %B Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006) %E Tolhurst, Denise %E Mann, Samuel %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV52P253-259 %P 253-259 %S CRPIT %V 52 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV52Winters.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Winton, Lyle J. %D 2005 %T A Simple Virtual Organisation Model and Practical Implementation %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P57-65 %P 57-65 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Winton.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wishart, Ryan %A Robinson, Ricky %A Indulska, Jadwiga %A Josang, Audun %D 2005 %T SuperstringRep: Reputation-enhanced Service Discovery %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Wishart.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Witt, Rebecca J. %A Tyerman, Susan P. %D 2002 %T Reducing Cognitive Overhead on the World Wide Web %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P311-320 %P 311-320 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Witt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wobcke, Wayne %A Ho, Van %A Nguyen, Anh %A Krzywicki, Alfred %D 2005 %T A BDI Agent Architecture for Dialogue Modelling and Coordination in a Smart Personal Assistant %B NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005 %E Chen, Fang %E Epps, Julien %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV57P61-66 %P 61-66 %S CRPIT %V 57 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV57Wobcke.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wojnar, Maciej %A Andreae, Peter %D 2009 %T HOPPER: a hierarchical planning agent for unpredictable domains %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P73-81 %P 73-81 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Wojnar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wolf, Christian %D 2003 %T iWeaver: Towards 'Learning Style'-based e-Learning in Computer Science Education %B Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003) %E Greening, Tony %E Lister, Raymond %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV20P273-279 %P 273-279 %S CRPIT %V 20 %K CRPITVol20 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV20Wolf.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wong, Felix %A Fernandez, George %A McGovern, Jim %D 2007 %T CONFER: Towards Groupware for Building Consensus in Collaborative Software Engineering %B Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007) %E Piekarski, Wayne %E Plimmer, Beryl %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV64P31-38 %P 31-38 %S CRPIT %V 64 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV64Wong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wong, Koon-Pong %A Feng, David D. %A Meikle, Steven R. %A Fulham, Michael J. %D 2001 %T Functional Segmentation of Dynamic Emission Tomographic images %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P105-107 %P 105-107 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Wong1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wong, Koon-Pong %A Feng, David D. %A Meikle, Steven R. %A Fulham, Michael J. %D 2001 %T Non-Invasive estimation of Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Glucose Using Simultaneous Estimation and Cluster Analysis: A feasibility Study %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P109-111 %P 109-111 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Wong2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wong, Koon-Pong %A Meikle, Steven R. %A Feng, David D. %A Fulham, Michael J. %D 2002 %T Numerical Deconvolution by a Monte Carlo Approach with Application to Dynamic Cardiac Perfusion Tc-99m SPECT %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P123-127 %P 123-127 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Wong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wong, Prudence W.H. %A Lam, T.W. %A Lin, Marie %A Mui, Y.C. %A Yiu, S.M. %A Kung, H.F. %A Cheung, Y.T. %D 2004 %T Filtering of Ineffective siRNAs and Improved siRNA Design Tool %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P247-255 %P 247-255 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Wong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wong, Wilson %A Liu, Wei %A Bennamoun, Mohammed %D 2006 %T Integrated Scoring For Spelling Error Correction, Abbreviation Expansion and Case Restoration in Dirty Text %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P83-89 %P 83-89 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Wong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wong, Wilson %A Liu, Wei %A Bennamoun, Mohammed %D 2007 %T Determining Termhood for Learning Domain Ontologies using Domain Prevalence and Tendency %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P47-54 %P 47-54 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Wong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wong, Wilson %A Liu, Wei %A Bennamoun, Mohammed %D 2007 %T Determining Termhood for Learning Domain Ontologies in a Probabilistic Framework %B Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007) %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Kolyshkina, Inna %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Gold Coast, Australia %F CRPITV70P55-63 %P 55-63 %S CRPIT %V 70 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV70Wong2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Woo, Chaw-Seng %A Du, Jiang %A Pham, Binh %D 2005 %T Performance Factors Analysis