@inproceedings{CRPITV150P3-10, Author = { Masood, Z., Hoda, R. }, Title = { Math Tutor: An Interactive Android-Based Numeracy Application for Primary Education }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 3-10 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Masood.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P11-20, Author = { Heitz, A., Dunser, A., Bartneck, C., Grady, J. and Moran, C. }, Title = { Assessing the impact of a Clinical Audiology Simulator on first year students }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 11-20 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Heitz.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P21-28, Author = { Zeng, Y., Song, Z. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Title = { Towards a 3D Sketch-Based Modelling API }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 21-28 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Zeng.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P29-38, Author = { Walsh, J.A., Itzstein, S.V. and Thomas, B.H. }, Title = { Ephemeral Interaction Using Everyday Objects }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 29-38 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Walsh.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P39-46, Author = { Marner, M.R. and Thomas, B.H. }, Title = { Spatial Augmented Reality User Interface Techniques for Room Size Modelling Tasks }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 39-46 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Marner.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P47-56, Author = { Peek, E.M., Wunsche, B.C. and Lutteroth, C. }, Title = { Image Warping for Enhancing Consumer Applications of Head-mounted Displays }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 47-56 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Peek.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P57-66, Author = { Jungmann, M., Cox, R. and Fitzpatrick, G. }, Title = { Spatial Play Effects in a Tangible Game with an F-Formation of Multiple Players }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 57-66 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Jungmann.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P67-76, Author = { Dean, J., Apperley, M. and Rogers, B. }, Title = { Refining Personal and Social Presence in Virtual Meetings }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 67-76 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Dean.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P77-86, Author = { Luz, S. and Masoodian, M. }, Title = { Involving Geographically Distributed Users in the Design of an Interactive System }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 77-86 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Luz.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P87-88, Author = { Broecker, M., Smith, R.T. and Thomas, B.H. }, Title = { Depth Perception in View-Dependent Near-Field Spatial AR }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 87-88 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Broecker.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P89-90, Author = { Picardo, V., Metson, S., Hoda, R., Amor, R., Arnold-Saritepe, A., Sharp, R. and Brand D. }, Title = { Designing an Educational Tabletop Software for Children with Autism }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 89-90 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Picardo.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P91-92, Author = { Mehrabi, M., Lutteroth, C. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Title = { Effects of 3D Display Technologies on Spatial Memory }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 91-92 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Mehrabi.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P93-94, Author = { Vogel, M., Warnecke, T., Bartelt, C. and Rausch, A. }, Title = { Scribbler � Drawing Models in a Creative and Collaborative Environment: from Hand-Drawn Sketches to Domain Specific Models }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 93-94 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Vogel.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV150P95-96, Author = { Suppers, J. and Apperley, M. }, Title = { Casual Mobile Screen Sharing }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014) }, Editor = { Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 150 }, Pages = { 95-96 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV150Suppers.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } }