@inproceedings{CRPITV117P3-8, Author = { Lin, R., Huang, S.-Y., Bell, G. B. and Lee, Y.-K. }, Title = { A New CAPTCHA Interface Design for Mobile Devices }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011) }, Editor = { Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Perth, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 117 }, Pages = { 3-8 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV117Lin.pdf }, Year = { 2011 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV117P9-18, Author = { Bourqui, R. and Purchase, H. C. }, Title = { Domain specific vs Generic Network Visualization: an Evaluation with Metabolic Networks }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011) }, Editor = { Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Perth, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 117 }, Pages = { 9-18 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV117Bourqui.pdf }, Year = { 2011 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV117P19-28, Author = { Purchase, H. C., Hamer, J., Jamieson, A., Ryan, O. }, Title = { Investigating Objective Measures of Web Page Aesthetics and Usability }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011) }, Editor = { Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Perth, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 117 }, Pages = { 19-28 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV117Purchase.pdf }, Year = { 2011 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV117P29-38, Author = { Roughton, A., Downs, J., Plimmer, B., Warren, I. }, Title = { The Crowd in the Cloud: Moving Beyond Traditional Boundaries for Large Scale Experiences in the Cloud }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011) }, Editor = { Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Perth, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 117 }, Pages = { 29-38 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV117Roughton.pdf }, Year = { 2011 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV117P39-46, Author = { Walsh, J. A. and Thomas, B. H. }, Title = { Visualising Environmental Corrosion in Outdoor Augmented Reality }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011) }, Editor = { Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Perth, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 117 }, Pages = { 39-46 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV117Walsh.pdf }, Year = { 2011 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV117P47-56, Author = { Baldwin, J., Sinha, P., Salois, M. and Coady, Y. }, Title = { Progressive User Interfaces for Regressive Analysis: Making Tracks with Large, Low-Level Systems }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011) }, Editor = { Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Perth, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 117 }, Pages = { 47-56 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV117Baldwin.pdf }, Year = { 2011 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV117P57-66, Author = { Tiwari, P., Warren, J., Day, K., MacDonald, B., Jayawardena, C., Kuo, I. H., Igic, A. and Datta, C. }, Title = { Feasibility Study of a Robotic Medication Assistant for the Elderly }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011) }, Editor = { Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Perth, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 117 }, Pages = { 57-66 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV117Tiwari.pdf }, Year = { 2011 } } @inproceedings{CRPITV117P67-76, Author = { Guan, L., and Wuensche, B. C. }, Title = { Sketch-Based Crowd Modelling }, BookTitle = { Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011) }, Editor = { Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen }, Series= {CRPIT}, Address= { Perth, Australia }, Publisher = {ACS}, Volume = { 117 }, Pages = { 67-76 }, URL = { http://crpit.com/confpapers/CRPITV117Guan.pdf }, Year = { 2011 } }