@inproceedings{CRPITV149P7-15, Author = { Mansoori, M., Welch, I. and Fu, Q. }, Title = { YALIH, Yet Another Low Interaction Honeyclient }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 7-15 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Mansoori.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV149P17-22, Author = { Kush,�N., Ahmed, E., Branagan,�M. and Foo, E. }, Title = { Poisoned GOOSE: Exploiting the GOOSE Protocol }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 17-22 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Kush.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV149P23-36, Author = { Alhamdan, A., Bartlett, H., Dawson, E., Simpson, L. and Wong, K. K. }, Title = { Weak key-IV Pairs in the A5/1 Stream Cipher }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 23-36 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Alhamdan.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV149P37-45, Author = { Radke,�K., Boyd, C., Nieto, J. G., Manulis, M. and Stebila, D. }, Title = { Formalising Human Recognition: a Fundamental Building Block for Security Proofs }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 37-45 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Radke.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV149P47-56, Author = { Seneviratne, J., Parampalli, U. and Kulik, L. }, Title = { An Authorised Pseudonym System for Privacy Preserving Location Proof Architectures }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 47-56 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Seneviratne.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV149P57-65, Author = { Bhatia, S., Kush, N., Djamaludin, C., Akande, A. and Foo, E. }, Title = { Practical Modbus Flooding Attack and Detection }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 57-65 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Bhatia.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV149P67-75, Author = { Bajaj, K. and Pieprzyk, J. }, Title = { A Case Study of User-Level Spam Filtering }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 67-75 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Bajaj.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV149P77-81, Author = { Teo, S., Wong, K. K., Bartlett, H., Simpson, L. and Dawson, E. }, Title = { Algebraic analysis of Trivium-like ciphers (Poster) }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 77-81 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Teo.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV149P83-86, Author = { Jayarathna, D., Tupakula, U. and Varadharajan, V. }, Title = { Hypervisor-based Security Architecture for Validating DNS Services (Poster) }, BookTitle = { Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) }, Editor = { Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Auckland, New Zealand }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 149 }, Pages = { 83-86 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV149Jayarathna.pdf }, Year = { 2014 } }