of a Wavelet-based Watermarking Method %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P89-97 %P 89-97 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Woo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Woo, Jongwook %A Woo, Jehak %A Attali, Isabelle %A Caromel, Denis %A Gaudiot, Jean-Luc %A Wendelborn, Andrew L. %D 2002 %T Alias Analysis for Exceptions in Java %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P321-329 %P 321-329 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Woo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Woodford, Brendon J. %A Deng, Da %A Benwell, George L. %D 2004 %T A Wavelet-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System for Data Mining Small Image Sets %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P139-143 %P 139-143 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Woodford.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Woodford, Karyn %A Bancroft, Peter %D 2005 %T Multiple Choice Questions Not Considered Harmful %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P109-116 %P 109-116 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Woodford.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wright, Jevon %A Dietrich, Jens %D 2008 %T Survey of Existing Languages to Model Interactive Web Applications %B Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008) %E Hinze, Annika %E Kirchberg, Markus %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV79P113-123 %P 113-123 %S CRPIT %V 79 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV79Wright.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Wright, June %A McDougall, Anne %A Murnane, John %A Lowe, Jenny %D 2003 %T Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %V 34 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wright, Tim %D 2006 %T PatternProgrammer: Yet Another Rule-Based Programming Environment for Children %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P91-96 %P 91-96 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Wright.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wright, Tim %A Cockburn, Andy %D 2005 %T Evaluation of Two Textual Programming Notations for Children %B Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005) %E Billinghurst, Mark %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV40P55-62 %P 55-62 %S CRPIT %V 40 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV40Wright.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wright, Tim %A Noble, James %A Marshall, Stephen %D 2005 %T Using a System of Tutorials and Groups to Teach User Interface Design %B Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %E Young, Alison %E Tolhurst, Denise %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV42P187-192 %P 187-192 %S CRPIT %V 42 %K CRPITVol42 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV42Wright.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Mingfang %A Turpin, Andrew %A Zobel, Justin %D 2008 %T An Investigation on a Community's Web Search Variability %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P117-126 %P 117-126 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Qiang %A He, Xiangjian %A Hintz, Tom %D 2002 %T Image Segmentation on Spiral Architecture %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P17-21 %P 17-21 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Shuanhu %A Yan, Hong %D 2003 %T Microarray Image Processing Based on Clustering and Morphological Analysis %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P111-118 %P 111-118 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Xiaoming %A Cheng, Jingzhi %A Song, Changxin %A Wang, Bo %D 2004 %T A Combined Model and a Varied Gibbs Sampling Algorithm Used for Motif Discovery %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P99-104 %P 99-104 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Xiaoyun %A Hu, Junquan %A Gu, Zhixiong %A Huang, Jiwu %D 2005 %T A Secure Semi-Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication Based on Integer Wavelet Transform with Parameters %B Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005) %E Safavi-Naini, Rei %E Montague, Paul %E Sheppard, Nicholas %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P75-80 %P 75-80 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Yingxin %A Takatsuka, Masahiro %D 2005 %T The Geodesic Self-Organizing Map and Its Error Analysis %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P343-352 %P 343-352 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Yingxin %A Takatsuka, Masahiro %D 2005 %T Three Dimensional Colour Pickers %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P107-114 %P 107-114 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Yingxin %A Takatsuka, Masahiro %D 2006 %T Visualizing Multivariate Network on the Surface of a Sphere %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P77-83 %P 77-83 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wu, Yongdong %A Xu, Changsheng %A Bao, Feng %D 2003 %T Counterfeiting Attack on a Lossless Authentication Watermarking Scheme %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P109 %P 109 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Wu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wuensche, Burkhard %D 2003 %T The Visualization and Measurement of Left Ventricular Deformation %B First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV19P119-128 %P 119-128 %S CRPIT %V 19 %K CRPITVol19 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV19Wuensche.