   Author = {Bell, Gordon},
   Title = {Realizing Memex... Digital Capture, Storage, and Utilization of All Personal Information},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {3},
   Year = {2008} }

   Author = {Brock, Michael and Goscinski, Andrzej},
   Title = {State Aware WSDL},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {35-44},
   URL  = {http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Brock.pdf},
   Year = {2008} }

   Author = {Coddington, Paul and Galang, Gerson and Kamleh, Waseem and Leinweber, Derek and Moskwa, Sam and Patterson, Julia and Wang, Qiang and Wendelborn, Andrew and Zhang, Shunde and Zhang, Qunfang},
   Title = {Experiences in Developing a Node of an International Computational Physics Data Grid},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {7-16},
   URL  = {http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Coddington.pdf},
   Year = {2008} }

   Author = {Hasan, Syed and Lefevre, Laurent and Huang, Zhiyi and Werstein, Paul},
   Title = {Supporting Large Scale eResearch Infrastructures with Adapted Live Streaming Capabilities},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {55-63},
   URL  = {http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Hasan.pdf},
   Year = {2008} }

   Author = {Hudaya, Anang and Khan, Asad},
   Title = {Commodity-Grid Based Distributed Pattern Recognition Framework},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {27-34},
   URL  = {http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Hudaya.pdf},
   Year = {2008} }

   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Title = {Grid Computing and e-Research 2008.  Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Address = {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Volume = {82},
  Series = {CRPIT},
   Year = {2008} }

   Author = {Krawczyk, Stefan and Bubendorfer, Kris},
   Title = {Grid Resource Allocation : Allocation Mechanisms and Utilisation Patterns},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {73-81},
   URL  = {http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Krawczyk.pdf},
   Year = {2008} }

   Author = {Messig, Michael and Goscinski, Andrzej},
   Title = {Service Migration in Autonomic Service Oriented Grids},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {45-54},
   URL  = {http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Messig.pdf},
   Year = {2008} }

   Author = {Pettersen, Oystein and Bordes, Nicole and Ulm, Sean and Gwynne, David and Simmich, Terry and Pailthorpe, Bernard},
   Title = {Grid services for e-archaeology},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {17-25},
   URL  = {http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Pettersen.pdf},
   Year = {2008} }

   Author = {Scriven, Ian and Lewis, Andrew and Smith, Matthew and Friese, Thomas},
   Title = {Resource Evaluation and Node Monitoring in Service Oriented Ad-hoc Grids},
   BookTitle = {Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008)},
   Editor = {Kelly, Wayne and Roe, Paul},
   Series= {CRPIT},
   Address= {Wollongong, NSW, Australia},
   Publisher = {ACS},
   Volume = {82},
   Pages = {65-71},
   URL  = {http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV82Scriven.pdf},
   Year = {2008} }