@inproceedings{CRPITV139P3-12, Author = { \Walsh, J.A., Itzstein, S.T. and Thomas, B.H. }, Title = { Tangible Agile Mapping: Ad-hoc Tangible User Interaction Definition }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 3-12 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139\Walsh.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P13-22, Author = { Sutherland, C.J. and Plimmer, B. }, Title = { vsInk – Integrating Digital Ink with Program Code in Visual Studio }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 13-22 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Sutherland.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P12-32, Author = { Daradkeh, M., Churcher, C. and McKinnon, A. }, Title = { Supporting Informed Decision-Making under Uncertainty and Risk through Interactive Visualisation }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 12-32 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Daradkeh.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P33-42, Author = { Dekeyser, S. and Watson, R. }, Title = { Metadata Manipulation Interface Design }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 33-42 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Dekeyser.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P43-52, Author = { Singh, N., Tomitsch, M. and Maher, M.L. }, Title = { Understanding the Management and Need For Awareness of Temporal Information in Email }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 43-52 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Singh.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P53-62, Author = { Dhillon, J.S., Wünsche, B.C. and Lutteroth, C. }, Title = { An Online Social-Networking Enabled Telehealth System for Seniors – A Case Study }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 53-62 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Dhillon.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P63-72, Author = { Irlitti, A. and Itzstein, S.V. }, Title = { Validating Constraint Driven Design Techniques in Spatial Augmented Reality }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 63-72 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Irlitti.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P73-80, Author = { Chow, J., Feng, H., Amor, R. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Title = { Music Education using Augmented Reality with a Head Mounted Display }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 73-80 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Chow.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P81-90, Author = { Bowen, J., Reeves, S. and Schweer, A. }, Title = { A Tale of Two Studies }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 81-90 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Bowen.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P91-100, Author = { Mehrabi, M., Peek, E.M., Wuensche, B.C. and Lutteroth, C. }, Title = { Making 3D Work: A Classification of Visual Depth Cues, 3D Display Technologies and Their Applications }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 91-100 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Mehrabi.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P, Author = { }, Title = { }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P101-110, Author = { Pilgrim, C. }, Title = { An Investigation of Usability Issues in AJAX based Web Sites }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 101-110 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Pilgrim.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P111-120, Author = { Peek, E.M., Wünsche, B. and Lutteroth, C. }, Title = { Determining the Relative Benefits of Pairing Virtual Reality Displays with Applications }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 111-120 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Peek.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P121-122, Author = { Wellington, R. and Marks, S. }, Title = { An Ethnographic Study of a High Cognitive Load Driving Environment }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 121-122 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Wellington.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P123-124, Author = { Marks, S. and Wellington, R. }, Title = { Experimental Study of Steer-by-Wire Ratios and Response Curves in a Simulated High Speed Vehicle }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 123-124 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Marks.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P125-126, Author = { Tsuboi, K., Oyamada, Y., Sugimoto, M. and Saito, H. }, Title = { 3D Object Surface Tracking Using Partial Shape Templates Trained from a Depth Camera for Spatial Augmented Reality Environments }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 125-126 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Tsuboi.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P127-128, Author = { Greeff, C.R., Yang, J., MacDonald, B. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Title = { My Personal Trainer - An iPhone Application for Exercise Monitoring and Analysis }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 127-128 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Greeff.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P139-130, Author = { Raijmakers, M., Shahid, S. and Mubin, O. }, Title = { Interactive vs. Static Location-based Advertisements }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 139-130 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Raijmakers.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV139P131-132, Author = { Vogel, M. }, Title = { Temporal Evaluation of Aesthetics of User Interfaces as one Component of User Experience }, BookTitle = { User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013) }, Editor = { Smith, R.T. and Wunsche,, B.C. }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Melbourne, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 139 }, Pages = { 131-132 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV139Vogel.pdf }, Year = { 2013 } }