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wuensche, Burkhard %D 2004 %T Advanced Texturing Techniques for the Effective Visualization of Neoroanatomy from Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P303-308 %P 303-308 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Wuensche.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wuensche, Burkhard %D 2004 %T A Survey, Classification and Analysis of Perceptual Concepts and their Application for the Effective Visualisation of Complex Information %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P17-24 %P 17-24 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Wuensche2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wuensche, Burkhard %A Tempero, Ewan %D 2004 %T A Comparison and Evaluation of Interpolation Methods for Visualising Discrete 2D Survey Data %B Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04) %E Churcher, Neville %E Churcher, Clare %I ACS %C Christchurch, New Zealand %F CRPITV35P1-7 %P 1-7 %S CRPIT %V 35 %K CRPITVol35 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV35Wuensche1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wyatt, Mathew J. %A Sim, Nigel G. D. %A Hardy, Dianna L. %A Atkinson, Ian M. %D 2007 %T YourSRB: A cross platform interface for SRB and Digital Libraries %B Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007) %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P79-85 %P 79-85 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Wyatt.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Wynn, M. T. %A Fidge, C. J. %A ter Hofstede, A. H. M. %A Dumas, M. %D 2008 %T Product Flow Analysis in Distribution Networks with a Fixed Time Horizon %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P73-81 %P 73-81 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Wynn.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xiao, Haili %A Wu, Hong %A Chi, Xuebin %A Deng, Sungen %A Zhang, Honghai %D 2005 %T An Implementation of Interactive Jobs Submission for Grid Computing Portals %B Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Coddington, Paul %E Wendelborn, Andrew %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV44P67-68 %P 67-68 %S CRPIT %V 44 %K CRPITVol44 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV44Xiao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xiao, Yi %A Yan, Hong %D 2002 %T Facial Feature Location with Delaunay Triangulation/Voronoi Diagram Calculation %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P103-108 %P 103-108 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Xiao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xie, Huayang %A Andreae, Peter %A Zhang, Mengjie %A Warren, Peter %D 2004 %T Learning Models for English Speech Recognition %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P323-329 %P 323-329 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Xie.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xie, Huayang %A Andreae, Peter %A Zhang, Mengjie %A Warren, Paul %D 2004 %T Detecting Stress in Spoken English using Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P145-150 %P 145-150 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Xie.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xie, Zhipeng %D 2008 %T LBR-Meta: An Efficient Algorithm for Lazy Bayesian Rules %B Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008) %E Roddick, John F. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Christen, Peter %E Kennedy, Paul J. %I ACS %C Glenelg, South Australia %F CRPITV87P33-39 %P 33-39 %S CRPIT %V 87 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV87Xie.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xin, Jing %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2004 %T Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Bayesian Network %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P91-94 %P 91-94 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Xin.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xiong, Chaoyue %A Murata, Tadao %A Tsai, Jeffery %D 2002 %T Modelling and Simulation of Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Coloured Petri Nets %B Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P145-153 %P 145-153 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Xiong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xu, Guandong %A Zhang, Yanchun %A Ma, Jiangang %A Zhou, Xiaofang %D 2005 %T Discovering User Access Pattern Based on Probabilistic Latent Factor Model %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P27-35 %P 27-35 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Xu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xu, Guandong %A Zhang, Yanchun %A Zhou, Xiaofang %D 2006 %T Discovering Task-Oriented Usage Pattern for Web Recommendation %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P167-174 %P 167-174 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Xu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xu, Kai %D 2003 %T Database Support For Multiresolution Terrain Visualization %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P153-160 %P 153-160 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Xu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xu, Lin %A Dyreson, Curtis %D 2008 %T Approximate Retrieval of XML Data with ApproXPath %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P115-126 %P 115-126 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Xu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xu, Richard Y. D. %A Allen, John G. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2004 %T Robust Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P95-98 %P 95-98 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Xu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xu, Richard Y. D. %A Wang, R. %A Parameswaran, N. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2003 %T Media Streaming Synchronisation and Video Interaction : A Survey %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P113 %P 113 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Xu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xu, Ying %A Deng, Xiaotie %A Wang, Lusheng %D 2004 %T Exact Pattern Matching for RNA Secondary Structures %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P257-263 %P 257-263 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Xu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xu, Yong %A Yang, Mingjiang %A Yan, Yanxin %A Chen, Jianfeng %D 2004 %T Wearable Microphone Array as User Interface %B Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004) %E Cockburn, Andy %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV28P123-126 %P 123-126 %S CRPIT %V 28 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV28Xu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Xue, Liyin %A Orgun, Mehmet A. %A Zhang, Kang %D 2003 %T A Multi-versioning Algorithm for Intention Preservation in Distributed Real-time Group Editors %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P19-28 %P 19-28 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Xue.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yacef, Kalina %D 2004 %T Making Large Class Teaching More Adaptive With the Logic-ITA %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P343-347 %P 343-347 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Yacef.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yamakami, Tomoyuki %D 2007 %T Quantum List Decoding from Quantumly Corrupted Codewords for Classical Block Codes of Polynomially Small Rate %B Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007) %E Gudmundsson, Joachim %E Jay, Barry %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV65P153-162 %P 153-162 %S CRPIT %V 65 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV65Yamakami.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yamamoto, Kazuma %A Saeki, Motoshi %D 2007 %T Using Attributed Goal Graphs for Software Component Selection: An Application of Goal-Oriented Analysis to Decision Making %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P215-220 %P 215-220 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83Yamamoto.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yan, Xin %A Li, Xue %A Song, Dawei %D 2006 %T Document Generality: its Computation for Ranking %B Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Bailey, James %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV49P109-118 %P 109-118 %S CRPIT %V 49 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV49Yan.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yang, Chi %A Liu, Chengfei %A Li, Jianxin %A Yu, Jeffrey Xu %A Wang, Junhu %D 2008 %T Semantics based Buffer Reduction for Queries over XML Data Streams %B Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008) %E Fekete, Alan %E Lin, Xuemin %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV75P145-153 %P 145-153 %S CRPIT %V 75 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV75Yang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yang, Dongqiang %A Powers, David M. %D 2008 %T Automatic Thesaurus Construction %B Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008) %E Dobbie, Gillian %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wollongong, NSW, Australia %F CRPITV74P147-156 %P 147-156 %S CRPIT %V 74 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV74Yang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yang, Dongqiang %A Powers, David M.W. %D 2005 %T Measuring Semantic Similarity in the Taxonomy of WordNet %B Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV38P315-322 %P 315-322 %S CRPIT %V 38 %K CRPITVol38 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV38Yang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yang, Doris Dongsheng %A Berglund, Anders %D 2007 %T How does internationalisation affect learning and teaching of computer science: a study at Tongji University in China %B Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007) %E Lister, Raymond %E Simon %I ACS %C Koli National Park, Finland %F CRPITV88P221-224 %P 221-224 %S CRPIT %V 88 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV88Yang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yao, Andrew %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2001 %T The Development of a Video Metadata Authoring and Browsing System in XML %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P39-46 %P 39-46 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Yao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yao, Daming %A Li, Ming %A Lu, Yanmei %A Lin, Nan %A Noble, Nathan %A Payan, Donald G. %A Qu, Kunbin %A Sun, Huandong %A Wang, Jingbo %A Zhu, Xiaoyan %D 2004 %T PathwayFinder: Paving the Way Towards Automatic Pathway Extraction %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P53-62 %P 53-62 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Yao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yau, Wai Chee %A Kumar, Dinesh Kant %A Arjunan, Sridhar Poosapadi %D 2006 %T Voiceless Speech Recognition Using Dynamic Visual Speech Features %B HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006) %E Goecke, Roland %E Robles-Kelly, Antonio %E Caelli, Terry %I ACS %C Canberra, Australia %F CRPITV56P93-101 %P 93-101 %S CRPIT %V 56 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV56Yau.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Ye, Fan %A Kelly, Tim %D 2004 %T Contract-Based Justification for COTS Component within Safety Critical Applications %B Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004) %E Cant, Tony %I ACS %C Brisbane, Australia %F CRPITV47P13-22 %P 13-22 %S CRPIT %V 47 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV47Ye.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yearwood, John %D 2007 %T An Interactive Knowledge-based Learning Environment for Transferring Health Knowledge %B Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P207-207 %P 207-207 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Yearwood.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yeh, Ping-Jer %A Li, Jie-Tsung %A Yuan, Shyan-Ming %D 2006 %T Tracking the Changes of Dynamic Web Pages in the Existence of URL Rewriting %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P169-176 %P 169-176 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Yeh.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yeung, Lap Kun %A Kong, Richard %A Liew, Alan Wee-Chung %A Szeto, Lap Keung %A Yan, Hong %A Yang, Michael %D 2004 %T Measuring Correlation between Microarray Time-series Data using Dominant Spectrum Component %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P309-314 %P 309-314 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Yeung.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yip, Ben %A Goyette, Shea %A Madden, Chris %D 2005 %T Visualising Internet Traffic Data with Three-Dimensional Spherical Display %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P153-158 %P 153-158 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Yip.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yip, Ben %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2004 %T 3D Reconstruction of a Human Face with Monocular Camera Based on Head Movement %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P99-103 %P 99-103 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Yip.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yokoyama, Shohei %A Ohta, Manabu %A Katayama, Kaoru %A Ishikawa, Hiroshi %D 2005 %T An Access Control Method Based on the Prefix Labeling Scheme for XML Repositories %B Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005) %E Williams, Hugh E. %E Dobbie, Gill %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %F CRPITV39P105-113 %P 105-113 %S CRPIT %V 39 %K CRPITVol39 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV39Yokoyama.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yong, Xia %A Feng, David D. %A Rongchun, Zhao %D 2004 %T Optimal Selection of Image Segmentation Algorithms Based on Performance Prediction %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P105-108 %P 105-108 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Yong.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yoo, Hee Yong %A Cheon, Suh Hyun %D 2006 %T Visualization by information type on mobile device %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006) %E Misue, Kazuo %E Sugiyama, Kozo %E Tanaka, Jiro %I ACS %C Tokyo, Japan %F CRPITV60P143-146 %P 143-146 %S CRPIT %V 60 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV60Yoo.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yoshida, Yusuke %A Aritsugi, Masayoshi %A Kanamori, Yoshinari %D 2002 %T Performance Evaluation of Combining Data Migration and Method Migration in Object Database Environments %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P207-214 %P 207-214 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Yoshida.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yost, Nancy %D 2003 %T Computers, Kids, and Crayons: A Comparative Study of Emergent Writing Behaviours %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P107-112 %P 107-112 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Yost1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yost, Nancy %D 2003 %T Look What Kindergarten Children Can Do with Technologies! %B Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference %E Wright, June %E McDougall, Anne %E Murnane, John %E Lowe, Jenny %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV34P113-115 %P 113-115 %S CRPIT %V 34 %K CRPITVol34 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV34Yost2.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Young, Alison %A Tolhurst, Denise %D 2005 %T Computing Education 2005. Proceedings of the Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Newcastle, Australia %V 42 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Young, Stuart %A McSporran, Mae %D 2004 %T Facilitating Successful Online Computing Courses While Minimising Extra Tutor Workload %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P349-356 %P 349-356 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Young.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yu, Byung-Hyun %A Cranefield, Stephen %A Huang, Zhiyi %A Purvis, Martin %D 2004 %T Homeless and Home-based Lazy Release Consistency Protocols on Distributed Shared Memory %B Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV26P117-123 %P 117-123 %S CRPIT %V 26 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV26Yu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yu, Donggang %A Pham, Tuan D. %A Yan, Hong %A Crane, Denis I. %D 2006 %T Quantification of Neural Images using Grey Difference %B 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006) %E Boden, Mikael %E Bailey, Timothy L. %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV73P73-80 %P 73-80 %S CRPIT %V 73 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV73Yu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yu, Larry T.H. %A Chan, Stephen C.F. %A Chung, Fu-lai %D 2004 %T Using Emerging Pattern Based Projected Clustering and Gene Expression Data for Cancer Detection %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P75-84 %P 75-84 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Yu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yu, Man Hing %A Lim, Chee Chern %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2004 %T Shape Similarity Search Using XML and Portal Technology %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P109-112 %P 109-112 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Yu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yu, Xiaomei %A Hoang, Doan B. %A Feng, David D. %D 2001 %T A Simulation Study of Using ER Feedback Control to Transport Compressed Video over ATM Networks %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P87-88 %P 87-88 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Yu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Yu, Zu-Guo %A Anh, Vo %D 2004 %T Phylogenetic Tree of Prokaryotes Based on the Complete Genomes using Fractal and Correlation Analyses %B Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004) %E Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV29P321-326 %P 321-326 %S CRPIT %V 29 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV29Yu2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zaiane, Osmar R. %A Antonie, Maria-Luiza %D 2002 %T Classifying Text Documents by Associating Terms With Text Categories %B Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV5P215-222 %P 215-222 %S CRPIT %V 5 %K CRPITVol5 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV5Zaiane.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zarnegar, Armita %A Vamplew, Peter %A Stranieri, Andrew %D 2009 %T Inference of Gene Expression Networks Using Memetic Gene Expression Programming %B Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009) %E Mans, Bernard %I ACS %C Wellington, New Zealand %F CRPITV91P17-23 %P 17-23 %S CRPIT %V 91 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV91Zarnegar.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zeng, Zhanggui %A Yan, Hong %D 2001 %T Region Matching by Optimal Fuzzy Dissimilarity %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P75 %P 75 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Zeng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zeng, Zhanggui %A Yan, Hong %D 2002 %T Hidden Line Removal for 2D Cartoon Images %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P89-92 %P 89-92 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Zeng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zeng, Zhanggui %A Yan, Hong %D 2003 %T Line Extraction Using Image Carving %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P117 %P 117 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Zeng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Ke-Bing %A Orgun, Mehmet A. %A Zhang, Kang %D 2003 %T Visual Language Semantics Specification in the VisPro System %B Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002) %E Jin, Jesse S. %E Eades, Peter %E Feng, David Dagan %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV22P121 %P 121 %S CRPIT %V 22 %K CRPITVol22 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV22Zhang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Ke -Bing %A Orgun, Mehmet A. %A Zhang, Kang %D 2004 %T Compiled Visual Programs by VisPro %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P113-117 %P 113-117 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Zhang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Ke-Bing %A Zhang, Kang %A Orgun, Mehmet A. %D 2002 %T Using Graph Grammer to Implement Global Layout for a Visual Programming Language Generation System %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P115-121 %P 115-121 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Zhang2.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Lin %A Kristensen, Lars M. %A Janczura, Chris %A Gallasch, Guy %A Billington, Jonathan %D 2002 %T A Coloured Petri Net based Tool for Course of Action Development and Analysis %B Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002 %E Lakos, Charles %E Esser, Robert %E Kristensen, Lars M. %E Billington, Jonathan %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV12P125-134 %P 125-134 %S CRPIT %V 12 %K CRPITVol12 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV12Zhang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Lei %A Zhang, Debbie %A Simoff, Simeon J. %A Debenham, John %D 2006 %T Weighted Kernel Model For Text Categorization %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P111-114 %P 111-114 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Zhang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Qinzhi %A Huang, Kai %A Yan, Hong %D 2002 %T Fingerprint Classification Based on Extraction and Analysis of Singularities and Pseudoridges %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P83-87 %P 83-87 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Zhang1.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Qing %A Lin, Xuemin %D 2004 %T Clustering Moving Objects for Spatio-temporal Selectivity Estimation %B Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Williams, Hugh E. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV27P123-130 %P 123-130 %S CRPIT %V 27 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV27Zhang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Yanchun %D 2004 %T On Conceptual Modelling and Design of Role-Based Access Control Systems %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P23 %P 23 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Zhang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Yan %A Liu, Anna %A Qu, Wei %D 2003 %T Comparing Industry Benchmarks for J2EE Application Server : IBM's Trade2 vs Sun's ECperf %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P199-206 %P 199-206 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Zhang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhang, Yitao %A Patrick, Jon %D 2007 %T Extracting Semantics in a Clinical Scenario %B Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007) %E Roddick, John F. %E Warren, James R. %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV68P241-247 %P 241-247 %S CRPIT %V 68 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV68Zhang.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhao, Dejin %A Grundy, John %A Hosking, John %D 2006 %T Generating mobile device user interfaces for diagram-based modelling tools %B Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006) %E Piekarski, Wayne %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV50P101-108 %P 101-108 %S CRPIT %V 50 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV50Zhao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhao, Jane %A Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %D 2004 %T Using Abstract State Machines for Distributed Data Warehouse Design %B First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004) %E Hartmann, Sven %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV31P49-58 %P 49-58 %S CRPIT %V 31 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV31Zhao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhao, Liping %A Coplien, James O. %D 2002 %T Symmetry in Class and Type Hierarchy %B Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002) %E Noble, James %E Potter, John %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV10P181-189 %P 181-189 %S CRPIT %V 10 %K CRPITVol10 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV10Zhao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhao, Weiliang %A Vadaharajan, Vijay %A Mu, Yi %D 2003 %T A Secure Mental Poker Protocol over the Internet %B First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003) %E Johnson, Chris %E Montague, Paul %E Steketee, Chris %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV21P105-109 %P 105-109 %S CRPIT %V 21 %K CRPITVol21 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV21AZhao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhao, Xiaohui %A Liu, Chengfei %A Yang, Yun %D 2006 %T Supporting Virtual Organisation Alliances with Relative Workflows %B Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006) %E Stumptner, Markus %E Hartmann, Sven %E Kiyoki, Yasushi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV53P115-124 %P 115-124 %S CRPIT %V 53 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV53Zhao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhao, Yanchang %A Cao, Longbing %A Morrow, Yvonne %A Ou, Yuming %A Ni, Jiarui %A Zhang, Chengqi %D 2006 %T Discovering Debtor Patterns of Centrelink Customers %B Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006) %E Peter, Christen %E Kennedy, Paul J. %E Li, Jiuyong %E Simoff, Simeon J. %E Williams, Graham J. %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV61P135-144 %P 135-144 %S CRPIT %V 61 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV61Zhao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhao, Ying %A Zhou, Wanlei %A Lanham, Elicia. J. %A Yu, Shui %A Lan, Mingjun %D 2003 %T Self-Adaptive Clock Synchronization Based on Clock Precision Difference %B Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV16P181-187 %P 181-187 %S CRPIT %V 16 %K CRPITVol16 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV16Zhao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhao, Ying %A Zobel, Justin %D 2007 %T Searching With Style: Authorship Attribution in Classic Literature %B Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007) %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Ballarat Australia %F CRPITV62P59-68 %P 59-68 %S CRPIT %V 62 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV62Zhao.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zheng, Lihong %A He, Sean Xiangjian %D 2004 %T Edge Detection Based on Modified BP Algorithm of ANN %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P119-122 %P 119-122 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Zheng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zheng, Lanbo %A Song, Le %A Eades, Peter %D 2005 %T Crossing Minimization Problems of Drawing Bipartite Graphs in Two Clusters %B Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005) %E Hong, Seok-Hee %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV45P33-37 %P 33-37 %S CRPIT %V 45 %K CRPITVol45 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV45Zheng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zheng, Lei %A Stuckey, Peter J. %D 2002 %T Improving SAT Using 2SAT %B Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002) %E Oudshoorn, Michael J. %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV4P331-340 %P 331-340 %S CRPIT %V 4 %K CRPITVol4 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV4Zheng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zheng, Z. %A Zhang, G. %A He, Q. %A Lu, J. %A Shi, Z. %D 2006 %T Rule Sets Based Bilevel Decision Model %B Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006) %E Estivill-Castro, Vladimir %E Dobbie, Gillian %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV48P113-120 %P 113-120 %S CRPIT %V 48 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV48Zheng.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhong, David %D 2001 %T Color Space Analysis in Color Image Segmentation %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P47-49 %P 47-49 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhou, QingQing %A Purvis, Martin %D 2004 %T A Market-based Rule Learning System %B Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004) %E Purvis, Martin %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV32P175-180 %P 175-180 %S CRPIT %V 32 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV32Zhou.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhou, Tina T. %A Jin, Jesse S. %D 2004 %T Principles of Video Annotation Markup Language (VAML) %B 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003) %E Piccardi, Massimo %E Hintz, Tom %E He, Sean %E Huang, Mao Lin %E Feng, David Dagan %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV36P123-127 %P 123-127 %S CRPIT %V 36 %K CRPITVol36 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV36Zhou.pdf %0 Edited Book %A Zhou, Xiaofang %D 2002 %T Database Technologies 2002. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002) %B CRPIT %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %V 5 %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhou, Xiangmin %A Wang, Guoren %A Yu, Jeffrey Xu %A Yu, Ge %D 2003 %T M+-tree : A New Dynamical Multidimensional Index for Metric Spaces %B Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003) %E Schewe, Klaus-Dieter %E Zhou, Xiaofang %I ACS %C Adelaide, Australia %F CRPITV17P161-168 %P 161-168 %S CRPIT %V 17 %K CRPITVol17 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV17Zhou.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhou, Xiangmin %A Zhou, Xiaofang %A Shen, Heng Tao %D 2007 %T Efficient Similarity Search by Summarization in Large Video Database %B Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007) %E Bailey, James %E Fekete, Alan %I ACS %C Ballarat, Australia %F CRPITV63P161-167 %P 161-167 %S CRPIT %V 63 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV63Zhou.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zhu, Y. %A Wong, W.F. %D 2002 %T Sensitivity Analysis of a Superscalar Processor Model %B Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002) %E Lai, Feipei %E Morris, John %I ACS %C Melbourne, Australia %F CRPITV6P109-118 %P 109-118 %S CRPIT %V 6 %K CRPITVol6 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV6Zhu.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zimmermann, Jacob %A Mohay, George %D 2006 %T Distributed intrusion detection in clusters based on non-interference %B Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006) %E Buyya, Rajkumar %E Ma, Tianchi %I ACS %C Hobart, Australia %F CRPITV54P89-95 %P 89-95 %S CRPIT %V 54 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV54Zimmermann.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zobel, Justin %D 2004 %T Uni Cheats Racket: A Case Study in Plagiarism Investigation %B Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004) %E Lister, Raymond %E Young, Alison L. %I ACS %C Dunedin, New Zealand %F CRPITV30P357-365 %P 357-365 %S CRPIT %V 30 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV30Zobel.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zou, Ju Jia %A Yan, Hong %D 2001 %T Vectorization of Cartoon Drawings %B Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000) %E Eades, Peter %E Jin, Jesse %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV2P77-78 %P 77-78 %S CRPIT %V 2 %K CRPITVol2 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV2Zou.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A Zou, Ju Jia %A Yan, Hong %D 2002 %T Reduction of Artifacts in Cosine Transform Coded Images %B Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001) %E Feng, David Dagan %E Jin, Jesse %E Eades, Peter %E Yan, Hong %I ACS %C Sydney, Australia %F CRPITV11P35-38 %P 35-38 %S CRPIT %V 11 %K CRPITVol11 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV11Zou.pdf %0 Conference Proceedings %A zur Muehlen, Michael %A Indulska, Marta %A Kamp, Gerrit %D 2007 %T Business Process and Business Rule Modeling Languages for Compliance Management: A Representational Analysis %B Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 %E Grundy, John %E Hartmann, Sven %E Laender, Alberto H. F. %E Maciaszek, Leszek %E Roddick, John F. %I ACS %C Auckland, New Zealand %F CRPITV83P127-132 %P 127-132 %S CRPIT %V 83 %U http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV83zurMuehlen.pdf